Saturday, April 14, 2018

The West Framing Syrian Chemical Attack

I was watching the News.  Hours before an independent commission was to investigate the most recent alleged Chemical Attack by the Syrian Government, the West preemptively launched a missile attack.  I suppose any suggestion by Investigators on the Ground against the American assertion that the Chemical Attack was from the Syrian Government would have complicated matters, and America wanted their War against Syria, Russia and Iran to be as simple as possible, for, after all, America is still a Democracy and so everything must be made easy to explain, especially for Americans who have the worst education in the Developed World (and why does America still insist upon being considered a Developed Nation?  At what point in America’s decline will it be considered as having returned to being Undeveloped?  Or when will it finally be realized that China, Korea, Southeast Asia and Japan have set new standards for what we need to consider as being “Developed” and that America falls way below the new accepted Standard?)

Of course many people treat it as a foregone conclusion that Syria is indeed responsible for these Chemical Attacks.  But I don’t think it is obvious at all.   I think it would be healthy to look to dispute the matter.   So, now, to get started, why should we suppose it obvious that Syria is being framed for this and all the other Chemical Attacks that America has been attributing to them.   First, Syria denies it.   Secondly, Syria would and probably has investigated these attacks, which is admittedly difficult because the attacks always occur where the American Supported Rebels control the ground and therefore can control the Investigation.  Yes, Syria and Russia have opposed U.N. Resolutions put forward by America which demands an Investigation, but America always comes into these Investigations with a preselected Team of Investigators who come with a pre-prepared truckload of evidence.  And America, or at least its Industrial Military Complex (America’s Last Thriving Industry), has a well-established agenda for wishing to escalate the SyrianWar, and so Syria and Russia naturally would prefer a truly independent Investigation and not just a Prefab American Frame Job.  And, yes, even if there were Independent Investigations, would anybody in the West ever hear about them?  The News Media and even the Entertainment Media seem to be all aboard the Propaganda Train.  The American Military Industrial Complex asserts that Assad Did It, and so it goes without question that he must have done it.  Even the Irreverent Glib and Cynical Late-Night Comedians seem to suppose this to be the first Righteous War they’ve seen in their careers.   Perhaps the Comedians can only be funny after the fact, but don’t seem to see the humor when the Joke is on them and being played out in real time.  Remember back during the Iraq War when Jay Leno got played for a fool and was Court Jester to Baby Bush.  None of them learned.  Now they are all silent while the Joke is being played on them.  

The third reason we must suspect a Frame is that these attacks are always extremely convenient for the Rebels and entirely at the disservice of the Regime.  Whenever the Rebels are cornered and are looking for renewed commitment from America’s Military Industrial Complex, then the Red Line is again crossed.    But crossed on a militarily miniscule scale.  You know, we KNOW from History what a Chemical Attack looks like.  We know from Military Training Manuals what a Chemical Attack should look like.  A Chemical Attack should be launched up and down the Front to incapacitate the enemy or to throw them into confusion and disorder.  And the Chemical Attack should immediately be followed up by an Offensive Push along the entire Front, by Troops in Chemical Resistant Gear, in order to achieve any benefit from the Chemical Attack and change the Facts on the Ground.   One must “strike while the iron is hot”.   But the way these Alleged Attacks have been occurring, it is the Syrian Government that seems taken most by surprise.  There has never as yet been a Set of Coordinated Chemical Attacks against pockets of active Rebel Resistance, that cause significant causalities among Rebel Fighters.  And there has yet been no Follow Up Offensives by the Syrian Regime’s Military.  Instead, only neighborhoods in the rear are attacked and the casualties have been primarily mothers and their babies (great Photo Ops!).   Really, since the World seems so willing to believe that Syria is Doing This, then the Rebels are not pressed to even try to Stage any kind of Realistic Attack, where they would have to sacrifice at least one feasibly threatening pocket of their own Rebel Resistance, killing off perhaps half of a Battalion of their own Men.  Instead they just have to target some women and children that they don’t know and don’t care about.

And, yes, it needs to be pointed out that the Rebels have consistently chosen to run to the Cities where they can fight and take shelter behind Mother’s Skirts and Baby Cribs.  When they lose one City, they scurry off and move swiftly into another, so as not be caught out in the open where they would have to, well, fight.  This Civil War has gone on for years now.  So what Rebel doesn’t realize that he has been personally responsible for bringing on the deaths of tens or even hundreds (maybe thousands) of Women and Children.   These Rebels use women and children like Sandbags.   I’d be surprised if the Rebels were not on occasions roasting and eating them (and when some Mystery Meat ends up in the Soldier’s Stew, I suppose they are only concerned that it not be Pork, as THAT would be against their Religion, but their Book says nothing against eating up a martyr or two or three that just happens to fall in the pot).  Yes, the Rebels do try to choose Ethnic and Religious Enclaves that are sympathetic to them.  But certainly there can be no doubt that once the Rebels take a Town, that Democracy and Civil Rule is over and that the strictest Martial Law applies and all resources in the community become the property of the Resistance, or which ever Faction is presently pillaging the Neighborhood.  These Rebels have grown callous to Civilians who insist on being fed when the Rebels feel they are the only ones who really need what little food there is, since it gives them strength to fight, and that is all that matters.  So what if several hundred Civilians are selected for sacrifice in order to galvanize American Support for the Rebel Cause.  The Resistance would think that at least the annoying Civilians can finally make themselves useful to the Cause. They were useless or even in the way as Alive, but dead they are Blessed Martyrs in a corner of the World where many people seem to think it a Goal of Life to die as Martyr.

Oh, and about the Propaganda about how Assad is waging War against ‘his own people’.  This is actually silly talk, but in a most dreadfully serious way.  In a Civil War there is no longer a Unified People.  That is what makes it a “Civil” War.  In the American Revolution, was King George waging a War against His Own People, or were they George Washington’s Rebels Traitors and Terrorists?  In America’s own Civil War was Abraham Lincoln waging war against His Own People or against Jefferson Davis’s Rebels, Traitors and Terrorists?   And, yes, whatever the feelings and political beliefs of a particular Civilian is, when caught in a Civil War, that Civilian becomes an Asset to whichever side is controlling his Territory – being effectively pressed into their Service.  That is why there are always So Many Refugees when any such conflict breaks out!  Assad knows who His Own People are – they are the ones who seek the Government’s protection and offer the Government their Support, especially if they have to relocate to do so.       

Next, we need to consider how easy it would be for America to Stage a Framed Up Chemical Attack.   Just look at the kind of money America has been putting into Chemical Warfare Research and Development over the decades.   Certainly we can wonder what amazing potentialities such money can buy.  Could America synthesize a copy of any known Chemical Agent?  Well, if you give a Lab a budget of billions of dollars then that should be easy, right?  Its ONLY Science, and Science is as good as what you are willing to pay for (just ask any Scientist out begging for a Research Grant).   Now, how about Staging an Attack?  That is also easy.  America can do anything while cloaked in Secrecy.  Not only are all the Official Channels silenced by Secrecy, Top Secrecy and The Need to Know, but there are also the Unofficial Channels, or Black Ops, and Private Contractors, who perform an Operation and then Burn All Records.  After it Happens, It Never Happened.   And, again, they have unlimited Money and therefore unlimited Resources.   What about Witnesses?  Well, they are Looking to Make Dead Bodies.  They can use advanced Infra-Red Scans and Sonar Scans to pinpoint any warm breathing body larger than a rat, and so any witness can be added to the Body Count which can be blamed on Assad. 

Oh, but it is not necessarily America staging these attacks.  The Rebels could be doing it in Amateur Hour style.  This Last Attack actually used Chlorine Gas.   You know what Chlorine Gas is, right?  Chlorine Bleach mixed with Ammonia.   You drive one chemical tanker truck down the road dumping bleach, and then follow it with a second chemical tanker truck dumping ammonia.  And do it right before a rain storm and you have yourself a Chemical Attack with all the evidence washed away.   So, yes, if the American’s did Stage their own Attack, they would be likely to welcome an impartial and objective Investigation, which is what they prepared for.   But if the Resistance is doing Self Help, well, certainly the American Industrial Complex would do its very utmost to capitalize on it.  And in this regards I would imagine that Due Diligence Contingency Planning already has a number of “Investigations” prepared and in the ready (such as Fragments of Exploded Shells with Chemical Residue that are stamped “Made in Damascus”).  You know, with a Budget of 600 Billion a year, what CAN’T the American’s do?   As I mentioned earlier, the Industrial Military Complex is America’s last Thriving Enterprise.  Everything else is just empty immaterial numbers swirling in the Stock Market, and once people stop believing in their value (ownership certificates of None-Physical Assets bought with printed money), well, their value will vanish in a snap.  Then Guns, Tanks and Jet Bomber Planes will REALLY start to have Value).

So, yes, Syria would have everything to lose and nothing to gain from these chemical attacks, and the American Oligarchs would have everything to gain and nothing to lose from the Staged Chemical Attacks.   So, it therefore seems extremely strange that nearly everyone in the West is thinking and believing exactly the opposite of what common sense would dictate.  I wonder if Orwell guessed it would be this easy.