Saturday, March 24, 2018

Women Population and Living In the Future

I was reading “Capital in the Twenty-first Century” by Thomas Piketty (when it first came out I did not have the capital to buy it and had to wait for the prices to fall to paperback level), and I became fascinated with Piketty’s discussion concerning trends in population growth.  He says that it is difficult to gage future trends in population because so much depends on the decision making processes of the women involved, and men to a lesser degree.  What was refreshing was that, at least so far in the chapter I am reading, he did not mention what all the other Experts seem to invariably mention – that Population Growth Declines Wherever Women Are Educated.   I had recently commented on such an assertion on some YouTube video.  I am almost completely certain that the Mechanism involved here that influences women to abstain from,  postpone, or limit their Child Bearing is involved with their concerns for their Incomes and Careers.  Yes, we are told that Standards of Living are going up in the Developing World, but how much of this is due to the fact that now it has become the New Normal for each Family to have Two Breadwinners.   To be cynical about it, where Traditionally each family only had to sacrifice One Slave, the Man, to the God Mammon, now they must sacrifice two.   Now, with all it must take in order for a Household to pay its bills and make its way in a Consumer World, the idea of taking the time off from Work and budgeting for the expense of having, raising, and educating children… well, we can see how any practical and economical woman would hesitate to have as many babies as her mother had before her… a Mother who may have been very well educated but who didn’t Have To Go To Work.   So it is not about Education.  It is about Women having been Coopted by Capitalism.  Ironically, Women have been Enslaved by their “Liberation” – Orwell would have loved this one.

But, yes, for all of us who are worried about the Health of Planet Earth and Sustainability, it may have been reassuring to somehow believe that Well Educated Woman would somehow develop a repugnance for babies, and think of becoming mothers with a level of distaste.   But once we wake up to the nonsensical sound of such a proposition, then it occurs to us that IF we can somehow break our chains and struggle free of Capitalism and establish an Equitable World in which we can all modestly prosper, and where neither Men nor Women are any longer Enslaved and forced to make desperate survival choices, well, we could probably expect the Birthrate to Skyrocket.  The fact is that, generally speaking, Women Like Babies. 

I think it would become  unavoidable that some Institutional Limit would have to be placed on the number of Babies being output.   But we would still have to address the Issue of Satisfying Women’s Needs for Maternal Fulfillment.  So, let’s think about that for a while.    I have heard that in Wolf Packs, only the Dominant Female Wolf is allowed to have litters, but that All Adult Female Wolves are invited to participate in the Family.  Each Pup has a number of loving and caring ‘Aunts’.   Now, for an example involving Humans – not many people know, but the Nuclear Family as the Primary Social Unit has not always been the case.  Before, and in many parts of the World still, the Extended Family was the Primary Social Unit.  Husbands and Wives were not isolated together and forced to live apart from Society.  The broader Extended Family must have been Great for the Children, since they had so many Role Models to choose from, for, in the instances that their own Mothers were nervous wrecks or something, or their fathers mean hopeless drunks or whatever, then the Children could focus on those in their Family Compound that were obviously Better Respected and had higher appraised Social Status, and then grow up to be just like Them.  Oh, I had heard in regards to Biblical Translations that it is very misleading to suppose that Jesus had so many ‘brothers’, since in Aramaic the word “brother” is the same as for the word “cousin” which tends to signify that at one time the Social Unit was indeed the broad Extended Family – where children were so mixed together that it was considered insignificant as to exactly which of them came from the same mother.  Oh, and in primitive tribal groups and small bands, the Men lived apart in their own huts and tents (smoking, drinking, gambling and cussing to their hearts content) while the Women took up their own quarters, and, again, where the children of all the Women were largely mixed together.  Remember the saying that comes from somewhere “It takes a Village to raise a child”.

Well, in our Bright and Sunny Future World we might have to replicate what had been so successful in our past, along with what we can learn from the Wolves.  We can re-organize the way in which we take up Residence.  Honestly, Men are not happy living with Women, and Women are not Happy living with Men.  The Decline of the Family is mostly the fault of its inherently flawed assumption that Men and Women SHOULD find each other agreeable on a long term basis.   Yes, of course there is Love.  But Love between Men and Women flourishes on their being Separated for the better part of the time.  Love is Best during the Time of Dating – when Men and Women could see each other when both were most calculating to present the best manners and appearance.  Remember the adage that “familiarity breeds contempt”.  How many marriages crumble because of words said while absently irritable and grumpy, which never would have been said during the 4 or 5 hours dedicated to Being On One’s Best Behavior for a Date. 

Oh, I remember a somewhat amusing tale from my college days – we were studying the Spartans and how they had separate quarters for Men and Women, and one of the students wondered “How could they have Babies?”  Well, most of us just laughed, since, even as young as we were, we already knew, or suspected, how relatively easy it is to ‘sneak sex’.  But in a household, where over familiarity has somewhat poisoned the well of Good Feelings, then couples who Live Together can often go months without having sex, or so I have read and friends have told me, etc.

So, yes, even if the number of Children are limited in the Future, well, we would have to arrange that All women who would like to could participate in the Maternal Fun – that Babies become an integral part of the Residential Schematic for these Women…. And that Men can visit only when they are presentably dressed and on their best behavior – in order to be the Best Possible Role Models – little boys, and the little girls who think they are little boys, should not know about smoking, drinking, cussing and gambling before they know algebra and world geography.  At least in their formative years, children should positioned in a way so that they are lead to have respect for men, as that might go a long way towards assuring that they almost automatically grow up to be Respectable.  As it is today, in order to be Respectable many of us have to largely deconstruct out Childhoods.  As a Society we should be able to do better than that.                                  

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