Saturday, May 9, 2009

Health Benefits of High Colonic Enemas

Note from the Future: I found I was washing a lot of very necessary minerals from my digestive track (probably calcium most of all), which was giving me extremely low blood pressure and Night Cramps in my legs. So don't overdo those High Colonics and try to minimize the amount of water used in your enemas. Aim at only evacuating the lower colon. For the higher colon and the small intestines -- let them do their job of absorbing nutrients and minerals.

I had written several essays previously, “Colonics vs. Enamas” and “Enemas Will Save Your Life and Ease Hemorrhoids”. It must be becoming apparent that I am still somewhat deep in my researches on this topic, and I am not quite finished with the subject yet.

Since the last essay I discovered that after one first enema, that if I fill up a second time with more water, that there is a significant production of more fecal material, something I had not expected. I had reloaded more water only to test for the kind of claims that are made for Colonics, that the bowels become clean and that the water begins to run relatively clear. That more fecal matter was produced came as a surprise.

Remember, originally I was using about 8 bottles of water, using a 7.5 ounce bottle which probably was only squeezing out roughly 6 ounces of water. That amounts to about a liter and a half of water. That was enough to make me feel full, or full enough, as I did not wish to go too far. But when I began to do second fill-ups, I decided I could use more water to make up for being relatively empty of fecal matter. Then it was that I realized that I could fill up with more water without really becoming full until about 12 bottles, or significantly more than two liters of water. I found that when one is really full, one knows it, as there comes the natural urge to expel the water. Now, usually I try to measure the feeling and stop just before being completely full so that I can have time to lean over and let the water wash about in my insides a bit. Anyway, I have found that by using more water, up to about the point of having the urge to evacuate, that more material is evacuated. What I suppose is happening is that the water is reaching up past another bend in the colon.

Also, previously I had been taking the enemas once every two days. At first I was feeling clean for both days. But as my experience with cleanliness increased, apparently I became more sensitive to it and I was soon able to discern the difference between the first day and the second day, and began to feel that there was ‘product’ collecting, if not in the lower colon, then somewhere in my bowels. So I began experimenting with daily enemas and found that on almost every occasion a significant amount of material washed out.

Now, the daily enemas using more than two liters of water describe slightly differently then I had described before, in my previous essay. Firstly, the lower bowel is generally completely clean, as the first evacuation spasms produce only relatively clear water, a bit rusty, but with no fecal material. Not everything comes at once. Typically there are about 4 main spasms with some time between each. The first, as I said, is usually entirely of water, the second from a higher section of the bowel will be a mix of water and some fecal material, the third spasm will contain the largest part of the fecal material, and then a last spasm of fecal material, and maybe a small last spasm. Often, during or between the water and material spasms, there will be a significant amount of air being expelled – more air than I would have expected from the air bubbles and air spaces from the enema bottle and nozzle, so perhaps it is a good deal of methane.

Anyway, the daily enemas have had no adverse effect upon me, and the feeling of being perpetually clean is a welcome feeling. Also, there is the absolute certainty that one can go about one’s daily business without ever having the unexpected interruption of having to find a bathroom. A daily enema requires about 20 minutes. I have found that time can be saved by taking the little rubber one-way valve out of the bottle nozzle. It is there to prevent the water backing up into the bottle, but it does slow down even the forward flow. It would really save time if one had one huge bag, or a water hose, but the bottles work.

Now, everyone needs to remember the main points, and that is NEVER to strain, and never to message the lower abdomen, to help push the material down. As far as I can see messaging the abdomen only serves to push the fecal material solids into the linings of the colon and to cause bleeding. If one does not strain and does not message the lower abdomen then there will not be any bleeding. Straining causes the colon to distend out of the anus – that is, if you strain you will literally begin to poop out your guts. However, that is not the end of the world. If one applies a desiccant such as witch-hazel and alcohol to reduce the swelling, then one can easily push the intestine back up where it belongs. Ordinarily people are squeamish about this portion of their colon distending out (they don’t want to touch the ‘dirty thing’), and they leave it out, where it swells up, making it uncomfortable to sit, and it becomes rather subject to bleeding. Scarring develops and I suppose this is what we come to refer to as hemorrhoids. It is all very preventable.

Now even after a careful enema with no straining, there may sometimes be a very slight distention at the anus, but if one wipes with witch-hazel, all that is required is to press on the area slightly and it all flattens out and there is no subsequent swelling, tenderness or bleeding. Oh, even the most gentle paper is more abrasive then cotton, and so it is probably best to simply pad off the most part of the soil with paper soaked in witch-hazel, and then to finish the cleaning with cotton soaked in witch-hazel, assuring that any distention is pushed back into the anus. The cotton can be saved after first soaking in a strong water-bleach solution and then washed in soap and water and hung to dry. Again, I am rather convinced that this procedure of Enemas can save one a good deal of medical trouble, if one has even the least concern regarding hemorrhoids. Also, I have almost forgotten to mention the greatest danger involved with straining, that it is perhaps the most prolific precipitating cause of heart attacks and strokes – old men were never intended to push out huge bricks of impacted material out of their tiny little butts, and live. The reason I forgot to mention it was that it has now been months since I experienced any straining, thanks to this regimen of enemas. I may well live to be one of the few old men that aren’t found dead on the pot.

Furthermore, I had recently read that capsaicin, the hot stuff in hot peppers, turns on the genetic Death Signal in cancer tumors which make the tumors die as though from old age so that they subsequently just wither away. Now you would think that it would have been long ago noticed if people who ate a lot of hot peppers had a significantly lower incidence of colon cancer, but the way science works nowadays, nobody wants to say anything until somebody is willing to issue a grant for a full study, so real world anecdotal evidence is tossed out since nobody is getting paid to notice it. In science as in everything else, it’s all about Money. Nobody does anything without a Pay Day. Anyway, the point I wish to make is that a clean colon is probably a healthy colon, or perhaps more healthy then a colon that is forever packed full of old decaying impacted fecal matter. But additionally, if one can tolerate the taste of hot spices, then a sprinkle of cayenne pepper powder in one’s daily meal might also be a good additional prophylaxis against colon cancer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks it was a great post.
A colon cleanse enema can irrigate the rectum and lower colon, relieve constipation and detoxify the body.
An enema is an hypodermic injection of liquid through the rectal tunel for the purposes of digestive tract cleaning. The liquid seeps and releases solidified waste material on your digestive tract walls - similar to immersing unclean dishes in your torpedo by submerging them in water.