Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Kundalini: Tower and Flower Your Power

I was watching one of my favorite YouTube channels, Soul Toz, who’s been vlogging about her Kundalini Awakening for about the last 3 or 4 years, and now, quite recently she has been saying that her condition has quite stabilized to what seems to be a new ‘normal’.  She had been accustomed to a lot of tumultuous emotional and physical upheavals; rollercoastering a ridgeline of highs and lows, and her recent leveling off took her quite by surprise.  She was puzzled by it at first but has come to now accept it as a positive development – a kind of plateau before a vaster more significant step, whatever that is to be, and she was not at all sure herself what she might expect.  She calls this impending development the “5D”.  I had to google it.  The term seems to refer vaguely to what we could understand as Spirituality’s Next Big Thing.   I would refer to it more specifically as the Collective Consciousness, where people will go from I-consciousness to We-consciousness, but that is just my opinion and I haven’t heard very many other people suggesting anything along similar lines.  Most New Age Spiritualists today are still circling around with the prevailing philosophies of over hundred years ago – the very philosophies that brought us the Great Wars – the philosophies of the likes of Nietzsche who saw the Evolutionary Spiritual Process in terms of its creating individual Supermen and Women.  I would tend to see that as a step backwards, wouldn’t you?   The World today is in no way lacking of individuals who not only assert their own individual superiorities, mostly in the material sense, but go a long way toward imposing them on all the rest of us.  For a few select individuals to become Masters, the rest of us must all become Slaves, no?   But a Collective Consciousness would raise us up all together.


But that is itself vague theorizing.  The practical issue in regards to Soulful Toz’s newfound condition of normalcy, is whether she is still, or perhaps ever was, in control of her Kundalini’s movements.  Perhaps all of her Kundalini Movements were simply acting upon her, and she was more or less the passive recipient.  Of course I would acknowledge the strong possibility that the Kundalini has its own inherent Wisdom, while also taking note that Kundalini Awakenings can be catastrophic for some people.   Anyway, I would like to ask Madame Toz if she can control any of it, but she has so many subscribers (it’s now in the thousands.  She will soon catch up to the Kitten Lady) that I would doubt I could catch her attention.  Maybe somebody will mention this blog to her.


Now about the possibility that a person might be able to control his own Kundalini Energies.   I myself was initiated into a little heard about Kundalini Yoga system decades ago.  A guru from India, whom I will refer to as the Old Guy and won’t mention the name of his system because he died some years back and I have no idea whom it was who may have swopped in and usurped the Property Rights to his System, and so I am a bit afraid of getting sued for copyright infringement or whatever from some chiseling conniving greedy scheming New Age Predator (who is so used to being called a Master that he has begun to believe it himself).   Anyway, the System consisted basically of awakening the Kundalini using touch (Shaktipat), which is actual common to a number of Systems that I know about, and probably goes back far enough to be considered common domain, but that wouldn’t stop some lawyers from threatening to sue and demanding a settlement offer to make the problem go away (the only Legal Black Mail allowed nowadays is, well “Legal” Black Mail, committed by lawyers under the noses of Judges who forget the Dignity and Responsibility of the Robes they wear and only remember that when they were themselves Lawyers that they would lie and swindle in the same manner, and so it must therefore be entirely upright and ethical).    But, back on topic, one of the things I noticed even before my initiations was that I would feel a pressure sensation at the location of my Ajna Center whenever I was around the Old Guy or some of his Initiates (the Cool Ones).  I guess the Kundalini has a kind of a vibratory resonance that can reach out well beyond the skin, so that other people can sometimes ‘catch the buzz’, if they happen to be tuned in close enough to it.


His System was not a hundred percent reliable – not even close.  I was quite the activist back then in my younger days and was able to bring a veritable busload of prospective initiates to his door.  His followers at the time tried to do some ‘Gatekeeping” and talked of the usual ‘donations’ but the Old Guy waved the fees, citing an atypical ‘student discount’ that I had suggested to him, which would be whatever the kids could afford to part with which wouldn’t be much.  So there were about 20 New Initiates whom I was in contact with.  Most didn’t feel anything with their Initiation, and some only developed headaches.  The Success Rate seemed to hover at around 15%, that is, people who would describe a consistent pressure at the location of their Ajna Center, and then subsequently the at Tail Bone Center and then the Crown Chakra, as the Initiations progressed from week to week.   Yes, now that I think about it and remember back, one could strengthen the sense of pressure by focusing attention on these particular chakras, but moving the energy around generally did not seem to be on the menu at the time.


But the Old Guy eventually had a plane to catch.  He was not officially On World Tour in those days, but he would visit his Old Initiates who had emigrated from India to other parts of the World, and use those social opportunities to advance his Kundalini Yoga System.   But he would return in the next year, and I would become eligible for the Universal Consciousness Initiation.  Wow! Right?  Well, the year came and I sat for the Initiation.  Oh, I need to mention one of the Old Guy’s tricks, and that was not to give out any descriptions of what exactly the Initiations would be like.  But after the Initiation he would ask what the Experience had been like for the New Initiate.  You see, this procedure would be effective at discerning people who were Placebo Effected or subject to Suggestion or who had received nothing but wished to be polite and pretend they did.  Only people who experienced an effective Initiation could describe something close to what the Initiation was actually designed to deliver.   So I sat for the Universal Consciousness Initiation and the Old Guy did whatever it was he did for that one, which I didn’t bother to remember because I got nothing from it.  So when he asked me what I experienced I told him “Well, I got the other Initiations good enough, but I guess this is the One that got away”, and just sort of shrugged my shoulders.  I suppose the Old Guy was struck by my honesty, as I would guess it is customary to ‘make up something’ so you don’t leave the Old Guy feeling like he failed.  But I read his little books.  This guy was basically a science based rationalist and a mature adult, and so he would both want and expect the truth, at least from another science based rational individual (or as close to that as I could manage and still be a young man at the same time).   So the Old Guy thought for a moment and then gave me what was really my most significant Initiation.  He said, “Hmmmm, well I don’t want you to go away with nothing and so let me teach you a trick I learned.  It is the Key to moving the Kundalini around your body.  Wiggle your head around and locate the swivel point at the top of your spine at the base of your brain.  Now energize your Ajna Chakra and bring the Energy back along the top of your pallet to that Swivel Point.  The Energy will feel like a little ball, about as big as a ping-pong ball, but that is way too big.  You want the energy to focus down to being a lot smaller.  Visualize it like an onion where you are removing skin after skin and it is getting smaller and smaller.  It only takes a few minutes to get it down to the right size, about the size of a pea.  This is one time that Bigger isn’t Better.”   I listened to him and this is one time when he didn’t use touch or wave his hands around anywhere.   I followed along with what he was telling me and the amorphous sensation of energy did slowly focus down and get smaller and more solid, and then I noticed that it was difficult to keep it from wiggling – it seemed to spin slightly with a small erratic wobble or swing, which I mentioned, and the Old Guy said, “Good. You found it.  Now that is the Key.  Once you get your Energy there (it behaves like a valve) you can take it to any part of your body.  Move your energy to your right hand”. So I did, and I said “Wow, I was never able to do that before”.  Then he said, “Okay, you have heard about all those other Chakras in your body, right?  So try moving your energy down through your body and see what you feel”.   Now it was only a feeling of pressure – not big Lights and Colors (only in my Dreams do they light up), but it was a tangible feeling of pressure that never existed before and I moved it from Chakra to Chakra.  I said “Cool!” and as I described it and the Old Guy smiled.  I suppose he was a realist enough to be aware of his own dismal failure rate, and so he cherished each little success that came along.  


So, for decades now I have been able to move my Kundalini around.  I have combined that with various breathing exercises which intensify the Energy somewhat.  I can actually get a tangible feeling of raising the Kundalini up over my head, by what feels like between 12 and 18 inches or about a half a meter.  I can make it ball up into a roundish 3 dimensional halo, or tower it up to a peak, or even spin it like a kind of propeller.  Another thing I learned to do was to fill my Personal Space with Energy.  You see, our Mental Body is more than our Physical Body in the sense that our Mental Body is Everywhere we can move our hands and feet – the Mental Body is a kind of Coordinate System which incorporates anywhere we can reach out to touch or tap with our hands or feet.  It is kind of roundish like an egg.  I can fill that with a kind of translucent light, which I can feel more than see (but it ‘imagines’ as light).  In dreams it is Light.


So I was wondering if Soulful Toz has found that little secret or whether she only gets whatever she happens to get, as a passive recipient.   

Oh, about ‘flowering’ the Power.  Years ago I had a dream of a young man who had a tremendous smile and it seemed to connect him with All Life, as I noticed that his silver-blue aura spread out away from him into the entire landscape, but only encircling the living things – the grasses, the bushes, the trees.  Well, I thought that his tremendous smile had something to do with his ability to project and connect.  So I experimented.  What is a smile but turning up the facial muscles, right?   So I used my Kundalini Power to turn upward, smile like, the Energies behind my face.  Then I energized all the Chakras and had those Chakral Disks flatten out horizontally and then turn up like flowers opening up to the sunlight.  That seems to do the trick.  A Full Body Kundalini Smile probably projects a very positive energy, and probably because of the Flower Effect, it also receives a lot of Higher Energy Prana from Above or wherever.

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