Friday, August 31, 2012

Metal Plated Glass Bead Free Energy Cold Fusion

I remember back in the late eighties or early nineties, that a TV news show, Prime Time Live, had advertised a story for the next Thursday night about a new invention.  An amateur researcher, a president of a semi-large manufacturing company, had found that when he added a small electrical current to jars of water of a certain size filled with water and metal plated glass beads of a certain size and composition, then the water would break into a rolling boil.  The steam energy from the boiling water could be sent through a dynamo and create hundreds of times more energy than the small current it had taken to precipitate the reaction.  It was effectively ‘free energy’, the heart of a perpetual motion machine.   The Researcher had packaged up his Experiment and sent five full sets to the best Universities in America in order to verify his findings.  The advertisements for the show ran for a day, and then they were pulled, and it was like nothing had ever happened.    

It was probably before the Internet really took off.  The incident was therefore relatively more easily delete-able from the Media Record.  There is really no hint of it today, except that a few people like myself remember that they saw an intriguing preview on TV. 

Why the clamp down?  Well, back then, and probably now as well, the American Dollar and the entire World Economy hinged on the price and availability of Oil.  Maintaining or Obstructing the international flows of oil was a way of keeping a kind of Control on all of the World Economies and Governments.   Also, the Cost of Oil was a large factor in the Price of almost everything else.  If there were suddenly Free Energy, well, Prices would have collapsed.  Economies previously hampered only by the costs and limitations involved in procuring Oil, such as Japan, China and India, well, their growth would suddenly be limitless, given the amount of Labor they could move into the Factories.  But given the inevitable Currency Collapses in the West, and the devaluation of anything denominated or pegged to the Dollar – a currency which is de facto supported by the Price of Oil, these huge Asian Producers would no longer have Foreign Markets to export to, but since they no longer needed Hard Foreign Currencies in order to pay their Energy Bills, well, they could produce Goods entirely for their own consumption, become Affluent in their own Terms, and largely ignore the West, that is, the American Empire.  

So the American think tanks that had probably been summoned together overnight for some emergency meeting, when Prime Time Live was about to run their story, quickly concluded that Free Energy would be too Globally destabilizing, and for “National Security” reasons, the Invention would have to be intercepted, shut down, and its memory deleted from the National Consciousness.  I would guess the World Media Markets never even heard a peep.  

Now it is about 20 years later.  We are in a different position now.  We have Global Warming.  We are witnessing an economic phenomena they call ‘peak oil’, that is, everybody in the ‘know’ knows that all the big finds in Oil have already been found, that the large ‘gushers’ are well off their first blush and now pipes have to be run many times further down to get just a fraction of what once came from merely punching a hole in the surface, that is, the World is fast approaching the point where we will all simply run out of gas.  

Yes, Free Energy would still be Globally Destabilizing, but now we are contemplating Complete Ruin from almost every other corner also.  At least the Destabilization that would come from having Free Energy could possibly come with an eventual happy ending.  Yes, prices would drop, but then afterward, everything would be that much cheaper.   

And what could we do with Free Energy?   First we could tackle the Global Climate Change Thing.  No, I think it is already too late to reverse what will be the almost certain consequences that will follow from having the Green House Gases in our Atmosphere which are already there – the Ice Caps melting from the Poles and the Sea Level rising, and all the World Wide droughts and such.  But with Free Energy we could finally afford to implement Engineering Solutions.  We could use vast Engineering Projects to basically adapt the World to meet the Challenges of Climate Change.  First, we could begin to desalinate Sea Water on a gigantic scale and then pump it Inland – in America, the Euro-Asian Steppe, Mongolia and China, India, Africa, and Australia.   We would do this for two reasons – one, to irrigate new planted forests in view of creating vast new Rain Forests, and, secondly,  simply to get all that extra water out of the Oceans and put it in new inland lakes, dug deep to hold a great deal of water and made broad to add to evaporation which will give us even more rain to support the new Rain Forests.  Of course these new huge Rain Forest would draw Carbon out of the Atmosphere and turn it into all that Wood out of which trees are constructed.   It might take a Century, but the World’s Climate could be ‘Re-Normalized’.   

Also, with Free Energy, we could begin to build the necessary Sea Walls, if projections indicate that it would be impossible to move ‘that much’ water inland.   We could also dredge the Oceans themselves, making them deeper.  Heck, with Free Energy we could build Ice Machines at the Poles and  simple stock pile Ice Cubes where there used to have been sheet ice.   Yes, with Free Energy we could successful meet and survive an encounter with all the consequences of Global Climate Change.  As it is now, I am not too sure. 

With Free Energy, we could really kind of Re-Build the World. 

But, I wonder how those Metal Plated Glass Bead Contraptions worked.  I thought about it.  Ordinarily when you run current into water, you get electrolysis, that is, the water, that is, the Hydrogen and Oxygen Molecule that we call water, separate into hydrogen and oxygen  atoms which bubble up to the surface.  I was thinking that perhaps the Metal Plated Glass Beads somehow interrupt or change the Electrolysis Process somehow recombining the Hydrogen and Oxygen components, but leaving a great amount of Energy behind in the process, which boils the water. 

It is probably would not be too difficult to reproduce the same results, even for small nations with enough assets to reproduce the kind of Metal Plated Glass Beads that were apparently being made for some kind of industrial purpose back in America some 20 years ago.  Maybe they only need an Industrial Catalogue and could simply have every conceivable kind of Metal Plated Glass Bead FEDEX’d to them.  The Man who first discovered this process, while being without a doubt very smart, was no nuclear physicist – he probably had a hunch.  My guess is that he took an order for a new size of plated glass bead, and you know that a lot of plating is done using vats of liquid plating agent and electrical current.  Well, I am guessing that this particular vat inexplicably boiled over, and that at first he blamed the workers, but that some very experienced worker was able to convince him that all procedures were followed and that there was absolutely no negligence – that the vat simply kind of exploded all by itself.  So he was intrigued by it all and decided to play around with the phenomena until he got it down to its simplest terms – a certain kind of a metal plated glass bead in a jar of plain water.  He was probably killed for his bother.   This guy is probably the Father of the Next Great Era of Human Development, and nobody even knows what his name was.  Thank you America. 
Anyway, now that we have the Internet, I am throwing this idea up into the Air, and we will see if any developing economy, or even a Non-American Developed Economy sees it as an opportunity and takes some action. 

It would be the Greatest Invention since the Wheel or the Conquest of Fire.    It would revolutionize Culture and Economics to such an extent that, well, I could see them starting a New Dating system.  We would have Year One of  the Free Energy Era.
Hmmm, maybe somebody will invent it by this December and we will finally know what all of the December 2012 fuss has been about.   

Sunday, August 26, 2012

What Would Enlightenment Be?

Well, we all remember Sankara’s Snake.   A farmer goes out at dusk and confronts a rope down on the ground about 10 meters away and ‘thinks’ it is a snake.  What this tells us is that we do not have Direct Perception of Reality, but that we perceive reality as a kind of imperfect reflection, through the Senses which apparently can be mistaken.  Well, Sankara spun and spun and spun the ramifications of that Story about the Rope being a Snake until everyone was convinced that the entire Material Universe was just an Illusion.  I think that was going a bit far.  After all, if it really is a snake and if it bites you, then is it Real?  

When I was very young and naïve I read stories of the Saints throughout History, of their Knowledge… their super-knowledge – knowing things they had no way to know, and their miraculous powers, and it occurred to me that they had found a way to a Sixth Super Sense, perhaps a Direct Perception of everything through the Medium of Gravity itself, the great Existential Force.  This Perception through Gravity locked them into the same Field of Being as everything else.  Yes, their limited brains could not process everything all at once, but they could learn to focus – bringing their attention down from Universal Visions of the Galaxies, to scanning the neighborhood to tell a distraught farmer where his favorite horse had gotten off to after the barn door had been  left open (a Sai Baba of Shirdi miracle).

So, no, I don’t think Enlightenment is just some kind of flimsy state of mind in which one is enlightened because he momentarily has what my mother would have called a “nice little nap”.  I think Enlightenment is an actual thing, that grants a new level of perception and a Direct Knowledge.

Then there are the Miracles.  Once one can sense Gravity, probably by becoming One with it, then one can manipulate Matter from inside of it.  Matter can be manipulated through its Gravity.  Now, yes, there could be the complication that Energy is required to manipulate matter, and this energy needs to come from somewhere.  So we shouldn’t expect any man to lift a mountain, since it has never been done before…not in recorded History.  But plenty else has been done, and we need to expect the same level of performance from any modern Enlightened Saint as of the Historical Enlightened Saints.   So Show us the Miracles.  It is Silly to Believe without them.

So, really, there should be two tests for Enlightenment – Direct Perceptions of anything in the Universal Gravitational Field, and the ‘miraculous’ manipulations of matter.  Unless all the vague spiritual talk and Zen Paradoxes can get us there, then it all seems rather little-sisterish.

Jesus Resigned being Messiah

One of the most compelling arguments offered up by Jews, to slap the faces of their Christian friends, is that Jesus was not the Messiah because, well, he never became a Messiah, that is, King of a Jewish Nation that would expand into an Empire that would have ruled the World.  What the Jews expected of their Messiah was a kind of a Genghis Khan who was just a fraction more successful.  After all, if a Mongol Tribesman with no help but from the Devil can almost conquer the World, than why couldn’t we expect a smart Jew to do just a bit better, having the help of God?

Well, the Jews kind of do have a point.  Jesus, while presenting all the evidence of being a World Class First Magnitude Saint, was, well, a complete failure as a Messiah.  While he was able to head up a relatively small band of missionaries, with some who quarreled and some who actually betrayed him in the end, well, he never even began to put together any kind of a foundation for National Kingdom or World Empire.

Perhaps the timing was bad.  I read the translations of Anne Catherine Emmerich’s “Life of Christ”, she being this wonderful visionary mystic during the life of Napoleon or there abouts.  What she says was that God had a particular schedule for the Messiah, but that the Jewish People continuously slowed things down by being, well, unworthy.  The time for the Jewish Messiah, historically, would have during a lapse between Empires, perhaps when Assyria, Egypt and Nineveh had fought each other into dysfunction and poverty, then a small tribal nation might have rose up and took over the whole game, much as Islam had been able to take advantage of the collapse of both the Roman and Persian Empires.  Anne Catherine Emmerich supposes that David had been meant to be Messiah, but that his naked dancing, cowardice with the Arc of Covenant (he abandoned it after one of its caretakers had died in an Arc accident), and his constant womanizing, and husband killing, put a hold on all that.  We can look upon David as having been the Bill Clinton of Messiahs, for which God had impeached him.  A Purity Campaign put in place by Elijah the Prophet, who was not even Jewish, eventually solved the problem, but it took 7 generations, and by that time the Greek World had conquered all of Near Asia, and Rome had a firm hold on the West – both were Dominant Civilizations still in their prime and at the top of their Political and Economic Powers.  Even the Powers of God could hardly push through all of that.

But there Jesus was and he had the Power and Blessings of God and especially His Angels.  While God is Great in His Heaven, down below there are the Angels who do all of the heavy lifting.  And the Angels were behind Jesus 100%. 

I think that Jesus began to realize the difficulties of actually taking Power.  As I alluded to above, Jesus would not just be taking over from within a Power Void, that is, reasserting Order from amidst the collapse of dysfunctional and obsolete Civilizations – gathering up the Lost Sheep lost in Chos.  He would have to give destructive death blows to Civilizations at the peak of their relative health and vitality – saving people from their happiness and success, rescuing people who are unaware that they have a problem.  And Tens of Thousands of people would have to die or maybe more… and, hey, let us not euphemize it… people would have to be murdered to achieve, well, purely political ends, even if they were to have some eventual Religious result.   Nowadays that seems okay to a great many people, that while private murder is still considered wrong, that somehow it is okay to kill people if one can conjure up some vague political excuse, such as, well, here is one from our current newspapers… the police break up a ‘peaceful’ protest that is turning ugly and violent, no doubt because the horrible police were acting provocatively, and so the peaceful protestors are now justified in taking up arms and slaughtering the police, with the blessings of both the American State Department and the British Foreign Office.   But we must understand that such lame excuses make for Horrible Religion.  Any Religion conceived in Violence and that uses Violence to advance its Cause would be forever stained by that terrible precedent, and that forever after, every Religious Zealot, even from within its own Fold, would think it proper to resort to Violence.  Look at Islam.  Islam resorted to violence, and today cannot get past it.  It’s entire History is one of waves of New Ignorant Tribesmen riding out of the hills to kill kill kill kill for their Newest Fundamentalist View of what they think Islam should be, always repeatedly returning Islam to the most Barbaric and Simplistic Terms, guaranteeing that Islam can never develop into a mature and blossomed Civilization.  It rose up on Violence, but Violence will always keep it down.  But I think Jesus was smarter than that.  He would rather have a failed Christianity than an Islam that can never be more than half successful.  

Oh, but Jesus did start down that road.  He caught himself, but not before taking a few steps in that direction.  We see him turning angry and getting ready for the Big Fight.  Remember how he, on his way to Jerusalem, blasted that poor fruitless fig tree, for being fruitless.  Yes, that would help it.  Jesus got angry, pure and simple.  And it would have made for Lousy Religion.  Are we to ‘blast’ people for ‘fruitless’ periods in their lives?  Why, no!  We even have a parable from Jesus, spoken when he was in a better and more religiously reflective mood, which praises the Farm Worker for nurturing a tree or vine that had been in a bad way and bringing it to Fruitfulness.  So, no, Jesus acted out of his better character by rendering violence to a tree, and I can bet he realized it and regretted it.

Then he got to Jerusalem and practically the first thing he did was go to the Temple and start flipping over Vender Tables and chasing the venders around with a whip.  Now, we can guess what was going on.  Even today the big Cathedrals and Pilgrimage Stops have Gift Shops, and they contribute to the cost of, well, running everything that needs to be run.  Everything costs money, after all.  And here Jesus is striking people with whips and ruining merchandise… hardly befitting a Jewish Messiah.   And I am sure Jesus realized the shame of that violence just as he realized it had been wrong to blast that poor tree.

He realized that the Purity of his Religion of the Kingdom of Heaven had already been sullied by his inappropriate behaviors.  He had only one choice – to resign.

Then we have Jesus in the Garden praying to God to “Take this Cup away from me”.  This is largely interpreted by Christians, ancient and modern, to mean that Jesus was being a Coward and asking God to not have him Crucified.  Well, Jesus was not a coward.  In fact, he was doing the exact opposite.  Jesus was giving up the Protection and Help of the Angels, surrendering the Position of Messiah to become an ordinary citizen, and ordinary Human Being – vulnerable to being beaten up, tortured and crucified.  He asked for it!  While he could forgive others of sins that they had repented, he could not really forgive himself.  Well, maybe he could have.  He could have apologized.  But then there still existed his Wisdom and Vision, his awareness of the Larger Situation, that his Kingdom of Heaven could not be instituted without a War on the bloodiest of scales, to found a Religion that would be useless as a Religion given the terms of Violence it would need to rise up on. 

Without a Moral and Peaceful Foundation, that will forever after be its own Shining Example, a Religion would be worse than useless.  A Religion founded on Violence and Immorality does more harm than good.  Bad Religion only stand in the way of Good Religion, and then it Bullies and Fights to get its way.
When Evil can be so mean and nasty, well, Good really doesn’t stand a much of a chance, does it?  So, you know, Jesus was right to give up.  You can’t push a Messiah on people.  You have to wait until things are so bad, generally, for everyone, that every man, woman, and child is crying, moaning and begging for One. Until then it is better to just let humanity go to blazes.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Severe Night Cramps? Think Asparagus Allergy

I’m turning into quite an old man and had never had night cramps before, but they have been occurring more and frequently and sometimes of a very trying severity.  What happens is that most of the time one wakes up and stretches one’s legs a bit, and the cramps lock the muscles into place, and the only mitigation for this is to somehow hop out of bed and work the muscles through which relieves the cramping.  A little bit of caffeine also seems to prevent very severe reoccurrences throughout the night.

I was trying to figure out whether these Night Cramp Attacks could be correlated  to anything in my diet and I finally figured it out when my dinner of frozen “Premium Stir Fry Vegetables with Asparagus” for once had more than just a token amount asparagus fragments – there was an actual complete and entire juicy stalk, though wooden at the root end, but still very delicious.  Well, that night it felt as though I would almost die.  The cramps were generalized over the entire legs with both the push muscles and the pull muscles entirely locked up and fighting each other in a tug-a-war of painful spasms.  I tried to exercise out the cramps, and while it slowly had its beneficial effect, well, I lost some sleep that night.  But this time I was able to deduce the correlation.  That asparagus  stalk!

I stopped eating asparagus for a week and had no further night cramping.  I thought of my recent history with asparagus, and that correlates to.  The frozen  Premium Vegetables with Asparagus is very popular at the local super market, and so they occasionally exhaust all of their supplies, and that accounts for those periods when I would be free of night cramps.

I looked on line and there is nothing anywhere that poses the possibility that Night Cramps can be an allergic reaction to asparagus.  So, anyway, let this be my contribution to Medical Science.  It is not the cure for cancer, but one must start somewhere.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Is Enlightenment Individual or Collective

I’ve noticed over the years that many or even most Spiritual Wannabees believe that Spirituality is entirely in the Self Help column of things, that is, that their Spiritual Goals are entirely up to themselves  and really bear no relationship to any outside Force or Condition, that is, that whether they are spiritually enlightened or not is entirely in their own hands. 

Yes, this is exactly in keeping with the now Globalized American Export of the ‘Rugged Individual Philosophy’ whereby we have the Idea that the Individual is Invincible, or at least the most important 1% are.   If that 1% Individual, who is born of the ‘right’ parents or who is scheming, ruthless, connected or devious enough to make the grade, wants to be Enlightened  and works for it really hard, and manages to destroy all of his competition, then, dagnabit (an American word that really isn’t a word, but a euphemism for various ‘cuss’ words), well, he DESERVES to be enlightened. 

However, let’s pump the brakes for a bit and take a quick look at Spirituality from its Traditional contexts.   If we remember Spirituality from the old literatures, before America conquered the World and imposed the New Way of Seeing Everything, then we can see that Spiritual Enlightenment implied something of a Meld and Partnership between the Individual and Something Higher… something VERY Higher, a God, or at least some very significant Universal Oneness, some Central Modal Point, some kind of Cosmic Consciousness that transcended the Self…the most important point being that the decision was not entirely up to the Individual, but was rather in the hands of the more Superior Being involved.   

So traditionally we have the view that God, or Whatever, decides whether we can be Enlightened or not.  Yes,  today we roll our eyes and wave off with our hands the idea that the Universe might have anything to do in the matter and assert that Enlightenment is, ‘dagnabit’, ours for the grabbing.  Well, it is understood that there are some stipulations, for instance ,the New Age Movement insists we can get absolutely nowhere unless we exercise the most proper Techniques, and they, entirely for our convenience,  certainly make the knowledge of them available to us… in outline form in their reasonably priced books, but for all the important details you should probably need to go to one of their weekend seminars, for about $700 dollars.   Not bad considering that it includes complimentary drinks at the hotel bar.   

Well, if this Modern American view of Spirituality is so correct, then, please, where are all the Spiritually Enlightened People?   It seems that Spiritually Enlightened People are like Unicorns – we here all about them but never see any.  

The Big Problem with this Non-Attainment of Spiritual Enlightenment by anybody might be because the Great Cosmic Consciousness has put some kind of a Hold on it.  I remember from years ago, this very old Zen Master in Japan was worried that nobody was attaining Satori anymore, and so he arranged in Japan a huge national workshop and convention that was to go on for weeks, that is, all the time it used to take to drive prepared Zen Monks into the Satori Zone.  It was a very big deal and all of the best Monks in Japan showed up for it.  Guess what?  The Placebo Effect was well in force and many Monks rolled on the floor in Blissful Response to all of the Scheduled goings on.  But the Old Man who organized it all questioned everybody and went over all of the results afterward in the clear light of day , and guess what?  It was all for nothing, except to find out that it seemed that all of the Traditional Techniques were now quite useless.  Nobody attained Satori.  

You know, well, we all know, that Collectively Speaking, the World has quite Rejected God, or the Cosmic Being, or whatever we want to call It.  We now, collectively, with far too few exceptions to matter, worship the Individual, like they do in America where everyone, or everyone that ‘matters’, is so successful.  And if we, collectively, thank God for anything, it is that God choses to reward people who put the most effort into advancing their own personal agendas, that is, we thank God for being a such a good Presbyterian .  We thank God that He finally came around and reconsidered and decided that Lucifer had been right all along.   

But what if God were a Moral God, and not this Satanic Construct created by the Modern World, and what if this Real Moral God looked at the prevailing wave of selfish greed and Individualism as some kind of vast plebiscite, a vote by humanity, between basic Good or basic  Evil, and since Humanity had voted for Evil, then He, the God of Goodness, decided that we should all be Collectively Rejected. 

We might now be in a situation where there really is no Enlightenment anymore.  Spirituality, as a Source Spring, has All been turned off.   We are a hateful selfish contemptible bunch of slimy worms staining the face of a planet that used to be clean and blue until we took it over and pushed it headlong into decadence and ruin.  The Grace of God is Gone.  We, collectively, no longer deserve it.  And there is nothing any individual can do about it.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

World War Three by Plague

I was reading my own Blog from several weeks ago, about the impending War between America and China, and thought to myself that if China acted first, by collapsing the American Economy by releasing its entire Reserve of Dollars into the Market and thus throwing the dollar into a hyper-inflation, then, well, America would probably respond militarily just out of an attitude of, well, sour grapes.  It would be messy for everyone with no clear victor.  But if, as I stated in that earlier Blog, America simply fabricated a Nuclear Provocation, and then completely destroyed China in something in and around 5 minutes, then America would end up being a clear Victor and with the rest of the World in smoking ashes, much as it was after World War Two, a Time which America still holds as being something its Golden Age, its Good Ol’ Days.  It is probable that America would like the same outcome for its next big war.   So, China should be worried.  Really worried.   Very worried.  

Chinese Strategists  would be looking for a First Punch option of their own that could destroy America without the consequence of a devastating reprisal in return.  Hmmmm.    A Biological Attack.  A Government Designed Plague, or ‘epidemic’ as we now call them.   Well, we are already mentally prepared for such a thing.  Look at all the concern there was a few years ago over the ‘Bird Flu’.   

A Designer Disease can be engineered in several different ways.  One can design the Vector or Virus, or whatever, to attack only a certain genetic type, for instance, people with blue eyes or who can roll their tongues.  Or they can be designed to miss people with certain genetic  types, that is, where the disease won’t be able to key into the genetic structures  of people with black hair and brown eyes.   Since there is no one particular racial type for Americans, having a genetic specific disease would probably not be the way to go in attacking America.  Also, since China does have such a wide distribution of genetics itself… they call themselves ‘Han’ but this is more in the order of a Cultural Designation then a truly Racial one… they are really too diverse to find some specific genetic marker for immunity which could save all their different sub-racial groups in China that wouldn’t also save a great many Americans, which would tend to tip the Chinese hand and reveal to America that there had been a specific genetically targeted attach and probably from China. I would be suspicious if none of the Chinese People residing in America acquired so much as a sniffle while the rest of the Population were, well, dying at such a rate that bodies wrapped in plain sheets or stuffed in garbage bags were stacking up along the streets  in piles too high to look over.   So, yes, the Chinese would have to make the terrible decision that all the ‘China Towns’ all over the world would have to suffer too.  Prices of War are morally expensive, aren’t they. 

So probably what the Chinese would do would be to design both a very deadly fast acting disease, very stable to protect against the possibility of its mutating and coming back to bite those who created it, and to create along with it a sure-fire anecdote, an immunity to the disease.  One thing they could do with this Immunity would be to simply determine China’s most popular edible treat or drink, and go to the production facilities and spike it with the Immunization.  Or on a broader and more organized scale, they could fabricate a Bird Flu scare of their own and completely immunize their Population.  But this would be a tricky strategy to actually pull off.  If the Chinese Flu threat looked too ‘real’ the International Health Organizations would pound down the doors and be too much a part of it, and such Organizations  could not really be turned away or boxed in without raising too much suspicion.  And so the Chinese Government would need to be perceived as ‘over-reacting’ to a minor threat when they went into producing Vaccines to cover their entire Population.   And then, when the Vaccines were given out, the Chinese could fabricate some very dangerous looking ‘side-effect’ casualty  numbers, indicating that one or two people out of a thousand had severe reactions to the Immunization and died horrible painful deaths.  In that way, the International Community would not exactly be clamoring for their own share of the Immunization Vaccine.  Then the Chinese could publish relatively low mortality figures from the Flu itself, making it look as though they had miscalculated  tremendously – making a Cure that was worse than the Disease itself.  Americans would be fooled because they love to think in terms of how stupid communists and socialists are and so a huge fabricated Communist blunder would come as no surprise.    

Then the Chinese could launch their attack.  We’ve seen all the movies.  Just take the Disease to the airports.  The best time would be when all the colleges and universities let out on vacation.  It presents the largest wave of Transcontinental Travel.   When everyone in the World started getting sick, China could allay suspicion by publishing large casualty reports of its own, and ordering for itself a General Stay At Home Quarantine, thereby even the Chinese People themselves would think that there was a huge Epidemic, but if they all stayed at home, they wouldn’t see that anybody was actually getting sick.  Tweets and the Internet would stay relatively quiet.  As the diseased progressed through the rest of the World, the Chinese could have a discrete door to door Relief Campaign, starting from the Top and going down to the Bottom, to take people food and water and the news that ‘their particular district’ was free of the Plague and that it would be safe to come out and go back to work.   Only the Internet would be down, for unspecified  technical reasons.   To the Rest of the World, China could be reporting billions of deaths and major riots in every one of its Cities, just as in the Rest of the World.  No one would guess that the attack came from China.  Well, except for the Conspiracy Nuts.  

So, what should America and the rest of the World do?   As much as I sympathize with China’s desire to defend itself, still, I would be one of the first casualties of the Plague War, and would therefore put the rest of the World on alert to watch for any action of the Chinese Government to either officially immunize its Population, or even to arrange a situation where everyone in China was given something to eat or drink together.   As for myself, I am going out right now to find a bottle of Coke or Pepsi that was bottled in China.  


World War Three by Plague, Part Two


It is nice that I am able to intrigue myself with what I write, and that is exactly what has happened.  You see, recently I had written a piece on what must be an impending War between America and China, offering several scenarios, and it seemed to me that America would get the better end of it, with America having a greater chance of a more total success  with a Military War than China could do with an Economic War.  Then I wrote a piece discussing that China could perhaps improve its own chances if it were to engage in a sneak Biological Attack, a War by Plague.

I did mention that the only way such a tactic could work is if America thought China too was suffering the same Plague as America, and, unfortunately, the rest of the World.  At the time I thought that all China would have to do is control Media and Communication going out of China and plant information indicating a sweeping epidemic whipping through their entire country.   Well, five minutes after I hit the ‘publish’ button, it occurred to me that America has satellites up in close earth orbit that could count the number of white hairs in Bin Laden’s beard through a rain cloud and a wad of mosquito netting.  And their Spy Drones can see even better  -- if you reach up and wave at one, then the Americans have your fingerprints.   So the Chinese Plan would have to be much more elaborate.  A Great Play would have to be performed all throughout China involving hundreds of thousands of active actors collaborating to fool not only the American Intelligence Analysts but also even the greatest number of their own Population.

Oh, and the Disease… I was thinking about that too.   Probably it would be best if it has a relatively long incubation period before going active.   But it would have to be very contagious while it was still dormant in regards to overt symptoms.   The primary idea is for the disease to spread and spread and spread, all over the World before the symptoms would actually manifest thus alerting all of the Disease Control Organization that could shut down airports and order quarantines and such.   In perfect terms, everyone in the World, except the majority of Chinese, would have to already have the Disease through contagion, before they knew they had it, that is, before the symptoms would ‘pop’ and the actual dying begin.

Anyway, once the disease started Symptomizing  World Wide, what would be observable in China would have to be closely similar to what could be observed in the rest of the World, excluding what could be accounted for in Cultural differences in the way peoples treat their Dead.    I can only guess, but my first instincts tell me that there would have to be a great deal of activity with ambulance vehicles and coroner vehicles.  Then traffic would seem to shut down to reflect people staying home from work and locking themselves safely behind doors.   I guess there would be signs of rioting in certain districts.   Mass burials involving large earth moving construction vehicles would be the rule, but some large fires of burning bodies would also take place.  After a while one could suppose that Emergency Crews would also begin to stay home, or die, and so the Ambulance and Coroner Vehicle activity would slow down, and bodies, wrapped in bedding, would begin to pile up in the streets.  The Chinese would have to be careful about how many ‘dead bodies’ were  shown to the satellites, because, after a certain point, living care givers, that is, the people who move bodies out to the street, well they would die off too and one could assume that dead bodies would  begin to pile up in the houses and apartments out of sight to America’s Eyes in the Sky.  

All of this would have to be play acted.  Also, while foreigners without communication assets could be ignored, those foreigners in Embassies with Satellite Communication would have to be seriously duped – elaborately conned.  One would have to spray the air with Decay to fool them into staying indoors.  People would have to be placed outside their doors shrieking in painful mourning or pretending to agonize in the throes of Death.   Communication coming out of the Embassies would have to reflect a belief that China was actually Plague Stricken like the rest of World.

Party Members would have to find a way of stockpiling fake ‘dead bodies’ in almost every house and dwelling in China, as the satellites would have to see these Dead Bodies coming out of the houses and apartments.  They could not just be delivered, as the satellites would immediately detect the ruse.

How long would the Chinese have to act out this Tremendous Play?  Well, that would depend upon the Death Rate of the Plague, that is, the Percent of Population Dead Per Day Rate.  The Chinese would have to make a guess as to when most of the American Intelligence Analysts would die off or have a great deal more on their minds than how to ‘connect the dots’ of what is coming out of China.   Those people looking at all that Satellite and Spy Drone information and interpreting it, well, after all, it is just a job for them, and eventually they would either stop coming to work, to protect themselves or to try to protect their own families, or they might die like everyone else.

So after a certain point the Chinese Party members could go door to door and tell people that ‘the disease has finally burned out’, and then they would be thrilled to see quite a complete reunion of friends and neighbors down in the streets.  Party members could slow down the natural conclusions, that there really was no Plague at all, not in China anyway, by claiming that other districts were hit ‘far worse’ and their own district escaped rather easy.

Now, could the Chinese put together such an elaborate ruse, involving maybe a hundred thousand active conspirators without creating any suspicion?  If one squealer could get the word out of stockpiling fake dead bodies to a foreign intelligence agent who would believe it, then, well, it would all be over, and the Americans would begin their own ruse – hitting Seoul South Korea, Tokyo Japan,  Okinawa, Guam, and Australia with Nuclear Weapons and blaming this Attack on China, and retaliating after just about 10 minutes with a Total Obliteration Strike of their own, turning China into one large Plate of Glass.  America would no longer have anything to fear from China, and at the same time be relieved from not only having to pay back all that Chinese Debt, but being relieved of paying back Japan and Korea too.  After seeing what happened to China, countries that owe America Money would be very careful about ever asking for it back.

And the Americans could say, to themselves, as only they would know the Truth, that in the Great Competition which is at the roots of Capitalism, there is more than one way to Win.


Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Impending U.S. Chinese World War

If you have been reading the Newspapers, what is left of them, and with what they are willing or allowed to tell us, then you will know that America is presently militarizing the Pacific, strengthening its bases in Korea, Japan, Guam and Australia.  And can anybody guess who  the Enemy is?  Yes, though it remains unspoken by all of the big American Policy Makers, for, after all, they would not want to tip them off, China is the intended Target.   But first we need to understand why.

Let us start with Richard Nixon who was cunning enough to look back into History and see that China and the Chinese People had always been more enamored with Money and Wealth  than with any kind of Collective Principles, and so he went out on the limb with the idea that the Chinese would abandon Communism soon enough if only he waved enough Dollars in their faces.  And it largely worked, so far anyway.  When American Markets opened up to them, and with American approval, all the other international markets, the Chinese forgot all about doing anything for themselves and their own People and went head long into becoming the Manufacturers for the World, and every Chinaman jumped into the race to become the Richest Man on Earth, all with the blessings of the Communist Government.  Somehow the Chinese Mind is still able to bend around that, yes, Inscrutable Paradox.

But I wonder whether Nixon really thought all of this through and was able to envision quite all of the consequences:  that America would outsource nearly all of their Manufacturing Capability to China, retaining only the vestiges of Assembly Lines that merely clamp together and install parts that are made in China.  Without Chinese Parts, America would have no manufacturing capability at all, as all their ‘Vertical’ industrial infrastructure was really shut down more than 25 years ago during the 1980’s. No American is still alive who remembers how to make anything, or they’re too old to go back to work.   Secondly, there is the huge Debt and the hugely off-kilter Trade Balance.   It is now reached Insane Proportions, and I will tell you why.  At the Beginning America paid Money for Manufactured Goods from China.  This money did not go to Chinese Workers, and one can hardly blame Communism for this, because in Capitalism the Workers only get a mere fraction of their value also.  The Profits went into what has become a huge Currency Reserve.   Now, to get value from a Currency Reserve, it must be lent out.  Americans understand this and take great advantage of it, so now they no longer PAY the Chinese anything for Chinese manufactured goods, but instead BORROW money from the Chinese Currency Reserves and get the same monetary value of Chinese Manufactured Goods for the mere promise that they will be paid for ‘someday’ and with some amount of Interest to make all of the waiting worth their while.  So effectively China is now working for Free.  American Prosperity continues on, well, for the richest One Percent anyway, as everyone else had lost their Jobs to Chinese Workers long ago,  while the Chinese, ironically enough,  Slave away for the thinner and Thinner Promise that America, who can no longer make anything to sell, will somehow miraculously find the wherewithal to pay back such a disproportionately huge debt.  I really can’t understand it.  Don’t the Chinese have a single Accountant or Insurance Actuary who can scan the Numbers and see what is absolutely obvious?   So we have come to an End which is no longer sustainable for either the Americans  or the Chinese, for which it is almost impossible to foresee any kind of peaceful resolution.   Well, Nixon wasn’t stupid and might have guessed all of this would happen, but probably figured he’d be dead long before he would ever have to answer for any of it. Even dead that old scoundrel is a fox.

You know, the effective reneging   on Debt has already started.  Look at American Monetary Policy where the Federal Reserve is virtually supplying American Banks with No Interest Loans.  In that kind of Banking Atmosphere we can only guess how much Interest American Banks are willing to give the Chinese for the loan of their hard earned dollars, when they can just simply use Dollars hot off the Federal Reserve’s Printing Presses.   This is why American Bonds have been lately Downgraded.  The Collapse of the American Economy has already been Signaled.  Now we only have to wait for the General Miasmic Stupidity to come out of its Trance of Denial, and for the first Worthless Coward of a Broker to yell SELL, to start that Final Stampede that will that will trample down everything that Globalization has built and bring on the next World Wide Dark Age.   

Anyway, things can unravel in two ways from here, depending on who wants to take the First Shot in what is probably an inevitable War.  America could catch wind that the Chinese and the rest of the Industrialized Developing World, following the Chinese Lead, are about to dump their dollar reserves, writing off their losses, and willing to stand by and watch America collapse into a hyper-inflation and then a Depression that would make the 1930’s look like Them Good Ol’ Days.  My guess is that America would then pre-emptively launch Nuclear Missiles into Seoul  South Korea, Tokyo Japan and Okinawa, Guam, Taiwan, and their own American Bases in Australia.  These Nuclear Detonations could then be blamed on China and in less than ten minutes afterward, with absolutely no deliberation or investigation, China could be Nuked from end to end and up and down.  America would not only be rid of China, but would also have its Debts with South Korea, Japan and Taiwan written off too.

Could America get away with such a thing?  Well, yes, because it would all be Top Secret.  The people who know would never be allowed to say anything.  America has gotten away with a lot of things that nobody ever knows about because of all this Top Secrecy.   And the People who pick up stray facts and make good guesses about what has happened are all dismissed out of hand as ‘Conspiracy Theorists’.  So, really, Government Condoned Secrecy has got to be the greatest invention for Abuse of Power ever created by any Evil Genius in the History of the World.  Oh, and probably we can’t even blame the American’s for it, because I think the English were doing it first.

The Second Way this Great 21st Century War could start is for the Chinese to get in the first move.  They could realize that supporting the American Dollar any further would simply be “throwing good money after bad” and they could launch a Blitz Buying Spree at the same time that they refuse to extend America any more credit, or even the right  to make Cash Purchases, declaring it a better use of American Cash to pay off the existing Debts.  When all of the Chinese Dollar Reserve is suddenly released into a huge multi-trillion dollar Buying Spree, of course International Prices in everything denominated in Dollars would utterly collapse.

Oh, has anybody read about the 21 Trillion Dollars in Hidden Accounts throughout the World, well, as soon as the Dollar would begin its Drop, those 21 Trillion Dollars would come out of the Walls and Mattresses in a New York Stock Exchange Minute and complete what the Chinese had started.  The World would be Swamped in cheap dollars.  It would get so bad that people would throw them away in disgust, and anybody who wanted to take the effort to sweep them up, could be a Millionaire.   
Well, of course, anybody making less than a Million Dollars an Hour would stop coming to work, and you know what they say, “Civilization is when people go to Work, Barbarism is when they don’t.”

Well, given these circumstances, would  the Americans see it in their interest to do anything besides simply laying down to die?  One would think it would take all of the remaining resources left at America’s disposal just to bring some kind of relief to the millions of American’s suddenly delivered into the most bleak Poverty.  But even here, what could be done?  America really has no Oil Reserves, or none that could last for more than a few weeks if handed over for general consumption.  We know that most would go to the Military to be pissed off uselessly.   So, given the utter despair of the situation, that and the realization that there would still be enough of the Rich and Powerful left over to want to exercise some last gasp of Spite, I can suppose that America would launch some Military Attack just for the sake of Vengeance.

But a Nuclear Attack would in these circumstances be too suspicious.  I think America would trot out its Chemical and Biological Arsenal and soak China North South East and West in Poison, and then play it to the World Media as though China was suddenly hit with some Unfortunate and Catastrophic Plague… the Bird Flu gone Viral, so to speak.   Again, America would take the opportunity to Wipe Out all of its other ‘Debt Partners’ too, this time also seeing an opportunity to take out India’s bustling Economy.

Would anybody ‘Win’ in such a War?  Well, no.  It would really be the end of World Civilization, or as close to Civilization as we had been able to get.  Everything built since the last Dark Age would all dissolve once again into complete Barbarism, and the World’s Population would likely drop to no more than 5% of what it is Today.

But the good news is that the Carbon Footprint of Humanity would likely drop down to acceptable levels  and there would no longer be an Impending Global Warming Catastrophe to worry about.  So, here we have it, a wonderfully modern and what we now already know to be a typical 21st Century resolution of things –  a “Damned if we Do and Damned if we Don’t” finish.   The World will come to a miserable end no matter what we do.

Well, there is One Earthly Hope, and that is that the International Community recognize what is about to happen between China and America, that would certainly bring them all down too,  and step in negotiate some kind of a resolution.   But Europe itself is on the verge of collapsing and so there is no Hope there.  I suppose that only leaves an Other Worldly Solution – that the Space Aliens be our Last Resort.  But maybe these Space Aliens, hovering in the Wings, so to speak, are in fact waiting for the Economic Collapse and Total War, seeing these Major Depopulating Events as an Opportunity to restore Ecological Balance, and only THEN will they step in and take measures to initiate the Re-Birth of Civilization.

I would hope the Space Aliens would jump in Sooner than Later, but I am also glad that it isn’t my decision to make, because my Feelings would go one way and my Better Sense would go another.