Saturday, October 25, 2008

Politics Has Always Been Nasty

Politics Has Always Been Nasty

An argument is going around that says that American Politics has a long history of nastiness, and then are cited instances from before America’s bloody Civil War.


The arguments that suppose it is normal to have nastiness in politics must also accept that such nastiness culminates in quite normal Bloody Civil Wars.

When talk between parties and factions becomes so poisoned that nobody could possibly see the use of continuing conversation, the last alternative is a total breakdown of Government, the kind of Constitutional Crisis that made America’s first Civil War inevitable.

Could there be a Second American Civil War. Well, certainly there are hundreds of Right Wing Militia Groups that have prepared for one. Their interpretation of the American Second Constitutional Amendment is that every American has the right to use firearms to kill politicians they do not agree with… and the Supreme Court has been allowing such an interpretation ( I suppose that America is only lucky that Bombs and Poison Gas Weapons aren’t given the same go ahead by the Courts as they have given to military-style machine guns, sniper rifles, and concealable hand guns. If only America could assume that its stupid Red Necks were really too dumb to improvise at least as well as their Brother Muslim Terrorists have proven able to do with bombs and such). Since there are so many guns in America, in the hands of those who are apparently eager to use them against their Government’s personnel and infrastructure, well, Second Civil War seem inevitable.

And all the bitter trash talk in Politics is only leading the way.

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