Saturday, August 23, 2008

Freedom of Speech minus Secrecy

Freedom of Speech minus Secrecy

Its odd that Americans still speak of Freedom of Speech. Now their Government places every embarrassing piece of information into some National Security Classification. Almost every Government Worker, Contractor, or member of the Military cannot discuss anything that has to do with anything because it is Classified. Indeed, it has caused quite a paradox of perceptions as Reporters are beginning to realize that ANY information released from the Government must certainly be contrived up lies, because if anything about it were actually True, it would have been Classified.

Private Information is no better. Every large Corporation now instructs their employees about all information available to them being “Company Private”.

Now, nearly nobody goes to jail for violating National Security Classifications or Company Private Guidelines; however, people are fired and they cannot ever again find comparable work. Everyone’s gainful employment largely depends upon keeping everything about their official capacities secret.

The Courts are also involved. One would think that Freedom of Speech would at least be respected by the Third Branch of Government. But now it is the most common of procedures for Judges to swear all parties to total secrecy and absolute News blackouts. Then there are Judgments issued on the condition that Secrecy remain perpetual. Official Government Agencies deliberately place constraints on Speech and don’t have a second thought about it.

Now, shouldn’t we all wonder how a Democracy is supposed to work if nobody knows anything? Democracy has become Government by Guess.

Yes, yes, Secrecy serves so many causes. If the Government and the Companies and the Courts did not see some advantage in maintaining Secrecy, they would not be so insistent upon the violation of Liberal Principles. However, they are only thinking of Themselves, aren’t they? If we were to think of the Greater Public Good, then would not all the advantages be in Freedom of Information. Even in regards to the Military, the great bulk of information now being classified is of no use to the Enemy – give the complete plans of an F-22 Fighter Jet to Turban Headed Terrorist in Afghanistan and he’ll probably use it for toilet paper. It is all about Political Control. Its all about covering up EVERYTHING. With Corporations it is all about Liability. With the Courts it is about hiding the fact that the Judges are ruling in favor of Wealth and Privilege – the other boys at the Country Club.

I forget where I read it, but the argument was made that when so many American’s came back from World War Two, having had close looks at how the Nazies and the Russians had done business, the convenience and utility of it all was much too tempting. Dictatorial Secrecy was imposed, publicly, privately and in the Courts. And nobody complained. I guess maybe nobody knew what was happening anyway. It was all kept secret.

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