Saturday, April 8, 2017

Syrian Government Did Not Use Chemical Weapons


A simple look at the Situation and any knowledgeable person could see that The Syrian Government did not have a Strategic or even a Tactical Motive for having perpetrated the small isolated Chemical attacks being attributed to them; not now, or not a few years ago with that one ‘Attack’ that ‘crossed’ President Obama’s “Line”.  Chemical Weapons are considered a “Poor Country’s Nukes”, and so we could guess that they would be used in the same kinds of extremely desperate situations – to break a Strategic Impasse by either clearing ground for a Major Offensive or to break a Major Offensive being carried out by the Enemy.   But in these Chemical Attacks being attributed to the Syrian Government, we only hear of Civilian Casualties.  We need to wonder why the Syrian Government would risk incurring almost certain International Rebuke by “Crossing the Line” into Chemical Warfare just to kill a few babies on TV?  Any deliberately planned Chemical Attack would involve a full deployment of Chemical Weapons across every Front – if the World is going to Hate you Anyway, you might as well get Something Significant for All your Trouble, don’t you think?  So, for the Idea of a Government launched Chemical Attack to be in any degree plausible, we should at least have seen several Division-Size Rebel Regiments and a number of Rebel Headquarters targeted and that there should have been tens of thousands of Rebel Causalities reported.  But in these Attacks attributed to the Government, we find that almost no Rebels got hurt at all, except maybe a few stragglers who wondered in where they were not supposed to go.  


So let’s add it all up.  Just a few militarily insignificant Civilians and Children are Targeted.  Only a few weapons are utilized, and in this last “Attack” it is said that all the Casualties resulted from just one single “Weapon”, or I should say just one “Cloud of Gas”.  A few years ago such an attack occurred just after President Obama implied that he would come in Heavy in Support of the Rebels if there was Such an Attack perpetrated by the Government.  This time there was a New President, who has the mind of an Adolescent Child – a Child with Attention Deficit Disorder, who had every intention before the “Attack” of effectively allying with the Syrian Government and with Russia to Fight the more significant threat of ISIS.    Now doesn’t it all sound to you as though these Attacks are being Staged by the Rebels, who in their years of Rebellion must have certainly managed to capture or purchase a handful of Chemical Weapons, or perhaps were In Charge of these Very Same Weapons before Turning Rebel and that they ‘snuck’ a few of them out just as they were ‘Turning Coat’.   We can see No Convincing and Proportional Motive for the Government in these Attacks, but for the Rebels they would have Everything to Gain.  We know from all the News that the Rebels were losing bad.   The Rebels must have known they needed a Big Game Changer and that they needed it Quick.  When we think about it empathetically, can we not suppose that the Rebels who have already seen hundreds of thousands die, would not be tempted to kill just a few more themselves in order to secure for Their Side of the Fighting the Most Powerful Nation on Earth – the Last Great Superpower!  They might even consider those Dead Babies on TV to be Great Heroes and Martyrs for their Cause.  And, yes, we can infer almost certainly that ‘somebody’ must have actually made sure that there were children playing downwind of the ‘Weapon’ before it was detonated – as the “Story” simply would not have had the same emotional impact on an Impressionable President without video footage of a pile of dead babies.   


As I alluded to above, the Rebels tried the same Play a few years ago, but President Obama is a very smart man and he probably figured it all out after just the first or second Intelligence Briefings of the “Attack” came in, and we can all assume he was most certainly sorry for setting up the situation with his very unpolitic “Cross the Line” statement – he knew that the Rebels did what they did to exploit his ‘Gaffe’.  Maybe there was an investigation and it did indeed find that the Rebels staged that “Attack” but that the Results of that Investigation were Classified and Buried (maybe even destroyed) so that the Rebels would not be totally discredited, for, as you see, America has in large part taken Ownership of the Syrian Rebels, since the Only Reason the Rebels Rebelled in the first place was because the American State Department and Radio America flashed them the Big Go Ahead Signal, that the “Arab Sprint” had America’s Unqualified Blessing and Approval. 


I believe that the same dynamic is going on now, that Every “Mature Person” Who Knows Anything in America KNOWS that the Rebels Staged another Attack, but Nobody wants to discredit our “Friends”—those Ruthless, Tainted and Unprincipled Rebels.


What puzzles me most is that the News Media says nothing about it.  If the Government is not controlling them, then who is?