Friday, December 28, 2007

Benazir Bhutto Murder Engineered by the West

Yes, it’s so terrible and deplorable, isn’t it?... the murder of Benazir Bhutto. But once again we see that the West is submerged in the most deceptive propaganda. Just a few weeks ago can anybody even name a single Politician in the West who WASN’T absolutely demanding the end of the State of Emergency in Pakistan that was implemented primarily to protect Benazir Bhutto? Can we honestly believe the Journalists have forgotten all that? Certainly they are not that stupid! And yet, now, when the obvious question to EVERY politician is “Well, did it NOT occur to you that in lifting the State of Emergency, as you had insisted upon, that it was virtually determining that an assassination could not be avoided… it was tantamount to tossing her to the wolves?”

But, no, not a single journalist asked the question or even pretended to recognize the dynamics of what had just occurred, or their own role in what had happened, as wasn’t it the Western Media that lead the chant for lifting the State of Emergency, forcing the hands of the politicians.

But all we hear from the Media is their insinuating that General Musharraf either directly had something to do with the murder, or that he allowed security to slacken off. Well, there it is with the Media… first too much security and then not enough!

And regarding Musharraf…. IF he had wanted to harm Bhutto, well, he couldn’t have done it while he was guaranteeing her safety, with his State of Emergency, now could he? But if the entire West insisted that such measures for safety be suspended, then does that NOT leave him entirely in the clear? It is exactly as though the West virtually signed her Death Warrant.

Well, yes, Miss Bhutto must have had a suicide wish all her own, as she too, after having just allowed about 200 of her followers to die from a bomb intended for herself several weeks ago at the Airport, she could not wait to go back out to attract even further manifestations of violence. We should be glad, I suppose that so few other people died along with Bhutto, but how many were there? 16. All dead to for these so many reasons including to satisfy Bhutto’s obvious taste for martyrdom. Or perhaps what was going on was this, that she was delusional to the point of supposing that Destiny, or God or Something like That was protecting her for her service to the World – she was mislead by the coincidence that nothing had managed to kill her before into believing that her luck would therefore continue. Well, for all of her admirable qualities, no one has yet thought to eulogize her for her brains or her savvy. Among the States Women of the World she was the one ‘dumb chick’ that somehow must be necessary in every group of more than a few hens. But even if she was practically begging to die, many smarter people than she had the Moral Responsibility to simply not allow it.

Now, let’s consider WHY. Why does the West, in almost a single voice, demand the radical destabilization of Pakistan? Isn’t General Musharraf practically our only friend in the entire Country? Yes, Bhutto too wanted to align with Western Interests, but the West as much as engineered her execution and then is allowing the repercussions to drag down Musharraf. And not just Bush and his idiot Neo-Conservative lunatics. All of the Corporate Owned Media is pushing this Conspiracy.

It can only be concluded that there really is something of a Crusade going on, not just of Western Governments plotting against Islamic Civilization, but all the Powers supporting Western Corporate Power is throwing in, pushing first for and then for War.

Oh, yes, they now say Al-Qaeda did it, and yes, they probably did, but we need to remember that Bin Laden WAS a CIA Agent, that they never considered it much of a priority to catch Bin Laden, and that the West uses the very existence of Al-Qaeda to overthrow every legitimate Islamic Government. So, really, if so much of the West’s Policy toward the Middle East and South Asia centers upon it relationship with Al-Qaeda, then, most probably, Bin Laden still is CIA. It does sound implausible, but we need to place this in the context of History where we know for a fact that the German General Staff, at the time of the First World War, funded Communist Party under Lenin, supposing that he would destabilize Russia under the Czar and thus hurt the Russian War Effort. So, the West sponsoring Al-Qaeda in order to de-stabilize the Near East and South Asia, in preparation for Conquest, is certainly not beyond the same Western Tradition of Imperial Politics.

What should be done? Well, it might be too late, but remember the Ottoman Empire? It was disbanded after the First World War, and taken over by the English and the French who after only 20 years found they could not deal with it and let it all go to Hell. Well, give it back. Give all of the Near East and Islamic South Asia to Turkey – a Turkish Secular Ottoman Empire reborn. That area needs to be stabilized, and the best way of going about it would be in terms of appealing to their own Pre-Colonial History. And Turkey is as Secular a state as could ever be hoped for in that region of Fundamentalist Fanatics. If Turkey were to be given Empire Jurisdiction, then, in the interests of everybody concerned, Media Attention would have to be withdrawn. It would not be a pretty sight to see, how Turkey would have establish a Secular State amidst so many dense pockets of cultural-tribal fanaticism and ignorance. When the Turks first took possession of the Regions of the East, entire cities were decimated. Well, History may not offer that many choices about such things. To establish Order it is necessary to deal with those who would inevitably oppose such Order. Perhaps it is as universal a Truth for History as it is for breakfast, that one can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. In the sense that an Islamic Power would be more acceptable to the vast numbers of the Population involved, it would save perhaps millions of lives to allow Turkey to establish Order than to leave the task of Genocide to America and its Colonies Israel and Britain who seems to be pushing hardest for the job.

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