Sunday, December 23, 2018

Some Pointers About Lucid Dreaming

[This Blog started as an editorial re-write of a previous blog on Lucid Dreaming, but so much changed along the way, that it is really its own piece.  I did a reading of this Blog on YouTube, if you’re interested] 

When you have a Lucid Dream, it feels as though the Dream is as Real as anything you would be doing in “Real” Life, and often times even more vivid and intense.  The colors are somehow deeper and brighter than in Real Life.  Yes, the experiential intensity of a Lucid Dream is often nice for its own sake.  It’s like getting high, right?  But, as we can ask about most Spiritual Things, are Lucid Dreams actually good for anything?  Well, consider that when we are in a Lucid Dream, we are being presented with access to a very deep level in our own Psychology.  So, perhaps the best use for Lucid Dreams is in deliberately making all the best possible Psychological Choices.  In Lucid Dreams we are probably directly structuring what will be our “Subconscious” Impulses for Waking Life.        

When I look over my early personal history of Lucid Dreams what occurs to me is that at the moment of Lucidity, I would make the choice to step out of the ‘plot line’ of the ordinary dreams I had been engaged in, with their cast of ordinary dream characters, to go to some better and more Spiritual Dreams with a more inspiring set of Dream Characters.  At first it was hardly a deliberate conscious decision.  In the beginning, when I noticed Lucidity, I would remember I could Dream Fly (which is very fun) and I would fly away.  Back in these early days, I had not known that Flying always takes you upwards Spiritually.  

Now, if you also Dream Fly for the sheer pleasure of Dream Flying, well, you may find that the energy eventually gives out and you can no longer sustain altitude or a very great forward speed (though you can try ‘supercharging’ your Energy Level by taking short rapid but moderately deep breaths.  You will see it working in that the Visual Intensity and Brightness of the Dream will increase, and, if you are flying, you will be better able to sustain altitude and speed.  The problem with this rapid breathing though, is that, well, if you are interacting with Dream Characters in the Spiritual Realms, well, you don’t want to appear perpetually out of breath, do you?).   But, yes, in these early dreams, because of a perceptible depletion of energy, I would lose altitude and be forced to make a landing.  But then I would find myself in some brighter more Spiritual Realm and the ensuing dream would be obviously more spiritual than the typical dim lower intensity Ordinary Dreams that I had left behind (indeed, you should pay attention to the Brightness Color Scale of your dreams.  A Dream does not have to be Lucid in order to be important, as long as it is Bright with Intense Colors.  Basically speaking, Essentially Spirituality IS Light).  Anyway, as I gained more experience with Lucid Dreaming, I would use Dream Levitation for leaving the Realm of Ordinary Dreaming, and then rise up to whatever peak altitude I could attain and then prepare for a landing, always with the expectancy that I would drop into some kind of a Spiritual Dream.

Now, I suspect the mechanism that provides these Spiritual Dreams works something like this:  that the Higher Dream Mind is very busy just in the labors of ‘Screenwriting, Producing and Directing’ even the nightly Ordinary Dreams, but efforts are also put into the creation of these Important Higher-Level Spiritual Dreams.  Once a ‘Spiritual Dream’ has been thoroughly produced, it is set aside or ‘Saved”, but will be ‘triggered’ if the Dreamer should become Lucid and be able to ‘step up’ to the Higher Light Intensity Level compatible with the ‘saved dream’.  Oh, one needs to think of the complexity involved in creating even an ordinary dream, where the Dream Production has to be able to account for all of the Dreamer’s possible Choices.  Now, if one if very predictable than the Higher Dream Mind’s job is an easy one.  But if one is growing and developing Spiritually then the Higher Dream Mind can only guess what directional decisions the Dreamer will make in a Dream.  I’ve had dreams where the Dream Characters became along the way no longer responsive – it seemed they didn’t know their ‘lines’, and it was like I was talking to ‘props’.  Going over the dream in my mind, I could fairly well guess where I had confounded the expectations of the Higher Dream Mind and ‘zigged’ when I should have ‘zagged’.  But I wouldn’t worry about such Dreams where you seem to have left the Prepared Dream behind.  I would suppose that your Higher Dream Mind will see it as His or Her own problem, in the sense that a perfectly Produced Dream should match up with the Dreamer and not the other way around.  So, one can suppose that with Dreaming, both the Dreamer and the Higher Dream Mind are both learning as the process goes along.       

Okay, these are my views of Lucid Dreaming.  Now, I am aware that people who have learned about Lucid Dreaming from the various New Age Authorities will believe I am not hitting on the most important points at all.   These people will probably suppose that the Most Important Thing about Lucid Dreaming is that they can CONTROL THEIR DREAMS.   Yes, I believe that it is intrinsically important to be able to control one’s own choices in these Dreams, but the ideological belief in the New Age Movement is that one can Control Everything – that one can effectively summon built-to-order dreams at a moment’s notice.  The context of what I heard regarding most of this is that these are usually Sex Dreams.  Oooo Yuk!  One only need imagine what this does to one’s Subconscious Impulses.  The Sexual Impulse is already distracting enough, right? And then by diverting one’s Higher Intensity Dreams to these Purely Animal Impulses, well, how is this not making one into a Pervert by Deliberate Design.  Now, of course, I am no Saint, but I can honestly say that I can interact with people, who present very well physically, with Sex being the last thing on my mind (though I have come to realize that ‘flirting’ is a great way of advancing one’s self socially, but I confine myself to distant, indirect, and  ‘harmless’ Old Man flirting).
Anyway, I can readily suppose that I can so easily keep my mind off Sex, because I have made it a practice to NOT jump on people in my dreams.  One should make it a Rule in one’s Dreams to always Act Like one’s  Best Possible Persona.   Besides, practically speaking, my experience with Sex Dreams, from when I was a young man, was that Sex Dreams only wake one up, and with Lucid Dreams, the worst thing that can happen is to Wake Up.  I’ve always found that a Continuing Lucid Dream is better than Sex.  After all, who can’t have sex anytime one likes.  It’s not like our hands are tied behind our backs, is it?

But, let’s get back to this idea of Total Control.  Well, frankly, its impossible and I don’t believe anybody who claims it.  This idea of Total Control comes from New Age People who read New Age Books written by New Age Liars and then they parrot the lies back to advance their own New Age Credentials – “See, I can pretend to do what all the other New Age Kids are pretending to do, so give me money too”.  Anyway, you just need to think about Total Dream Control and what it would imply:    Dream Content in a Lucid Dream comes across so sharp and well defined, and there must be thousands or even millions of details in each dream scene, so how could the Dreamer even begin to CREATE all of that in the spur of the moment.  Stephen Laberge, a big name in Lucid Dreaming, once wrote that he pressed for Dream Control as the Dream scene before him seemed to hesitate, and his Lucid Dream turned into a two dimensional cartoon drawn in broad strokes.  That is, detail broke down.   His Higher Dream Mind was effectively telling him to go screw himself.   So, yes, you can demand to go so far ‘off script’ that your Higher Dream Mind has nothing set aside to give you.

Well, look at the time.  I better cut this thing short.  If I forgot anything important, well, let me know in your comments.  Thank you everybody. 

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