Thursday, March 22, 2018

War In Heaven and the Demons Win Chapter Two

Back on February 7th 2018 I wrote a blog “War In Heaven and the Demons Win”.   Well, apparently I am not the only one who is being pushed towards such a conclusion.  I was just talking online and was told of a recent Dream experience by somebody where he or she heard a voice coming from the middle of their head which said “We Waged War on them and We Won”.  Of course such a phrase is vague with its none-signifying pronouns.   But if we look around at the World today, could we have possibly missed the Triumph of Good over Evil?  But what if we suppose that Evil had won out, would we be as able to as easily find any counterindications?  Yes, there are still some instances of Goodness, but that may be of the same order as scattered refugees after a Lost War leaving their Blasted City and just trying to find a new corner to settle in – yes there is still some Goodness but it is a defeated Goodness in a World and even a Spiritual Realm that Glories like the Vampires at Sunset and celebrate the Dawn of Darkness. 

Anyway, this new suggestion of Defeat got me to thinking about what I had said before, just last February, about the Warnings of the Marian Apparitions, and then it occurred to me that there are some details about the Fatima Apparitions that may apply to our situation here.  It seems that the Six Months that spanned the Fatima Apparitions almost completely overlap the Russian Revolution, and that Our Lady seemed very concerned with Russia.  Of course the intuitive understanding of Catholics would be that Our Lady was absolutely shocked and appalled at some Godless Russian Revolution, but it may have been more complicated than that.   You see, the Russian Revolution presents a Moral Paradox – Communism as an Ideology was about relieving the Suffering Masses from the Exploitations and Unbounded Inequalities inherent in an ostensibly Evil Capitalism.  For Our Lady What’s Not To Like about Communism?  Well, it seems that the Bolsheviks retained from the Bourgeois French Revolution the virulent idea that Religion would be invariably Reactionary, and so they set themselves as stone cold Materialists.  Well, the problem with Materialism with its Pure and Sterile Science, is that there can be no possible Explanation or Justification for Morality.  Morality must either come from a Religious Based Mythology, or it must come from a sense of Aesthetics, but Scientific Materialism would be hostile to Morality from either source.  So we could expect that Our Lady of Heaven would have a kind of Love-Hate Relationship to the Russian Revolution.

She promised the World that there would be Peace if Russia could be Consecrated to Her.  This was one of Prophecies that had been entrusted to Lucy, the one Child at Fatima who had survived the World Wide Epidemic of the Spanish Flu that had swept the Globe in 1919.  One of the other Prophecies that Lucy had passed on to the Vatican was in regards to World War II which apparently already been inevitable at that point  (indeed, I believe that future generations of Historians will eventually merge the two World Wars together).  Anyway, when the Second War occurred just as per the details that Lucy provided, well it made the Vatican much more cognizant of the Russian Prophecy.  Note, that Russia only needed to be Consecrated or Converted, and nothing was said regarding enshrining Capitalism, making Greed a Virtue and withdrawing the ancient religious proscriptions against Usury, which are the bedrock of Capitalism.  Indeed, when we look back at the History of the Marian Apparitions of Warning, are they not in parallel to the rise of Capitalism and the growth and development of both Industrialization and the purely Financial Markets (where Money is made simply by trading Ownership Certificates, but no Goods or Services are Produced, Bought or Sold).   As Capitalism grew there was of course the accompanying avalanche of misery on the common people? It must be more than a coincidence that the ever darker view Mary held for the prospects for Humanity were in direct proportion to the rise in the Inequality of Wealth – a sure sign that the World was encouraging and rewarding Selfishness over Charity and Compassion.    

Well, the Vatican got so nervous about the prospects for Nuclear War that they went ahead without the Soviet Union’s permission and Consecrated it, ceremonially, to Our Lady.  Well, there was no Nuclear War, but there would also be no “Peace”.   It seems that the Soviet Union’s Problem with Materialism’s rejection of any basis for Morality would come back and kill them.    You see, we remember Stalin for all his Gulags, and the popular propaganda is that Stalin just sent Political Dissidents to them, but the truth is that far more Upper, Mid and Lower Level Party Officials had been sent to the Gulags for Corruption (bribes and Black Market involvements).  When Stalin died in 1953, there was a Reform and all of these Corrupt Officials were set free, and they were either pulled back into the Party Apparatus or they were allowed to unofficially partner up with Party Managers of Production and Distribution to build up a Black Market.   After a few decades the Black Market vied with the Official Economy in size and breadth.  What finally brought the whole structure tumbling down was that the Last Premier, Gorbachev announced that that he would put an end to Corruption.  Well, Gorbachev was brand new in office, and he had not yet consolidated his Power, that is, establish a network of mutual Loyalties throughout the Party with Officials who would support him and obey his orders (he must have taken it for granted that he had dictatorial powers, but it never works like that).   Well, fearing a crackdown on Corruption and a return to the Gulags, the mostly corrupt Party Apparatus panicked and  went  into instant revolt, and they handed the Keys to the Nation over to the Black Marketeers.   So, the Soviet Union did not collapse because of any inherent problem with Communism, but because of its Materialistic Moral Failure – Party Officials had no compelling reason, after the Death of Stalin, to not engage in corruption – theft and appropriation of Public Goods for their own Profit … really, a kind of Unofficial Capitalism is what screwed over the Soviet Union.

Well, it seems that all the while that the Soviet Union existed, the Capitalist World was nervous in regards to the Revolution spreading.  So they operated on two tracks – violent suppression of any overt socialist or communist movement, but the allowance of certain concessions to the People – Unions were allowed to exist and the Capitalists did not violently overthrow the Governments when Social Programs were put in place.  Capitalism, for propaganda reasons and to win “hearts and minds”, put on a Smiley Face.  Also, with World War II, nearly the entire World effectively Nationalized their Economies, which greatly reduced Capitalist Inequality, and so the Silver Lining around the Dark Cloud of the War had been a generalized Post War Prosperity… not because of Capitalism but because it had been suppressed.

But with the 1990’s, with the Defeat of World Communism, and because the People know longer had an Ideological Choice, well, Capitalism no longer had to hide its Teeth and Claws, and off came the Smiley Face.   Under the name of Globalization, the Conquest of Capital over People went forward. 

Of course, this is All Political, but certainly we can see the Spiritual Parallels.  The New Age Movement is composed of either Capitalist Publishing Houses or small predatory entrepreneurial capitalists who equate Spiritual Connectedness with relative wealth and success in exploiting others. Both the Protestant Churches and the Catholic Church are mostly bastions of Capitalist Privilege.   Yes, Pope Francis is a nice guy, but he has not yet been able to Consolidate his Leadership – he is a Dictator that nobody will listen to (I suppose he is afraid to push the issue of his Authority – he could Fire every Bishop that opposed him, and their only recourse would be to take the Position that the Roman Pope is not the Head of the Church, but that would be the effective End of Roman Catholicism.  Would the Selfish Capitalist Bishops go that far?  Yes!, apparently that is what Pope Francis honestly believes and fears.  But, Heck! Prophecy says that Pope Francis is the Last Pope.  Let the Church die with a Bang and not a just a Whimper.)

But, yes, if Goodness has already been defeated in Heaven and on Earth, well, what choices do the remaining Good People have?  We could regroup and resist and hold out for some Miracle that could turn the Public Consciousness around, or we could all start signing up for seminars about how to swindle little old ladies in the Real Estate Market. You know, Capitalism has an appeal for a lot of people because it promotes the dream that Everyone could possibly get rich, given the right circumstances.   But that Dream is eventually bound to collapse.  The Economy will be dominated more and more by Inherited Wealth – It will be like Aristocratic Privilege returned.  And then even among the New Aristocrats, competition and accumulation of Wealth will continue on.   Capitalism is like the Game of “King of the Mountain”, and eventually there can only be One Winner, and everyone else knocked down to abject poverty. Sooner or Later the Mass of People has got to see that Satan, that One Final Winner in the Selfishness Game, is Evil and that Evil is no longer the ‘Good Thing’ that they had believed it was while they were voting Red Red Red…  

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