Saturday, June 9, 2012

Scrambling to Meet the UFO Invasion

I did not see the Alien Space Ships because the point of view of the Dream was apparently from the perspective of the Alien Space Ships, and I can’t even tell you how many of them there were, except to say that the U.S. Army helicopter squadron that was sent out as something of a First Responder saw enough of them to be really worried.

I did see the Place.  It looked like Texas, along the Rio Grande River, bordering Mexico, on Route 10, or maybe it was still in New Mexico, as I didn't actually see the river.  There was a Hill on the American Side, with some greenery, and the Hill was a bit cut away by a Bluff, but it all looked like the American Southwest Desert – reddish, sparse, hot and dusty. 

I saw the American helicopters arriving, and in each helicopter I recognized some sort of Alien Presence, though it was probably invisible to the men in the helicopters. 

My attention was drawn to the Command Helicopter, where a Captain or perhaps a LT. Colonel was in charge.  Apparently he was keenly aware of the importance of this particular mission.  I can’t remember exactly what he said over the Radio to all of the other helicopters and his men, but it was something like the following. 

“Men, I want your attention.  Our first priority of course is to defend and protect the United States of America, but if we possibly can we need to try our best not to start an Intergalactic War.  So don’t fire unless fired upon, and by “fired upon” I mean being blown out of the sky and crashing in flames.  We do not want a War that could destroy the Entire World because we are startled by some bright flashing light, surprised by some strange crackling sound or because one of our birds blows an oil seal and puffs out a cloud of black smoke.  Do you understand me?  (all answer “Yes Sir”).  

“Just look at it here.  There is no going back on this day.  In the entire History of Humanity how many Days could possibly rank up with this one, and the Encounter we are about to make?  What we do today will be remembered Forever.  And the Consequences of what we do will very likely last Forever.  So, please, let’s not do anything unforgettably Stupid.  Do you understand me? (all answer “yes, sir”).

Now, it’s very reasonable to suppose that they have some very sophisticated technologies, certainly with Space Flight, and we can suppose with Weaponry, but probably also with Intelligence Gathering – their ability to listen in, not only to our radios and intercoms but even just our voices.  So for here on out do not say anything you do not want them to hear, and, well, don’t even think anything you don’t want them to know.  Imagine that they are sitting right there beside you… imagine that they are already right inside your head, and that should keep us fairly safe.  Stay smart, stay alert, and don’t say, think or do anything that could piss them off without my direct orders.  Do you understand me?” (all reply, “yes, sir”).    

And with that I saw the Commanders Helicopter banking over into a turn and I sort of knew that the helicopters were going to encircle the Alien Space Ships and begin their ‘Encounter”.  There would be a Challenge along the lines of “You are in the Air Space of the United States of America, a Sovereign Nation, and by the Rights of International Law, you do not have the Legal Right to be here, but considerations can be made if you are in distress and require aid.  Please identify yourselves and state your Business”.

I’m hoping that everything went well.

I was thinking of this dream, and of why the Aliens chose Route 10 in Texas just north of the Rio Grande.  Well, at the first hint of trouble the Aliens could have moved a few hundred meters to the South and been in Mexican Airspace, with a lot less to worry about.

Oh, there was more to this dream as it continued into its second chapter.   Of course everything hit the News.  The United States Government could not cover this thing up.  It was just off Route 10, one of the busiest cross continental highways in America and everyone has those little cameras in their phones nowadays.  Plus, I have a feeling the News Vans and the News Helicopters were there as quickly as the Army had been, as the TV News kept running actual film and needed so little in the way of cheesy graphics and drawings.  We were all seeing the Real Deal.  After about 10 days of Excitement, it all began to Normalize, and people were suddenly used to the Presence of the Aliens, like they had always been here.  It was probably just a massive failure in the collective imagination, or Thought Fatigue had finally set in, but it all suddenly got passé.  I was speaking to this one young lady who was expressing such a ‘it doesn’t really matter anyway, kind of a thought’ and I remember telling her “hey, you just watch, but in 20 years we are all going to be wards of the State, and They are going to be the State.”

Well, it sounds a bit pessimistic, but it is hard to imagine how any Intelligent Species could do much worse than we are. Maybe they have a plan for our chronic economic recessions and Global Climate Change, rising Ocean Levels and Species Loss.  So far we haven’t come up with anything.  If we have Lost, it is only by Default.

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