Sunday, September 7, 2014

Legalizing Recreational Marijuana... Legalize Something Better!

 Its a singular proof that the American Public has already smoked too much, that they want to Legalize Recreational Marijuana, when, if they still had any thinking capacity left, they would rather Legalize Recreational Drugs in General, which would then open the Door for the Big Pharmaceutical Companies to develop Euphoric Drugs, with the same or better Pleasant Feel that Marijuana has, but with none or less of the horrible side-effects that Marijuana has.

Look at HOW BAD Marijuana is -- young people who smoke it before their brains are fully developed are giving up IQ points (enough to make a Normal Person into an Idiot).   Steady Smokers slur their speech.  Steady Smokers show a lack of motivation and become passive and apathetic.  Marijuana increases appetite and may be one of the reasons behind the Big Obesity Epidemic.

Does any of that sound good to anybody?  So why Legalize that kind of Ditch Weed, when if the Pharmaceutical Companies are given the Green Flag, they could develop Drugs that could make us High without Screwing Us Up.

Right now the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) is a bit constrained by own regulations, one of which stipulates that Approved Drugs, by their definition, have to treat some kind of Disease, that is, they have to in some way help a Person in some Negative State of Health get back to the Neutral State of Health.   So, somehow it is against Their Institutional Rules to allow for any Drug that has the purpose of taking Persons of Neutral or even Good health and IMPROVING UPON IT.   But once we already have our first Recreational Drug Legalizations, then this NO DRUG ABOVE NEUTRAL Clause would already be relegated away… that is if the FDA ever comes to Recognize any of the State Recreational Drug Legalizations. 

Anyway, just a slight Tweak to the FDA Regulations, permitting for Drugs that might Improve Life Satisfaction – Drugs that can take us to an Health-Plus State of Being.   We must Unchain the Capacity of our Pharmaceutical Companies to not just fight the Negatives, but to allow them also to give us more of the Positives.

Eurphoric Drugs would make people Happy, and would that be so bad?  Especially if we could preclude Idiotic Side Effects.

Well, Historically anyway, not everyone has always wanted to be Happy.  Just look – America has a Puritanical Background.   The Calvinists would say that the Working Classes are already the Reprobate… the Un-Elect of God (or they would have been born Rich, or gotten Rich, like any good Presbyterian or Puritan) and so Life for them is just a way station to Hell, and if they belong in Hell, they certainly should not be allowed to be Happy in the World.   And then there is also the matter that the Puritans are a sad and morbid group in themselves… pushing for all that Money to prove to themselves that they are not Damned, well, so they reject happiness for themselves also.  But is this Past Way of Thinking important to us now?   And let us try to put these Puritans into something of a Modern Perspective – These Puritans were nothing more than the European and American branches of the Talaban, and their way of thinking. 

We need to get happy, even if it takes drugs for us to be able to do that.   But NOT Marijuana… unless you WANT TO BE a fat slurred speech apathetic idiot.   We put a Man on the Moon.   We should be able to make ourselves Happy without hurting ourselves at the same time.  

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