Sunday, October 7, 2007

Narco Terrorism

Narco Terrorism

America is stupid.

The way America sees it, the Drug Trade is funding Terrorism.

But the Truth is that America is always taking the side of those who would agree to wipe out the Number One Cash Crop. The problem is where America is always picking the wrong side, all else being politically neutral.

America would not have to worry about the Drug Traffic taking the side of their Enemies if they would simply befriend them in the first place. Take Afghanistan as a for instance. The people who only want to make a living for themselves find that the only Political Support they can get from anybody is from the Taliban, whom they have never particularly liked. People are forced to take their friends where they can find them. But America is really not giving them a choice.

Oh, well, there is the choice they can make regarding what they grow. They can grow heroin which sells for about a million dollars for every 2 kilos – it could fit into a briefcase; or they can grow cotton that sells for about 20 dollars for a bail that can weigh down a pickup truck. Some choice.

You would think that if it were really important to America to take the Narcotics off the Market, then they would simply buy the product and then destroy it. The Farmers would get their money, and America would intercept its Drugs. Win, Win. Or America could legalize Drugs. You know, the World did just fine until 1932 when America suddenly got a bug up its butt and decided to outlaw what had up to then always been legal.

But, no. America simply goes in and destroys people’s crops. Or, using the War as a convenient excuse, they label the Farmers ‘Taliban’ and shoot them down, calling their murders a Victory for Anti-Terrorism. Yeah, that will win Hearts and Minds.

If America has enemies it is because it seems to be their most heartfelt policy to make enemies.

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