Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dying in a Dream is a Good Thing

If you have died or have faced death in a Dream – A Monster chasing you or some such thing – and you are something of a young adult, early twenties or about, then this dream is a Mortality Dream. You are being shown that you will die... some day... not very soon as the case usually is.  The Monster confronting you is your eventual Death.

But more importantly, in the dream context, you are being given the opportunity to confront Death in the Dream World, and then to realize that in the Dream World you are quite Un-Killable... well, almost... you can be ‘killed’, but if you can keep from waking up for about 20 seconds, you will find that you come back to "life".

So, don’t be too afraid of those Monsters.  My advice is to confront those Monsters and let them kill you, and then 'stay dead', that is, go down and lay there dead and don't get so emotional that you wake up prematurely and ruin the dream.  You have to lay there and just wait. After about 20 seconds it will begin to feel ridiculous and you will get up Alive... or something like the Living Dead, but you won’t be ‘gone’.

After such a dream you will have the realization that you cannot be killed in a dream. It is quite liberating. You might not at first believe it, but other dreams will soon occur to verify it -- you will be gunned down, hit by trains and buses... you will soon get the point that nothing in a dream can even scratch your little finger, well, that holds you back any.

I remember my first Mortality Dream... I and my young friends were being chased through this Amusement Park by a deadly Monster and we could simply not get much of a lead on the Thing, and so I finally decided to stop and just wait for it. I watched my friends run off ahead of me. I slowly turned back to face the Monster, and it surprised me what I saw. It was not the same Monster, but it had turned into the Prison Guard from the movie "Cool Hand Luke", the one with the Mirrored Sun Glasses and the high powered rifle. I asked him, "what are you going to do?" And he said, " I am going to shoot you dead". Anyway, quite matter of factly, and to my surprise I replied simply, "Okay, give me a second", and I turned around so he could shoot me without me having to watch it face to face. BOOM! and the rifle bullet smacked into the back of my head and drove me forward into the ground. Of course I was dead! So I laid there being dead for about 20 seconds until it started to seem ridiculous. I got up and looked around and saw a gas station on the other side of the street. I walked over and asked to use the Men's Room and when I went inside I walked up to the mirror over the sink and opened up my mouth wide, and I could see Sunlight coming through the back of my head... I had left the door open. Seeing the large hole in the back of my head I said, ironically enough, "Yeah, I'm dead alright.

the next night I was hit by a train. the night after that I was shot by feminist terrorists with a machine gun. Soon I got the point, that Dreams couldn't kill me. It is very liberating. it takes the Fear out of dreams.

Being Too Lucid in a Lucid Dream

The Purpose of Lucid Dreaming is to give the Dreamer a sense of Self in his Dreams and the notion that he can make Choices within his dreams.

When I look over my personal history of Lucid Dreams what occurs to me is that at the moment of Lucidity, I made the choice to leave ordinary medium lit dreams with casts of ordinary dream character to go to better lit Spiritual Dreams with a much Higher and much more engaging set of Dream Characters.  Mostly my Lucidities led me to the same choices each time, that is, to Levitate on out of there – to pick up and fly away to better Places.

Now, there is a Truth about dream levitation – dream flying – and that is when you dream fly, you go from Lower to Higher.   I used to enjoy dream flying for the sake of dream flying, and was discomfited when I would seem to run out of gas way up at stratospheric altitude and be forced into a descent back to the Mundane.  Only after about a dozen dreams did it finally occur to the young me that I was landing into some of the most Spiritually uplifting dreams of my life.

Dream Flying is not about the Flying.  It is all about where you will land.

So Lucidity does give you that Choice.  You can leave your current Dream and go to a Higher Dream.  Now, many new people coming into Lucid Dreaming, after reading all of the New Age Propaganda salted about by all of those New Age Tycoons – Book Writers and all those Work Shop and Week End Seminar People, well, after all of that very promising and very deceptive reading, they come to think that they can control EVERYTHING in a dream.  Not just their own personal Dream Choices, but that they think that they will actually be able to control all of the Dream CONTENT – Story Line, Sets, Costumes, Dialog, etc, etc.

Well, think about that for a minute – Dream Content in a Lucid Dream when every detail comes across so sharp and well defined, and there being thousands or millions of details in each dream scene, well, how could the Dreamer even begin to CREATE all of that in the spur of the moment.  No, in real Lucid Dreams, regardless of all the fabricated marketing propaganda, the Dream Mind still creates the Dream Scenes and all of the basic Dream Scenarios, while the Lucid Dreamer is allowed his own Enlightened and Lucid Choices.

And this leads to a very common Lucid Dream Problem.  People complain that they soon ‘lose’ Lucidity.  Well, yes, but this is actually a GOOD thing .  You see, Lucidity is a Blessing and a Curse.  It is a Blessing when it leads to the first choices to go to a Higher Level of Dreaming.  It is a Curse when it keeps you from fully participating in the Spiritual Dream that your Dream Mind had created for you.  Certainly you can understand that it would be a serious distraction if you were to be continually mumbling to yourself “ I am dreaming I am dreaming I am dreaming” when you really should be enjoying perhaps the most Spiritual Dream of your life.

I had one such Lucid Dream.  When I became aware that I was Dreaming I decided to lift off and fly away.  When I came down I was met by a radiant little girl, the Blessed Virgin Mary in the form of a Child, who took my hand and led me to the Spiritual Pope in Heaven, a thin angular and ascetic old man.  He refused all honors, and all respects because, as he inclined his head toward the ‘little girl’, all of that is quite meaningless while in the presence of the Blessed Virgin.  This heavenly Pope introduced me to my Patron Saint, a man who while alive had been a Bishop but who had been assassinated by a clandestine group of rightwing radical bishops in Rome, to prevent him ever becoming the first Latin American Pope.   I was quite in state of shock after learning all of that and so the Heavenly Pope moved the proceedings along by summoning a group of about 20 men, including myself.  Another man and I were given Awards.  They were Spiritual Vision Kits – boxes containing a number of Stones and a set of instructions.  Each Kit contained 12 Stones but only 9 stones were to be installed into the Instrument permanently and then one of the three other stones could be installed on occasion depending upon which Spiritual Realm one wanted to see into.

What a great dream, si?  That Patron Saint has become a fixture in my Dreams, and I now call him the Ruby Bishop – he wears a purplish violet gown with a strap bearing a large Red Ruby on his chest, and he saves the World in the next 30 years.  Now, in that Dream I had lost my Lucidity shortly after I met the “little girl”, and isn’t that a Good Thing.  If I had stayed Lucid and mumbled to myself the whole time, and tried to interfere with Dream Content then I might have screwed up one of the best dreams of my Life.           

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Scrambling to Meet the UFO Invasion

I did not see the Alien Space Ships because the point of view of the Dream was apparently from the perspective of the Alien Space Ships, and I can’t even tell you how many of them there were, except to say that the U.S. Army helicopter squadron that was sent out as something of a First Responder saw enough of them to be really worried.

I did see the Place.  It looked like Texas, along the Rio Grande River, bordering Mexico, on Route 10, or maybe it was still in New Mexico, as I didn't actually see the river.  There was a Hill on the American Side, with some greenery, and the Hill was a bit cut away by a Bluff, but it all looked like the American Southwest Desert – reddish, sparse, hot and dusty. 

I saw the American helicopters arriving, and in each helicopter I recognized some sort of Alien Presence, though it was probably invisible to the men in the helicopters. 

My attention was drawn to the Command Helicopter, where a Captain or perhaps a LT. Colonel was in charge.  Apparently he was keenly aware of the importance of this particular mission.  I can’t remember exactly what he said over the Radio to all of the other helicopters and his men, but it was something like the following. 

“Men, I want your attention.  Our first priority of course is to defend and protect the United States of America, but if we possibly can we need to try our best not to start an Intergalactic War.  So don’t fire unless fired upon, and by “fired upon” I mean being blown out of the sky and crashing in flames.  We do not want a War that could destroy the Entire World because we are startled by some bright flashing light, surprised by some strange crackling sound or because one of our birds blows an oil seal and puffs out a cloud of black smoke.  Do you understand me?  (all answer “Yes Sir”).  

“Just look at it here.  There is no going back on this day.  In the entire History of Humanity how many Days could possibly rank up with this one, and the Encounter we are about to make?  What we do today will be remembered Forever.  And the Consequences of what we do will very likely last Forever.  So, please, let’s not do anything unforgettably Stupid.  Do you understand me? (all answer “yes, sir”).

Now, it’s very reasonable to suppose that they have some very sophisticated technologies, certainly with Space Flight, and we can suppose with Weaponry, but probably also with Intelligence Gathering – their ability to listen in, not only to our radios and intercoms but even just our voices.  So for here on out do not say anything you do not want them to hear, and, well, don’t even think anything you don’t want them to know.  Imagine that they are sitting right there beside you… imagine that they are already right inside your head, and that should keep us fairly safe.  Stay smart, stay alert, and don’t say, think or do anything that could piss them off without my direct orders.  Do you understand me?” (all reply, “yes, sir”).    

And with that I saw the Commanders Helicopter banking over into a turn and I sort of knew that the helicopters were going to encircle the Alien Space Ships and begin their ‘Encounter”.  There would be a Challenge along the lines of “You are in the Air Space of the United States of America, a Sovereign Nation, and by the Rights of International Law, you do not have the Legal Right to be here, but considerations can be made if you are in distress and require aid.  Please identify yourselves and state your Business”.

I’m hoping that everything went well.

I was thinking of this dream, and of why the Aliens chose Route 10 in Texas just north of the Rio Grande.  Well, at the first hint of trouble the Aliens could have moved a few hundred meters to the South and been in Mexican Airspace, with a lot less to worry about.

Oh, there was more to this dream as it continued into its second chapter.   Of course everything hit the News.  The United States Government could not cover this thing up.  It was just off Route 10, one of the busiest cross continental highways in America and everyone has those little cameras in their phones nowadays.  Plus, I have a feeling the News Vans and the News Helicopters were there as quickly as the Army had been, as the TV News kept running actual film and needed so little in the way of cheesy graphics and drawings.  We were all seeing the Real Deal.  After about 10 days of Excitement, it all began to Normalize, and people were suddenly used to the Presence of the Aliens, like they had always been here.  It was probably just a massive failure in the collective imagination, or Thought Fatigue had finally set in, but it all suddenly got passé.  I was speaking to this one young lady who was expressing such a ‘it doesn’t really matter anyway, kind of a thought’ and I remember telling her “hey, you just watch, but in 20 years we are all going to be wards of the State, and They are going to be the State.”

Well, it sounds a bit pessimistic, but it is hard to imagine how any Intelligent Species could do much worse than we are. Maybe they have a plan for our chronic economic recessions and Global Climate Change, rising Ocean Levels and Species Loss.  So far we haven’t come up with anything.  If we have Lost, it is only by Default.

The Productivity Recession

I have written earlier regarding other functional contradictions inherent in Capitalism, once it hits its Saturation Point, as it now seems to have done, such as there being no real source of Profit in a Global Economy, and that a chronic Commodities Scarcity even during a Global Recession would guarantee that Price Inflation would kill any twinge of a Recovery at the very first wave of new hiring and increased Demand.  Now, this small paper will discuss how Productivity contributes to the collective pain and misery that are becoming ever more associated with the ideas and institutions of Capitalism.

Firstly, I understand that people don’t ordinarily think of Productivity as a problem.  People think of Productivity as being equivalent to the idea of making stuff, doing stuff, and keeping busy in a good way.  But in economic terms it is more complicated than that, where ‘Productivity’ is a factor of things, of Goods Produced divided by Invested Labor.  So, Productivity as an Economic Factor, can go up in two ways – 1) the same number of workers can produce a lot more stuff, or, 2) a lot less workers can produce the same amount of stuff at a much reduced cost.  Well, businesses don’t really like the first means of achieving greater productivity, as simply increasing the absolute amount of product leads to Price Deflation, that is, charging less for their product.  It cheapens the Market.  So businesses like to put out the same amount of stuff at less of a labor expense, by firing workers.  So, basically, increased Productivity does not mean, in most cases, that more is being produced, but that less people are involved in and compensated for doing the producing.  

I was reading up on the News, and found a small article on the BBC Webpage, where this one lady journalist was batting back and forth the idea that the West might slip into an eternal state of Stagnation just as Japan has appeared to do, or that the West might still Recover and everybody but the Japanese can go on being happy again.   The detail that caught my eye was where she stated that while all the firings, redundancies, downsizings and unemployment were just simply horrible, that the bright side of it was the Productivity was shooting up, that it seems that the Companies were still getting product out despite the fact that everybody but the Boss and his pretty secretary were fired.  So, to this insightful BBC lady journalist, the ‘silver lining’ in all this economic news is that employees are rather unnecessary and would in fact derail any significant recovery. 

Of course, the sizeable hole in this way of thinking is that Demand will never recover as long as nobody is employed, and that the Boss buying buckets of caviar, new yachts, mansions, and Mercedes-Benzes’, and his secretary buying a new smart phone, slightly faster than her old Smart Phone, simply are not enough to carry us all to a new age of universal prosperity.

Then there is the matter of the numbers themselves.  Yes, when numbers are trending upwards, it is better than numbers trending downwards, sure, but then there is the matter that Bad Numbers following Worse Numbers are still Bad Numbers.  It is like looking at just one Team’s performance in a sports match and to say that if the one team scored nothing in the first quarter, and nothing in the second quarter, but scored one amazing goal in the third quarter, that things were looking up and becoming hopeful for the fourth quarter and last chance before total doom.  But what if the other Team had scored 75, 95 and 168 in those same first, second and third quarters respectively.  Then we would suddenly see that any tiny numerical improvement in the context of this broader picture of total annihilation would be effectively insignificant.  The Boss and his secretary buying something in this quarter is seen as an improvement only because they bought nothing at all in the last quarter, but everybody else is still starving just as badly.

Well, I suppose it is just mean spirited for the rest of us to be fixating on ourselves and our own petty problems when we should be truly happy when the 1% see an opportunity to expand upon their brilliant successes.  So we should be happy at the increased Productivity Factor, but remember, it only helps Them, but for the Rest of Us, well, it only adds to the Pain and the Problem. .  

Oh, and there is that matter that People are looking for Good News, and with every other number going badly, Productivity is the only number on the rise, even if marginally.  So the Economists, the Policy Makers and the Journalists are clinging to it like it is their Last Straw.  They don’t see it as an embedded structural contradiction, that creating Product without Employees kills any chance at not only Recovery and Growth, but any chance that Society will not collapse and the World fall into barbarism and chaos, as we see happening in the Near East and Africa where it has always been the Practice of the Very Rich to keep Employment very low.

Another News story caught my eye.  The United States had created a liberal policy of making it easy to fire workers, thinking that the same principles exercised in reverse would make it easier to hire workers (but it is never so easy to Hire as to Fire, as hiring workers takes advertising, selecting, processing and training the new Workers, even when there are no Governmental Requirements to deal with).   Most of the World followed suit, well, except for Germany.  Now, in retrospect, it seems that liberalizing policies to make it easier to fire workers only resulted in the consequence that millions of workers were fired, mostly because it was just so darn easy to fire them.  And because Consumer Demand in these countries swiftly declined, they fell deeper into Recession, and since they lost the capacity to Produce, at the opportunity of the least sight of Demand anywhere else in the World, they stayed stuck in Recession.  Germany, who didn’t fire everybody, kept a strong domestic Demand, and because they kept their Factories open they were able to answer for any blip of returning Demand.

Of course, this is not to say that every country could have benefitted by keeping their Factories up at 100% Capacity, as there simply would not have been business enough for everybody.   This reminds me of something that happened to me years ago – a young Economist spoke of the Hong Kong Miracle, that in Hong Kong they charged no Taxes to Businesses or to the Wealthy, and so Businesses and Wealthy People flocked to Hong Kong and so Hong Kong was doing rather better than every other City or Country in the entire World, paying for their local Government and necessary Social Infrastructures with Wage Taxes paid by poor people who were just happy to have a job.  He concluded that everybody should do exactly as Hong Kong so that everybody would as Well.   I reminded this Young Economist that there can be only one “Pirate Island”, so to speak, that is a place with no laws, no regulations, and no taxes, and that if “Pirate Islands” were to multiply, soon the leveling effects of competition would again return everybody to the same deadly flat playing field as before, and all would be equally poor again, only this time, with no viable tax and revenue structures in place.  Everybody would in fact be worse off after their “Miracle” played itself through.

Again, regarding the limited “German Miracle”… I remind you of the Commodities Scarcity Recession, that with increased Employment, there would be a huge increase in Commodities Inflation and everything would soon go Crash again.   But, Germany did have a strategy whereby in a General Recession effecting every Economy in the West, that they would do the least worst.  I guess we should all congratulate them on their applied Selfishness, and remember especially that they did in fact succeed the best by caring about the ‘Productivity Factor’ the least, and that they saw the cutting of Labor Costs in the same way as cutting off their Hands and their Feet.  You can only cut off so many of your own hands and feet before it begins to become a problem, don’t you think?

Now, I did read a book a while back, which specified that productivity growth, that is, firing workers to increase profits, is not really supposed to be a problem because it is supposed to lead to increased Growth which would cause these same workers, and even more, to be hired back again.  The way the Policy Makers and Bankers saw it, Productivity increases of about 2% a year could help propel Growth to 4% a year and so Employment would grow by about 2% per annum and everybody would be happy.  But now Growth is flat and Productivity is still at 2%, which means that the Work Force is shrinking by 2% a year.  That means that Demand is shrinking.  That means that the Tax Pool is shrinking.  Remember, Rich People don’t pay taxes, Workers do, but when a Worker loses his job, the money that would have been paid in Wages reverts upward to the Rich Boss who pays too much in Political Campaign Contributions not to have Tax Exempt Status for everything everywhere and all the time.  The reason so many Municipalities are in Fiscal Crisis is because their Tax Structures were implemented back during the old Industrial Phase of Western Economic History, some half a century ago, and they have not been able to realign their Tax Systems to follow the Money upward as it Concentrates at the Top.  When the Workers had all the Money, they paid all the Taxes, and now that the Rich People have all the Money, the Workers still pay all the Taxes, but with a lot less Money – you can’t get Blood from a Stone, and so Cities, States, Provinces and entire Nations are going Bankrupt.   

I have one last point to make.  Yes, some Policy Makers do recognize that it takes more than catering to the Top 1% to make a healthy Economy, and so they have been making the Political Moves to implement Jobs Programs and fostering policies that would encourage hiring workers and increasing Employment.  Yes, yes, this would be fine, but so far it seems that all of this would be done with Borrowed Money, Bond issues, and such.

Well, the problem with Borrowed Money, is that it is very much the same as Printed Money, that is, it seems to just come out of the Blue to help one particular Society, that decided to just help itself, to buy up Commodities that other Societies have to pay Hard Cash for.  So Inflation goes up for everybody, and a Generalized Global Recession for Everybody is curtailed by those who cornerd the Markets with their worthless bonds and cheap slips of paper.   And the World allows it because these particular Economies are considered “too big to fail”. The fear is that if the Big Boat goes down, all the little boats will be sucked under with it.  The Idea of the Global Economy survives in the Notion that in a generalized Collapse, there will be no survivors.   But even with everyone clinging together, not much that is sensible is being put forward.  When it comes to generating actual matters of Policy, every little Political Entity represents only itself and speaks only for itself, and nobody and Nothing exists to speak for All and Everyone.  

But, yes, it is One Global Economy and so we do need One Global Economic Plan.  But, with Democracies in it means that Nobody is In Charge.  And with Nobody in Charge, we can certainly look at the bright side – that we can all glory in our Freedom.  We can all die of starvation and exposure or in the clashes of massive civil unrest in the grateful glow that nobody is telling us what to do.    Yes, it is better to die Free then to let some dictatorial Universal Brotherhood tell us what to do!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Religion As a Political Entity

Every Evil in the World is laid at the feet of Religion.  And it is true enough that some seriously bad things had happened with certain Zones of Religion, but is it really entirely to correct to blame what we now think of as Religion? 

Nowadays, Religions are thought to be Moral Institutions and Belief Systems.  Well, we need to look back in History and see whether these “Moral Institutions and Belief Systems” had directly done anybody any intentional harm.  And, yes, sometimes the answer is “yes”, but in many cases, other forces, outside of what we now view as “religious” were at work.  

Take Catholicism in Europe as a prime example.  When the Political Infrastructure of the Roman Empire collapsed in the First Millennium, the only Institution with Reach and Resources that was able to step into the Power Breach was the Roman Catholic Church.  A Religion, yes, but answering the call of Political Necessity, it became a Political Entity.  

Now, when has anybody every applied the same Moral Criteria to a Political Entity as they do to a Religion?  Never.  Take the current President of the United States.  He personally orders these drone airplanes to fly off and deliberately assassinate people, without any due process or fair trial, and, yes, there is a strong argument that these are very bad people and largely deserve it, and that these actions are absolutely “necessary”, given the broad Political Picture and the exigencies of Survival for the Civilized World Order, but it is also true that he can only get away with it because he is a Political Leader.  No Church Leader would be allowed to fly a Fleet of Death Planes. Well, maybe a Southern Baptist could swing it…  

Anyway, when we are tempted to blame Religion for certain terrible events in History, we need to first check the Political Infrastructure that prevailed at the time and ask the following questions, were the purely political institutions so weak at the time that the Religious Institutions had to step into the Political Realm as a matter of Necessity and take matters into their own hands, or were the Religious Institutions so weak that they had no effective Power for intervening against Political excesses? 

In the first instance we have an example of the Catholic Church and the Crusades.  Waves of Barbarians had been coming from the East and had made predations and inroads into the Islamic Sultanate which would eventually end with the Collapse of the Golden Age of Islam and with the Islamic World being held captive by first the Mongols and then the Turks, leading to an age of barbarism from which they had never really been able to recover.   But Catholic Europe, held together by a network of Catholic Clergy, noticed the Threat, for indeed, many Islamic Princes from various regions in the Sultanate had even applied to the Roman Pope for assistance against the invading Barbarians, who, while calling themselves Muslim, were still thieves and barbarians, resorting to bare conquest whenever their purses ran thin.  Seeing that Europe was next in line for Invasion from the East, the clergy applied to the Warrior Castes, the Lords and Knights, and gathered an Army sufficient to buffer Europe with a line drawn in the Mid-East, at Jerusalem.  While the rest of the World sank under Genghis Khan and remained backward for the rest of the Millennium, Europe survived, and only because the Church had been willing and able to take off its Religious Hood and put on a Political Hat. 

The next example is of Religion being too weak to stop Political Excess.  I have heard people blame Catholicism for the NAZIs, because Adolf Hitler had been christened a Catholic.  Well, after the defeat of Catholicism and the Rise of Anti-Christical Protestantism, and then the Rise of Secular Atheism after the French Revolution, Catholicism has been rendered utterly toothless, with no political influence and little moral influence over a World that laughs at the too-obviously morally fastidious.  Perhaps the most famous of the dark quips about Catholic Political Impotence came from Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union’s Strong Man during World War Two.  When being told that the Catholic Pope had made some demands from himself and some of the other World Leaders in regards to the Moral Considerations of the Conduct of the War, Joseph Stalin paused to think and then replied, “Yes, yes, all very well, but remind me again, how many Armored Divisions does the Pope have?”  The idea was that if the Church has no real Potical Power, then it has no real political influence, and that it should run off and play with the other children and let the Adults speak amongst each other.  

So, if the Pope was in any way responsible for the excesses committed in World War II, it was because he had failed to assemble a serious enough contingent of Armored Divisions, Bomber Squadrons and strategic Naval Vessels to back up his boast, so to speak.  But he would have been blamed for that too. 

Poor Religion.  Its ‘damned if you do and damned if you don’t’.

Religion as Ethnicity – Tribalism

We often here that Religion is the cause for all that is wrong in the World.  People name anyone of two or three of the Major World Religions, or even some of the minor ones, and then cite all of the terrible social and political problems in those areas, and especially where the regions overlap, and, of course, everything that is not all goodness and light is on account of the dark and sinister influence of Religion. 

One of the failures in the logic here is that so few of these people in these Religious Zones are actually practicing Religious.  In this regards “Religion” is being made a substitute for what behaves exactly like Ethnicity.  For instance, one thinks of Jews as people who practice Judaism, but, really, it actually describes an Ethnic Classification.  You will hear some Jews say that they are not ‘practicing’ Jews, but they won’t deny that they are still Jewish.  The same goes in regards to many of the World’s Catholics.  For instance, an Irish Catholic is a Catholic whether he ever goes to Mass or not.  With Islam it is a bit different, as there is so much social duress involved in keeping up the appearances of religious practice, so in many Islamic Communities for the most part the Muslims don’t have much of a choice, and have to be seen practicing their Religion, but that doesn’t mean that their hearts are really ‘in it’.  

But, yes, I do concede that there are people who do indeed sincerely practice their Religion, but they still might act Ethnically, under the name of the Religion. 

So, anyway, we need to determine what this Ethnic Behavior is, and how it differs strictly from Religious Behavior.  

This reminds me of Woodrow Wilson, who had been President of the United States and was best known for having brought the United States into the First World War.  But before all of that he had been a Professor of History at Princeton University, one of the finest schools in America.  He had written a treatise about Democracy and had concluded that Democracy would eventually resolve into “Ethnic Self-Determination”, which at the time everyone thought was fine and dandy, that is, until the rise of German Nationalism, Italian Nationalism, and all of the Balkan Nationalisms, which would use Democratic inroads in order to subjugate the various multi-ethnic States to effective Ethnic Dictatorships.  Ethnic Self-Determinism would prove more of a Curse then a Blessing.   

You see, for all the talk that Democracy is about Popular Self Representation, Woodrow Wilson had recognized that not all of the people could possibly be represented, and that the structural dynamics of Democracy could only go so far as to guarantee that 51% of the people would be represented.  Democracy would be dictatorship of the Majority, and Minorities could be effectively disenfranchised, thrown only enough bones to keep them from violent rioting, or, in today’s terms, to keep them from recruiting themselves off to terrorist organizations. Isn’t it odd that Today we look back at violent riots, of people burning down their own Cities, with a twinge of Nostalgia, when we compare it to the Modern Craze for cold-blooded and heartless terrorist bomb attacks. 

So, in a Political Jurisdiction where the people are all roughly of the same Ethnic Background, that is, looking at the people, apart from any distinctive dress or costume, they would all look about the same, then Distinctions would resolve to their particular Religious Community.

And not just Religions can act in this way.  Take France for instance.  After the Revolution, Religion, any Religion, became anathema.  And everyone in France is, well, French.  So how could people make Quasi-Ethnic distinctions whereby some people would have Privilege and the remaining people subjugated to be the workers and servants?  France’s Answer to this basic question was Free Masonry.  After the Revolution the Bourgeoisie, to cement their victory over the Aristocracy, or, rather, to cement their inclusion into the New Aristocracy, created Orders of Free Masonry.  They would help only themselves and keep everyone else on the outside.  It was Tribalism fresh in new wrappings.  It started as a Secret Organization, but did so well and soon monopolized all of the real Power that they no longer felt the need to hide, and proudly wear their I-Am-Better-Than-You-Are Pins on their lapels.  In America they still feel the need to hide in the Dark, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t running everything.  

Anyway, how is Religion any different?  Well, given today’s conditions, with the Collapse of Civilization, and the competition between all the various Barbaric Influences, Religion is largely prevented from attaining to its true moral potential.   You see, Religion’s primary purpose is to give Society enough of a Moral Base to make Civilization possible.  No Civilization can thrive with Barbarians stealing everything, or taking everything and calling it Free Competition.  People need to Cooperate, and this Cooperation is made possible by Religion and the Moral Institutions that Religion creates, teaches and supports.  We would see that Religious People would voluntarily cooperate and work as one big team.  And, there can only be One Religion, perfectly speaking, or, of course, we would have Quasi-Ethnic Identification and In-Fighting going on, and the Civilization would split up.  Then, ironically, the Religion that is geared the best for Exploitation and being Predatory, that is, the Religion that is least as Religion should be, would win in the End – collapsing Civilization for the sake of short term profits.  For instance, Protestantism and, before it in the same model, Judaism, which, unlike with the more morally fastidious Religions, are not ashamed of Usury and are proud to charge Interest and to make Greed something of an avant-garde Virtue, not for Everybody of course, but for the Elect of God, or the Chosen People, as the case might be. 

And where one Religion uses sneaky and shameless Doctrines to wrest power and influence away from the more restrained and morally benevolent Religions, well, unfortunately, we have seen historically that sometimes these ‘benevolent’ Religions do not automatically “turn the other cheek” but will lash out in in some apparently insane anger and even with violence.  It is not the best view of a Religion.  But what did Jesus say, “sometimes the Spirit is willing but the Flesh is weak”.  I suppose that Jesus understood that sometimes the Mind is the thing that is weak.

So, anyway, to see how a Religion really is, one needs to see it within its Own Society, its own Civilization, without mixing up the variables.  And what Yardstick do we use to measure?  Well, what I have always said of Civilization, is that Civilized Institutions allow for the greatest Density of Population, that is, the better people can get along, the more people you can confine within a given area.  So the Measure of Religion can perhaps be taken in the same way, with the provision that a Good Religion should implement strategies to keep some eventual Lid on the Growth of Population.   We can see this distinction with Chinese Civilization.  The Chinese are traditionally so Civilized that they have achieved, time and time again, the greatest Population Densities in Human History.  But time and time again they have pushed through the Saturation Breaking Point and their Society had collapsed and there were major De-Population Events – Collapses of Civilization.  Of course, they would bounce back after 100 or 150 or 300 years, but that hardly negates the suffering in between.  It was kind of like the Success of Capitalism, where so much is made of the Wealthy Boom Periods, but when the Busts and the Depressions and the Numerous Recessions are mentioned, we are told that that is all “necessary corrections and adjustments”.  So, in the same way, we can have a ‘very successful’ Civilization, maximizing Resources and packing the world shoulder to shoulder with Population, until it comes to the point of needing to Adjust and Correct, and it all collapses in Disease, Hunger and Famine for 50 or so years.  So, Civilized Institutions are really not enough.  Within the Dynamics of Civilization, Religion can both foster the Cooperation between People to make High Population Densities possible and at the same time inculcate Principles and Values aimed at moderating Population Growth and to aim at some kind of sustainable Population Equilibrium.