Saturday, September 26, 2015

The 3Civilized Ideals: Philosophic, The Gentleman, The Religious


It happens time and again Nowadays, that people find themselves excluded from the Society that they seek … not being invited to what Every Else is invited to, or people being ‘too busy’ to attend to your own invitations.  And they may wonder what is wrong, well, besides what their first Thoughts might be – that everyone either does not understand them, or that everybody is jealous and defensive, and that they wish to exclude Him so that they themselves may have an opportunity to Shine.


Well, how to decide?  What is the Problem?   Do some people get excluded for simple reasons of jealousy  and envy, or is it More Than That?    Well, perhaps, without Society actually Saying So, in so many words, that there are Rules, Codes… what I would say are IDEALS which, if not strictly followed all the time, must at least Seem to be acknowledged…. Or the ‘None-Ideals’ will simply be ‘Cut’… excluded without a word.   Nobody would SAY or Explain why a Person, perceived to be too far Under an Expected Ideal is ‘Cut’ or shunned, as that would be so unpleasant and so uncalled for.  Social Ostracism can go forward without a single unpleasant word. 



Now, of course, Society is not made up of Philosophers, Moralists and Theologians.  Yes, all of these Society People have Ideals, but they are probably just ‘tacitly’ understood.  Fin e Society just seems to Know when a Guest or a Host is Perfectly Ideal… or Perfectly UN-Ideal, for that matter, but I think it often just resolves into a Feeling, and that they would be hard pressed to explain it.   But these Ideals Can Be explained. 


First:  the Philosophic Ideal.   Philosophic People think and reflect upon their Social Behavior, and remain ever Calm, Unflappable, always Objective.   In experiencing Hardships, they would be Stoics.   When presented with New Moral Systems, they would be Skeptics.   When presented with new Social Systems advanced by Interested Parties, they would be Cynical… but All while remaining Unflappable, Calm and Philosophically Serene.   Such People Never Offend, and so there is never any Reason to Not Invite them to Parties… though they may seem a bit too dull to actually seek out their attendance.  


Then there is the Gentlemanly Ideal.   Now, it used to be that being a Gentleman was a Class Distinction, and this may be one of the Driving Forces that persuade ‘Modern’ Common People that Gentlemanly Behavior is a Snobbish Thing which they should avoid, but at the cost of their own Personal Dignity, seeming to prefer the role of being an Uneducated and Unenlightened Commoner.   But, this eventuality had never been the product of any considerable Intent… or I hope not.  You see, with the advent of Universal Education, at least before the 20th Century was much advanced, it was Supposed that the Proper Education could make a ‘Gentleman’, or a ‘Lady’ out of anybody.   It just did not seem to work out. 


Anyway, So… what IS the Gentlemanly Ideal?   Well, it is not much different from the Philosophic Ideal but it is a bit more augmented in the direction of Aesthetic Appreciation:   One must Appear Well.  One must be clean and wear fashionable cloths.  Then, one must be Pleasant and Agreeable.  One must be Lucid and understand the direction of Conversations, and be able to take part and Blend In, that is, be an active part of the Social Group.  They must be objective and impartial about things and never offend or ‘act’ offended at what other guests or what the Host may say.   Of Course, you might think all of this is kind of Obvious, and that doing this and Knowing to Do it would be Easy Enough, but the Natural Instincts of Some People tend to push them to being Proud and Independent, argumentative, crass and insulting, or just totally Self-Absorbed without Care or Empathy for the rest of the Social Group.   It seems that being Common, is, well, common.


Fine Society is kind of Used to this Problem of  dealing with people beneath their Social Ideal.   When Fine Society was considered a ‘Class Thing’,  it was often thought… very widely thought, in fact… that Business People could never fit into the Gentlemanly Ideal.  Their perceived greedy Self Interests tends to occupy their thoughts, and they can’t seem to attend to the interests or needs of others.   They Talk, but don’t Listen, which makes them, if not Rude, at least it makes them ‘Bores’.  When subjects come up which interest them, whether Pro or Con, then they tend to respond with Partisan Enthusiasm… either For or Against… seeming to be Excited or even Agitated.   But the Social Ideal is to be Objective and Detached – Thoughtful, but never  Zealous… Interested but never Extreme.  Especially, to Never Be Judgmental… as that would be Offensive, and Gentlepeople are Never Offensive.  To imply that another Guest, or, heaven forbid, that the Host is Absolutely WRONG about something, is probably Society’s Number One Sin.   But it is seen as something that Non-Gentlepeople do all the time.  So Fine Society still sees reason for ‘circling’ their wagons, and exerting, well, their Snobbishness.  It must be a bit like Heaven, where it seems only logical that Heaven cannot really be Heaven if too Many ‘Sinners’ are allowed in… and so while God may ‘Love’ everybody, well, Heaven Can Only Be Heaven if only the Good People… the Gentlepeople… are allowed in.   


Oh, there must be a particular problem occurs with Lawyers.   It seems that while some Lawyers can make a great deal of money… enough to show themselves in ‘Well’ in Society, that is, ‘clean’ and ‘well dressed’, that they still fail with Society and probably because of their Professional Training.    For instance, if they are not Impartial or Objective, it is because they are trained to be Partisan and Adversarial, and, as is allowed in the Courts, if they don’t like somebody else’s opinion upon things are at issue, well, they won’t hesitate to Attack the other Person’s Knowledge, Judgment, or even Moral Standing in regards to the Subject.  Well, in Fine Society, this is simply seen as too Ruthless… too much from out of a Very Violent and Mean Sub-Culture… from out of the ‘Jungle” –not at all very charming.   And so Lawyers, unless they really learn how to Leave their Work at the Office or back in the Stuffy and Unpleasant Courtroom, will mostly be shunned from Fine Society.


Finally, there is the Religious Ideal.   This is perhaps the hardest, or the easiest, to explain.  Religious People think that they should Think and Act as God would think and act.  The Primary Considerations would be that God is Great, All Inclusive, and Above the Common Fray – that God is Transcendental.  So God would be Unflappable.  God would Never be worried or nervous.  God would always be above Insult or Misunderstanding.  God either Understands Everything, or treats Everything as though it could be Understandable if perceived correctly and completely.  The Religious Person’s Assumption is that there is some Divine Meaning in Everything.    Personal Ego is set aside, and everybody and everything else are treated as having some Equal Share in one’s Personal calculations and deliberations. 


And then the Religious Ideal also includes some aspects of the Aesthetic:   that Religious People often open up to a Love of All Things… and this is what might set them apart and Above the Philosophic or Gentlemanly Ideals, that they Love or Find Compelling All Things and Everybody, just because they EXIST… that they need no special Reasons or Feelings to Explain it.  They Simply Experience and Respond to All Things as though in a Perpetual State of Bliss.   Of course, such Idealists, if they actually hit that High Mark, are Saints, and as such, perhaps the rarest of all People.   But!  When they do appear, well, they are perceived as being so Nice and Pleasant, that they never lack for Social Invitations… even when their fashion sense seems a bit ‘off’ or their personal hygiene seems a tad wanting.



Now, these afore mentioned Ideals are no strangers to Western Civilization… there is nothing new in anything I have said.  But it is a matter of concern that our Universal Education Systems make hardly no mention of them.   And so it is that People grow up, get ‘Educated’, and think they are doing all the right things, and still find they have problems being accepted by Fine Society.  And nobody is so unpleasant as to explain why.     


And I see the problem only getting worse.   Nowadays, in Western Culture, it is not the Traditional Ideals that get the attention.  The Media – TV, Movies, even Journalism – focus on the More Interesting Story Lines and Character Traits.  We are treated to Greed, Lust, Anger (which is presented as Moral Indignation), Violence and Vindictiveness… that is, we are presented only with the kind of Things that Make for Exciting Drama.   And so it works out that a kind of Unintentional Media Propaganda, that washes over everybody, presents a Way of Life that, really, has no basis in any kind of Idealism.  And nobody pretends that it does.   It is presented as just simple Human Behavior, with the tacit understanding that nobody can ever expect More from Humans than to simply act like, well Walking and Talking Animals from out the Jungle. 


But, looking back into History, well, their used to be things called Ideals.  And it was the Recognition of these Ideals… all inherently Spiritual… that separated Man from Beast.  We can be Better than the Animals, but only if we Will to Be Better, and can Envision a Better Life than simple Instinct and all that is simply Predatory can provide for.   Maybe these Ideals are Lost… or maybe not.   It used to be Understood that Ideals were for the Few and were never expected from the Many.   The Advance of the Common Man made everyone expect that Anybody and Everybody could attain to the Same High Levels, but this apparently never happened.  The Common Man stayed, well, Common. 


So, Ideals still seem only for the Few.   But there is no restriction on who may adopt them.  Anybody who thinks about it, may certainly become better than Common… it is just that their seems to be no Cultural or surviving Traditional Impulse that encourages the old Ideals that were once held in such high esteem.   It seems to be All Jungle, nowadays.  Survival of the Fittest… the Meanest, the Cruelist… the exact people everyone hates to have at a Party. 


Well, what does it all mean?  Well, I guess it comes down to that Civilization is effectively dead, but hasn’t quite ‘fallen down’ yet… and that we are simply transitioning now to a full fledged Barbarism.  It is sad… but I prefer to look upon that eventuality with a Philosophical Composure.  After all, it would not be the First Time that a Civilization had collapsed…  Maybe in the Next Round, we will have splendid Parties again…                            

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Lonely? Need (Aggravating) People? Maybe A Cat Will Do.

Lonely?  Need  (Aggravating) People?  Maybe A Cat Will Do.


In the Anger Management sphere of interest, we find so many people who, if more or less just left alone by themselves, would never be angry, as for example, disconnected telephone calls don’t bother them… they simply redial; or their computer acts flakey all day long and these people do not as so much utter a ‘tinker’s ‘dingidy dong’’… they are at peace with themselves and their, well, rather isolated universes.   But it is the frustrations and perceived disrespects of other people, who in these cases instigate troubles, that tend to trigger the angry episodes experienced by our otherwise calm and peaceful ‘isolationists’.   Yes, yes, yes, it is our job here to provide people with the support and help to withstand any abuse, any indignity, any humiliation, all while being able to calmly and serenely react and respond to the worst situations Society can throw at them… as though they were American White Bread in Paris…  But, really, My Oh My, supporting and training all these essentially Nice People to withstand the barbaric attacks of the Hordes of Rude People out there, well, it is difficult, isn’t it? … and, what’s more, if we could only tell them to avoid all of those, really, contemptible Rude People – all those people who trigger their Angry Episodes, well, they would no longer have a worry in the World.  In fact, it is sad that it is all put upon us.  We are only going through so much trouble because, well, so many people are barbaric, rude, and uncivilized and do not know how to behave.  And the governments are  too cheap to include Civilized Behavior in the Core Curriculums of their Public Schools, or too prissy to sentence Manifestly Rude People to death, to graciously save all the Civilized People the trouble of having to deal with them.   Yes, of course, I have a great respect for the Value of Human Life… but isn’t a Rude Person worth less than Nothing?


So, in addition to all the advice we give regarding how we should all deal with those Terribly Rude People, well, shouldn’t we add a word of advice on simply avoiding all unnecessary Social Exposure…. To stay clear of the beastly multitudes.     Of course they can go out shopping.   “The Customer is always right”.  In the majority of retail establishments, the salespeople and service reps are extensively trained in being, well, as civilized as we wish everyone else were… except in France…and maybe some bureaus in New York, where the Upper Management are so barbaric themselves that they don’t quite see any ‘barbarism’ in their employees worth correcting.   But most everywhere else, if you are wearing the Hat of Consumer and Customer, you are perfectly safe… oh, as long as YOU aren’t the Barbarian.  So many Customers give Service People and Sales People a terrible time.  The Working Retail People are only doing their jobs, and any Civilized Person, who has an issue with some product or service, should be ever smiling and patient, all while the Wheels Turn, ever slowly, for the problems brought forward to be resolved.  Staying Friends with the Service People only helps in all of that.  Anyway, if YOU aren’t the problem, then you should have no problem with Shop People. 


But, when advising relative isolation, well, SO many people feel that they need Life Companions… Mates… Partners… Spouses… that is, to welcome potential Barbarians through their Gates.   Really!?  These such People have the potential to be the worst perpetrators of all the rude and disrespectful triggers we can receive.  Why ‘On God’s Green Earth Where the Sky is Blue’ would anybody in their right mind attempt to establish some constant relationship with such a potential threat!?   It is not as though you can actually meet a person and get to know them… NO!  People keep their Barbarism a big Secret until it is too late!   Here!  Let me tell you a story… Even a Psychologist friend of mine, when I was back in my Dating Age, advised me to… really, he did…to do everything to make myself likeable and attractive in order to gain the favor of those people I would want to, well, ‘seduce’… he didn’t use that word, but that is surely what such advice intends.   But that advise was not so very original, was it?   Such thinking, and such Dating Behavior is, well, Universal, isn’t it?   Nearly everyone who wants a Relationship is posing and pretending in order to get it.  And they keep it up until they get a Commitment.  You don’t meet the Real Them until they think it is too late for you to back out (oh, by the way, it is NEVER too late to walk out…. Just do a ‘one-eighty’, find the door, and leave… oh, grab your best stuff first… going back for it later is always, well, so awkward, and it spoils the effect of your dramatic exit, no?)


But, the fact IS that people do get lonely and need companionship.  But they think they need other people… like the Barbara Streisand Song “People Need People”.  Well, not really.   Studies have shown… people studying ‘Cat Ladies’ in order to isolate ‘Cat Ownership’ as some kind of a Dysfunction… well, the Studies kind of back fired on the original intent, and found, unexpectedly, that Cat Ownership (well, up to certain point) was indeed healthy.   It was found that people who had a ‘good companion relationship’ with a cat were just as well benefitted as those who had a good companion relationship with another human being, as rare as that is in these days were everybody only thinks of themselves and doesn’t care what offense they give to others as long as they can manipulate and maneuver, complain and bicker to get their own way… meaning that you are more likely to strike up a good relationship with a cat than another Human Being (and you can’t take the other Human Being to the Kennel if it doesn’t work out…).  Also it should be considered that no man ever lost his house and had to pay alimony to cat that he decided he hated and wanted to get rid of.


Even before reading these studies, about the companionship of cats being so beneficial to Human Beings, well, I sort of found out about it by accident.  There had been a Situation building up in my Neighborhood – some ‘overflow’ kittens from a Cat Lady who couldn’t really feed all the cats she already had were going about begging and scrounging.  Anyway, one little skraggle cat accosted me while I was walking past… a little kitten, yelling at me for me to feed it (I had had cats as a child and so I already knew their language…).   Well, okay.  So I went up to my rooms and tossed it out something.   Well, it became my friend.   I would keep a window open for ventilation, and it would come in and sit on the arm of the sofa where I would read a book just a few feet away.  I would ‘thump’ it a few times when I would give it food, and scratch its head sometimes, but that was IT.   Nothing big.  No hugs.  No kisses.   But, as I used to go OUT several times a week, well, now I began to stay home.  Even some Friday and Saturday Nights I would stay home.   I was saving a Ton of Money and was glad, but I REALLY had no idea why I was turning into such a home-body.   Then I read that Research Paper!  MY GOD!  I thought…. My Life has been stabilized because some silly cat sits on the Arm of the Sofa!?   Well, I guess so.  The Research was Right.  It seems that a scraggle cat was all the companionship that I really needed.   


Oh, this is not to say that Dogs may not be just as good, or even better.  Perhaps they are.   But dogs need to be walked or they will poop or pee anywhere, and unless they are trained they may be troublesome about chewing up expensive shoes and such.  And dogs will whine and cry for attention, and they may have fits of destructive frustration when left alone too long.  But cats, for the most part, are staid and independent, clean in their habits, and while they offer their companionship, are not often needy and dependent and overly bothersome about it.  Cats are great.  

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Dear India and China, Free Energy

Dear India and China, Free Energy

I’ve been reading lately of the terrible pollution in China.  The Pollution is so bad  that one would not wish it on one’s worst enemy, excuse the expression, but ultimately China’s pollution is the World’s Pollution, you know, with the way all the air eventually mixes together.  And while India is not as Industry Intensive as China, having gone more into the Global Service Industries (because they speak a language everyone understands), still, Indian Heavy Industries are moving forward, and more of their population is driving and getting on the Energy Grid and getting electric lights, etc, and so their energy bill has been going up also, and with it more pollution will not be far behind.

Anyway, this is about Free Energy.  It is about Free Energy that America itself had turned down (the Argument being that Oil was the de facto Standard on which the value of the Dollar was fixed, and if the price of Oil collapsed, so also would collapse the value of the Dollar, and with it the American Economy, and perhaps even the International Economy would follow in a broader collapse), but in addition to turning it down for themselves, well, to keep the Plan out of the hands of Others, they buried the original working Plans, and substituted a patchwork of nonsense.   You all know what I am talking about, right?  The Famous Cold Fusion Hoax back in 1989, only, think about it a moment.   How could it have been a hoax?  Are we really to believe that two, not just one crazy delusional scientist, but TWO trained and accomplished Scientists – Full Professors with tenure in their Universities – went forward to publish results in their ‘Energy Producing Experiment’ (I don’t think they themselves called it “Cold Fusion”.  I think that was part of the Government’s and Media’s cover-up… to give the Experiment a crazy and implausible name), without being sure of their data and sure of the repeatability of their Experiment.  They even sent off Experiment Kits to other major Universities (which were intercepted in the Mail).  They had been quite sure of themselves.   Then, later, when they were made to stand before the microphones and retract, they had to confess to the most implausible and idiot silliness in their methodologies… nothing that even a first year student in Chemistry 101 would be fool enough to do.  But we were expected to all jump on board and believe it, because the Government and the Media were chanting in chorus “See!  Those Proud “Know-It-All” Eggheads sometimes get it wrong too!” But, look… it is sad, but didn’t we all fall for it?  The governments and the media people must laugh so hard, at how easy it is to fool us all.

Okay, so the problem we have is that the Government had intercepted both the Paper before publication, and the Experiment Kits.   The Professors involved had been so greedy for the Nobel Prize that they themselves had worked in virtual secrecy.  So what chance do any of us have to figure out, or to re-construct the Free Energy Experiment?  Well, the one factor in our favor was Time – the Government had to act very quickly – they had to put their own False Reports and Faked Papers and Experimental Kits out there for Public View before anybody grew suspicious that the Government really did Hijack the whole Program.   It turns out that We have 3 days in which True, or basically True, rumors circulated.  These were three days in which the Real Paper were being read and the Experts were commenting to the Media about them.  For three days the Professors themselves were commenting to the Media, describing the details of their experiment in layman’s terms.   Of course, subsequent rumors are that the Government sent out legends of agents to every little Media Outlet in the Country, for ‘damage control’, who stood by while file footage was erased or taped over with ‘revised’ interviews and announcements.  The way we know this is that what people remember from those 3 days is very different in some very basic regards from what is now in the ‘official’ evidences of History.  We would really have something, if somebody had saved one of their private Television Video tapes, wouldn’t we, but people may save Movies, but just day to day programming always ends up being taped over by the next days day to day programming, doesn’t it?  We should look for some Video version of a Trash Hoarder – somebody who, because of an extreme case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, never erased anything, but just kept buying and recording new tapes.  There, we would find the truth. 

Anyway, to move on, because the Government DID have to act quickly, and because their Fake Plan and Fake Verbiage about it had to be apparently consistent with what people knew from earlier announcements and rumors, well, we can therefore suppose that we probably have a viable ‘skeleton’ of Information.  The Fake Drawings would have to be very similar to the Real Drawings.  The Fake Descriptions would have to sound a lot like the Real Descriptions.  The Government probably decided to change just one, probably two, key and essential elements so that nobody could just tweak the Fake Rig Up a little bit and get it going again.   But WHAT did the government change?

The other day it finally came to me.  For years I have been curious about the Free Energy Experiment that I had heard about ‘back then’, and I was sure that the Government had quashed it, but what surprised me was that I could find absolutely nothing about it.  That seemed, well, too accomplished for even the sneakiest Government with the most extensive resources.  So I was continuously puzzled.  It just didn’t seem right.   Then I remembered the “Cold Fusion Hoax” that I hardly paid any attention to at the time, because, well, as they said, it was a ‘Hoax’.    “Hmmmm, wasn’t that about at the same time?”  I thought.   So I looked it up.   THAT’S IT!  The Details are similar to what I had heard about in the Free Energy Experiment, but a few major details were swapped in and out to make the Thing unworkable.

Okay, this is where we can go to work on Reconstructing This Thing – the Workable Free Energy Experiment.  I have a good memory for technical stuff like this, though, strictly speaking, I don’t have much in the way of a very Hard and Detailed Scientific Background.   But this is what I remember.  Where the Government’s Fake Model and Fake Paper have a precious metal plate in a beaker of a solution of heavy(H3O) water where some hocus pocus of an electric current was supposed to create ‘Cold Fusion’, well, the Real Model used a beaker of ordinary distilled water that contained a ‘slush’ of Metal Plated and non-metal plated Glass Beads (some electrically conductive, and others not) .  When just a few milliamps of current were passed through the water, then the water would boil.  I remember one of the Professors saying in Interview that the first time they got everything ‘just right’ and the water jumped into a boil, that at they thought at first that they had shorted the power supply into the water and so they reached to shut the whole thing down to trouble shoot it, but before they could hit the first breaker, they noticed that the Current Meter indication was still holding steady at a few milliamps!   If it was Short then it would have Pegged!   When they saw that and pointed it out to each other, that the water was violently boiling right in front of them with just the input of a few milliamps as displayed on a calibrated meter (they really couldn’t make themselves believe it for a second or two), well, THEN (maybe the most Scientifically Significant moment in History, or should have been, comparable to the discovery of Fire), right there, there was the ‘Eureka Moment’ and the two old men were jumping up and down and hooting like two silly school girls.

Now, interesting story and all, but what about the devilish Details?  Okay, from what I can remember from following a TV interview that lasted for about 30 seconds which I was only half paying attention to is this – the Basic Theory starts with the condition that there would always be enough Conductive Beads distributed throughout the Bead Slush to complete an Electrical Current Path between the Probes.  From there what is supposed to happen?   Well, from what I know of electricity, DC currents tend to wish to perpetuate themselves, particularly where the voltage differentials are high, when if electrical contact is interrupted you’d get a spark as the electrons would try to maintain ‘path’.   Another phenomena that might come into play is that the beads are round, which would create semicircular electronic paths which would create small fields of flux or magnetism, proportional to the current going through them.   You would also get magnetic flux if the electronic paths through the Bead Slush were twisted or circular.  Now I can’t see how these fields of magnetic flux could be very powerful, but it probably would have to be one of the important factors in the experiment.   Anyway, what we have here already is the possibility of ‘sparking’ if high voltage is used (not a given, I only heard that current was low, but nothing about voltage).  Sparking would create small spots of heat in the water and what would happen then is that these heat spots would rise toward the surface (heat rises) thus putting the Bead Slush into motion and interrupting the existing electrical current paths.   The interplay of the small magnetic fields would also add somewhat to the churning of the Bead Slush.   At this point my intuition (as I have run out of Hard Science to talk about) tells me that the rapid establishing and re-establishing of electrical current paths through this mixture of conductive and non-conductive beads would cause a jostling not only with the conductive beads but with all the beads being bumped around like billiard balls.   So where does all that extra Head come from?  Not from the Sparking, as this Energy is accounted for as one of the Inputs.  But I have been thinking that perhaps the Heat is ‘Heat’ but in some round-about way – a sort of Heat by cheating.   Yes, it usually just plain old ordinary Heat that boils water, but isn’t the boiling of water defined by the rapid movement of the water molecules in response to the Heat applied to it.   But what if one were to wiggle the water molecules back and forth very quickly, well, it would ‘simulate heat’, wouldn’t it?  Well, ‘simulated heat’ could still run a Steam Turbine, couldn’t it?
The Conductive Glass Beads and the Non-Conductive Glass Beads, being designed to have a calibrated Specific Gravities so that they would reach their own natural ‘float level’ somewhere between the top and bottom of the beakers, well, they would be pushed off by movements in the water with enough push to overcome the gravitational equilibrium of their designed specific gravity, but they would tend to return to Equilibrium, at some certain resonant frequency that would be a function of their number, size, mass and density, and of course the voltage used and the current applied.  If the Electricity had been Modulated, well, that would give us another variable to worry about in this big mix of things.  Anyway, it is this Resonating Force of Gravity, which interacts with the Specific Gravity of the Beads and their Electronic Jostling, that occurs at some specific rate, being exerted outside of the Power Quantities being supplied by the Experiment, which provides the Free Energy that makes the Water boil with only a few milliamps of electrical input being applied.    The ‘Trick’ of the Experiment is to find just the right Proportions between all of the above mentioned variables, and then some, now that I think about it…. Hmmmm, let’s make a list: there is the dimensions of the Container, the Size and Spacing of the Probes, the Number and Proportions of Conductive and Non-Conductive Beads per Volume of Water, Bead Mass, Bead Density and Specific Gravity levels and divisions among the Beads, and the Voltage and Frequency Magnitudes of the Applied Current.  So anyway, there is some Formula, some Algorithm, that must be found that will give all the Values necessary for a “Positive Energy Resonance”.   We shouldn’t be discouraged.  People did it before, and so People can do it again.

We can use our Brains, and the Original Scientist tried that.  But Success was actually only attained after the arduous and time consuming task of Tabling and Bracketing – they tried everything until something worked, and after they had it working, THEN the Math of it all became obvious as they were able to ‘fix’ some of the variables and then find out how the others would slide into place.  

Anyway, Go For It India and China.  Yes, will the American Economy, whose dollar is still fixed on the International Price of Oil, collapse?… well, maybe.  But we have Global Climate Change now to contend with.  Back in 1989 it seemed like the American Economy was the ONLY factor to consider in rejecting Free Energy and obliterating that Great Accomplishment of the Two Great Professors from the annals of Scientific and Human Progress.  But now, almost 4 decades after the Perils of Global Climate Change had been first announced to us with the most convincing evidentiary Proofs, well, America, (even under a Democratic President!), is drunk on Oil.  ‘They’ are even planning to begin dynamiting the Grand Canyon and Yosemite National Park to get any last little drops of oil from that shale bed rock (‘There’s [virtual] Gold in them there rock!’).  And that is not to mention all of the coal that is left in the World.  Without Free Energy from Somewhere, all that fossil fuel is going to be dug up, bought and sold by the Capitalists, who REALLY govern everything in this Global Economy, and burned.  And the World will suffer for it.   So my Conscience forces me to decide to trade a Calculated Evil for a Calculated Good.  In short, it will be bad at first, but much better later.

Okay, what will be some of the benefits of Free Energy?   Well, it is so revolutionary that it virtually staggers the imagination.   With FREE ENERGY, well, we would have the Power to fix just about everything.   Isn’t energy about the highest contributing cost to anything?  Whatever it is we do, looking up and down and back and forth across the Horizontal and Vertical Organizations of our Economies, the largest costs are in Energy.  With Free Energy there to no longer weigh us down us down with the old intrinsic costs, well, we could take off and FLY!   We could Re-Engineer the World, and do it practically for Free!

Think of the Possibilities!  First, Australia.  With free energy, they could set up desalination plants on the windward side of the island (where the Wind blows inland), and just boil a lot of Sea Water, and the steam would rise up to the clouds and it would rain inland.  The Rain would cause grasses and trees to grow.  Grasses and Trees are known to hold moisture but also exhale moisture periodically  which creates more clouds and rain – this is the Rain Forest Mechanism.  Rain Forests are kind of like a Perpetual Motion Machine, generating their own necessary moisture. It would be ironic, perhaps, fitting, perhaps, if we could use the first Scientific Perpetual Motion Machine (and that is what we can call it if it produces more energy than it consumes, which is how we can describe our Free Energy Experiment)… if we could use that scientific Perpetual Motion Machine to gear up and create new versions of those Natural Perpetual Motion Machines that we have always known about – Rain Forests… just think if we could easily and cheaply create new Rain Forests!  The coastal desalination plants would only be the beginning.  After time the  Rain Forrest, because of its own rain, would creep Inland.   Australia, now dry as the proverbial bone, could be the Greenest Continent on Earth in just… well, maybe in as short as 30 years… depending on how soon and how high they decide to jump in on it.

With Free Energy the other Continents could also use applied desalination on their windward coasts.  On other coasts, well, they could use the free energy for building huge pumping stations, or digging vast canal systems, to get water inland, where it could be irrigated out to create huge patches of grassland and new trees – again, instigating the self- perpetuating mechanism of Rain Forestry.

Bringing enough Water inland would create enough Cloud Cover over the Energy Absorbing expanse of the Dark Ground, so that the Sun’s Energy (and all that Heat) would be reflected harmlessly back into Space.  With all the new Grasses and Trees, a lot of Carbon Dioxide would be taken out of the Atmosphere.  The Lower Latitudes would stop Heating Up while the Upper Latitudes would be allowed to really freeze up again.  The Northern Ice Cap would reform and the Ice Fields in Antarctica could recover.  Typhoons and Hurricanes of Historic Proportion would go to where they belong to be, into the Pages of History.

So, yes, Free Energy would cause an economic ‘bump in the road’ for all of us.  There would be a struggle and a necessary Transition.  But there would follow a Newer and Better World.

It’s only a shame that America, and its European Puppets could not lead the way.  So, Good Luck, India.  Good Luck China. (Maybe Australia… do they have any Universities there?).  Let’s see which of you gets there first.