Friday, October 31, 2008

Its God or Us

Its God or Us

People think of God in far too small terms. God, acknowledged to be defined in terms of every Absolute, is yet set apart categorically while Humanity pretends some smug Superiority, some right to judge and decide.

But any Sophistication at all in one’s Spiritual or Metaphysical Bearings would neutralize such pretensions.

Nobody should pretend to know anything about Religion, Spirituality, or Metaphysics until they have some acquaintance with Sanskrit or Eastern Philosophy. And, no, its not any kind of ‘Ancient’ Knowledge. The great thing about Eastern Metaphysics is that it continued, over the last several Millennia, to grow and develop. While Greek and Christian Theologies collapsed into circular nonsense, moral depravity, or walked away into the starkest Materialism, the Sanskrit Traditions were able to approximate a synthesis between, well, everything that matters.

Here are a few basics. If one is still thinking in terms of Duality – subject and object relationships, individuals separate from their fields and fellows, then what one lives in, as a Frame of Reference, is the Godless World – Maya. It is the Material Dimension.

But in what Frame of Reference does God exist… what is God’s Dimension? Well, Duality is opposed by Unity. If the Individual rises above his individuality, transcending it, to become part of the Great Extension of God, then God is Realized, Experienced.

While referring to things within the Duality, in terms of Duality, it is really quite ridiculous to speak of Divine Things at all. It is not that God does not ‘Exist’, but only that God is not within that Frame of Reference, that Dimension. Its Apples and Oranges.

This is not very well understood in the West, by the Old Greeks, by Christians, Jews, and Muslims. The idea of Individual Salvation, Immortality, survival in Paradise of the Individual Soul – all such Doctrine is only a perpetuation of the Dualistic Frame of Reference, the Godless Dimension, or rather, the Non-God Dimension. Indeed, the Offer of Eternal Life is probably only the most elaborate of the Satanic Temptations and Deceptions. Any True Knowledge of God would have to involve the EXTINCTION of the Individual Soul. God and Other cannot Exist side by side. To Experience Divinity one must surrender Individuality and become the Everything. After that Experience, it simply no longer makes any sense that anybody would even WANT to return to Individuality…. Unless as a painful Duty or a tedious necessity.

What is the Experience of somebody who has moved from Duality into Unity and back again. After having lived in the Consciousness of the Universal, can one really be happy in the Particular, the parochial, the local, the Individual? I would expect, and all the anecdotal testimony points in the direction that most Individual priorities and concerns collapse after the Universal Experience. The Little Things no longer seem quite so important. Standard of living suffers. Personal hygiene declines. In this day and age, Homelessness becomes very likely… may even be characteristic.

But many of the Spiritual Traditions that advance this Way toward the Universal, also inculcate a severe training in Duty and Obedience, covering almost every detail of living morally and even neatly. Where one may suddenly lose one’s wants, desires, concerns and preferences, after having been awe-struck by the Universal, it would prove useful if sheer habit and conditioned behavior could keep one on the Path of self-sufficiency and decency, above from being a burden or a bother to others.

Still, it should be noted that a prominent portion of the Spiritual Literature involves the very deep depression that is experienced by those who, once having experienced the Universal, come back to pick up their lives as individuals. Where the Ego has not been totally extinguished, it tends to become totally depressed. I guess it might be compared to Drug Withdraw. Or, for those who cannot relate to the Drug Experience, maybe the end of a Summer Vacation with a pretty girl. Down from the Summit of Ecstasy to the muddy tracks of the mundane.

But there does seem to be an established record of these Between the Dimensions People – Transcendent and back again, who seem to arrive at a kind of balance between the Two Spheres, going so far as to even be able to maintain a level of activity even after they die. Indeed, there is a long History of Catholic Saints, and even other Saints, that is, of Deceased Souls somehow being linked enough to the Transcendental that they may intercede to answer the Prayers of others. I suppose these Saints must see some necessity in fulfilling some kind of obligation, some kind of Karma.

But what I noticed in the History of the Saints is that their careers do not last forever. The Stories of such Saints would continue for some generations, yes, but then would quit out. What happens? Well, the Painful Duty of Separation from God in order to benefit Humanity could only go on for so long before the Saintly Soul would shake off the job of having to be the Eternal Go Between. Particularly as Humanity seems less and less worth the Trouble. To spread the burden, if Saints are necessary at all, then New Saints must replace the Old Saints, the ones that simply, for their own Good, must eventually move on to their Dissolving into Unity. Their rest.

Yes, I wish the Saints would persist, but really, in all of their so called ‘help’ are they not only reinforcing the Illusion of Duality. In what Prayers are they ever helping anybody to give up their divisive Individuality?

Maybe it’s best to let People suffer… and let the Saints rejoin with and disappear into God.

Yes, the Realm of Duality should be better. Conditions of Suffering should be relieved. But such details are well within the grasp of those still caught up in the Duality, those who still see the importance in all the small details. It’s not really important to involve God or the Saints in what is really only a Worldly Set of Problems. To blame God for the condition of the World is to abrogate our own Responsibility. We know whose fault everything is. The Republicans, surely.

What about Spirituality? Well, yes, people should not live and then die still entirely caught up in the Duality. As one ages one should engage more and more into Meditation and Such Things, to free oneself psychologically from the Material bonds that must come asunder anyway at the time of Death. Mostly one should not be so silly as to hope for some Individual Survival, some Immortality of one’s separate Soul. As one dies, one should be happy that God is able to Survive. What is the Great Life Force that subsumes all living beings anyway but the Unity of God? Individuals may die but Life itself, well, Lives. Life Goes On. Birth and Death is like a burning flame, like a blooming flower, petals dropping from the edge as new petals form in the center. No one thinks to save the Dead Petals. It’s only the Flower that counts. Life. God. Sweep the fallen petals away.

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