Sunday, June 6, 2010

Could Space Aliens Be Bad

Could Space Aliens Be Bad

I heard that recently some big famous Media Scientist… famous for being famous…said that we should be very cautious regarding contact with the Space Aliens. His argument was that since we are civilized and evil, that it is likely that they also would be evil despite their level of civilization.

You know, I really suspect that these scientific sorts don’t do much reading outside of their field. After all, to be acquainted with History takes an awful lot of careful and thoughtful reading. I just don’t see how they would have the time. But they hold themselves as geniuses and therefore think themselves experts about everything.

Years ago I read that scientists had the highest mortality rate as Private Pilots. You see, they wouldn’t take the time to actually learn how to fly… they wouldn’t listen to their instructors who they must of considered quite stupid … and they wouldn’t even read the “stupid” books. They just figured they were smart enough and knew everything already. Then they would take off, crash and die. And when they weren’t doing that, they would comment upon Social Issues and History. Super Nerds pretending to know about People.

Anyway, the difference between the Civilization of Space Aliens and our “civilization” is that they might actually have a Civilization. Here on Earth we have no experience with Civilization dating before the last 10,000 years. Here on Earth we have never had a successful Civilization. We have had unsustainable bursts of population. The Earlier Civilization may have been the most successful, if we measure them by their duration. But resent Civilization rise and fall all in the space of just a few hundred years. So, really, can we even say we have ever been “civilized”.

If an engine cranks, sputters and dies, well, we know it is getting gas because we have some cylinders firing, and we know it has spark for the same reason, but something must be wrong because it won’t keep going. Its not really a car if it can’t run. And what we have been doing on Planet Earth is not running.

But the Space Civilizations are not just 10,000 years old. These Space Societies could be hundreds of millions of years old. We are like babies – pooping ourselves, crying, throwing tantrums. So the Scientific Community supposes that Space Aliens are likewise ‘pooping themselves, crying, and throwing tantrums’. They don’t factor in maturity and experience.

Also, there is the matter that Our Governments are so keen to deny the existence of the Space Aliens. If the Scientists are so smart, why is it that they cannot figure out why our Governments are lying to us. If the Aliens were simply dangerous in the ordinary way, then the Governments would warn us, even to the extent of creating hysteria, and use it all as an excuse for some very profitable Military Buildup. But they resort to complete Denial.

I know why.

The Americans had captured some Space Aliens… I heard this from an Ex-Black Ops Agent… a “Spook”… who had been drinking a bit. Anyway the interrogators asked the Aliens about their Social System. They were hoping that the Aliens believed in Democracy and Capitalism. Well, the Aliens asked for a notebook and great deal of paper and spent a couple of weeks describing their Civilization and History. The notebook was yellow in color and so the book they wrote came to be called the “Yellow Book”. It turns out that the Space Alien Civilization was NOT Democratic, and was NOT Capitalist. But it was undeniably SUCCESSFUL.

So the Democrats and Capitalists buried the information.

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