Saturday, July 21, 2012

2012 Prophecy, The Pope Passes

Not only will the Pope pass away, but so will the Institution of the Pope.  We are now living under the last Pope in History.   Really, it is quite an old prophecy: Saint Malucky in the 11th Century had published a list of future Popes and it ends with Pope Benedict.  This Pope, aware of the ancient Prophecy, didn’t hesitate to take the name Benedict, and perhaps Popes have been supporting the prophetic list for centuries, always taking the next name on the list.  But the list does run out, and it runs out now.  

It is just a guess, but if big things were to happen during 2012, certainly the passing of the last pope would qualify.   But then there is the part about this pope being the very  last, that the Catholic Church will suddenly find the motivation and means of overturning such a long standing Tradition, which, divisive as it is in keeping all the other branches of the Catholic Church from coming together – the Russian and Greek Orthodox Churches, the Coptic Church, the Thomasian Catholic Church, and even the Church of England --  well even as a obviously rotten tradition it is still a tradition… we can call it an Institutional Habit that is hard to break…  and that rotten Tradition seems to be set in stone.  What possibly could be so powerful as to so disrupt it? 

Right now, the present Pope had been in power so long, not so much as the Pope, but as the Number One Executive Member of the Vatican who had personally hand-picked EVERY Cardinal for about the last 50 years now.  So EVERY Cardinal now alive, practically, is Conservative – a Rich Man’s Politically Right Wing Traditionalist Cardinal.  What could make these, well, Devils in Red  Caps, turn around and dismantle their machine which they are probably, at the moment, very proud of, or, at least, very much invested in?   With things are as they are this minute, if the Pope were to die today, we’d have another cold blooded poison snake Pope by tomorrow morning and business as usual by the evening.  

This is why I think there will be a COMPLEX of events at the end of 2012.  Yes, if the Aliens from Outer Space land and present a DETAILED ROADMAP FOR SUSTAINABLE CIVILIZATION that is entirely different from Capitalism and the Legal Bribery and Special Interest Pedalling that Democracy has become (and probably always has been), then I could anticipate a huge popular Uprising for Change.  But also a huge Global Economic Collapse might trigger about the same chain of events.   I would hope for the Aliens, but with every day in the News we hear of the Economy, everywhere, spiraling downward – cutbacks in government, and private company downsizing causing  less spending and lower payrolls, causing less trade, causing more companies to lose business, and more governments to collect less taxes, and so the Knife goes deeper and the Spiral swings Lower.   The Bottom of the Rotten Bucket has to fall through some time.  

But I’m willing the bet that this Pope has already seen his last Christmas…  

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