Sunday, January 7, 2018

Who Would Determine the Collective Consciousness

I’ve been discussing for a while now the possibility of Collective Consciousness being an outcome of all the increasing Kundalini Awakenings.  But there may be a possible cloud on the horizon that could cast a shadow on the Dawning of that Glorious Day.  You see, up until now I had been assuming that the Collective Consciousness would have some intrinsically Moral Basis.  I felt that a Collective Consciousness would either be a conscious amalgam of either All Life Consciousness, or All Human Consciousness, and would therefore be inherently Empathetic, Caring  and Inclusive.  But that would only presuppose that those who are first Awakened and Enlightened would not have some kind of a “First Buy In” and be overly instrumental in the formulation of the Etheric Hub or Consensus Persona that the Collective Consciousness would assume, and the moral and social direction it would subsequently take.  


First thing we need to acknowledge is that while all Enlightenment Experiences are equal in terms of their definitive Trait of Ineffability, that there is the serious and troubling problem of how Individuals Mentally and Emotionally process their Enlightenment Experience.  The best and perhaps only literature on the subject is William James’ “Varieties of Religious Experience”.  James was the Head of Harvard Universities Psychology Department in 1905 when he was invited to the University Edenborough to deliver a series of lectures upon the psychological significance of Religious Experiences.  That is where we got his book.  It has probably been the last time that Science bothered to look seriously at the subject.  After that, Science, set up as a Rival Religion, could only sneer and snub what it saw as its competition.  Anyway, the most cogent point I found James making was that each Enlightened Individual seemed to make sense of their Ineffable Enlightenment Experience by explaining it in terms of a Religion Context or Political Ideology with which they were already familiar and comfortable with.  So it is that Catholic and Sufi Saints, though having identical Experiences, will place them in context of their own Dogmatic Backgrounds, and where people who simply became Enlightened through Nervous Breakdown, as their Psyches resorted to Enlightenment as a kind of Survival Last Resort, well, such “Enlightened” People are likely to spout out anything afterwards.  For instance, the Quakers follow the Beliefs of their Enlightened Founder who came out of it somehow believing that Only God deserves Respect and so everybody needs to dutifully be rude to everybody else, so it subsequently became a heresy for any Quaker to ever be polite and courteous.  But my own personal Enlightenment lead me in exactly the polar opposite direction, where I have the greatest respect for People but care as little for a Transcendent God as It would care for me. But, no, I am just kidding there about any “personal Enlightenment”.  I am obviously still too thoughtful to be suspected of being Enlightened, and have many more questions than answers.  


Also Professor William James had pointed out that in a great many cases, though not in all, but especially in those cases of Stress Induced Survival Driven Enlightenments, that the Personalities and Intellects seem to crystalize around Simplistic World Views, and that in some cases the ability of their brains to experience Doubt or Anxiety is circumvented (in modern terms we would say that the Enlightenment Experience was either caused by or resulted in a vastly overactive Dopamine Gland).   So while a University-Trained Moral or Religious Philosopher would see Complexity, Ambiguity, Conflicting Interests, Qualifications and Reservations in any Assertive Moral or Religious ‘Doctrine’, it seems that the tendency and instinct of the Enlightened Individuals is towards The Simpler the Better1.   So what we come away from James with is that Enlightenment is essentially a very powerful and affective Aesthetic Sensual Experience that has unpredictable results on the Personality and Belief Structures of the Individual.


Nowadays, we read and hear about a great many Kundalini Awakenings, which, if we parse the descriptions given to us by the experiencers, we would determine that most fall short of the Classic Full Blown Ineffable Enlightenment Experience, but still these experiences are causing  enough internal upheaval for these Awakening Individuals to seek some guidance and clarification.  So, where do these curious and often marginally desperate Kundalini Fledglings go to find affirmation and some sense of certainty?  Well, it seems they mostly go to the New Age Publishing and Seminar Tour Industry for all the easy answers.   There the Over Simplistic World View is a Spiritualized Hedonism where Greed is Sanctified and a great deal of advice goes towards the honing of Sexual Predator Skills, or, more euphemistically, how to attract partners and enjoy more satisfying relationships.  Crystals and Essential Oils are deified, since they are such wonderfully profitable  low margin Money Makers, and there is plenty of room under the New Age Tent for the traditional swindles of Astrology and Numerology.  Moral Philosophers are largely shut out of the New Age since all the big Money Making Decisions are coming from the Publishing Houses whose only interest is in appealing to pre-existing Market Demands -  Lust, Greed or whatever it is that Market Surveys find trending upward .   If only more people yearned for the Doctrines and Ideals of Cynical Crankism, then perhaps a Publishing House would even offer me a Book Deal.  But one thing is sure, that the Truth is never allowed to interfere with Decisions about the Market.  


So, what could we expect if suddenly hundreds of thousands of Kundalini  Awakenings occurred, even triggering a great number of Full Blown Enlightenments, but all within the Intellectual Context of a Corporate Minded  thinly veiled Materialistic New Age Hedonism that insists upon flying the Banner of “Spirituality”?  If that would be the kind of Consensus Persona that would rise up to the Collective Ethers, or down into the Center of Mother Earth, to become the Hub of our Collective Consciousness, then, well, wouldn’t we all be screwed?


My thoughts here is that we would have to hope for a strong sort of a Hegelian Dialectic within the Collective Consciousness in which there would be more than one Etheric Persona Hub.  We would want a number of Hubs that would dialogue and balance each other and hopefully evolve in tandem towards an Moral Ethical Empathetic Collectivist Ideal upon which we would hope to build the first True Civilization – Organically Alive and Sustainable.2                  


1 Reading about Saint Teresa of Avila, there is a story about how Vatican Envoys were sent by the Inquisition to investigate her but they found that she was quite who and what she claimed to be and so signed off on her and, indeed, expressed great admiration for her.  So she wondered to them why they did not extend their stay for a while so that they could themselves attain to her level of Enlightenment.  Well, they didn’t hesitate to refuse the offer, as they explained that being Enlightened would undoubtedly destroy their ability to make fine intellectual distinctions, which, in the greater scheme of things, was necessary for somebody to do … that someone has to keep doing the dirty work of thinking across all the angles, and that they recognize that as their contribution to the Service to the Church, and Teresa quite understood.   Apparently these Learned Men were speaking from experience – that they were familiar with the Enlightened Personalities as a particular Type and had identified a tendency in them for doctrinaire over simplification.

2 Having an Ideology that incorporates a number of Persona Types would not be unprecedented for the World.  We can see in Ancient Zoroastrianism and even in the more primitive Pre-moral Pantheistic Religions where it was recognized that Single Gods were too simplistic to really explain anything, and so the Divine Pantheons were viewed as having a number of Demi-Gods or Arch Angels, each with his or her own Archetypical Personality and Mission.   The Catholic Church picked up the same notion with its “Patron Saints”, while retaining the Zoroastrian Arch Angels who are different in name only (for instance, it is clear that Michael is Mithra).

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

INDEX to recent Spiritual Blogs: Kundalini, Collective Consciousness, Etc

NOTE:  Years ago I thought that this Blog would mostly concern matters spiritual, but apparently if a man is alive and awake and aware, even if in just the Spiritual Sense, then it would be impossible to not also be aware of the Life that surrounds him and to appraise it in regards to it beauty or ugliness, its health or morbidity, and then to contemplate all the reasons why it would be one thing and not the other.  But I can still make the same old distinctions and know when a Blog is more Social, Political, Economical, Artistic or just Practical rather than being what I would certainly classify as Spiritual.  And since I have made friends with some Spiritually Minded friends recently, I thought it would be courteous of me to provide an INDEX to some of the recent Spiritual Blogs


Jan 1, 18     First Letter to Enlightened Spanish Girl Susu Ro

Dec 30, 17  Comment  To Soulful Toz ‘Books that have
                    Healed Me’ Video

Dec 3,l 17   Collective Consciousness Moral Revolution
                    Past and Present

Dec 2, 17    Kundalini True Discernment Vs New Age
                   Faith Vs Hope

Nov 29, 17  Kundalini, Tower and Flower your Power

Nov 18, 17  Kundalini and the Collective Consciousness

Nov 12, 17 An Experiment to Test Kundalini Awakening for Collective Consciousness

July 24,17 The Big Coming Evolutionary Leap

Jan 14, 17  Naturalism Idealism Spiritualism Pragmatism and Anger

Apr 6, 14  Problems with the Immortal Soul and Reincarnation

Oct 13, 13 Problems in Studying Collective Consciousness  Just How  Collective is Collective Consciousness

Apr 27, 13 Positive and Negative Modes of Enlightenment

Apr 13, 13 Spirituality and Celibacy

Well, that ought to be enough.  Going back a more than few years and I would wonder how much of it I even still believe myself, or at least I can suppose that my thinking has qualified and elaborated since then.   I can imagine if anybody were to read back more than five year and expect me to explain some of that stuff – It would take entire new essays to straighten it all out.

Thoughts On Pakistan Iran Saudi Arabia Israel Etc 180103

Trump had come out blasting Pakistan on Twitter for not doing enough to “Make America Great Again”.  Yes, the official responses made by Pakistan were dignified and cogent, and I understand that lower levels within the American Executive Branch have been supportive of Pakistan’s concerns.  However, Trump is the American President and he has obviously marginalized his Staff.  He doesn’t read the written reports submitted by his own Cabinet Secretaries and even when they are giving him in-person briefings he only nods his head while looking over their shoulders at TV’s “Fox and Friends” in order to keep his serum levels of fawning adulation high enough to keep himself from crashing into manic bouts of rage or paranoid depression.

So, with the eyes of the World on Pakistan, I would believe that Pakistan must take immediate actions to protect its dignity.  Close all Bases to the Forces of the U.S.A.  Disallow all overflights.   Nearly all of NATO supplies going into Afghanistan must go through the Port of Karachi, so just closing that port to the Americans would be a devastating blow to them, and a fine assertion by Pakistan that it might well be worth the few billion dollars a year it has been receiving in aid.   In fact, Pakistan, because it was pressed to prove the point, should quadruple its financial requirements.  After all, if America has so much money to spare that it can cut its wealthiest classes clear from having to pay taxes, then certainly America can well afford the costs if Pakistan bumps up the toll for using the ports and roads within its own sovereign territory.  You know, “Make Pakistan Great Again” doesn’t come cheap. 

Also Pakistan should curtail all official cooperation with American Intelligence Agencies, though it is understood that ‘Spooks’ will keep talking to each other no matter what the official policies are.  Pakistan could also engage in talks with the Taliban in order to hammer out terms for co-existence, for, when all is considered, the Taliban may be less of an enemy to Pakistan than the U.S.A.  My concern there is with America’s more and more evident support for a Greater Israel.  Does anybody know what the Eastern Border of the Greater Israel would be?  Why would Israel, upon hitting the Tigress or Euphrates Rivers, decide to not just keep going.  Does Greater Israel really come to any significant Natural Boundary until The Big Hump – the Himalayan Mountains?  No, the Map of the World today is still the same Map that Alexander was looking at, and it includes Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and I couldn’t imagine Greater Israel not bagging India at the same time, since the Israeli “Home Defense” Forces would not be quite so intimidated by India’s Battle Elephants as Alexander’s had been.  

You know, the Islamic World had sat in a divided and squabbling disarray before the advancing Mongol Hordes, which would have bounced off any united joint effort to repulse them.  Today, again the Islamic World is in a divided and squabbling disarray, almost inviting Israel to knock over all the pieces and take the entire game board.  Heck, it is already an established “Facts on the Ground” Principal that there is no such thing as “Occupied Land” and that anything Israel takes, Israel keeps.  The U.N. doesn’t like it, but the U.N. doesn’t have even one single soldier that it can call its own who could lift a finger to slow down Israel.   Now, of course, I prefer by far other Civilizations to Islam, but from One Civilization to Another, Islam simply needs to prepare for the Fight of its Life.  But maybe if Genghis Khan couldn’t teach Islam that lesson, than the Islamic World is just doomed for another Walk Over.  In fact, now that I think about it, Islam itself was not so much a product of some Mass Popular Religious Conversion, no.  Islam was in itself its own first Conquest – a proof of its own inherent weakness to resist expansionist aggression.  The Arab Armies were only the first to conquer… well, actually the 3rd, as both Persian and the Alexandrian Armies had ticked off much that same territory before.  I would think that as a Civilization, Islam should really consider renting rather than buying.

But, let’s go back to assuming that Pakistan is not necessarily doomed.  I’ve stated in previous Blogs that both Pakistan and India would greatly benefit by forging a Political Economic Alliance.  India for the most part is Secular and if Islam could simply learn to keep its hands in its own pockets, then it could be great friends with India!  Any True Religion from a Universal God need not be a Deal Breaker for a Program that could make the “Central Asia Subcontinent” the most powerful Political Economic Block in the World.  Yes, Pakistan and India together would be able to give the World a viable alternative to Chinese Hegemony.   Their Block could be even more imposing if they could persuade Iran to join.  It would be a kind of re-emergence of an Aryan Triple Threat from the Ancient World to the Modern. 

While I have a deep respect for Chinese Culture and History, I would not be eager to live under Chinese Hegemony.    First, I would find dealing with their Ancient Remnant Ideogram Based Language a prohibitively cumbersome burden on the World (and I have said before that most of China’s problem with production quality is because China’s  Workers and Engineers aren’t sufficiently trained in the Chinese Classics, that is, only a fraction of Chinese Scholars have ever been able to learn the bulk of all those 20,000-plus squiggly Characters in their language, which is what it takes to simply be able to basically ‘read’ and ‘write’.  But every Alphabet based Language has its students reading and writing by the 3rd grade.  But China’s System of Writing was set up to guarantee, by it difficulty, that the Clerical Administrative Class would be small, select, and therefore privileged.  It simply does not fit with a System that needs millions of literate workers and engineers.

Also, in regards to Chinese World Hegemony, I would be very suspicious of  an ingrained and unapologetic Han Racism which would assume that no one in the World could possibly be half as human as a Chinese.  But the People of the Central Asian Subcontinent have been actively cosmopolitan for thousands of years.  Indeed, Pakistan could sweeten its deal with India simply by insisting that, with the U.S.A. out of the picture, that while India would be their preferred marriage of choice, that there would be no practical choice but to run to the arms of China, India’s other enemy, if India were to snub the offer.  India may prefer an Old Enemy, “the devil it knows”, to its New Enemy, “the devil that really nobody in the World knows”.   And when India thinks about it, well, India and Pakistan had been one single big amorphous entity up until the blundering and tragic separation that had occurred only in the last Century, which could be considered as some last horrible instance of damage done by British Colonialism, but which should not be allowed to be of eternal consequence.  Dividing and Conquering had always been the English Game Plan, so I would imagine that neither India nor Pakistan would wish to give the English the satisfaction of still being divided and thus leaving the door open for some future easy ‘conquering’.   Any inconvenience of a Frictional Friendship could be tolerated if only to spite the English.

Also, here I must insist that the World in general should be more supportive of Iranian concerns.  Iranian Regional Activities have only been a rational response  to an American sponsored program to expand Israeli and Saudi Influence, which, yes, is difficult to explain.  While I can see that many individual American Politicians grow rich from Israeli and Saudi kickbacks, still, the far greater mass of Political Will in America resides in its Super Rich (whether American Citizens or not) which I would not expect to be very big  partners with any Saudi or Israeli Business Ventures.   Also I cannot be the first person on Earth to suppose that Israeli and Arabian Interests would eventually collide (… isn’t it like America supporting both the Wolf and the Coyote for the same Bone?).   If there is some Huge Global Scheme by the International Super rich which is pushing both Arabia and Israel at the same time, then I suspect that there is some tacit and cynical view that Saudi Expansion is just a means of clearing the ground for a Greater Israel, that is, that what Arabia consolidates today, Israel will pick up tomorrow simply by sweeping Saudis amateur Army and Air Force aside (But, yes, I am still puzzled why a Greater Israel would have any appeal for the World’s Super Rich, as the days where a few Big Jewish Banks controlled a significant chunk of the World’s Currency Standard, gold, are well behind us) . 

I wonder why the Saudis seem so oblivious to this apparently obvious existential threat.  Yes, the Saudi Princes would be impossible to beat on the Polo Field, but given a military contest, a Professional Army like Israel’s could depose a Saudi King and send all the Princes running to Monte Carlo and the Riviera without even breaking a sweat.   Too many Saudi Pilots and Field Commanders have too much set aside in multimillion dollar bank accounts to risk their necks in some actual battle where they might get hurt.  They all must know this, though I could understand that they wouldn’t be talking about it much.  Dropping bombs on civilians in Yemen is about their tactical limit, and even with that they can’t seem to make much headway.  Probably just conducting combat operations out in the field, away from their palatial luxuries, is painful and distracting for them. 

But, no, I want to keep way back from any appearance of insulting the Saudi Royalty, for, after all, they are the only World Power that has been able to make Trump bow and scrape.  Heck, the Saudis even made Trump humiliate himself – they had him doing a “Sword Dance!”… and they didn’t even have to get him drunk first to do it!  The King and Princes must still be snickering.  The World owes them a tremendous debt of gratitude.   But, now that I think about it, I wonder why Trump would be so desperate that he would do the Arabian Hoochie-Choochie without a gun to his head?   It is probably a Petrodollar thing.  It seems that America is killing the Petrodollar with its zero-interest rate policy of printing money to keep its paperwork-only Recovery above recession level, and Arabia is the last of the Big Energy Exporters to adhere to the Dollar Only Trade Policy that the Petrodollar System still depends upon.  So America, and Trump whose personal assets are apparently all in dollar denominated accounts, are desperate to keep the Saudis on board by promising them all those weapon’s systems and the military assistance against Iran, Yemen, and all of Iran’s other proxies.   And of course I bet it is even stipulated in writing somewhere that Trump had agreed to do that little hoochie-coochie sword dance in front of a camera, or the Saudi King would have been tossed the first stack of Petro Hundred Dollar Bills down the toilet himself (the figurative way of saying that the King would have announced before Trumps Air Force One was even over the horizon that Oil Sales would be opened up to any of the major World Currencies directly without requiring dollar exchanges).     

But, yes, now that has got me worried about the ultimate Collapse of the Dollar which the Global Economy has yet to have weaned itself away from.  Arabia re-investing its profits in American Equities and Bounds would not be enough to keep the dollar up all by itself.  And America now manufactures next to nothing that any Country would want to pay for, with dollars, which is a fact we can see in terms of the American Trade Deficit.   American real estate used to be valuable, but now with America declining into a Failed State rife with poverty and collapsing infrastructure, well, owning American Property now seems more of a liability than an investment.   To keep up the value of the dollar America has been forced into the high cost and environmentally toxic practice of frack drilling so that it can itself be a dollar-only energy exporter, but with that America is only helping to compete against Arabia, who is its last Dollar Friend in the World.  You know, every five minutes that go by without the Collapse of the Dollar and the World spinning into Chaos is borrowed time that I fall down on my knees and thank God for.   The only way around some inevitable Currency Crisis, whether because of too many dollars or not enough gold, is a Universal Planned Economy, and we know that there is not nearly enough political will or even imagination for such a course.  I really do honestly believe that we are all screwed.   Even if we started today, with complete universal focus and consensus, the Collapse would come well before we could all knit a large enough parachute to keep us all from going SPLAT!   I guess I am supposed to say here that I hope I am wrong, but, no, if I am going to go down anyway, I might as well keep my intellectual integrity.  Being Right might be my last consolation and I wouldn’t want to lose that too.

But let’s move on, since we seem to have gotten another 5 minutes.  Now, about Israel – I don’t know what Trump’s thing with Israel is.  It couldn’t possibly be just a few big pro-Zionist contributors.  There must be other billionaires on the Planet who could afford to bid high enough to buy off a hustling little chiseler like Trump (who claims to rich, but he’s actually more of a millionaire than billionaire and probably hides his Tax Returns to conceal the fact that any five single mothers on welfare put together would probably have more net worth above liabilities than he does.  And, yes, something needs to be done about the Bankruptcy Laws that allow people with Minus Net Wealth to carry on as though they are still Billionaires.  It is only fair that all Poor People should either be equally poor, or that they should all be given million dollar credit lines in order to keep up appearances… and yes, I would prefer going the second route too.  Just because I am on Social Security doesn’t mean I don’t want to keep up with my trashy jet-set nouveau riche bent-nose oligarch friends, just like Trump).  But, yes, I still can’t figure out some coherent rationale that can explain why so many rich and powerful None Jews invest so heavily in the prospects for a Greater Israel.   

But that doesn’t mean that Israel doesn’t have some real support from Americans, though they are nearly all dirt poor and so it would surprise me if their influence was really powerful enough to be driving that whole Zionist push.   Then there is the problem that their support for Israel is in itself entirely irrational.   You see, most of the fascination Israel holds over America is simply owing to a silly superstitious belief that American Protestants have that there will be some End of the World Battle of Armageddon where God will assure that Israel finally rules the World, and that if America, that is “Christians” fight on the side of Israel, than the Divinely Established Master Race of Jews will show their gratitude and appreciation by not totally enslaving the American Protestants.  Now, why would the Protestants believe that?  First off, if God promised the World to the Jews and has already prophesized that the Jews would Win any final War, then the Jews would not even require American intervention.  Even the Protestants must agree that an All Powerful God should more than balance material contribution that Americans could put forward.  So the Jews, having God on their side, wouldn’t need Gentile help from America, would they?  Also, Christians really need to think twice about what they believe from their own Bible, what they call “The Word of God”.  Firstly, Jesus was Jewish and never during his entire Messianic Mission moved an inch out of his way to address his Teachings to a Gentile.  Then, the Gospel was only brought to the Gentiles by Paul, who we know was collecting money from the Gentiles and kicking a skim off back to Peter in Jerusalem – it says so right in the “Word of God”.   So the outreach to the Gentiles was probably just a cynical business venture.  And then the “Word of God” tells us that Paul taught exclusively his very own doctrines.  Paul rejected offers by the Real Apostles to teach him what Jesus had taught and preached.   And a close examination of his writings, and was written about him shows that Paul had not ever quoted or supported a single word of Jesus.  Jesus as found in Paul is simply a dumb sacrificial lamb, that is, someone who could no longer talk for or defend himself whom Paul could exploit for his own business plan.   It should be obvious that the term “Christian” is largely a misnomer, and that people who call themselves “Christians” are all actually just Paulists, that is, followers of a first century swindler and con artist.  We can read  in “The Word of God” that the Franchise given to the Gentile Church only went so far as to not forbid the Gentiles from setting up their own Sect, and because it did not insist upon Circumcision we know that Christian Gentiles were not being recognizes as honorary Jews or whatever.  Also, we must wonder why the Greek Christian Church never saved a Copy of that Franchise Agreement, but probably burned what copy it had once possessed because the Gentiles later became embarrassed as to its actual details, stipulations and requirements (probably stating that the Gentile Christians would be expected to pay a Head-Count Tax to Jerusalem, and that no Doctrines could be formulated independently by the Gentiles without the oversight and approval of Jerusalem’s Real Jewish Christians).  So, yes, while they saved every ‘Letter to the Nowhere’ that Paul ever scratched out (where the doctrine of Salvation changes depending upon whether you live in Rome or in Corinth), they just happened to lose every copy ever made of the Foundational Document for the Gentile Church.  Yeah, right. I don’t doubt the Wisdom of God or His Holy Word, but you would think that God would have found a better managing Editor for his “Word of God” Book.  Hmmmm, God probably went with a Greek Publishing House, but I guess He should have kept with Simon and Schuster.

There is something else the Gentile ‘Christians’ should worry about, and that is that the All-Victorious Jews, the Chosen People of God, might not even wish to keep them around as slaves.  Look, we can refer to the Hebrew Tribes first conquest of Canaan in which Jehovah through some prophet or another instructed that no quarter be given or prisoners taken.  The Promised Land was to be colonized exclusively by the Hebrews.  Slaves might represent a useful source of low cost labor, but they also come with the need for constant vigilance against revolt, and it might be better to plow one’s own fields so that one can enjoy the luxury of sleeping at night with both eyes shut.   So when Armageddon does come, if ever, I would expect the Jews to want to be able to sleep with both eyes shut too.  So before the sun could set west of that of that Final Battle Field, with all other Armies reduced to smoking ruins before their feet, I would expect that Israeli Forces would make one last push, this time against their flanks to take out the American Light Armored Mobile Brigades and Air Fields.  Just think about it from the Zionist perspective.  If there are Two Winners at the End of the World, then there would have to be a Peace Table, wouldn’t there?   But with just One Winner, it could be all one great big Jewish Banquet Table, no?  Someone needs to go down to Alabama and explain all that to the hicks.   Maybe they could get Roy Moore’s Jewish Lawyer to do it.  

The way the American Protestants should view the whole Biblical End of the World Situation is that Paul only promised them Heaven, that while still alive they could sin all they want  and then could still die to live on to get through the Pearly Gates by flashing the "I Love Jesus" "Get Out of Hell Free" "Salvation" Card.  But the Jews get the World.   You think Christians would be pleased with their side of the Bargain, because, if they really believe it, they get Eternal Life in Heaven, ostensibly with all the same rights to keep Sinning, because if it was okay before, then why shouldn't it still be okay to sin, even in Heaven right before the very Throne of God Himself.  But it would seem by their Political Activities that the American Protestants would move Heaven and Earth to share in some of the Blood and Soil the Jews are maneuvering for -- to live like Kings for a moment of Time on Land they killed for and then to die themselves and return to the dust from whence they came. Well, I'm sorry that the Jewish Zionists are such rank self-preoccupied materialists, but at least they believe in it 100%.  The Christians don't seem to know what they believe.  They seem to believe that Free Sin will please God Almighty and get them into Heaven and they believe that Jesus, a Man of Peace and  Righteousness would support their own World Conquest when He Himself had gone willingly to his own Death before he would lift a finger to harm those he could have toppled by giving the smallest signal of consent to the Archangel Michael who would have placed the World at his feet with the help of a 100,000 Righteous Angels... if you believe that kind of thing...    

Monday, January 1, 2018

First Letter to Enlightened Kundalini Spanish Girl Susu Ro

Dear Susu Ro,  

Yeah, wow!  That was a coincidence.  Meeting you.  Or, well, re-meeting you.   It seems that I had only gotten fascinated with going over the various Kundalini Awakening Videos in July, which is exactly when you released your first Video in English, and I remembered having watched it, but at the time I was reeling from the impression of all the other Videos out there, which are far more, well, manic than yours.  I suppose my impression at the time was that Kundalini would be excitatory, and so I had come to expect that genuine Kundalini Experiences would be accompanied by crazy eyes and a quick hysterical speech patterns.  Thinking back, I am quite amazed and embarrassed for myself for those assumptions.  When I brought your video up again last evening, my impression was entirely different.  You know, I really should have known better.  One of my favorite Historical Personages was Teresa of Avila (“Avila, Spain, Europe” as you would say.  Oh, and, I just looked it up and found that Avila is just only about 20 miles away from Madrid, so that makes you a Saint Teresa “Home Girls”.).  Well, her books and letters are not characterized by hysteria or clipped excited phrasing, and what is written about her in the 3rd person indicates that as an Administrator she could project a calming influence on agitated people, including those who had been agitated against her personally in some way (I can imagine her walking into a room and saying “Please have a seat.  Should I send for tea?  I’ve been told that you have a problem with me.  Would you like to discuss it?) .  Well, I hate to resort to clichés, but… oh, it even hurts to have to use such a cliché… but ‘I suppose the time wasn’t right’ the first time I watched you.  This time I was able to sort of ‘tune in’.      

But in the intervening months I have put a lot more attention into my own spiritual-physio development.  I can’t say that I have any kind of a Kundalini Experience that would equate to your experience.  My acquaintanceship with Kundalini was acquired some 40 years ago when I was still in University where I got Shaktipat Initiations from a Guru whom the rest of his Devotees never really understood.  He had written a couple of pamphlets, and along with spreading his system of Shaktipat Kundalini, he was mostly a Socialist and didn’t seem to have  much of an intent for setting himself up as one of the other ‘Avatar’ Gurus who were making such a large splash at the time.  But that is the paradigm that the other devotees seemed to be pushing for him.  I would always be saying to the other Initiates (I did not think of myself as a “devotee”) “have you even read his books?”  “Have you talked to him?” “Your Guru and my Guru do not seem to be the same guy”. “He’s a retired entrepreneur from Madras who became an avid advocate for World Socialist and is only spreading this Kundalini Idea because “It Makes People Smarter” and I suppose he wanted to help deflate the rest of India’s humbug and predatory Guru Industry.  He is not just another rip-off ‘Maharishi’ or ‘Rajneesh’, but that seems to be what you all wish for”.  So I was marginalized among all the other followers but the Old Man himself got along with me well enough.   

But his System was mild.  The Kundalini Awakening presented only feelings of internal pressures at the location points of the various chakras, or even by raising the Power over one’s head  to swirl and spin it, well, it would only be a sensation, and not any experience of lights or anything approaching orgasmic intensity.   Now, over the years I found that Lights and a greater Intensity of bodily sensation do accompany my dream experiences with my Kundalini.  The closest I came to some orgasmic intensity was years ago in which I had a dream where the area on my body beneath and in front of my tail bone, between my ‘you know whats’ and my ‘you know what’, the Energy seemed to swirl, and became a bright orange color and the sensation was excruciatingly pleasurable – it was like being sweet but way too sweet at the same time.  Pleasurable but you would want it to stop.  Perhaps if it had kept coming up I would have had an Enlightenment Experience on approximately the same scale as yours, but no. Decades have passed and nothing close to that seismic intensity has occurred since.  

But, what the Old Man said about “Getting Smarter” seems to have panned out.  A pivotal Dream for me was a dream I had concerning “True Discernment”.  This woman in a dream had told me “the Faculty most worthy of cultivation is the Faculty of True Discernment”.  I would suppose that such Discernment would depend in part upon at least some energetic participation in the Ajna Chakra.  My own Faculty for Discernment is certainly not infallible and while it may seem to require a great deal of time and effort for me to arrive at any Truth, when left entirely to my own devices, still, I seem to have developed an intuition for distinguishing between Truth and all the various opportunistic fabrications when I see them arranged in front of me.   Oh, I could even see it professionally, now that I think about it.  Before I had retired, I used to be involved in factory floor level electro-mechanical systems Testing and Maintenance, as well as the testing and maintenance for individual pieces of electrical equipment.  While other engineers and techs never seemed to know what was going on with this stuff, and I was the one that was always saying “No that’s not it. The Problem’s over here”.  And when something would beep or smoke or whatever I would suddenly get some avalanche of understanding concerning the significance of whatever just happened  and I would jump in the air, swing my fist and shout “Yeah!”, and nobody else would seem to understand what just happened and I would have to take five minutes to explain what I saw in a fraction of second.   

I suppose True Discernment eventually helped me with navigating my way through people.  But that has been an evolution.  Just reviewing my History of Dreaming, over the decades I have gone from being mostly a loner in my dreams, or from having one to one interactions with various Dream Characters and Personas to now being where most of my dreams involve social groups involving a lot of discussion and joint group activities.  It is like my own Core Persona is spreading out more which has enhanced my social skills and perceptions.  There is also the fact that I am an Old Man now.   With the decline of sexuality that accompanies the aging process the impulses to objectify women and to see men as rivals greatly declines, making it much easier to be social and less impulsively predatory by nature.    So I believe it might be far easier to be a Nice Old Man then a Nice Young Man.  Heck I’ll take Spiritual Progress any way I can get it, even if it requires wrinkles and a low sodium diet. 

Well, enough about me.  Let’s talk about you, particularly you doing your Sociology Thesis on Western Meditation from a Sociological Perspective.  You will have to send me DOC files of at least your final draft ( .  I would find it fascinating.  I would wonder how you would approach such a monster of a topic.  I have been often very critical of what I refer to as the “New Age” which would seem to subsume much of what we could call euphemistically ‘Western Meditation’.   Indeed, the ink is still wet on a blog entry that I had used to comment on another lady’s Video in a series of Kundalini Awakening Videos (see ).   Her screen name is Soulful Toz, an outstanding young woman who produced a number of very informative  Kundalini related Videos, where perhaps the most memorable was her video regarding the collapse of her ego structure and how it had made her effectively helpless and infantile.  Yes, everyone who speaks regarding the evils of the ego should watch that particular video and realize that we could not make lunch, brush our teeth, go to the toilet or even wipe our butts if it were not for our ego structures, which simply give us bodily awareness and functional executive impulses which every autonomous entity needs simply to coordinate basic life adaptive behaviors.   The problem with ego only arises as the entity determines what exactly its ‘life adaptive behaviors’ are or should be, where the assumptions could be as often more wrong than right.  

So in evaluating Western Meditation I suppose one would have to examine its orientation toward Life Behavior Adaptability.   Spirituality as a whole can go two different ways in its Life Social orientation.  First we have the Activist Charitable Empathetic Social Model for Spirituality.  This is where some Individual’s Life Force seems to expand out into the Greater Community and the Persona Identity of that person’s Ego Structure seems to stretch out to incorporate a Social Organism beyond the previous body boundaries.   But the much more common Spiritual Orientation which is almost thoroughly embraced by the New Age Movement is toward Social Isolation and Cocooning.  This follows in the traditions of Ascetic Monasticism and Hermit Cave Dwelling.  It is interesting to see how the Religious Orders of the Catholic Church often bounced between these two extremes.    

Oh, while I took my B.A. Degree in Philosophy it turns out that the Intellectual Love of My Life has been with History, where I actually piled up more academic credits.  So whenever I studied various Spiritual Movements, it was never without putting them into some Historical Context.  It seems that Altruistic Spirituality is a sign of health in a fresh and flourishing young Civilizations or Social Movements.  Examples of this can be found in the Social Outreach of Christianity, first in the early expansion of the Primitive Church, and then in the expansion of the Catholic Monastic Revolution which created the Social Preconditions for the Civilization that was known at the time as “Christendom” – or what we now refer to as High Medieval Civilization.   It is interesting but Religious Monasticism had actually been a broad political and social reaction to and effective rejection of the Establishment Bishops, a fact which the official Histories of the Catholic Church tend to gloss over.  I myself had converted to Catholicism, but I make it clear to anyone who will listen that there are Two Catholic Churches: the first is the Church of the Religious Orders which follow a Jesus-esque style characterized by Social Spirituality and Moral Responsibility (I see myself as a Religious Orders Catholic of the High Middle Ages… think Bernard of Clairvaux, Vincent Ferrer or Francis of Paola), and the second Catholic Church is the self-admittedly Secular Church of the Bishops which is Paulist in doctrine and evades social and moral responsibility through various doctrines of Salvation and Justification of Sin.  Of course, after the Catholic Church was defeated on the field of battle during the Wars of the Protestant Rebellion, and the Catholic Church institutionalized its Defeat and Surrender at the Council of Trent (circa 1550), much of the independence of the Religious Orders was nullified, and Religious Order Priests were compelled to attend the same Seminaries that indoctrinated the Bishops in all of their Corruptions and Profligacies, teaching both Paul’s Doctrine of Evasion of Moral Responsibility by Faith and the Evasion of Moral Responsibility by Predestined Election (arbitrary Favoritism)  from God.  So nowadays most Religious Orders preach the same Moral Irresponsibility as the Bishops or even the Protestants.   More than once I have told Religious Order Priests whom I have caught red-handed siting Paulist Doctrine to innocent parishioners that they should be ashamed of themselves and that the Founders of their Orders would be slapping their faces or swift kicking them in the ass, which I would also be doing if I were 20 years younger.  They tell me what a Bad Catholic I am and I tell them I am pleased that ‘such as they are’ think so. 

Also, to move on, historically, Islam, during its growth phase was socially activist, characterized by extensive Charities in regards to public health and education.  

It is collapsing and increasingly dysfunctional Civilizations where Spirituality mutates in the direction of insularity and cocooning.  The best example of this is with China’s native Taoism.  If you look at China’s History one sees visible cycling in their Dynasties characterized by vitality and expansion in each of the Dynasties early phases followed by morbidity and insularization prior to collapse but before the reemergence of a fresh dynastic Civilized Restructuring.  Again and again we see how that cycle plays out in regards to rising and falling for the popularity to Taoism.  It is almost like Taoism is a kind of a cancer that Chinese Dynasties contract just before they die.  They call it “The Way”.  Think of it as a Road Sign pointing out over a Cliff. 

Buddhism is effectively much the same as Taoism, though I have to insist that when I read about the Life of Gautama and the Doctrines of Buddhism, it seems to make no consistent sense at all.   It seems full of logical blanks which makes one wonder what the omissions were.    You see, Doctrinal Buddhism is simply too much of the same thing that the Buddha was supposed to have been reacting too, that is, Caste System Brahmanism.  We are supposed to believe that the Buddha believed in the Hocus Pocus of Reincarnation and the Doctrine that Past Life Karma justifies the Rich being Rich as well as certifying that the Poor Classes are being punished by Past Life Karma for having once revolted against the Rich Privileged Castes in prior life times.  If Buddha was in such lock step agreement with the Brahmins, then Buddhism would have had no Revolutionary Impulse behind it and Gautama would have been just one more of thousands of other itinerant mendicants sitting under trees doing nothing simply in order to save energy while slowly starving to death.   So I personally think that Buddhism was hijacked within five minutes after Gautama died of a belly ache (it seems that a devotee wanted to get Buddha’s favorite dessert just right, some sweet diary dish with egg whites, and so she spent too long working on it so it partially spoiled, and so she inadvertently  killed Gautama with salmonella poisoning – a case of murder by good intention).  So all around the World today the various Buddhist Sects and Disciplines basically instruct their adherents regarding various methods and techniques for inserting their thumbs up their asses.  That is not what the Buddha himself taught.  We KNOW what Buddha taught from what he did.  Look at the Story of Buddha.  He had been sitting under that Bodhi Tree for years with his thumbs up his ass when he finally got his foundational Realization  which was basically “what the fuck am I sitting here with my thumbs up my ass for?  Buddha, by every undisputed account, had walked away from Quietist Meditation while every Buddhist today thinks the Teachings point back to sitting underneath the Bodhi Tree.  It would be like somebody using you as an example to go by, but tossing out all of your Post Realization Advice, only to sanctify all your pre-Realizations indiscretions and youthful blunders.  

That brings us to the New Age Movement today, or maybe we should look at from the point of its inception since it hasn’t essentially changed that much along the way.  William James (Professor of Psychology, Harvard University) in his famous lectures “Varieties of Religious Experience”, circa 1905, referred to the New Age before it was even called the New Age and sited other founding individuals, but in looking back myself, the Big Mover and Shaker had been Madame Blavatsky, and perhaps Swami Vivekananda in bringing in to it the Indian elements of Western Spirituality. We can see that the Rise of the New Age had never been entirely popular, that is arising from the inherent spiritual needs and impulses of actual persons, but had been propelled by the Publishing Houses, and the Barnum and Baily style of Geek Show Mass Audience Appeal.  True Spirituality must always have been trumped by Promotional Considerations.  The Big Question was never “Is this Good, Right and True?” but “What’s the Market and who is our Audience?”  Spiritual decisions were being co-opted by predatory capitalists.  

Then, at the same time as the New Age Movement was developing, we had the growing Political Storm on the Horizon which was seen as the collision between the Forces of Communism on one side and the Forces for Anarchy on the other.   While everyone was careful at the time to denounce Anarchistic Bomb Throwers, we can imagine whose side the Business Community was taking.  The Communists would lock down all Property and Means of Production.  But the Anarchists, those nasty villains, would suspend all government regulations.  So the Publishing Houses and the Vaudeville and Lecture House Show circuits, which Sponsored the New Age, circled their wagons against any hint of socialistic collectivist sympathy.   It is interesting to see that while a hundred years ago people were so worried about either Communism on the one hand or Anarchy on the other, that after the Forces of International Communism were squarely defeated with the Collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, we didn’t hear a peep about the possible rise of Anarchy.  Hmmmm, we can wonder why.  Well, it is because the Anarchists Won!  The Bomb Throwers now rule the World, and they would be the last to complain about it! 

But, yes, Western Spirituality has been culled and throttled so that nearly its entire focus and appeal is towards catering to Individual material needs and desires.  Even Enlightenment is sold as largely a super-sensual experience.  ‘Spiritual Laws’ are invoked  and sited to promote magical Wealth Attraction , and certain affirmations are marketed little differently from Love Potions.  

One wonders how the New Age could even pretend to any credible source materials, but that brings us to the Genius of Madame Blavatsky.  She made appeal to and popularized “the Ancient Wisdom” which harkened back to First Generation Civilization Protocols of Law and Religion which were actually Pre-Moral.  Yes, there was an intuition that Civilization could not flourish side by side with rampant barbarian self-seeking, and so Property and Priesthood Protection Regulations were developed.  And the Masses were controlled with the Human Sacrifice Mythologies, where the finest children in the community would be sacrificed annually so that they supposedly could guard the Seed Grains and Surplus and haunt anybody who would steal or covet them.   So it was that Civilization was maintained by Police and Superstitious Fear.  There was yet no concept of Good or Evil.  There was only the manipulation of impulse.  That was what Blavatsky appealed to.  No, not the Laws and the Police, but the Superstitions with all the Fears and the Promises that could manipulate early Social Behaviors.  

But what Blavatsky had done was to jump over and land before what had been the Revolution that lead to the Second Generation of Civilization, the Morality Based Civilizations.  Persian Zoroastrianism had come down to us from Zarathustra, who had been born in an Age of Oral Transmission and so we have almost nothing that had been written about him within centuries of his Life.  But we know what we got because of him.  Persian Zoroastrianism gave Humanity its first delineation between Good and Evil as well as a clear recommendation for the one and the willful rejection of the other (it is instructive that Zarathustra had no existing words at the time for Good and Evil but had to use the Analogy Metaphorical Terms “Light” and “Darkness”).  One can see the distinction between Pre-Moral and Moral even within the Jewish Scriptures, where the influence from Persian Civilization can be seen in the Jewish writings of the Post-Babylonian Captivity period.  All one needs to do is review the Life and Career of Pre-Captivity Jacob who had been a moral scum bag but had the appeal of being a dashing, clever and successful Moral Scum Bag.  You see, in the Pre-Moral Days one did not have Good Men.  Then there were Heroes.  A Hero was measured only in terms of his success.  So most Heroes had been merely been very gifted murderers.  Notice in the New Age today, there is an appeal to the Market and Audience that delights in the idea of adopting a ‘Warrior’ mentality.  The American Armed Forces are even beginning to address its service members as “Warriors”, as though it is a good thing.  It is actually a renunciation of the Moral Revolution of the Second Generation of Civilization.  The American Military of today is now not as moral as the Armies that served under Cyrus the Great in the 6th Century B.C.  Thanks New Age. 

The Post Captivity Prophets up to Jesus of Nazareth demonstrate a Moral Awareness and a distinction between Good and Evil, even while still occasionally falling back into the Tribal Confusions of all their Pre-Moral Hebrew Traditions, out of which Modern predatory Pre-Moral Zionism springs.  

Oh, I should mention that at approximately the same time as I guess Zarathustra was advancing his Moral Revolution, Confucius was doing the same thing in China.  Confucius fought against Legalism tooth and nail.  His point was that one can never make enough laws to contain the Vast Imaginations for possible Evils.  So the goal of Civilization is not to Outlaw everything that is Bad, but to encourage Righteousness.  Confucius had only a mixed success and had to be satisfied with a Hegelian Dialectical compromise.  The Legalists won and the lawyers remained, but Confucian Moral Writings survive to this day.  Yes, the Moral Details vary from East to West.   But I am happy enough with Persian Based Western Morality as it is far less authoritarian than Asian Morality.  A Good Young Man or even Young Woman can go far in the Western Model of Moral Society, but in the Asian Model the Meritorious Young seem to be overly stifled by the need to kowtow to the strict requirements of Family Rank and Status.  However, it must be noted that Asian Moral Civilizations can pack much higher population densities before social collapse than the Western models.  But this may simply be because the West never really fully consolidated the Persian Moral Revolution.  While Greek Philosophers had been influenced by the Persian Moral Revolution, that influence was thin compared to the Greek amoral Heroic Ideal which was thinly veiled unabashed Barbarism.  And the Romans were total Amoral dunderheads.   High Medieval Christendom was a return to Moral Civilization but was never left in peace for more than several hundred years at a time and was required again and again to process through new waves of invading Barbarians who unfortunately kept bringing back the notion of the Heroic Barbarian Amoral Ideal. 

Indeed, one can look at the Protestant Rebellion as having been a successful revolt of Teutonic Heroic Barbarism, by the German Barons and the Saxon-Norman Barons of England against the Moral Christendom of the Franks and the Iberians.  And so, effectively, since the Protestant Victory in the 16th Century the West has effectively been returned to the protocols of the Pre-Moral Barbarian Societies.  Global Civilization, if we can even call it ‘civilization’ probably doesn’t even have the coherency of the First Generation of Law and Superstition Civilizations.  It is now just Every Man for Himself which can maintain only sporadic ad hoc social partnerships based on momentary opportunities for mutual interest and convenience, but which are inherently unstable.  For instance, capitalist enterprises can be ‘heroes’ to the community on one day by employing thousands of workers, but on the very next day when all the workers are fired and the capitalists relocate, well, the former corporate managers and directors have to steer clear of town in order to escape the wrath of the mob.  Indeed, the populous ‘mob’ victory of Donald Trump is simply an instance of such social instability.  Any real Civilization would not have these problems.  

So, yes, all that must give you some idea of what I must feel about Western Spirituality, that I hardly see anything spiritual in it at all.   And Eastern Spirituality is largely dominated by Hindu Vedanta which is again Pre-Moral, and indeed, Vedanta was what Zarathustra and Persian Morality was reacting against in the first place.  

The only Moral Spiritualists that had ever developed any kind of a system were the Sufis which had come out of Persia, but even the Sufis seem to have forgotten their Ancestry and Spiritual Heritage and they all swear up and down that they are Islamic, though Islam itself barely tolerates them and nowadays they are being murdered off by Muslim Fundamentalists with the same abandon that they usually reserve for killing Christians or Jews.  But there are shreds of documentation telling us of what the Sufis had been able to accomplish with their unique Spiritual Vision of Life Force Possibilities.  One interesting thing I read was that the Sufis had set up a Mental Telegraph for communicating across the entire Muslim World, from India to Spain.  It worked by telepathy and was apparently very reliable.  Altruistic Catholic Religious Order Spirituality may have been influenced by Sufis who had run into the Iberian Peninsula and Province to keep ahead of the Fundamentalist Islamic persecutions that increased steeply after during the Decline of Islam’s Golden Age as Eastern Barbarian Tribes exerted more and more influence on Islam’s traditional Centers.  Much of Sufism in the Indian Subcontinent remained intact because the periodic Fundamentalist purges of Sufism could not always project very deeply into India where many Sufis (fakirs) had found refuge and blended in well with the native Hindu mendicants and foot travelers.  Plus the fakirs were famous for their spooky powers and so even the Brahmins were reluctant to antagonize them.  What the Fakirs were better able to do than anybody was a kind of thoroughly sympathetic ability to read minds, but almost by a way of total immersion.  For instance, the Fakir Sai Baba of Shirdi could tell a complete story in the first person, but not his own story but someone in the group, who would understandably be freaked out by it, such as detailed adventures of traveling to Shirdi.  Ramana Maharshi could do the same trick.  Oh, Ramana Maharshi was even able to tell a first person story about a dog that had been kicked around the local village, siting exactly how it had been abused and by whom, which shamed the villagers into giving the poor thing better care. .

So, for the last half year I have been thinking about Spirituality, the Kundalini, and What Good Is It?   You know, what you yourself have been saying on your Videos, that the Standard we should be applying to our Spiritual Ambitions is “What good would this Practice be for Life in General”?   Indeed, your most powerful Message to me was in your short second video which most people skipped over, which gave your insight into  the Holographic Wisdom that we do not have an Individual Enlightenment but are only participating in some Mother Earth spasm of Self Awareness and Enlightenment.  So, yes, in view of these Standards, what good is the Kundalini?  Well, I was thinking that the Kundalini may possibly be Engineered towards Implementing a viable Collective Consciousness if only Enlightened people could delve into that Possibility and figure out how to do it.  I believe the Sufis were half way there, but their traditions have been largely disrupted.  So we can find little help there.  And the Chinese Taoists, the Buddhists, and the Vedantic-Hindu-Yogic Traditions are all ego-centric, Heroic, Pre-Moral examples of how Barbarians should Meditate.   Any Innovation in Spirituality would not only be Revolutionary but would essentially have to be Innovative.  Collective Consciousness Enlightenment would be breaking Virgin Ground.   But I think we already have the Foundation for it.  

I would think the trick would be in using Persona Filtering to get through the Problem of Ineffability.  You know about Ineffability – the overwhelming impression while in High Trance of being outside of any way to construct a Concept – you can’t have ideations without Space, or linear analysis without Time.  Then I thought of the Persian Sufi Invention of Angels.  What exactly is an Angel?  An Angel is an Aspect of the Divine that has been Coalesced into a Personality Structure – a Persona.   Could an Enlightened Person reach into the Vast Life Force and come back with Coherent Persona Packets of Information?  Why not?  I’ve been experimenting in my dreams, trying to intentionally merge with different Personas, but what has happened instead is I have noticed that in some dreams, I find that dream characters would be talking to me differently than if I were the real  ‘me’.  That tells me that I am “other personas” in my dreams sometimes.  I used to argue with dream characters telling them that they must be mistaking me for somebody else, but once I realized what was really happening I have learned to go along with it to see what I could learn from it.  Only in a few dreams do I have a hint that I am Acting and Thinking differently and with a different Inventory of Personal Knowledge.  Apparently the sense of “I-ness” from one persona to the next is too uniform to tell much of a difference.  Also, when my Self finds itself in another Persona, there is a strong sense of still being Leo.  To profit from the experience of being inside another Persona, I would have to be able to somehow relax into the Others’ pool of memories. 
Imagine what a boon it could be for World Civilization if a core of Enlightened People could effectively coordinate, assimilate, and disseminate Knowledge and Experience from person to person simply by leaving Persona Impressions in other people’s minds.  What you had said in one of your Videos about the 140 Million Enlightened Beings – close to 2% of the World Population.  That would be a relatively Dense Communications Hub for a Collective Consciousness, don’t you think?    Well, this is enough of my thinking for the day…. Let me go back and do a edit re-write of this mess and post it up where you can find it.  Talk to you later.