Friday, March 4, 2022

Beyond Delusions of Grandeur

 Beyond Delusions of Grandeur


Hi Everybody!  Welcome To An Informal Evening with Leo Volont.

Yeah, “Going Beyond Delusions of Grandeur” is really a funny Title, isn’t it?  So let me explain.


1  So, yeah, I’m in my last week or so doing the  Rewrite Editing and Reading Rehearsals for my next Formal Blog Video, “Adventures In India, and I really like how it’s coming along, but then, well, last night, after hours, as I began to unwind into my new routine of Dance Practicing, where my Body’s really busy, but my mind was free to wonder, well, I got to thinking that many of the Exalted Feelings I was describing in my “Adventures In India” Blog, well, I saw that one day  I might have to face the criticism that I was entertaining Delusions of Grandeur.   Okay.  But that got me wondering about just how much Semantic Distance exists between Socially Acceptable “Fantasy” and what seems like Pathological “Delusion”.   You see, Nobody on God’s Green Earth objects to Sexual Fantasy.  Really, no Loving Couple could survive their 4th Date unless they recruited Fantasy to come in and jack up Reality a little bit, right?


2  So, yeah, where Sexuality is propelled by Desire, well, while Spirituality certainly isn’t same thing as Sex, there is a Desire that also propels Spirituality forward, isn’t there?  Yeah,  I’ve been focusing a lot on Persona Development with my Channel.  My intention there derives from my understanding that Spiritual Realization is not Partial or limited, that is, it fills out a Complete Persona.   (Yeah, I just thought of something – what about Multiple Personas?  But that’s a topic for another day).  But, yeah, it’s been recognized that Yoga is Integral, filling out one’s entire Being.   Yeah, perhaps the foremost Spiritual Philosopher of the 20th Century was Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950) ,and he often spoke in terms of a Synthesis of Yoga and Integral Yoga, implying that when Yoga is successfully engaged in, well, it expands its Domain and reaches into all facets of your life.   And then there’s my old Spiritual Hero, Swami Vivekananda, intellectually more accessible than the more abstruse Aurobindo, and he said much the same thing, using mostly smaller words.


3  So a Spiritual Realization will not just give you some new Outlook on Life, no, but you’ll be onto developing a New Persona, that is, a New You.  Yeah, it made me understand what the Bhagavad Gita meant when it talks of the Wise as being the Twice Born, and the Christians were once familiar with the Concept because they use the Terminology “Born Again”, and, yeah,  if they do have their Religious Experience at a time of personal crisis and Nervous Breakdown, then it’d probably be actually true that they’d be coming out of it ready to become something “New”, though not guaranteed to be much better than what they were before, considering their limited stock of Spiritual Influences and their dirth of compelling Role Models.  You see, its all about one’s Ideals.  That’s where all my Dream and Astral Work come into play.  In Real Life you rarely meet an IDEAL, but Ideals are the Stuff that Dreams are made of, but only if you make it the object of your Dreams to look for and find them.


4  Yeah, in my series “The Material Mechanics of Spirituality” I discuss the Enlightenment Experience as being initiated by a kind of severe nervous breakdown, where the Body is reacting to an overpowering internal dread that the Personality is going to get the Body Killed, you know, you know, with the Personality so dysfunctional that the Body can’t understand how it could possibly continue going in such a direction without it leading to doom.  The Purpose of the Breakdown is just to STOP all forward momentum into Disaster.  The Second Phase of the process is a Personality Rebuilt.  Well, back in that video I spoke of the Rebuilds coming in two kinds:  the Unstructured Rebuilds, which is what happens to people who have spontaneous Breakdowns, and the Structured Rebuilds which is what Monasteries, Cults and Military and Criminal Organizations use after they’re able to use deliberate stresses and traumas to precipitate intentional Breakdowns. 


5  But what I’m trying to do with my Channel now goes beyond that Material Mechanics Breakdown and Build up Model.   I’m putting across the idea that we can take responsibility for our own Post Breakdown Persona Restructuring by Identifying our own Idealizations, you know, your Idealization would be what you would consider the Perfect You?   But there’s the problem of not having the Breakdown Phase for giving us an effective Blank Slate for our Idealization Implementation.   You see, Strong, Capable, Intelligent and Responsible People like ourselves simply don’t have so many Breakdowns.  It is because we can’t help but to figure out ways to Cope, and our  Bodies never lose confidence in our ability to Stay Alive.  Yeah, being Damned Near Perfect is kind of a Blessing and Curse, isn’t it?   But Idealizations can Implement without the extreme of a Complete Nervous Breakdown, but understandably the Process is slower, happening in Episodic Steps, where Events cause Epiphanies or Mini-Realizations.  Yes, the Fully Integrated Persona would not yet be completely manifest, BUT the Personality would no longer be in Balance, but our Psychic Gravatas would more and more weigh towards merging into the Idealization, with the Old Personality sort of being replaced Block By Block, as it were.   Yeah, if you do go to some real valid Spiritual Sourcing and find some actual Idealization Archetype that really does have real Psychological Foundations that go all the way deep down into the very core bedrock of your Soul, and you’re not just trying to create some silly disconnected Private but Powerless Universe, well, such authentic Idealizations would be ATTRACTIVE and COMPELLING for the Personality, and therefore it would be natural for these Idealizations m to take root and grow out and Blossom into the Realization of an Idealized Persona.   


6  Any of my Old Subscribers have probably noticed by now is that Leo Volont is a Persona Idealization busy with just trying to fill out his own Details.   Yeah, but there’s something you all need to know, that there is the Ancient Adage that Story Tellers have passed down through the Ages, going back probably all the way to the Conception of Language, and that is that “The Hero of every Story is always the Fool”.   Yeah, just consult with any half way decent Tarot Card Reader and ask about The FOOL Card… it’s not really such a bad card, is it?   And so we can understand that about Leo, that he’s not trying to be a Fool but striving to be a Hero, and so there’d bound to be a lot of “If at first you don’t succeed, try try agains”, right?  It’d be inevitable,  wouldn’t it? 


7   But what my New Video, “Adventures In India” deals with are some moments where Leo’s Persona Idealization flared up with several Epiphanies, you know, nothing Really Big, but just Moments where my Persona Ideal seemed to kick in and take solid hold and I could sort of feel that Electrical Connection to the underlying Spiritual Stock and Power that would bolster and energize such an authentic process.  But that’s where my After Hours thoughts and doubts got active.   So, okay, would such experiences be termed to be “Delusions of Grandeur” or could we say they are “Grandeur” pure and simple?    Yeah, we might have to ask ourselves whether there can ever be some Real Healthy and Permissible Grandeur, or do we live in a Jaded Age were Materialism dictates that there can be no rational basis for such an “Unstable” Emotional State, and so Grandeur must always be considered as being carried along on some False Body of Delusion, you know, just about in the same way that True Love has been getting a hard reception among the Materialists too, but who among the Happy and the Healthy hasn’t felt the undeniable State of being in True Love, right?  Heck, on a good day I can be in True Love twice before breakfast!


8  So, yeah, I think that we in the Spiritual Community need to look more at the concept of Grandeur.  We talk about Love Love Love Love Love all the time when trying to describe the ‘Ineffable’ State of God Consciousness, but, honestly, using that kind of ambiguous terminology, well, it just looks like we can’t keep our minds off Sex for a minute.   So what are we really talking about when we’re trying to describe the Mystical State?   Are we really just talking about Love or do we really mean Grandeur?   Remember that Love requires Subject and Object, but in the Oneness, there aren’t these two separate things, are there? – Lover and Beloved are still down there groveling in Duality, aren’t they?   But that One Perfect Thing that we Experience in Cosmic Consciousness, well, aren’t we really just throbbing and pulsating with Grandeur.  Yeah, the Core Spiritual Emotion is Grandeur, isn’t it?  


9  But, yeah, enough of this talk talk talk.  I gotta get back to work on “Adventures In India”.  Oh, It’s looking like that thing go 90 Minutes.  Yeah, that’s like a full Length Movie, isn’t it?  But, honestly, I’ve been busting my butt to bring the narrative style up to Literary Quality and I think the Story Line is interesting and the Philosophy pithy enough to carry you all through that much time.   And there’s going to be Flower Girls.  Yeah, Man, Flower Girls!  Who doesn’t like Flower Girls, right?   So, yeah, I think you’re all going to like it.   But, yeah, I need to get to work…. Jesus!  Look at the Time!  I’ve already wasted half the day!  So, yeah, I gotta split!   Thanks everybody.   Leo the Slave needs to get back to Work before the World stops spinning, right?       










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