Saturday, January 12, 2013

Safety and Secularism Versus Religious Freedom

I suspect that the first proponents of Religious Freedom were all relatively comfortable with the moral and ethical content of all of the Religions they saw on their Society’s horizons, or at least they had no tangible reasons to feel under any serious threat from any Religion that could eventually get total freedom to do anything they wanted within their Political Jurisdictions… and to do it with total exemption from Taxes.  

But now we have the rise of Crazy Religions.  The most seriously Crazy Religion advocates Genocide against all none members, and has and still does carry out attacks to show that it is just not empty rhetoric, but that they really do intend to kill us all, and even many of their Own Members who do not manage to keep up to a certain level of expected Craziness .   Another seriously Crazy Religion stands by their affirmation that there is only one Blessed Ethnic Group, that is, their own – they refer to themselves as “The Chosen People”… not as catchy as “Master Race”, but it means the same thing, and that God has created the remainder of the World’s Population as a Flock for their exploitation or as colonies of drones and workers to be enslaved.   There is another very puzzling Crazy Religion which declares that they will finally be able to climb up the Divine Ladder to the status of Barely Being Blessed of God if they become the Willing Slaves of the above mentioned Self-Declared ‘Chosen People’,  and, what’s more, that such a Blessing as they seek can only be secured if they are able to provoke a huge World Ending Battle to end all Battles, helping that Self-Declared ‘Chosen People’ annihilate all of its enemies, that is, everyone who is not of the Chosen People Ethnic Group.   Yes, it is perhaps the Craziest thing of all to expect that those Crazy enough to murder everyone else, won’t also murder you… especially when you know that they know that God gives them permission to do anything they feel like.  

You know, honestly speaking, if some Foreign Religion has been yoked around your neck by dumb Tradition or Ancient Conquest, and ranks you and yours as second rate slaves who deserve only denial and death, then, well, it should be common sense to go out and find a Religion that treats one with the Fairness that we should only expect of a Just God.   And not all World Religions are Crazy. 
Anyway, now we must ask ourselves how is it possible that any of the Crazy Religions could foster the Stability and Welfare of any Civilized Society?   Yes, often in the Past the State has looked to Religious Guidance in order to clarify Ethic Issues and matters of conflict between Good and Evil.  But when Religions themselves cave in to the Pressures of their own Self Interest and take up Evil to advance their own Agendas,  then it is up to Secular Governments to declare themselves as the sole guardians of the distinctions between Good and Evil and the differences between the Ethical and the Unethical, and in the exercise of this prerogative, to take on the responsibility of licensing and regulating Religious Practice, Teachings, Doctrines, and Scriptures of the Religions wishing to operate in any particular Political Jurisdiction.  Essentially the Secular Sphere would take care to assure that no Religion could declare its members entitled to be murderers or that they may enslave those of any other ethnic group or persuasion.   Also, scriptural references which may be suspected, or have historically been used to advocate Supremacy Doctrines or Genocidal Violence, would have to be expunged.  In cases where the particular Scripture is so universal or ubiquitous, that no selective expunging of any passage would be effective, that is, where everyone already knows of the content of these inherently evil passages ‘by heart’, then, the only recourse would be to revoke License to the Religion entirely, and declare it akin to some Ancient Barbaric Tribal Tradition, that while worthy of historical note, can no longer be trusted to be anything but a Sign Post for Evil in this Modern Day and Age for which we would all hope for so much better.