Monday, December 17, 2018

Comment To Vanessa Ooms' "What is Vibration and Frequency"

[Dec 18 2018  Comment to Vanessa Ooms’ YouTube video  “What is Vibration and Frequency”]

Hi Vanessa,

Oh, before I get started on the Spiritual Stuff, I’d like to refer to your Chart and make some Real World observations.  You know how between 50 Hz and 75 Hz is Apathy approaching Grief.  Well, for some reason the line power in our homes, which set the ‘flicker rate’ of our lighting and the noise hum from our appliances, well that is right in the middle at 60 Hz (if you can find an oscilloscope, just dig the probe into your finger a little bit and you will see that your Electric Field is running at Line Frequency, that is, its picking up the Room Hum).  In Europe the line power is set right at Apathy (50hz).  BUT the military in its aircraft, tanks and other weapons systems jack up the line frequency to 400 – Reason.  Interesting, huh?  

Now, about Frequency and Spirituality.  Vanessa, in addition to Frequency, there is also the idea of Resonance, that is Natural Frequency of a Thing.  Think of a Tuning Fork.  When you strike it, it will ring at its Resonant Frequency and no other.  Then there is Power. When we are involving Things of variable mass where the mechanism of Resonance is not so deterministic, then the Frequency that has the Most Power will tend to set the Dominant Frequency, which will impose a dynamic resonance into the Things in the effected vicinity.  Also, there is the Idea of Harmonics, and that is simple Multiplication.  In Music we call them octaves.  Now, what High Frequencies can do is set up Harmonic Sympathetic Vibrations in those ‘Things’ that are Octaves below.  For instance, a Frequency of 100 can set up 5 harmonic spaces along a Thing that resonates at 20.  I looked again at your Chart and didn’t see much that would indicate a Harmonic Relationship between the Categories.

Okay, so what does all that mean?  First, if we are spiritually substantial, then we will have a Resonant Frequency which can’t be easily pulled either up or down.  For instance, some people do not get upset or flustered during political discussions.  One reads that people like Napoleon Bonaparte and Horatio Nelson wouldn’t even fluster with shot and shell raining about them.  Then there is Power.  If you have a lot of Power, then your Vibe will tend to set the Tone for the general ambiance.   This is why people with what they call Gravitas are great at defusing tense situations and quieting arguments.  It’s their Power that sets the general Vibe Rate.  Vanessa, you’re sensitive.  You know it as soon as a person with Gravitas walks into a room, don’t you.  Oh, Head Bouncers at Big Clubs usually have Gravitas (they get there by their Work History or the Managers just FEEL that these guys can quiet down trouble just be being there).   And then there is the Ascendency of High Freq over Low Freq.  Hi Freqs can set up sympathetic harmonic responses in Low Things, but it doesn’t work the other way around. Hi can reach down but Lo can’t reach up.  In History we have the example of how the Better Civilizations exert more attraction than the Lesser Civilizations.  In situations where High Civilization were overwhelmed at their frontiers and conquered by Barbarians, well, the general pattern would be that the Barbarians, within a few generations, would be ‘subverted’ towards the Civilization they thought they had defeated (though the phenomenon is not absolute.  One of the problems of European History, with all of its invasions, was that there was always some lag in the assimilation of its Barbarians, and so Europe really never did become wholly Civilized).

So, yes, Vanessa, I really do believe you are over doing it with  counseling social and political cowardice (that’s 100 on your chart).  Now, yes, if one is rocked and overwhelmed by the ambient Vibrations in one’s life, then I guess that retreat and isolation is in order.  However, any Spiritually established person with any degree of Power should have the Gravitas to be able to maintain his or her own Resonant Frequency, whatever the situation.

Then there is also the issue of whether we are to be Individuals (Bodies sheltering Egos) or Part of the Greater Life.  If we are part of the Greater Life, then we should be Integral to Society.  To become Active Socially and Politically may appear to be emotionally disturbing, and our thoughts might be constant when contemplating certain issues or when involved in certain encounters (the Mind not Resting until it has evaluated every conceivable possibility and gotten a Plan A, B and C for Everything).  That may seem uncomfortable at times, BUT, isn’t that Life?  Yes, there are spiritual traditions, too many of them I believe, that advise retreat and isolation, and the contemplation of one’s navel. That means that  Spiritualists largely leave it to the Lesser Beings to Run the World and decide the Path of Civilization (but how can Civilization be entrusted to those who aren’t Spiritual?)   Vanessa, we need to remember about the Ascendency of the High over the Low.  The Lotus grows in Swamp Water, but its Beauty is pristine.  The Low can’t touch us.  

Hi Leo, Is all of this talk about Frequencies and Vibrations real, or just a spiritual metaphor?

Leo Volont
Hi Scott, Well, there was one time that I had a dream -- a Lucid Dream -- in which I had an encounter with the White Light, and it was immediately proceeded by the entire dream taking on a violet colored hue, which indicated that the fabric of the dream was undergoing an upward frequency shift. What happened in the dream was that when I became Lucid, I tucked up into what passes as a lotus position among Westerners and began intoning an AUM. that is when I noticed everything turning violet (reminiscent of psychedelic trips I had read about) and then in front of me the air, or perhaps I should say the 'space' in front of me began to ripple in waves and then a circle opened up about 15 or 20 feet in front of me, like the space itself opened up, providing a passage to another dimension, and it was full of a very intense shimmering White Light. I remembered that in chemistry class years before we had burned magnesium, which burns at a pure whiteness. Well, that White Light in that Circle Opening looked to me like Magnesium being burnt in front of a mirror (its what I thought at the time... "Jeepers, that looks like magnesium being burnt in front of a mirror"). Then the White Light formed up into a Paramahansa Swan ( the Paramahansa Swan was a symbol Yogananda used, but Ramakrishna (1836-1886) used it before him, and the main thing Yogananda is famous for is his economic success, but Ramakrishna for his moral and spiritual influence. Oh, and the Swan did not pretend to be a real living Swan. It was obviously a very ornate representation of a Swan, but stiff and two dimensional like a swan stamped on a coin), and after it lingered at the threshold of the Circle for a moment to two, it shot forward and pierced into my Agna Chakra (yes, the sizes don't seem to fit -- it was Big when it was out there 20 feet away, but then small enough to fit into my forehead... go wonder), and then another Swan formed up and shot into my head, and then another, BUT, because the repetitions were speeding up, the Swan became simpler at every reformation, until the 'Swan' was simply a kind of a "V" bird that children draw, accept that it was formed of that magnesium white light. But towards the end the line of White Light V Swans did seem to have the character of aliveness.

But in other instances, I've noticed Silver Blue to have been the aura of a character who in a dream represented a Being who had become "one with all things". Then in other dreams it seems that the importance of the dream, or its level of spiritual importance seemed to have been indicated simply by the Brightest of Color, and not necessarily the spectral position or 'name' of the particular color.

So, yes, I believe that the idea of Frequency and Vibration isn't purely metaphorical here. But, that Chart that Vanessa trotted out. Well, anything that precisely delineated should come with some kind of footnote regarding the source study from which it was derived. But I don't believe there was a study. How could they buzz Research Subjects with a precise vibration and then so precisely discern their exact emotional reaction. and if 700 and above is Enlightenment, then I would suppose there would be a huge market for an Enlightenment Machine, that could simply give that same 700 Hz buzz as was delivered during the experiment to clients or purchasers of the "Enlightenment Box". No more having to meditate on top of a Himalayan Mountain for 40 years... just shove one probe up one's butt and paste an electrode pad on the top of one's head, or whatever, and get Zapped into Enlightened Cosmic Consciousness Oneness, and be able to tell everybody that for that moment you 'Knew All things', but a shame you have such a poor memory in regards to the details. But, Wow! Who wouldn't give a week's wages for an experience like that? Heck, the patent on that Thing would be more valuable then the Copyright on those "Course of Miracles" books, or even the whole Carlos Castaneda series. The entire New Age Community would poop themselves with envy. So, no, I'm surprised that Vanessa passes that kind of stuff along. If it were true, it would have resulted in more than a rainbow colored diagram, wouldn't it?

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