Saturday, December 22, 2007

Effective Rule Vs. Checks and Balances

American propaganda has always held it up as a grand virtue that its Government was horribly inefficient, clumsy, and lacking in coherent cooperation. They called it “checks and balances” that every branch and office of government would operate at cross purposes to every other branch and office.

We see what can happen from the movie “Charlie Wilson’s War” – that America’s left hand often has no idea what its right hand is doing (not when everything is always Top Secret and everybody either doesn’t know or is not allowed to talk about ANYTHING). The Soviet Union, as a civilizing and stabilizing force in the World was torpedoed without the least reflective thought or plan regarding future consequences.

And nowadays there is in place an Executive Branch that was elected on the promise that it would be the sworn enemy of ordinary American Government. What would ordinarily be considered High Treason was an election promise, and it has certainly been delivered on. These politicians, elected to destroy their Government will leave it effectively bankrupt, and in a World whose stability they had utterly destroyed.

Well, how did all this come about? We might consider that when America once did have a relatively effective central government, no measures were taken to protect it from hostile propaganda. Treason was ALLOWED TO BE an election promise. Lies were allowed to be printed and broadcast. Parties who openly campaigned AGAINST government were not outlawed from joining the Government which they had sworn to sabotage.

Well, Americans claim that this is all part of FREEDOM, which they claim is the highest good… claiming even that young American men should be glad to martyr themselves for Freedom, persuading them to join the Military so that America may have the means of expanding its Military Empire. Every dead solder is praised for having consciously died for Freedom, deliberate martyrdom just the same as with any Crazy Muslim, it never being suggested that the real concerns which sent American Solders into harm’s way were for certain Commodity Prices to benefit only those privileged few who had managed to buy an Election.

But is Freedom and all its subsequent chaos, wars and Class Exploitation really of the Highest Consequence? We have only to look at the Prosperity of certain Authoritarian Nations to see that stability in Government produces some rather practical benefits.

While America is sliding into Decline, and Russia and China grow grow grow, America persists in insisting its Way is better. Yes, regarding its efforts to Compete, it would be in America’s interest to slow down and destroy the gains that Russia and China have been accruing, and so America never tires of pushing Freedom as an ideal, and its model of Government by Checks and Balances.

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