Saturday, September 29, 2007

Burma – Democracy or Anarchy

Burma – Democracy or Anarchy

We should all prefer to look at events as they really are and not simply through the prism of Western Imperialist Propaganda. Yes, Imperialist Western Capitalism looks for any occasion to topple any existing order, to ruin it, and then go in and buy up everything while it is at its cheapest. So to the Imperialists, ‘Democracy’ BECAUSE it is such a de-stabilizing influence, is pushed forward. Nothing collapses prices like good old Democracy. For the Imperialists, they have everything to gain and nothing to lose by sowing the seeds of discord and ruin.

But much can be lost. We need to remember that the Chinese Cultural Revolution, that killed millions and set China back ten years in its development, that it started as Pro-Democracy Demonstrations, as they are generically called by the West. Also, the insurgency in Cambodia was labeled Pro-Democracy. You see, the West only wants to shake things up. You see, it simply does not matter to them. If they can destroy a Golden Palace just so they can make off with a single candlestick, then they see it as all gain on their part. The West is not after Win-Win, but they only care that they might find some business opportunity in the Chaos.

And we do know that the West is hypocritical in regards to Democracy. Iran is a Democracy. Venezuela is a Democracy. In Palestine, Hamas had won the democratic elections. But in every single case where Democracy brings forward a party not already corrupted by Western Imperialist Interests, then it is immediately rejected and the Propaganda Machine goes into overdrive, even using CNN and the BBC, to tell us that these democratically installed Governments are ‘dictatorships’ and that the elected officials are ‘tyrants’ and ‘dictators’.

But, we need to consider that there is some truth to the matter that democracies are not all the same. We need to wonder what the ‘Pro-Democracy’ Demonstrators are after. And we need to consider what the Military Juntas are trying to protect. We need to consider that Democracy is indeed inherently corrupt. If some party of individuals can corner a Country’s government throw revolution or election, or whatever, then they are basically in control to commit any pillage or abuse – to tax an entire nation for their own personal benefit. Stuffing the bureaucracy with cronies and supporters. Selling mineral rights to God Know Who. Look at the Republicans in America. They win an election and use their Political Power to sign over Public Lands into their own pockets. They make laws depriving Workers of their traditional rights. Democracy is inherently corrupt.

Then we need to consider Democracy as being primarily a force for Ethnic Self-Determinism. Woodrow Wilson had said so, and then Hitler had proved the principle. All else being equal, a Democratic Majority will be an ethnic group (American Republicans mince their words about it, but demographically the Republicans are the White Nazi Party of America). And then Democracy becomes a simple vehicle for certain Ethnic Privileges on one hand, and certain institutionalized oppressions on the other, against the Minorities. The Nazis did it in Germany. And today the Zionists do it in Israel (ask any Non-Jewish Israeli citizen why they cannot own property or have their own business). Democracies are inherently racist.

Indeed, this is what the entire Burmese Thing may be about. Certain Ethnic Divisions in Burma see Democracy as an opportunity to take everything away from everyone else and grab it for themselves. While the Generals see their own Regime as the only hope for maintaining a United Burma despite its ethnic divides. Remember that the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and Iraq had only been able to live in peace, among so many ethnic divisions BECAUSE they were NOT democratic. Democracies brought Blood Baths in its wake.

Also, there is some kind of a myth regarding Non-Violent Protest. As I stated above, until the huge Blood Baths transpire, and until we see the rise of horrible Reigns of Terror, then, yes, these are all ‘peaceful’ protests. You see, while the Government can still defend itself, then the demonstrations remain ‘peaceful’. But what happens when such governments weaken and begin to crack. Then we see ‘Protestors’ move to take over Government Buildings. We see Protestors beginning to make arrests of their own. We see the Non-Democratic Usurpation of Government. We see Revolt and Chaos.

Look at the Indian Experience. What started out as Peaceful Protest under Gandhi turned into the worst ethnic riots in the History of the World. Peaceful Protests are anything but peaceful, if allowed to prevail.

China is blamed for its Tanumen Square Massacre, but what the Chinese Government had averted was probably another disaster on the same dimensions as their Cultural Revolution. Indeed, the Chinese Government was comprised of these former ‘Peaceful Protestors of the Cultural Revolution’ – these were the last people on Earth who could be fooled by ‘Peaceful Protestors’. In the end, nobody is more bloodthirsty and violent than a ‘peaceful protestor’ who manages finally to get his way. Oh, there are some exceptions. It amazes me that South Africa didn’t revert to a frenzied slaughter of the minority whites. But elsewhere in Africa we are seeing that Democracy is beginning to take its toll on Fairness and Equity. Majority Rule is about Winning and Losing. It has nothing to do with Fairness or Principle.

And again the West is hypocritical. 30 years ago when Iranian Students took over the American Embassy in Iran, America was not so enthusiastic about these “Peaceful Demonstrators”. When America is the target, then the American Presidents are not so quick to prod forward the beasts of the mob.

And then, 5 minutes before Timothy McVeigh blew up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, he had been a peaceful protestor. And Lord knows that all such violent murderers, in fact or in heart, are not opposed to gaining their ends by Vote as well as through conspiracy, murder, and rebellion. Indeed, the National Rifle Association probably spends as much money in its political lobbying as it does on its own versions of Terrorist Training Camps… they call them ‘shooting ranges’, but I suppose that the indoctrination goes much the same way.

So, anyway, we need to put aside the simplistic Good vs. Evil picture that the Media is now presenting in regards to Burma. I’d be willing to give the General’s the benefit of the doubt. In a World in which Democracy has tossed up Winners like Adolf Hitler and George Bush, we need to have some sympathy for those who do not immediately trust in the automatic perfection of Democratic Institutions. Oh, and then there is the healthy distrust of Western Capitalism, where just 3 individuals own controlling interest in all of the News and Entertainment Media. Is it any wonder that we only seem to be hearing ONE VOICE in all of this?

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