Saturday, August 23, 2008

Public Tyranny vs Private Tyranny

Public Tyranny vs Private Tyranny

Louis IVX was once asked how he could live with himself, being such a tyrant and all. He explained that he slept very well at night considering that as One Tyrant he saved the people from thousands of Petty Tyrants.

But the Kings were overthrown and now we live under the Regime of Thousands of Petty Tyrants who, of course, control the Media Propagandas convincing us that we are really very lucky to be enslaved on so many sides.

What brings this to mind is the Western Media’s coverage of the Chinese Olympics. We are treated to news which is supposed to shock of scandal that the Chinese Government had issued News Release Guidelines – instructing its Reporters and Media Coordinators of the type of thing that would be News and the kinds of things best left ignored. How Shameful that the Government should get involved in the News!

Well, what absolute Hypocrisy! Yes, in China is just so happens that the Government is the Entity that issues such orders. But is CNN, FOX, CBS or the BBC honestly going to pretend to tell us that NOBODY is issuing THEIR Reporters any such ‘Guidelines’. Are we supposed to believe that All Western Media is totally at the discretion of the Reporters themselves, that no story is ever quashed by some Editor somewhere in pursuant to some ‘policy directive’. We are to believe that the Billionaire Monopolists of the Western Media – Ted Turner and that Fat Bald Australian guy, oh, Rupert Murdick, and even Sung Mung Moon who apparently found that Controlling Public Opinion was even more fun than Playing Messiah (remember the “Moonies” back in the Seventies?) – are we to believe that these guys place no Political Filter upon what is being reported by THEIR Reporters – their hirelings, their slaves? They are NOT Government, certainly, but what assurances are there that they are not bad or worse? For instance, are we really served by all the efforts of the Private Media to stir up Wars and Insurrections? Makes great reading though, huh?

Then there arises the larger issues. The Republicans, the Libertarians, and the Tories, and the little Nazi-Like Parties throughout the World have argued that all Oppression and Inefficiency sources from Government and that without Government the World would naturally revert back to Eden again, pristine and perfect. But what happened when such Anti-Government policies were actually implemented. The Corporations went wild and now every single one of the Capitalist Democratic Economies is hanging on the very brink of collapse. You see, without Government, even those who had a vested interest in remaining Rich could not refrain from implementing schemes so extreme that of course they went over the top into the area of diminishing returns, blowing up in their faces. They behaved like children, that is, Absolutely Powerful Dictatorial children. In all this time where Private Capitalists reigned supreme with absolutely no Government oversight, HOW many workers were ‘downsized’, thrown to part-time employment, stripped of Health Coverage? Raped and Pillaged. If a Government were to so screw over people like this then it would be treated as a Scandal. But since people were only being screwed over by other people, the ones with Political Lobbyists, then it is all fine and dandy.

Honestly, would Louis the IVX, and his corps of professional Civil Bureaucrats really be much worse then this present Regime of Thousands of Petit Tyrants and all the Wild Corruptions we know about even despite the Blanket of Secrecy our own Capitalist Medias try to throw over the Top of it All? At least a Bureaucrat can be expected to have some Ideals. We can imagine how a Person brought up for Public Service might aspire to be genuinely helpful. But Rule by Corporate Mogul, which is what we have now? What can we expect from people who admit to their Greed as some kind of a virtue and pretend to have no other goal in life but to Win and make Losers of everybody else? Even if Government is potentially Corruptible – a Flower that wilts around the edges, it must be obvious that Capitalism is the Very Being and Nature of Corruption itself – an Orchid of stinking dead flesh! Yes, corruption in Government is shocking because it is NOT supposed to be there. But what would truly be amazing to us is Rule by these Capitalist Lobbyists if it were not found to be basically, deeply and intrinsically Corrupt, for what can we expect of people who never claimed to care about anything else besides making a Fast Buck.

Those who told us that Government was Bad omitted telling us that Private Schemers and Crooks would be so much more worse. Bring back Louis.

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