Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Beat Them Black and Blue!

Obama Beat Them Black and Blue

It had puzzled many Political Analysts that Obama had campaigned so strenuously in States he was practically certain to lose. But as the results came in I began to see a very compelling reason. You see, although Obama had a huge lead in the Electoral College allocations, his lead in the Popular Vote was, at least at the very the start of things, only marginal. As the evening went on it became noticeable that even in decidedly Red States, the vote was still close, indicating that it was certain that more than just Urban Blacks had come out to vote for Obama. Obama’s Victory was as much Blue as Black.

It may be the case that Obama had campaigned to keep it close in the Red States so as to forestall the embarrassment of Winning the Electoral College while being behind with the Popular Vote, something that would come to haunt him when he would come to Washington to claim some kind of Mandate to Act.

The true genius of this strategy was that Obama somehow anticipated that he would be able to change some very White Minds in some very Red States. And the payoff of the strategy is that he was able to come in with a healthy margin in the Popular Vote, which he would not have had except for the fact that he took such surprising pains for it.

Clearly President Elect Obama is a skilled and discerning Creature of Politics. I suspect the World will be continually dazzled over the next Obama Years to come.

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