Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dying in a Dream is a Good Thing

If you have died or have faced death in a Dream – A Monster chasing you or some such thing – and you are something of a young adult, early twenties or about, then this dream is a Mortality Dream. You are being shown that you will die... some day... not very soon as the case usually is.  The Monster confronting you is your eventual Death.

But more importantly, in the dream context, you are being given the opportunity to confront Death in the Dream World, and then to realize that in the Dream World you are quite Un-Killable... well, almost... you can be ‘killed’, but if you can keep from waking up for about 20 seconds, you will find that you come back to "life".

So, don’t be too afraid of those Monsters.  My advice is to confront those Monsters and let them kill you, and then 'stay dead', that is, go down and lay there dead and don't get so emotional that you wake up prematurely and ruin the dream.  You have to lay there and just wait. After about 20 seconds it will begin to feel ridiculous and you will get up Alive... or something like the Living Dead, but you won’t be ‘gone’.

After such a dream you will have the realization that you cannot be killed in a dream. It is quite liberating. You might not at first believe it, but other dreams will soon occur to verify it -- you will be gunned down, hit by trains and buses... you will soon get the point that nothing in a dream can even scratch your little finger, well, that holds you back any.

I remember my first Mortality Dream... I and my young friends were being chased through this Amusement Park by a deadly Monster and we could simply not get much of a lead on the Thing, and so I finally decided to stop and just wait for it. I watched my friends run off ahead of me. I slowly turned back to face the Monster, and it surprised me what I saw. It was not the same Monster, but it had turned into the Prison Guard from the movie "Cool Hand Luke", the one with the Mirrored Sun Glasses and the high powered rifle. I asked him, "what are you going to do?" And he said, " I am going to shoot you dead". Anyway, quite matter of factly, and to my surprise I replied simply, "Okay, give me a second", and I turned around so he could shoot me without me having to watch it face to face. BOOM! and the rifle bullet smacked into the back of my head and drove me forward into the ground. Of course I was dead! So I laid there being dead for about 20 seconds until it started to seem ridiculous. I got up and looked around and saw a gas station on the other side of the street. I walked over and asked to use the Men's Room and when I went inside I walked up to the mirror over the sink and opened up my mouth wide, and I could see Sunlight coming through the back of my head... I had left the door open. Seeing the large hole in the back of my head I said, ironically enough, "Yeah, I'm dead alright.

the next night I was hit by a train. the night after that I was shot by feminist terrorists with a machine gun. Soon I got the point, that Dreams couldn't kill me. It is very liberating. it takes the Fear out of dreams.

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