Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Jewish Paradox
It is extremely tiring being called a Nazi because I disapprove of the Contemporary Jew doing exactly what the Nazis had been doing.
The Nazis thought they were the Master Race and therefore had right to kill anybody who came in the way.
And the Jews, probably learning more from the Nazis than they should have – a Stockholm Syndrome kind of thing no doubt, now do the same thing – killing anybody who stands in their way of their vision of a Greater Israel. What the Jews had originally complained of has become their own modus operandi. The Jews said that they ‘would never forget’, and they haven’t, apparently having made of the Nazis’ behavior toward them something of an Instruction Manual on how they would subsequently behave toward everyone else. Sort of a ‘genocide them before they genocide us’ kind of thing.
It’s sad that America helps them out to such an extent – as a tiny little country they never would have been able to do it all on their own, and they would have had to arrive at a Peace Deal by now. But with the Help of America, thank God, they’ll never have to make Peace with anybody. You see, it’s the Protestant Vision that by enabling the Jews to re-establish Israel, the Last Battle will be provoked – Armageddon – and then, just as prophesized, Jesus will make his Second Coming, the Righteous will be Raptured… blah, blah, blah. What it comes down to is that the Americans who are in power actually have no intention toward Peace, despite what they say, but are doing everything in their power to provoke War. Indeed, giving the State of Israel 5 billion dollars every year to remain in a constant state of War. That 5 billion dollars basically underwrites their whole Economy. Peace would in fact bankrupt them. When you hear on the news that either Washington or Tel Aviv is moving toward establishing Peace with the Palestinians, that it is really against all of their historic interests and motivations, and probably only a prelude to some scheme for embarrassing the Palestinians before ratcheting up the War Machine to even more strenuous intensities and expenses.
Anyway, I’m the guy who is for Peace and against victimizing a relatively helpless minority (for although much is made of the threat of ‘Terror’, it’s a danger that has only killed or harmed .0000000001% of the targeted population, putting ‘Terrorism’ largely in the column of being nearly all ‘bark’ and not hardly any ‘bite’. One is more likely to win the lottery than to be harmed by Terrorists. Indeed, much is made of so little only to justify the Perpetual War that American Protestantism still believes will bring them their Armageddon and their Rapture. But perhaps they should be reminded, that the State of Israel was re-established in 1949, more than a half century ago, more than a generation ago, and that there have been already rather a few full blown Wars, and Armageddon has not happened yet. How long do they expect their tardy God to put things off? Yes, its already been 2000 years, so how much longer could it be?
Really, the American Protestants should consider the possibility that Armageddon and the Second Coming had already happeneded, with the Destruction of Jerusalem in the year 71 A.D. It honestly fit all the Prophetic Descriptions. Armies marched on Jerusalem from every corner. Then it could very well have happened that all the Genuine Christians of the day were Raptured and lifted up into Heaven. The bitter pill for Modern Protestants to swallow, though, is that they are now part of the Population of the Reprobate – the Children of the Damned. Ooooops. You know, somebody had to be. If so many damned people were to be left behind, well, one can’t expect that they should all just shrivel up and die. Life would go on, and it did. Also, these Protestants should take it as a hint that the Christian Church that ‘survived’ really was not part of the Real Church at all, not the Jews that Jesus had taught, but Greeks who followed the Teaching of Paul who had been an actual Persecutor of the Real Messianic Church that Jesus had established. It’s really all in the Book of Acts, if one reads it from that slant.
The best that these Protestants should hope for, or pray for, is a New Dispensation – enough of trying to milk the old Prophecies. They should review the more recent Events in Religious History. There had been all the Appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but the Protestants at their best and most Charitable, ignore Her. Now that the Protestants are allied with the Anti-Abortion Catholics on the Extreme Religious Right, they try to be un-provoking to their new Political Partners, but when assured there are no Catholics in the room they still continue to refer to the Mother of their Lord Jesus Christ as “the Whore of Babylon”… anything to re-justify their violence and hatred during what they call the Reformation, when they killed half the Catholics in Europe in order to confiscate Church lands, and set up rebellious little Nation States outside of purviews of Christian Civilization. However, they probably would not like the New Marian Prophecies anyway, as they are largely along the lines of bemoaning the Fall of Christian Civilization (Catholicism as it had been in its Glory Day), and the rise of Barbarism (everything Protestant, with its twin vehicles for Corruption – Capitalism and Democracy).
Okay, okay, you get the message – they are all Bad Guys. They either realize it and don’t care, or they are in complete denial about it, resting in their Faith that God somehow smoothes over the Moral Difficulties involved in having other Peoples suffer so that a few Chosen Jews and Protestants can live as Masters of the World and the Sole Inheritors of Heaven. In any case, it is necessary to deflect the blame from themselves to any who oppose them. Like the Jews before them they need to rise up and cut down even their own Prophets if they should happen to broach uncomfortable topics of conversation.
So I am the Bad Guy for insisting upon a modicum of morality. It’s sad when the good guys are now called Nazis or are seriously compared to the Nazis. They should consider that if it should be true, then how bad would that make everybody else?
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