The Big Problem with the End of the World
Much On Line Prophecy has projected that the year 2012 will bring something akin to the End of the World. That year happens to coincide with the stop point of the Mayan Calendar. Catholic Prophecy has already conceded that the List of Popes has run out, with Old Cardinal Ratinger, the Ex-Nazi, taking the name Benedict which everyone knew was the Last Name on the Pope List of Prophecy (see Saint Malachi of the 11th Century, friend of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux). There are a few 2012 Pages that can fill us all in on many more details of Prophecies that are afield.
A great many prophecies had set forth the notion that the End of the World would be preceded by approximately 3 and a half years of troubles and tribulations. Darn! If the End of the World would culminate in a quick snap, then it would be so much easier to deal with. Those who will survive into the Next Dispensation, or the Next Level, or the Next Vibration… whatever it is which will come Next… well, they would survive, and if they had not been forced to live through any prolonged period of suffering might survive to live happily ever after. But surviving after 3 and a half years of prolonged agony, we could expect that the Next Age might simply be an Age of Damaged Goods. For those who don’t survive, well, if it had been quick it would have been merciful. But a three and a half year decline, calculated to kill by slow grind, well that seems only cruel.
As often as I had maintained that the End of the World was on its way, secretly I would have been quite relieved to find that it had all been just one more On Line Exaggeration, or another Dud of Prophecy that had been propelled along by a grand Public Hysteria but finally dropping off to nothing when nothing failed to ever happened. Well, now, apparently right on schedule we have the Collapse of the World’s Global Economy.
There is little comfort in the Irony that the Liberal Capitalist Democracies had so recently gloated over the Fall of the Planned Economies, their blame being that the Planned Economies supposedly “did not work”. I suspect the real problem was that a somewhat malicious Competition had done its utmost to put the Planned Economies out of business. The problem was murder from without, not any self inflicted systematic suicide. Without such avid Enemies we might have seen the Planned Economies even prosper. Indeed, China is not doing so bad.
But now that Capitalism has melted down, the only alternative to a Quick Collapse of Civilization is exactly the type of Planned Economy about which we still hear derisive echoes. Oh, and while Planned Economies certainly had their challenges in decades past, now, with all the existing infrastructure for an Information Society, Planning would seem to have come into its own. With a Completeness of Information we might expect a Sufficiency in Planning.
There are of course Pure Capitalists who insist that Capitalism must be allowed to have its inevitable Cycles, that we must take the Bad Times, the Busts, along with the Good, the Booms. To them it makes all the sense in the World. But I suspect they hardly deign to think about Millions of People starving to death in the unsupplied Urban Centers of the World. Indeed, the Wealthy throughout History have never discerned when their End was near. They always thought their Estate Walls and Private Security Detachments would be enough to secure their personal survival. It was either a chronic failure of imagination or intelligence that failed to give them the hint, that in the collapse of Everything, their own Security People would turn on them, as money would lose all its value (when do the Security Guards grow tired of paper money that can buy nothing, and instead begin to admire the Golden Candlesticks and the Rich Man’s Pretty Wife?). And as money would decline in value, we could expect that weapons and Armed Force would appreciate significantly. The Effete and Decadent Rich have never survived any Collapse of Civilization to play any part at all in the emergent Barbarisms. The focal points of all righteous anger, the Rich were almost always the first to be swept away by the various Reigns of Terror. So much for their own Advice, from these Pure Capitalists, to simply let the Economic Disasters run their course… if they really knew what that meant, they would hardly be so earnest in welcoming their own Doom. The Last and Hardest Economic Cycle of Capitalism, as Marx predicted, is a Doozy!
Well, an optimist might see the impending Election of Obama as a large plus. He may be open minded enough to actually try organizing a Plan, a mobilization of Labor apart from Capital. Also, as I said before about the Power of Force in Barbarism, under the Wrong President America would be a significant danger to the remainder of the World. After all, we do remember the Republican Party’s Doctrine, the Bush Doctrine, of Unilateral Attack on any Nation that might be considered a Threat. Well, with America being frightened of declining into an impoverished Equality with all other Nations, wouldn’t many of the most ruthless Republicans see EVERYBODY as a qualifying Threat. As resources become increasingly scarce, Americans who had once thought of Capitalism as their Tool for International Competition and Domination, might naturally resort to the only trump card they had left – Nuclear Weapons and their proven Will to use them. In this I do not suspect that Obama would be nearly as trigger happy as McCain.
However, America does not have a good track record on allowing its Liberal Leftest Leaders to live long lives in Office, particularly if they are of the Black persuasion. Millions of Americans are avid gun owners and enthusiasts, and exactly the kind of people who had always been most uncomfortable with the Progress in Black Equality. And it only takes one nut with a clear field of fire… But, à la rigueur, the future Vice President seems a sensible man. More than ever before, it is crucial that the President and Vice President never be together in the same venue. The World cannot risk them both. I don’t trust the Secret Service. I don’t trust the FBI, the CIA, the Military. If Obama has ANY SENSE, he will fire all White House Security foisted upon him by those who had only opposed him – chase off the Secret Service, loyal to who knows who!? (will a White Free Mason Secret Service Agent, or a Mormon for Christ’s Sake, take a bullet for a Black Man that he didn’t vote for?, or rather, that he voted AGAINST! Indeed, the Secret Service could be the very source of any Threat to the Executive, just as the Roman Emperors had most to fear from their own Praetorian Guards). Obama needs to hand pick his own Security Detail – every one PERSONALLY loyal and trustworthy beyond any doubt. Ask John Kennedy… oh wait, he’s dead, and probably because there was not a single Irishman between himself and that Bloody State of Texas that killed him.
Anywayt, how bad could things get. Well, duh, we WERE talking of the End of the World. But the suffering. First consider that all the highly populated urban areas are supplied only because people are paid to drive the trucks, and because there is still fuel for the trucks. And the trucks aren’t empty. If economies collapse, will there be the Political Will to order people to stay on the job? Republicans or Libertarians would hesitate before regimenting complete Societies. And Democrats lack the knack for effective Organization… well, until Obama who has had a famously well organized Campaign… but could he regiment a Society stripped of its Money? Would there even be sufficient Loyalty, Honesty and Self Discipline in the People, or will they instantly turn to rioting, looting, hoarding, black-marketing – of trying to save themselves while almost intentionally advancing the death and agony of others?
Again, America presents a huge challenge. Ordinarily, if the Best of Human Nature did not automatically Triumph, and Discipline needed to be exerted upon a restless Population, then a kind of Marshal Law imposed by Police and National Guard could keep people on the job and assure that the necessary functions would maintain as required. But, again, things in America are complicated by the over-abundance of Firearms combined with a Individualist Survivalist Mentality… of people who had planned for years on ways and means of killing everybody and taking their land and food for themselves… sort of Zionism transplanted to America.
Some Americans think that Hardship will pull everybody together. But that is not why so many people have been stockpiling guns and ammo. I really think that America is predisposed to destroy itself – the Lights will go out and America will become a land of a thousand battling War Lords, with millions dying in the crossfire.
All the densely populated Areas will have problems. Surprisingly, the areas most likely to do the Best are the areas that are now doing the worst. They have hardly nothing now and they are used to it. Chronic Need has fused some of these Social Units together into Cooperative Bodies that do the most to make the best of whatever little they have in common. The future will not represent such a drastic change for them. Indeed, as the Populated Areas depopulate, the presently disenfranchised will be able to move into the relinquished space and finally have their chance to thrive.
Are there any large Societies today where cooperation and self-discipline are Characteristic? Are there any Cultures that haven’t made virtues of Greed and Competitive Hatefulness? Where riots aren’t automatic? Where hoarding isn’t reflex? Where if people are called to work without pay, they’ll show up and do their best for the General Good? Such a Society will be the Survivors who will live to see the Next Dispensation.
But Societies that are just huge conglomerations of competing individuals… Capitalists at heart who were the ones to bring us to this Brink… for them it will truly and irrevocably be the End of the World.
Friday, October 10, 2008
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