Sunday, June 17, 2012

Being Too Lucid in a Lucid Dream

The Purpose of Lucid Dreaming is to give the Dreamer a sense of Self in his Dreams and the notion that he can make Choices within his dreams.

When I look over my personal history of Lucid Dreams what occurs to me is that at the moment of Lucidity, I made the choice to leave ordinary medium lit dreams with casts of ordinary dream character to go to better lit Spiritual Dreams with a much Higher and much more engaging set of Dream Characters.  Mostly my Lucidities led me to the same choices each time, that is, to Levitate on out of there – to pick up and fly away to better Places.

Now, there is a Truth about dream levitation – dream flying – and that is when you dream fly, you go from Lower to Higher.   I used to enjoy dream flying for the sake of dream flying, and was discomfited when I would seem to run out of gas way up at stratospheric altitude and be forced into a descent back to the Mundane.  Only after about a dozen dreams did it finally occur to the young me that I was landing into some of the most Spiritually uplifting dreams of my life.

Dream Flying is not about the Flying.  It is all about where you will land.

So Lucidity does give you that Choice.  You can leave your current Dream and go to a Higher Dream.  Now, many new people coming into Lucid Dreaming, after reading all of the New Age Propaganda salted about by all of those New Age Tycoons – Book Writers and all those Work Shop and Week End Seminar People, well, after all of that very promising and very deceptive reading, they come to think that they can control EVERYTHING in a dream.  Not just their own personal Dream Choices, but that they think that they will actually be able to control all of the Dream CONTENT – Story Line, Sets, Costumes, Dialog, etc, etc.

Well, think about that for a minute – Dream Content in a Lucid Dream when every detail comes across so sharp and well defined, and there being thousands or millions of details in each dream scene, well, how could the Dreamer even begin to CREATE all of that in the spur of the moment.  No, in real Lucid Dreams, regardless of all the fabricated marketing propaganda, the Dream Mind still creates the Dream Scenes and all of the basic Dream Scenarios, while the Lucid Dreamer is allowed his own Enlightened and Lucid Choices.

And this leads to a very common Lucid Dream Problem.  People complain that they soon ‘lose’ Lucidity.  Well, yes, but this is actually a GOOD thing .  You see, Lucidity is a Blessing and a Curse.  It is a Blessing when it leads to the first choices to go to a Higher Level of Dreaming.  It is a Curse when it keeps you from fully participating in the Spiritual Dream that your Dream Mind had created for you.  Certainly you can understand that it would be a serious distraction if you were to be continually mumbling to yourself “ I am dreaming I am dreaming I am dreaming” when you really should be enjoying perhaps the most Spiritual Dream of your life.

I had one such Lucid Dream.  When I became aware that I was Dreaming I decided to lift off and fly away.  When I came down I was met by a radiant little girl, the Blessed Virgin Mary in the form of a Child, who took my hand and led me to the Spiritual Pope in Heaven, a thin angular and ascetic old man.  He refused all honors, and all respects because, as he inclined his head toward the ‘little girl’, all of that is quite meaningless while in the presence of the Blessed Virgin.  This heavenly Pope introduced me to my Patron Saint, a man who while alive had been a Bishop but who had been assassinated by a clandestine group of rightwing radical bishops in Rome, to prevent him ever becoming the first Latin American Pope.   I was quite in state of shock after learning all of that and so the Heavenly Pope moved the proceedings along by summoning a group of about 20 men, including myself.  Another man and I were given Awards.  They were Spiritual Vision Kits – boxes containing a number of Stones and a set of instructions.  Each Kit contained 12 Stones but only 9 stones were to be installed into the Instrument permanently and then one of the three other stones could be installed on occasion depending upon which Spiritual Realm one wanted to see into.

What a great dream, si?  That Patron Saint has become a fixture in my Dreams, and I now call him the Ruby Bishop – he wears a purplish violet gown with a strap bearing a large Red Ruby on his chest, and he saves the World in the next 30 years.  Now, in that Dream I had lost my Lucidity shortly after I met the “little girl”, and isn’t that a Good Thing.  If I had stayed Lucid and mumbled to myself the whole time, and tried to interfere with Dream Content then I might have screwed up one of the best dreams of my Life.           

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