Saturday, August 23, 2008

Russian to War

Russian to War

It had to happen sooner or later. All the Old Timers are gone who remembered not only World War Two but also World War One which really was the absolute proximate cause for the Second World War. I think without a shadow of a doubt that future historians will not make the same distinction we do between World War One and World War Two, but will see the intervening cessation of hostilities much as a truce, also as there had been truces during the Hundred Years War. The obvious factor is that the same line-up and allies and enemies went at each other again. The two conflicts had not been separated by even a complete generation – more than a few soldiers were able bodied men for both Wars. Future Historians will gloss over discussions of what ‘caused’ what has been called World War Two as so much short-sighted silliness, as it will be obvious to the larger view made impartial by Time that the cause of World War Two had been World War One. It is the causes for that First War that are important to us.

But if one listens to the Political Propagandizing currently being presented to us all, it is along the lines of instructing us that World War Two was inevitable and that it was absolutely necessary to stop Hitler… leaving us to infer that it is equally necessary now that Putin of Russia be stopped. No one reminds us of the millions who had to die to teach Hitler his lesson, and not just in battle. There was the bombings, but far worse but mostly forgotten (for that very reason I suppose) were the Food Embargos enforced by America and Britain that assured that even if Hitler had not put large segments of the population in camps, where, by the way, food was for a long time rationed before it inevitably ran out, that millions of deaths would have occurred nonetheless. Millions of people cannot live without food. Starving a Continent to teach Hitler a lesson would have had its Holocaust one way or another no matter how it came down. We are told of Gas Chambers but really, most people had starved to death… and it was Roosevelt and Churchill behind all that. Anyway, all of that aside, it is difficult to comprehend the ignorance behind anybodies serious wish that we should have another World War Two – that we should measure how ‘Glorious’ our Generation is entitled to be by what proportion of dead it leaves on battlefields that might well have been avoided.

Besides, as much as this present Generation of Politicians look back in nostalgic awe of World War Two as a Righteous and Necessary War, the comparison to any situation we have today with Russia simply does not apply. What really draws a parallel is the wildly tragic blunders that lead up to World War One – a War that had a thousand causes but not a single hint of any reason that could justify the subsequent losses and disastrous results, yes, including World War Two. More than 30 million people died in World War One, and the subsequent instabilities set up a resurge in the conflict a mere 15 years later which took another 30 million. Yes, apart from the Propaganda that tells us again and again that there were only 6 million deaths that really mattered, the rest of the dead should be measured too, even if they were not the “Chosen People”. For every Jew that died in the Holocaust, ten ordinary people died too… but no Propaganda is served by Remembering them. While everyone else was encourage to Forget and go on and Live in Peace, the Propaganda Machine decided to remember this One Fraction of the Deaths in order to justify a War Machine that has destabilized World Politics ever since. Because of a European Holocaust that everyone suffered, they alone have the right to murder and enslave Palestinians. The Logic of Propaganda is wonderful.

World War One was instigated by a bunch of openly Imperialistic Democracies that had to talk tough and act tough to please their constituencies. If it had all been still under Kings who utilized professional diplomatic bureaucracies, then there would have been a Convention held in Paris or Vienna and the competing Imperial Powers would simply have sliced up the World Map like a big pizza pie. There would have been no Huge European Civil War, no collapse of Civilization (and, yes, Civilization DID collapse… just listen to the music), and the rest of the World would have been brought up to speed a whole lot faster than it did. A Cooperative Network of Imperial Powers ruling the World, as opposed to two horribly destructive World Wars, would have been a much better package for all concerned. Instead what we had was an escalating game of push and shove from which no politician could dare back down, resulting in Wars and then the Revolutions which perhaps killed and destroyed more than even the Wars had done. Europe has not yet gained back even half of what it had lost with that misguided conflict. Only America benefited by this European Suicide.

But it is all about to start again. That new little foreign President that the French got to rule over themselves (what? The French know enough about their own national character not to elect another Frenchman… Napoleon wasn’t French either now that I think about it) – when he is not poking his new Super-Model wife, he’s out drumming up a War against Russia. Just minutes ago in History the French themselves had refused to join NATO, not wishing to be pulled into an American driven War. Now France wishes to provoke a War by insisting that NATO effectively invade the Former Soviet Union, annexing what was until only just recently an integral part of what we understood as ‘Russia’.

Even the new German Girl, with her political ear to the ground, has come out thumping for War, perhaps with the intuition that Peace with the Germans had only been something of a momentary fad, that Defeat has left a lasting bad taste in their mouths and that they are ready to go again. Doing so well now after having lost two Big Wars, I suppose they think that losing one more might make things even better.

As for the Americans, apart from their Propaganda, they really did not fight in the Big Wars, not like everyone else did. Indeed, the Americans even had to contrive a few disastrous battles just in order to sustain enough losses so that they could pound the Treaty Tables afterwards pretending as much vehemence as the other Partners in War who had lost millions where America had only lost thousands. Indeed, the real fact of the Wars for America was that they were the ultimate Arms Supplier, draining the World’s Gold while hanging back from any real combat until the outcome of the Wars had already been decided.

But does America think that it could now instigate a new World War with Russia and remain equally untouched? America can’t even manage to comfortably deal with the relatively primitive pastoralists of Iraq and Afghanistan. Fighting these shepherds has lead America to the verge of Bankruptcy. Is any of America’s Intelligence Community telling any of their reckless Politicians that Russia has scores of Armored Divisions, a competitive Air Force, a huge blue water Navy. What of those Midget War Mongers in France and Germany? How many Armored Divisions can France and Germany commit? Russia still has enough Mig Airplanes to darken the sky. France and Germany can barely mount an air show.

Yes, I suppose everybody thinks that if everyone talks tough and in unison, then Russia will back down. Really? But who is more likely to back down? It is not Russia that is on the verge of Bankruptcy. Russia had its big problems and is now on the other side of them. America is barely able to keep afloat on its swiftly sinking dollar, and Europe makes no secret of depending on America… watch the European Exchanges as they mirror Wall Street day after day, even with amplified swings… when America sniffles Europe catches cold, and when America skins its knee Europe hemorrhages blood. Honestly, of what does Russia have to be afraid? Even if America with its few European auxiliaries were to launch a devastating attack on Russia’s Military and Economic infrastructure, everyone knows that America and its Little Friends have no stomach for occupying Russia. As said previously, America has its hands full dealing with tiny defeated little Peoples. Even if America were to knock the Russian Giant down to the ground, certainly they no longer harbor any delusions about being able to keep It down.

And why shouldn’t America and Europe back down. America has its United States. Now Europe even has its Union. Why is it that Russia is the only World Power that can’t pull together the Peoples and Nations within its Natural Boundaries. Besides, it’s the right and best thing. Larger Political and Economic Jurisdictions do better than small City States. The only people who benefit from these little C.I.A. Client Republics are the Little Gangs that usurp power and become the Little Kings of the Mountain… the local Fat Hogs. Yes, yes, the Propaganda says that Democracy gives people Self-Representation, but really? Who Nominates these Client Candidates? These Politicians who step forward to run for Public Office, who’s paying them to do it? Then there is the matter of the Losers within these Democracies – the 49% of the Public that can be entirely ignored if their Candidates are voted down. For Democracy to be really representative, they should gather together all those who cast losing votes and shoot them, so that it can actually be true to say that the People, the survivors anyway, are represented by the Government that they did indeed vote for. I would say I am just kidding, but in some Democracies it is almost that serious – that Elections are so violent because the Results decide the fate of complete Demographic Segments of Society which will certainly be marginalized politically and economically should their Candidate or Party lose. Anyway, I can hardly believe that the Propagandists really believe in their own Propaganda to such an extreme extent, as they must be so well acquainted with all of the underlying Corruption, that even if it has made them wildly wealthy, they must be cynical and jaded enough from the Suffering they see themselves imposing on others to realize that their Scam isn’t worth another Devastating World War. After all, just how naughty are the Russians being? Taking charge of a Former State that is about to commit Treason is hardly the same thing as attacking some really Free and Independent Republic. If Abraham Lincoln was justified in America’s own Civil War, where Rebellious Independent Republics were invaded and brought back to Statehood and Union, then why does not Putin deserve the same latitude? If Lincoln could burn his Georgia…?

Oh, there I am talking about facts of life and common sense. Always always always we must keep in mind that we live in Mindless and Corrupt Democracies. In that case if a totally devastating War could possibly be launched out of excesses of overblown Public Patriotism, whipped up by super-interested Propaganda Machines, so that a mere handful of the Super Rich can double the value of their stock portfolios, then we all should probably be very afraid.

This Young Generation of Idiots who know nothing of the turn of the Last Century that lead up to all the bloody excesses of the Deadliest One Hundred Years in Human History – ordinarily I would ask them to read a few books to get some insight into it all. But I guess they don’t need to. They are now living it. They are the Fools of 1914 all over again.

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