Saturday, July 28, 2012

Why Do We Think Tibet is So Spiritual?

One would think that some perfect brand of Spirituality would help us to overcome life’s small difficulties.  Well, Tibet has had a relatively small difficulty, or at least the Powerful Elite Ruling Class of Tibet, the Lamas, have had a difficulty.  You see, prior to the Chinese taking over territorial jurisdiction of Tibet, the Lamas held sway, and really didn’t do much with their power except to tax the people so that the Lamas could live in luxury in their well- padded Monasteries and Temples.   When the Chinese ended the Lamas’ free ride, most of the Lamas ran away, telling their sad tale to foreigners and collecting money and political support for the violent overthrow of Chinese Rule.


It may be simplistic of me, but wouldn’t the Spiritual Approach had been to find an accommodation with China.  After all, China is perfectly willing to tolerate any Religion that equally tolerates China, that is, that respects the Sovereignty of the Chinese Government.  Catholicism is a prime example.  The Chinese even provide sponsorship for the Catholic Church in China, though withholding support from the outspokenly right-wing anti-communist Pope – the Pope that has dismantled Poverty Programs all around the World because they seem to him to lean too far to the Political Left.   Besides, the Vatican has too much to worry about regarding its role in the International Banking Scandals then to pay much attention to the Chinese Catholic Church which can get along fine enough without it.   Masses are conducted and the teachings of the Church are allowed to go forward.   The World is as it should be.


My God, but if the Catholics have enough Spirituality to come to a peaceful  Accommodation with the Chinese, then what is so wrong with the Tibetans?   Their Leadership brainwashes their poor monks into setting themselves on fire in order to provoke city-wide riots aimed at scandalizing Chinese Rule and destabilizing the Government.  Yes, the Chinese must react to the Riots to maintain the Public Peace, but clearly every provocation comes from the Tibetans, and probably at the instigation of the Delai Lama himself.  Either that, or the Tibetans have descended into chaos and nobody is any longer in charge.  Just the Essence of their Spiritual System is at play, and it reveals itself in Flames, Blood, and Murder.


What good is any Religion or Spiritual system that relies so much on violence to itself and violence to others?  Is that what the World needs – Peace through killing killing killing.  Yes, it’s a very ancient method to achieve Peace, and many Moderns still adhere to it – to kill every man woman and child enemy that exists in the World.  When every Enemy is Dead, then Peace will Reign.  And how has this Ancient Method of arriving at Peace worked for the World?  How is it working now for the Delai Lama?   Clearly we need a Spirituality that is less Militant and Violent, and more, well, Spiritual.


Maybe the first qualification of a Spiritual Leader is the ability to shake hands and talk across a table.    

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