Saturday, May 17, 2008

Reasonableness of Pessimism and Barbarism

To simplify the difference between Civilized and Barbarian Institutions, we have only look at their regards for population density – Civilizations adopt institutions which maximize population density whereas Barbaric Institutions, while not overtly admitting so much, depend upon sustaining low densities of population. Now, to be clear on this, often Barbarism does not positively and consciously design institutions that would limit population, but rather it is the failure to adopt Civilized Institutions to deal with high levels of population density that thereby default to de facto barbarism – as soon as the effective Population Density exceeds the ability of Society to deal with the needs of a Dense Population, then checks to that population will more or less automatically take over. One does not have to positively plan for Wars, Plagues, Rebellions, murder and mayhem. Such things occur given the absence of Positive Institutions to prevent them. Barbarism, for the most part is simply the void of Civilization.

However, some Barbarism is in fact intentional. Institutions set up to Prevent the establishment of Civilized Institutions are in fact Barbarian. Much of Western Liberal Democracy is Barbaric, when one evaluates it for ultimate effect. Designed to strip most of the people of their share of wealth in order to concentrate all measures of value to the top few percent of the population, then providing for police and armies to control or to eventually murder off the greater part of the populations when they should go into rebellion… such is a conscious and intentional Barbarism. In America it is perfected, by making it a matter of Public Policy to deprive most of the people of Health Care, disease is given a free hand to sweep away unwanted Population Densities.

Yes, it does seem paradoxical, that ‘Democracy’ is used as a weapon against the people. We have only to notice that it is the Wealthiest and Most Selfish segments of the Population that are so espoused to Democracy – and we can conclude that this is because they have found a way to utterly control it and exploit it. How? Well, although the People do in fact vote, it is the Wealthy Controlling Classes that decide who it is that runs for office. Yes, there are Left Wings and Right Wings, but as I heard it recently described, they are all the wings of the Same Old Bird. I would trust Democracy so much more if the classes most engaged in advancing the Cause of Barbarism Exploitation were not so unequivocally in support of Democracy and for its spread to all of the World.

Indeed, to be cynical about it, perhaps it is their wish to impose a World Wide Democracy in order to weaken all traditional Institutions of Civilization where they had ever managed to take hold.

Why would anybody prefer Barbarism? Well, sorry to say, Barbarism is the Deal with the Devil. When Barbarism is able to exert itself, to eliminate the burden of high population densities, then the results for the few survivors can be rather appealing… for a generation or two until population pressures re-exert themselves. But at the close of major plagues or major wars, land opens up and labor becomes dear – everyone makes out like a bandit – Cheap Land and High Wages. Yes, the nine out of ten people who die wouldn’t like the deal they got, but they aren’t alive to complain. History only records the delight of the Survivors who find so much stuff to pick up and take home for themselves. Cities of Gold have collapsed in ruin, but the survivors, previously of the lowest classes, couldn’t be happier but to rummage through the rubble and grab a few candlesticks. The Glory of Freedom!

So, Barbarism does have an appeal… for the optimistic who take it for granted that they will be the one’s who will survive… sometimes hedging their bets with cellars full of horded food, guns and ammo. Then, additionally, these glorious moments of Barbarism are historically troubling, as they are recorded as something of Golden Ages. It is supposed that these People were Happy not because they were lucky survivors, but because they were Freedom Loving Warriors or some such blithering nonsense. Look at America today – their collective prosperity an accident of discovering a virtually empty continent at a time when Europe was destroying itself with a series of suicidal wars, but if you ask any American, they insist that America is great because they are such dedicated Barbarians – Freedom Loving People who will do anything to stifle institutions that would allow for Civilized levels of Population Density. Happy entirely by accident, they think it is because their Selfishness was some kind of a Virtue.

But the Problem with Barbarism’s Deal with the Devil, is that in the absence of any intentional institution for either providing for Population or for keeping Population within certain prescribed limits, then the cycle of massive de-population is bound to re-occur, not really requiring more than 4 or 5 generations… barely more than a hundred years. For instance, the Black Death carried away almost half the Europe’s Population, and while the surviving generation was somewhat left in shock, the next generation was ecstatically happy with their prosperity. Things were so Free and Easy that what were left of Civilized Institutions were seen as obtrusive and senselessly unnecessary. Love of Freedom won over any sense of Security in Order. But it didn’t take more than 200 years before population was again at dangerous levels, and without the previous respect for Civilized Institutions that had once been able to support such levels. There occurred the Fall of Catholic Civilization and the wars and rebellions have not really stopped ever since – Europe has been using internal conflict to keep its populations at moderate levels, never reaching the levels of Asian Societies. When Western Propaganda thanks its Armed Forces for Freedom and Happiness, it is True, but in a sense much more sinister than I am sure is intended – the true sense is “Thank You for Killing Yourselves and Each Other to make more room for the rest of us”.

So, anyway, there are those who suppose that the World is coming to a major traumatic cataclysm of Apocalyptic proportions that will carry away the vaster part of the troubling population levels, and that after this huge purge, this vast cleansing, the elect few survivors will be Happy. Well, yes, they will be. But I tend to see this pessimistically. The process is entirely negative. With no new Civilized Institutions put in place to guide the subsequent growth, the same disasters can be expected again, and perhaps even worse, as the Happy Glories of a fleeting Barbarian Golden Age serve only to discredit and remove whatever had remained of Civilized Institutions.

It would be preferable to emplace Institutions for dealing with these uncomfortable levels of Population Density – planned economies, public health care, limiting child birth – putting the World on a strict budget. Nobody would really be happy, but everyone would live. Yes, hope could be planned for in the long term. By imposing a strict budget to limit new population increases, then more benefits could accrue as the overcrowded numbers decline over time in a controlled way. Or the political decision could be made to keep population always at a maximum… a dangerous balance on the razor’s edge. I think that China and India have met with the inevitable future of Civilization in that they have taken conscious and positive control of their population growths with various childbirth limiting programs.

But as reassuring it is to hope and believe for the best, unfortunately, the trajectory of decline toward War, Rebellion, Crime and Disease seems too steep to stop. There is not even the slightest hint of a move toward implementing Civilized Institutions. The Forces of Barbarism seem very much planted at the Helm, at least in West where the sworn Barbarians of Free Masonry have been calling all the shots for Centuries, even if somewhat below the Surface of Appearances. The East, while culturally and historically more inclined to adopt Civilized Institutions, will probably be unable to stand up to the West, which I suppose will not permit itself to die quietly, but will lash out at the rest of the World in a frenzy of Over-Powering Military Reaction. Then, if the East does survive better than the West, the appeal of Open Land and Scarcity of Labor will forestall any necessity for adopting Civilized Institutions, and the Cycle of Barbarism will re-emerge again, East or West.

In conclusion, Barbarism is so easy, and it’s Golden Ages occur again and again, everyone remembering the few Living, forgetting the many Dead, that there is never any great momentum established for putting in place Civilized Institutions. So, overall, I am rather pessimistic.

As a last word I should mention that the UFO Aliens captured at Roswell, New Mexico in the United States were purported to have written of their Civilization, some several million years old. Little has been hinted of their Civilization, and it is rumored that the primary reason why the United States denies the U.F.O. Aliens is because they suppose it necessary to deny and suppress any model or idea of that Civilization, which is not very similar to Liberal Democracy dominated by Corporate, Zionist and Gun Interests. (Besides, the Free Masons having done everything they could to discredit all of the World’s Civilizations, in order to install their own self serving Barbarism, that we could little expect them to allow the published detail of an Other Worldly Civilization, and particularly that of one that has succeeded so well and for so long.) But it’s been said that the U.F.O. Aliens deny that we Human Beings here on Earth have ever had even our first Civilization. As they said, if we would ever once tasted of Civilization, we certainly would never go back. But what I wish we could find out is what they, the Aliens, did some millions of years ago to spark their own Civilization. What was it that finally made them all work together, instead of doing what is so much more easy – to play “Last Man Standing Gets to Be Happy”. What makes living beings love one another instead of hording food and collecting guns?

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