Sunday, October 7, 2007

What Iraq? Biggest Lie of the Iraq War

What Iraq? Biggest Lie of the Iraq War

The most pointed indication that all of the Western News Groups are simply propaganda outlets for Western Multi-National Corporation Government is that all of the reports persist in talking about ‘Iraqi Forces’, such as in “When will Iraqi Forces be ready to maintain their own Security”.

Honestly, even the profoundest stupidity could no longer be a cover after all these years of on the ground experience. They must know that there is no longer such a thing as an ‘Iraqi’. Now we have Sunnis, Shia, and Kurds. It is a Civil War. There had once been an Iraq, but that ended with Saddam Hussein, or, more exactly when the ONLY Fully Integrated Nationalist Party was outlawed. You see, Saddam Hussein and the Ba’athist Party were dedicated to securing Iraq as a single unified political entity. Yes, it was primarily Sunni, but this was because traditionally the Sunnis are more politically inclined toward Secular Government, while traditionally the Shia and the Kurds are more prone toward cutting throats and causing mayhem. We can loosely compare it to America where the Catholics are liberal and peaceful and the Protestants are war-mongering exploiters who are still upset that they had to give up their Slaves (voting exactly as though they were White Supremacists while being too discrete to admit it).

But if one examined the composition of the Ba’athist Regime’s Civil Government, it was integrated. Far more integrated than anything they have now. Now, EVERY single Political Party and every single Politician, along with the Civil Servants whom they appoint, are specifically dedicated to a particular Ethnic/Religious Faction. Everybody is taking a side, or has already been killed for not taking a side. The President or Prime Minister, whatever they call that Traitor to the Old Iraq, is an unabashed Shia. The Kurds in the North couldn’t be more clear in demanded their own Nation as a reward for having Betrayed the Old Iraq. And the Sunnis, because the Americans had outlawed all of their Career Positions, are, well, outlaws.

Now, if the News Reporters were actually very concerned with informing us about what is going on, then they would tell us of the Ethnic or Religious Composition of those on whom they are reporting. Are the bombs blowing up in the Sunni Areas, or the Shia. When ‘Iraqi’ Forces take charge in certain districts, well, what are their composition, or the composition of their Officers Corps. I would guess we are seeing Shia invasions of Sunni territories, but the News Media simply is not telling us.

What I find interesting is that the American Army, now so worried of Iran’s spreading influence in the area, Iran being Shia, are now supporting the Sunni Tribes in the midst of this Civil War. It is fascinating to find that apparently Al Qaeda is fighting in support of the Shia. Hmmmm. I thought America was in Iraq to fight Al Qaeda, but now, while the American Army has woke up and is backtracking to the Old Ba’athists (wishing, no doubt they could resurrect Old Saddam), the American State Department are allowing a Government to sit that apparently is in alliance with Al Qaeda. Yes, this all may be quite doubtful, supposing that the Al Qaeda may simply be fighting everybody, as loose secret cell organizations are typically not expected to be too well disciplined as to regards to finer points of strategic policy. But we know for a certainty that Iraq’s Shia Government is in bed with Iran. And the American State Department is too embarrassed to forbid it. These Shia Traitors only got Iraq because America handed it to them, and so they should realize that there had been some tacit conditions. But now the American State Department has found out apparently that Traitors have no honor anywhere. But we should not conclude that Ms. Rice is stupid. I hear she plays piano quite well.

And we can’t blame anything on any intentional policy from George Bush, he being so completely lazy on one hand, and stupid on the other. What is most likely is that things were simply allowed to proceed, and if anybody was smart enough to know what was happening, they had not the political clout to do a thing about it. And both Ms. Rice and Mr. Bush keep closed offices and carefully screen their briefings so that they are never told anything they do not explicitly wish to hear.

Anyway, regarding an Exit Strategy. America persists in arguing that they need to stay or there will certainly be Chaos. Well, that is silly. All that needs to be done is to hold a Conference, inviting Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and, yes, even Iran. At this point the Shia and Iran will have to be given something, but the truth is that Iraq is on the Sunni Arab side of the old Traditional Line of separation between Shia Persia and Sunni Arabia. If it is important enough to them, then the Turks, Syrians, Jordanians, Egyptians and especially the Rich and Powerful Saudis will jump in and hold the breach themselves. And if they should have a huge regional War…. Well, so what? At least it could be said that they were minding their own business.

Of course, the puzzling aberration in all of this is that there are many
Shia in the Arab World. You would think that these silly Arabs would have the sense to know that Shia Islam is characteristically Persian… one of the first reactions to the Arab Invasion of Old Persia (yes before the Crusades when Christians invaded the Holy Land, the Muslims were invading the Holy Land… and everywhere else) was that the Persians tried to put their own Man on the Muslim Throne – Shia Islam has no deeper Religious Significance than a Power Grab. Well, perhaps this is how Shia Islam still has its Logic, that everybody who wishes to Unsettle Government can cry that Nothing has Ever been Right since the very first Shia plot to Assassinate the Ruling Sultan failed and the Shia’s were executed instead, just as Traitors and Assassins should be, I might add. But in Arabic I suppose they translate the word “traitor” as ‘martyr’.

Perhaps one resolution in all of this would be to transport all of these Shia, ethnically Arab or not, to Iran where they would have what they purportedly want – Theocratic Government. As it now stands the Shia Minorities in all of these Countries are as likely to be dangerous traitors and subversives as the Shia had been in Iraq.

Will Iraq end up divided up between all the contending parties? Probably. But if they were smart they would take this opportunity to create something of a United States of Arabia, and stop taking shit from the United States of America and its little snot puppet Allies (recently welcoming France). Oh, I get it. That’s why America wants to stay there forever. When you start conquering the World, it looks bad when you start giving anything back.

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