Monday, September 7, 2009

The True Purpose of Military Weapons

The True Purpose of Military Weapons

If one reads much concerning the political dynamics in Washington D.C. then it becomes crystal clear, at least apparently, that the reason they continue to make such heavy investments into military weapons systems is because there is a great deal of benefit going to the Weapons Contractors who profit directly from the purchases and because of the continued labor employment in the districts where the factories are located. Labor employment brings votes and the contractors kick back a great deal of their profits into campaign contributions. That explains everything.

No one actually intends to hurt anybody with all the bombs being churned out.

Then I read this remarkably stupid book by George Friedman “The Next Hundred Years”. He is supposed to be chief brain behind some private think tank organization that takes money from people and corporations for predicting future trends. Anyway, Mr. Friedman goes on and on about how influential America will remain in the next Century because of all of its weapons systems.

The arguments go like this, that the World will have to buy American because America has a huge Navy and could shut down everybody else’s trade routes. Buy American or have your Capital reduced to rubble. Huh!?

Is he honestly saying that unless America gets its way about every little thing, then America will start sinking international shipping and carpet bomb civilian populations!? That is what it looks like. The guy WANTS to pull the trigger! That is what he thinks all that stuff was built for.

The guy has a best seller. The guy takes money to predict this crap. People believe him. You know how dangerous that is? But what if he is RIGHT!?

This is why it is so very wrong to build weapons systems for the wrong reasons. Not everybody understands that it is only about the money, the payoffs, the jobs. There are little Jewish men, writing best sellers, who honestly suppose navy ships should be out sending Chinese Supertankers to the bottom unless they finally agree to adjusting their exchange rate.

Meanwhile, the rest of the World should seriously go into a panic and demand that the United States cut way back on its deployable weapons systems. After all, if that little Jewish man is even half correct, then America’s collecting such an array of weapons is tantamount to a Declaration of War against the Entire World.

If it was wrong when the Nazis tried to conquer the World. If it was wrong when the Russians tried to conquer the World. Well what makes it right when the American’s are putting aside 40% of their Gross National Product every year toward the prospect of conquering and enslaving the rest of the World.

All of the Books about the Military Industrial Complex and the Corruption of Building Weapons Systems just for the Kick-Backs and the Congressional District Jobs, well, that all could have been MISDIRECTION. What if America really intends to use all these Weapons!? Maybe the Little Jewish man is right?

The World needs to step up and demand clarification on this Issue. Why IS America building enough Weapons to conquer the World?

And it can only get worst. The World should initiate a Trade Sanctions now against America. There could be a worst President in Office than Obama. If America wants to ‘pull the trigger’ then it is better now then later, as the stockpiles only grow and grow. But, maybe, just maybe, by forcing the Issue some sanity can come into play. Maybe American’s will finally decide that if they REALLY don’t want to conquer the World, then it is silly to pay 40% of their GNP every year for the weapons it would take to do it. All while they wring their hands and cry that they can’t afford Doctors and Nurses like every other half way advanced nation.

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