Saturday, July 25, 2009

Defining Left and Right

It is just one more example of the general idiocy of the Age that the Political Left and Right haven’t the self-consciousness to remain consistent to their own aims and agendas. Right-Wingers run plays from out of the traditional Left-Wing Game Book, and moronic Leftist, their heads spinning from Generations of Right Wing Propaganda, while still holding dear to their Leftist Social Sympathies, are actually more firm than any Right-Winger in renouncing the Traditional Leftist Means of ever achieving or implementing their Social and Political Goals.

First, let’s start with the basic definitions. The Right is for the Individual. The Right sees Order and Civilization as the Enemy. Their big Propaganda Buzzword is FREEDOM, but what is actually meant is ANARCHY. The Quintessential Right-Winger will reject any Civilized Institution, any Law, any means of establishing Order. You see, the Quintessential Right-Winger is convinced to the bone that in any fluid situation of utter chaos and confusion, that some Heroic Individual of Talent and Ability will be able to step in and assert his own Order, basically by asserting Personal Ownership over everything within his reach. In such a World View, any pre-existing Law and Order represents an obstacle that needs to be surmounted. Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun, as Free as anybody has ever been, never whined and cried about Law and Order and Family Values.

The Left is about Civilization and Community. The Left is about Collective Security against the Predatory Individuals from the Right – those advocates of Absolute Freedom from the Right, the Barbarians we were just speaking of. The Left is about the propagation and indoctrination of Moralities, in order to suppress through Culture and Traditions the animal impulses that support the Barbarian Right Wing Way of Life. The Left is all about Law, Order, Rules, Regulations. So anytime some Individual somewhere finds a new way to abuse, cheat, rip-off, or otherwise exploit and assert ownership over other people, enslaving his fellow Man, as it were, then the Left should find it as an occasion to make a New Law, a New Moral Distinction. The Left can therefore be defined in terms of the political means a Group takes to collectively protect itself from the predations and abuses of Free Predatory Individuals.

If one has trouble with Right and Left, think in terms of Wolves and Sheep, foxes and henhouses, tigers and the helpless Jungle Villagers. Predators verses the Herd. Yes, yes, the Right loves to see themselves as Noble Lions and Tigers and they have quite a disdain for the lowly Herd. The Vikings had put Horns on their helmets to give themselves a more Predatory animalistic presence. Athletic Teams tend to favor the more Predatory Animal Names. Thousands of Sport Franchises have their ubiquitous Lions, Tigers and Bears, but I seriously doubt that amidst all of that whether one can find a single Team of “Sheep” in the entire world. But, honestly speaking, the Right Wingers should remember that they are indeed Human too, and that their preoccupation with imagining and identifying themselves with Predators is an irrational insanity and a dissociation from Humanity. The World has every reason to be weary of such delusional fantasies. If a Wolf is dangerous, then what should we say of a man who thinks he is a wolf?

Now we arrive to where I have my misgivings. There is such Ideological Impurity in the World. The Right Wing, nowadays, are forever making one Law after another. Whatever happened to making the most out of Chaos. Yes, I suppose they see the advantages in making their own Rules – tax codes that exempt themselves, using the Mechanisms of Civilized Institutions to destroy Civilization. However, by continuing to co-opt the devices of Law and Order, they tacitly endorse the Law and Order which they should rather naturally wish to suppress. While they may be violating and perverting the true intentions of Law and Order, by retaining the Institutions, even if weakened and withered, Civilization, their Enemy, is nonetheless allowed to survive at least in skeletal form. Really, the next time the Republicans come to power, they need to do what the Soviet Bureaucrats had done when they had the opportunity to destroy their own Civilization by handing it over to Thugs, Mafioso, and that huge rolling Sea of Corrupt Russian Drunks, that is, simply take all the funds for themselves, and then sell-off all the Property of Government and the Courts, then walk out slapping a lock on the door as they leave. There! All Law and Order was gone in a moment! So it could have been for the American Right Wing, especially when they controlled both Legislative Houses and the Presidency. Government had always been their much declared Enemy, and so why all of their endless dicking around whenever they got into Power. Yes, they were obviously trying to kill Government with Deficit Spending, while making money at the same time -- all that Right Wing Government Spending, financed by Debt, was being funneled into their own pockets – simple Pillaging, after all, but they really need to check their own Investment Portfolios, to see how many Bonds for that Debt they are carrying themselves. Ordinary Poor People don’t exactly have a trunk-load of Government Bonds stuffed under their beds. No Government will ever let itself Die by Debt, especially if by renouncing that Debt, all of its own worst Enemies could be taken down, and the subsequent Re-Organization done under sunnier Political Skies.

Now, before discussing the Sins of the Left, let’s pick on that hint from the last paragraph referring to the Collapse of the Soviet Union, certainly a curious puzzle for those on the Left. What happened was a series of things. Everything was fine while Stalin was still in power. He had every anti-social element well locked up or chopping logs in Siberia. But Stalin died in ’53 and things slowly started going to hell. Khrushchev, his successor, was a reformer. He freed up the Criminal Elements, allowing the rise of Corruption and a Black Market. Brezhnev followed up by allowing an Exodus from the Soviet Union. American President Jimmy Carter urged a release of Political Prisoners, but the Soviet Union used the opportunity to exile all of its worst Criminals who were yet behind bars. The worst most amoral villains known in the History of the World were released to freely swarm upon the Globe. What this accomplished was to give the Russian Mobs access to valuable Western Currencies and to give them International Connections, allies in the British and American Spy Agencies, Corporations, etc. As things in the Soviet Union became worse, the Most Stupid Leader in the History of the World, Gorbachev, did everything he could imagine to aggravate the situation. Gorbachev promised a full blown campaign against Corruption, making the complete structural institutionalized Bureaucracy of the Soviet Union feel desperate for their own future… even for their own safety. Then, in discussions with the West, Gorbachev gave indications that he was willing to begin with democratic reforms and the privatization of Soviet Property. So the same Bureaucrats who feared being arrested at any moment now saw the likelihood that they would soon be tossed out of their Government and Economic Administrative Posts by either elected officials or private owners and corporate managers. So, coordinating their efforts with the various Black Market Bosses, the frightened and insecure Bureaucrats simply Privatized the Soviet Union to themselves and their allies in Corruption before Gorbachev was allowed to cut them all out of the action. But really, seen as a Historical Continuum, eventual failure was quite ordained the very moment when the Stalinist Ideological Purity was allowed to be so drastically violated, first by tolerating the freedom of Criminal Elements, and especially in releasing thousands of detainees who must have hated the Soviet System, and then finally in relaxing the strict and almost Universal Surveillance that Stalin had exercised that had been so successful in suppressing Corruption and Criminality.

And this brings to mind the greatest problem with the Left today, that they do not seem to recognize that Government, Law and Order are their natural Allies. The American and European Left had never really survived the Fascist Right Wing Propaganda attacks from the 1930’s and ‘40’s. Such Right Wings Pamphlets as “1984”, “Brave New World”, and Ayn Rand’s fascist scriptures. The Fascist West had united in declaring Government to be the Worst Enemy of an Enlightened Humanity. We should note, albeit reluctantly, that everyone thought Germany and Hitler were just fine until the Berlin-Moscow Pact signaled that Germany would no longer be Europe’s willing and even enthusiastic buffer against International Communism. Germany only became the Enemy when it seemed to ally with Russia. Then Germany, apparently to appease the West, attacked Russia, hoping for a quick Peace Deal with Britain and America. Yes, while the West declared no separate Peace, retaining the Soviet Union as a nominal Ally, we do notice that there was no longer the same priority placed on swiftly defeating Germany, not until after the Soviet Union had finally defeated the German Armies surrounding Moscow, Leningrad, and Stalingrad and began the push to expel the Germans entirely from Soviet Territory, signaling to the West that Germany could no longer be useful as a Proxy Army against Russia.

Anyway, the Anti-Communist propaganda at the time was so thick, and then the actual political, social and economic persecutions against the Left so effective, that to this very Day, the Left is still shy about recognizing its natural affinity to Government, Law, and the forces of Security and Surveillance.

Look at what we have today. The A.C.L.U.(American Civil Liberties Union) seen as a Bastion of the Left by American Right-Wingers, is more prone to protect Privacy Issues than almost anything else. Did Stalin ever twitch a finger to protect anybody’s privacy!? And why on earth would the Left ever wish to protect Privacy anyway?

Oh, yes. When the Left was being persecuted by a Fascist Right Wing, they co-opted the Right Wing’s own Privacy Concerns for themselves, so they could keep their own Secret Cells, well, secret. Yes, this was a good working tactic, for a moment in History – turning the Enemy’s own ideals against them. But after a Generation, people forget that it was only a sham!

The same applies to the Rights of the Individual. The Left’s priority should be about protecting the Community and the Sanctify of Central Government. The Left should be all about sustaining Social Order. Let the Right Wing worry about Individual Rights. The Right to Protest, taken into the Real World, is the really only just the Right to Riot. No Movement EVER really intends only to “Peacefully Protest”. What really happens is that Revolutionaries gather in a Capital City and collect themselves and wait, to see if they eventually can reach sufficient numbers, enough critical mass, to successfully capture control of the various Government Buildings and then behead everybody who gets in their way as they set up their own Regime. Now, why would any coherent Government allow for such a thing? Yes, it is the Strategy for Western Powers, who wish to destabilize existing Governments throughout the World, to insist that these governments surrender to their internal Revolutionary Forces. But even the United States does not tolerate large ‘Demonstrations’, not without enough of the requisite Permits and Conditions to leave them thoroughly de-fanged. We find Protest “Organizers” agreeing that all the ‘Protestors’ will arrive on buses, stay just for a single day, and then leave. Yes, there must even be a certain number of outdoor toilets. These are practically Government Sponsored Shows… Tour Groups… nothing like a really Protest, a real Riot. Oh, by the way, am I the only one to have noticed that whenever there is an actual Riot anywhere in the World, the Western Media refers to the rioters, without exception, as ‘peaceful protestors’. Oh, and no matter what the real issue is, the Western Media always insists that the rioters are “Pro-Democracy Protestors”.

Yes, there are Idiots on the Left who think that they can use an Institutionalized Governmental Leniency toward Protest and Riot in order to gather Revolutionary Political Power. But ultimately leaning upon such Ideological Inconsistencies is a huge mistake. One can not achieve Power through Insurrection and Riot and then suddenly clamp down against those very same things. Look at America – born out of Treason and Terror, Murder and Lawlessness – but now appearing so extremely hypocritical when it moves politically against modern Terrorists and Murderers – Modern George Washington’s and Modern Ben Franklin’s. Its better to simply disallow such underhanded and sordid violence from first to last. Law and Order must be achieved through Law and Order.

So it would be better for the Left to arrive to power by some legitimate Social Contract, and then to thoroughly institutionalize Independent Government and Centralized Planning, securing itself against every serious criminal threat as well as every avenue for serious Corruption. There should no longer be any shyness issues regarding Privacy. Honest Men have nothing to Hide, should be the Motto of the Day.

Oh, that above paragraph must have seemed quite scary to those conditioned to hate Civilized effective Government. We still are so thoroughly conditioned to hope in Democracy, despite our collective experiences in that regards. However, we need to seriously look at our Modern Problems. There is Global Warming. The World is running out of Food and Water. Petroleum is running out. Monetary Stability is not likely to improve as Debt Levels continue to increase. And War Profiteers do everything to instigate and then perpetuate New Wars. So by now we certainly should be entirely sure that Right Wing Governments, and even Mixed Right-Wing Left-Wing Governments, both sides sold out to Private Special Interests, could not possibly act in time to save anything. The influence of Private Interests even in the Election of nominally ‘Leftist’ Candidates and Parties is enough to guarantee that they would effectively act as Agents for the Right Wing. Once Independence is Surrendered, its all Right Wing after that. A True Left Wing must be entirely Public, Entirely Governmental, entirely Independent. Any Private Interest, any Special Interest that attempts to influence Government for its own personal and private ends is what it is – Criminal Corruption. The euphemism for it is ‘Lobbying’. Lobbying is what you get when you write laws legalizing bribery.

Yes, this essay must seem rather stark, for those who still support the Revolution of Modern Democracy. But keep in mind that Democracy was only a Historical Experiment. Tried only several times in History, it had never worked, not on a sustainable basis. Democracy was only a tool used by Internal Barbarians to overthrow weakened Kings or Decadent Oligarchies. For instance, the World today is still entangled in a Democratic Revolution because some selfish French Aristocrats were reluctant to pay taxes to their King and so they chopped his head off, and used the excuse of Democracy to make a Virtue of their Greed and Treachery.

Appearing only in weakened Civilizations, Democracies never proved able to rescue them. Actually, they only accelerated the ensuing Collapses. Yes, the Ancient democracies may have appeared successful in their particular moment – using Wars of Democratic Revolution hand in hand with Economic Imperialism they were able to gather some momentary Wealth, but then they quickly collapsed into Socio-Economic Ruin and Class Turmoil and Rebellion. Modern Western Democracy is demonstrating no effective innovations over the Ancient Democracies, but rather seems to be going down exactly the same road toward absolute Collapse.

I’ve read a great many books about current Politics. Whether from the Right or the Left, the books seem to agree upon One Thing – that Modern Democracy is simply not working. The Right blames the Left. The Left blames the Right. They are both right in that Faction stifles Faction. Government by competing and even compromising Factions will not work for us… not in our present extremes. The established Institutions and Practices of Democracy preclude the workings of an Effective, Independent and Non-Corrupt Government.

Now let us determine whether we should chose for the Left or the Right. The deciding factors are rather simple enough to easily grasp. Right Wing Barbarian Societies do best in sparsely populated areas – vast tracks of land are well suited for Herders and Hunter Gatherers – what we now call ‘Ranchers’. Barbarian Individuals can set up their own territory zones (ranches), and even get into pitched battles once in a while to straighten out border disputes and bolster all the traditional bragging about ‘spilling blood for the land’, and all that, but as long as the Population Density stays rather thin, not many people will get hurt and everything could continue on well enough… all until Population Levels rise. When there is no longer enough land for every Free Man, and people are pushed into slavery or servitude, then the real problems begin. The Golden Age for any Free Barbarian Regime is necessarily short lived, as Population Pressures force either a drastic restructuring of social institutions, or the pressures culminate in a devastating Civil Conflict that turns the Clock back to the very first minute and everything must be started all over again.

Of course, various Societies and Institutions have evolved, and they have all been something of a mix between Civilization and Barbarism to the extent that they can support more or less of a Population Density. To know how Civilized a Social Form is, simply look it up in History and determine how densely populated that Society became before it imploded under the combined forces of Disease, Famine, Rebellion and Invasion. So far China has seemed to be able to keep the most people living together side by side, but repeatedly even they have hit their effective Population Density Ceiling. So it seems that China must learn for the Future either how to become even more Civilized, or how to limit their Population Density to within a certain range. Hmmmmm… it might mean the same thing.

Anyway, we have our own Population Densities to worry about. If we must support a High Population Density, then we need a Highly Ordered Society. The greater the Population Density we expect to encounter, the more Highly Ordered our Society will have to become in response. In the most Highly Dense Societies every Human Resource and Requirement must necessarily be planned for, controlled, and even backed up with some form of social insurance. Crime and Corruption are Cancers which necessarily must be surgically removed at the earliest detection.

If the Right Wing wishes to predominate, then they have only one workable choice, which must certainly have occurred to somebody in one of their multi-million dollar Think Tank Organizations, and that is to instigate a Global Genocide – by War, Famine or Disease – in order to get the Population Density Levels back down to the levels manageable by the relatively Barbaric Liberal Democracies that they seem to insist upon. But if we wish for the World to survive along the same lines of growth in which it is traveling now, then we need to recognize that a Highly Structured Civilization is required. This complex structure would have to include the kinds of Central Planning and Security Surveillance Institutions that are familiar to us from the Traditional Left Wing… and an Ideologically Pure Left Wing at that. Not a squeamish and shy Left Wing Ideology, but a very take charge and in Control Left Wing.

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