Saturday, June 2, 2007

Global Warming As a Weapon Against China

When America was caught up in the Cold War and considered Russia to be its primary enemy, it made every effort to achieve rapprochement with China. It was thought that if America befriended China, then it would deprive the Russians of a friend. It was a cynical and convenient friendship. Then, under Clinton, it was simply assumed that Peace was better than War, and that since America would have nothing to gain by war and since China would have nothing to gain by war, so it would be that genuine Friendship could became the policy goal of both World Powers. But this ended when the American Right Wing Religious Conservatives forced their coup in 2002 and took over America. Soon we had any number of books flying out of the American Publishing Houses, astounding the World that no state secrets were being violated when it was openly announced that every American Military priority was being concentrated upon planning some ultimate war with China. It amounted to little less than an official declaration of war. There were many rationales offered, but we could place them all basically into two families, the first being that while China was growing and America was declining, then America could only protect its lead by destroying China; and the second reason for planning War against China was that China offered a large enough threat to qualify for the highest level of Defense Spending, that is, that the vested interest in Defense Spending, established during the half century of the Cold War, simply needed a New Big Enemy, and since France was not quite large enough to stand in for the role, China was targeted simply because it met the profile qualifications. With every other industry being outsourced away from American shores, Militarism was the last Big Business left.

But America must certainly have discovered by now that Wars are iffy at best. The dogs of war could bite both ways. A generation ago tiny Vietnam handed America a resounding military defeat, and that just little more than a decade after China and North Korea fought America to a draw on the small battlefield of Korea. Then, America has found that it can’t even enforce its will upon Iraq, an undeveloped country that had been weakened by 20 years of war and sanctions. Well, yes, it can win the War, but finds itself losing the Peace. America, while thinking of itself as a Giant, is aware that it has had great difficulties fighting with those it thinks of as midgits, and while America is puzzled by this perceived inconsistency, it acknowledges the difficulities nonetheless. So now their are even Republicans clamoring for peace, no doubt hoping to destroy the rest of the World by other means.

America had come to realize that it had not so much won the First and Second World Wars as that the rest of the World had lost them much more badly, and America, by fighting the least, by loosing the least, won by default. No American cities had been bombed out, but, instead, the plundered wealth of the World went into building shiny new American Factories from coast to coast. Thinking itself the Grand Winner, America became proud and took on some fights of its own, but possibly may have learned its lesson. America would attempt to achieve its ends by different means.

And so it is that it may be that America has tacitly settled upon the policy of pushing forward the devastations of Global Warming. Just as with the Great Wars of the 20th Century, America may suppose that while it would suffer some inconveniences and losses from Global Warming, they anticipate that the remainder of the World, and especially China, would be devastated.

So we see Americans still advocating and investing in economic models that pump out the most greenhouse gases, while opposing any remodeling of social plans that could effectively decrease the buildup of fatal and dangerous levels of greenhouse gases. Even Al Gore never mentions nuclear energy power plants. Why? Well, simply because Nuclear Power Energy Plants would be the key to solving the entire problem.

Also, America’s insistence that alcohol should be a viable replacement for petroleum could also be a subtle weapon in its arsenal for global genocide (Americans are good people at heart and don’t want to enslave anybody. So American World Dominance is not envisioned as imposing Slavery on the rest of Mankind. Without anybody overtly saying so, it is just hoped that the rest of the World will simply go away and stop impinging upon American Happiness. Well, that means genocide, whether anybody admits it openly or not, especially if the Genocide can be made to look like some huge accident, such as is the case with AIDS, Global Warming, Energy Prices, etc). Alcohol, while being just as bad a greenhouse gas culprit as petroleum, would divert crops ordinarily intended for Food Production into the highly inflated fuel markets. Indeed, the ever increasing starvation levels we now see in Africa can be closely correlated to the price of Ethanol. Western Economies no longer consider diverting the surpluses of their grain harvests to famine stricken economies, not when the price of grain is now almost directly linked to Oil Prices. Grain was never really ever given away for Humanitarian concerns alone, but only because by giving grain away to worthless markets, the price of all of the remaining grain was supported… it boosted prices. But now that the price of wheat rises side by side with the price of oil because it too has become an energy commodity, there is not a grain left to be given away. World grain supplies will inevitably be diverted more and more to the ethanol distilleries, leaving less and less food to eat. As Oil Reserves are depleted and the price of grain alcohol soars, hungry people will be allowed to starve as thirsty automobiles are allowed to drink. While wealthy Americans could still pay perhaps $7or $8 dollars a liter for their gasoline and ethanol blends, there would be billions of people throughout the World who could never hope to pay those same high prices for a slice of bread or a small bowl of rice. And Americans could assume it was nobody’s fault that millions were left to starve, but simply blame the impersonal and inescapable economic laws of supply and demand – the types of thing that no Free People could possibly do anything about.

And so it is that though America might fear an open and overt War with China, these same Americans might look forward to destroying China with the rising sea levels caused by the Global Warming it had effectively engineered, and then starving China by the imposing impossibly high food prices it advanced by converting the Oil Economies over to Ethanol.


BohmaNiac said...

Hey you're my idol! How old are you? Where do you live?

How come religion has convinced you, whilst many others yet haven't been...?

Leo Volont said...

How old am I? I have some years to go before I am 70.

Why am I convinced by Religion while so many others are not? Well, other people are looking in the wrong places. Even the Christians are looking in the wrong place. Faith is NOT the answer. I believe in Religion because of all the documentation of Miracles in regards to the Saints... Catholic Saints, Hindu Saints, Buddhist Saints, Sufi Saints. Most of History's Saints and documented miracles have been reported in just the last several hundred years, well within reliable times where we can safely assume we are not being subjected to invented legends and children's stories.

Why is it that Christians ignore saints and miracles? Well, it is because Protestants are for the most part outside of the Holy Pall of Grace... they did something whereby they have largely pissed off God. The Protestants therefore have no Saints and have no miracles.

But, then again, in recent times... the latter part of the 20th Century and the last few years, we have had so few Saints. It worries me.

But if one does the research, there have been enough recent saints that one can be convinced on the truths of Higher Religion.

BohmaNiac said...

Ok, well I agree.

Have you experienced anything that has convinced you to believe in the truths of Higher Religion (apart from reading things and hearing things from others) ?

Leo Volont said...


Tough question.

But to be intellectually honest I would have to say that the only experience that could convince me regarding the Truths of Higher Religion would have to be in some degree miraculous.

Now I have had many powerful dreams, visions and meditations, and I feel as though I have a special degree of spiritual discernment. But I would be less than truthful if I claimed any miracle to have happened.

Now, as I have said, the documentation for miracles is overwhelming, and anybody who can read should believe in a Supernatural Component to our Universe. But I must concede that Miracles, especially in these days, are rare.

The last I have heard was of Pralad Jnani and the Sterling Hospital in India -- Pralad Jnani was blessed by a Goddess some over 60 years ago because he was anxious about being hungry, and so she blessed him that he would never need food, and so he has not eaten or drank for over 60 years.

"Autobiography of a Yogi" cites many miracles. There have even been many Catholic Miracles in the 20th Century. But after Vatican II it seems that even the Catholic Church has been abandoned.

I suppose there shall be some Miracles as we get closer to the End Times, but I would be less than honest to say I know of any from direct experience.

If this should change, I shall let you know.