Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Is Spiritual Awakening Life Affirming Or Not

I had written an earlier blog not long ago presenting the idea that the Material Universe is interpenetrated with a Life Force that tends towards the facilitation of higher and higher Organizations of Life, from single celled “Organisms” to very complex organisms such as Human Beings.   Now, let us wonder about what happens during a Full Blown Out the Top of the Crown Chakra Spiritual Awakening.  From what we hear about it, there is an ‘Ineffable’ Experience, in which the new Mystic insists that he or she Knows and Understands Everything while the Experience lasts, but returns to ordinary consciousness with only a New Perspective on what they already knew before, with no actual accrual of objective knowledge.  Well, what was that?  What exactly happened?


Well, it may be that this Mystical Experience is a glimpse at that Interpenetrating Life Force that I had mentioned before.  That would account for the vibrancy of the experience.  However, what worries me is that this Life Force is seen at its most static level – as it exists in the earth’s strata of rock, or the Earth’s molten core, the waters of the ocean, or even the vast vacuums of space – all where Life is inert and there are actually no “living” Organisms.    Well, where else is Life so thusly inert?   In Dead Bodies of course, that’s where!  So the Mystical Experience may simply be a look at the Death Condition.   It is no wonder that so many of the Mystics claim no longer to fear Death.  They may possibly even yearn for it as their experiential Ideal, even if that is not what is consciously in their mind.  The term “Death Wish” wouldn’t have much warm and fuzzy New Age appeal, would it?  So their mind finds a way to re-label it.  


Decades ago I had a big vibrant Spiritual Dream in which I was told that “Birth is but an Illusion and Christ is the Life in All Things”.  The prior part of the dream dealt with issues regarding personal immortality, and so I wondered for years why the Angel had not said “Death is but an Illusion” but instead used the word “Birth”.  Well, perhaps because Death is in fact not an illusion but is very very real.  Death is the Baseline for Life.  Life is Eternal only in the Collective and Universal Sense, but every Individual Life Form is ephemeral – a spark shooting up out of a flame but soon to become just a cold dark dead speck of ash.  


We often hear that New Mystics often have to struggle with finding some kind of motivation for Living after their Mystical Experience.   You see, nothing in Life can give them so much Bliss as they found in their Experience, and it seems to be, as I said above, a  commonly accepted ‘certainty’ among Mystics that, with their own  Bodily Death,  they will return to their Blissful Mystical Experience as a permanent state of being.  I suppose this may have been a primary reason for the Church to insist that Suicide was a mortal sin.  It makes me wonder about the Buddhists – that if they really do suppose that “Desire is the Source of all Suffering” that they all don’t just wade into the nearest lake with pockets full of rocks, for, after all, isn’t Suicide the quintessential renunciation of Desire?  If Life is Pain then isn’t Suicide the Liberation.  Both “Suicide” and “Nirvana” have 7 letters and the only common letter between them is the letter “I”.   Oh! But the Buddhists insist upon Reincarnation, which in fact is something Gautama himself insisted was one of the nefarious Brahminic Hindu Superstitions that he was trying to save the people from.  But, yes, almost from the instant that Buddha’s body grew cold the Pious Buddhists took back up Brahminic Reincarnation to insist that there could be no escape from “The Wheel of Life”, so nobody need waste time trying to find an early exit door at the bottom of their graves.   


They’ve done studies with rats in which they located the area in their brains where an induced electronic current would create a Bliss Sensation for them.  So they wired up some Lab Rats and put them in cages where the rats themselves had access to the On Switch.   Well, of course, the rats spent all their time leaning on their Bliss Buttons, even to the point of wasting away without food or water.   After the Researchers would disable the circuit (pop the battery out), they found that the rats would not simply go back to Life as Usual.  They STILL spent their time leaning on their Bliss Buttons.   And so it is with many of our Mystics, that they find ‘meaning in Life’ by endlessly returning to the Meditation Mat, even when it should become apparent that “the battery has been popped out”.   It is often hidden in the Pro-Spiritual New Age Literatures, but Mystical Experiences, even for the Famous Major League Mystics, are rare occurrences – often just a once in a Life Time event.  But that doesn’t keep these Mystics from wearing out more mediation mats than shoes.


So, I am beginning to think that these ‘Full Blown Out the Top of the Crown Chakra Spiritual Awakenings’ may indeed be a problem – really that they are Death Affirming instead of Life Affirming.   Again, the Mystics return with no useful information or motivation from This Level of Realization.    But there is no need to be overly cynical just yet.  There are Lower Spiritual Experiences that do in fact return Information.  Some people in Meditative Trances or Vibrant Dreams encounter Spiritual Guides or Angels (actually they are all Angels but people who hate the Catholic Church have to call them something), and they come away from these ‘Lesser’ Experiences with some pretty good practical advice.   Also, while no University in the World today would dare do any research on it, there have been private studies of Astral Projection and Out of Body Travel that indicates that Objective Info is being picked up (though almost always cluttered with Subjective Content).  “Scientific Remote Viewers” got around the ‘Subjective Clutter’ trap by using an interesting methodology – a request for some objective information regarding some ‘remote’ site or person would be written up in a note, and that note would be put in a sealed envelope and a Control Number would be assigned to that envelope, let’s say “RVF-742”.  Then they would go to one of their talented Remote Viewers and simply say “give us what you got on ‘RVF-742’”.   And it would work.  Both the Russians and the Americans had their Scientific Remote Viewing Departments within their Military Intelligence Agencies.  America closed their program down when the Remote Viewers kept finding Osama Bin Laden when they really didn’t want to find him (Unfound, he was a good excuse to keep the Wars going, wasn’t he?), and then it was held against the Remote Viewers that they kept insisting that Iraq had no Weapons of Mass Destruction even when Policy insisted that they must have, or it wouldn’t have made any sense to Invade.     


So anyway, it does seem that the Information is out there in the Spiritual Domain.  We just have a difficult time accessing it.  That is why I have been relatively obsessed with the notion that the Kundalini Energy may have some possible utility in regards to connecting us all up with some kind of Collective Consciousness.


And, yes, for the Collective Consciousness to be Useful, it would have to be ‘Band Specific’.  As mentioned earlier – the Total Life Force Band of Awareness is overwhelmed by Inert Material – the Life Force in what is actually Dead Matter.  For the Collective Consciousness to be useful, we would need to be able to limit our focus to Sentient Life, and if we could get more specific towards some kind of ‘Higher Mammal’ Band, then that would be even better.    I would not wish to go ‘Totally Just Human’ because Humanity has created so many Symbiotic Relationships with certain other animal species – most notably Horses, Camels, Dogs and our special friends and equals – the Cats. 


But, yes, it seems that my research on this point is defeated at every instance where some very promising potential research subject pops their Kundalini out the Top of their Head and then becomes fixated on a Life of Living Death -- no longer caring anymore  about what is troubling the World or even much about themselves (and that I why I know there are so many New Age Fakes – as any Real Full Blown Mystic wouldn’t be humping so hard to Monetize their Enlightenment). 


And the World, or I should just say Civilization and many Species of Higher Mammals, are now in grave danger and really do require our full attention.  Selfish Evil Predatory Individuals have managed to gather to themselves a monopoly of Political and Economic Power, as well as a preponderance of Media Control which is keeping us All on track to a certain disaster.   The only Way imaginable for shifting course is if there were suddenly some Collective Awareness of the Danger and a very swift response involving an intricate and detailed Organized Restructuring of our Civilization.   Educating the World for a slow incremental Democratic Reform would simply take too long.  We would need to get directly into people’s Heads and Hearts.   And all of the people who could help us do that are now wearing holes through their meditation mats – sitting so long that their butts come to be shaped flat instead of round.  (hmmmmm.  Eggheads vs the Flatbutts).    


Oh, for a while, a few weeks back, I was worrying that the Collective Consciousness would be overwhelmed with the Vibes from all those Evil Predatory Selfish People.  But then it occurred to me that ‘Selfishness’ is their downfall.  Their Individualism keeps them isolated and alone.   But, the Spiritual Energy, IF it is focused within the Band of Sentient Life Organisms, is Unifying and Naturally tends towards Collectivity.  We can read how Mystics nearly always equate the Life Force with an All Penetrating Love.  This Love Energy would effectively inoculate the Collective Consciousness against the Propertied and Predatory Establishment.  Indeed, our only hope is that the Spiritual Community can use the Collective Consciousness to get into the Heads of our Enemies, subvert them to Altruism and Empathy, and bring them over to our side before it is all too late.

1 comment:

drvirinchi said...

Excellent one, Leo