There is presently a Mormon candidate for the Presidency of the United States. Yes, it is almost certain that a Republican cannot win, and especially that a Republican cannot win who raises the suspicions of the Southern Baptist Convention that had elected the previous Republican Presidents. Mormons are not Southern Baptists, and visa versa.
Yet, still, there is now a leading candidate who is in fact is a Mormon. What if that Mormon did win?
Well, two things worry me. The first is that Mormons have set up elaborate study committees to ascertain the specific genealogy of everybody in the World. Everybody, not just Mormons. I suspect that this may be a prelude to some form of ‘ethnic cleansing’. Secondly, every Mormon family is being instructed to hoard at least 18 months of food and supplies. Now, what does this mean? Well, obviously, it means that the Mormons are attempting to arrange a total shut down of the American Economy, which they must be anticipating to last at most 18 months), long enough to starve out the ‘gentiles’ (when its been estimated that 80% of the Urban Populations would starve out in just 6 months). Yes, like the Jews, the Mormons have adopted the same dismissive and patronizing epithet with which they can designate everyone outside their group as effectively non-human – the word ‘gentile’ is their version of the ‘n’ word. Then, even among the survivors, Mormons or not, the genealogical records can be examined to determine a final culling. I suspect, that the Mormons, so used to an Economy of exploitation, even if left to a World of their own, would soon need to exploit other Mormons, and so out would come the Genealogical Records to justify a distinct and solid social hierarchy, and so even if you are now a Mormon, if your Great Aunt Sally was known to take a drink or flirt with a sailor, then you will become the slave to all those whose families were so dull that they were never known for anything. This is perhaps some odd way that the ‘meek shall inherit the earth’.
You may ask how the Mormons could bring about a total economic collapse. Well, it would be easy, if they had a President in place. All that would need be done is to alienate the OPEC Countries into opening their sales to other World Currencies besides the dollar (as it is now, the U.S. Dollar is accepted as the only valid petro-currency, and this is for no other reason than that some tacit gentlemen’s agreement was made years ago in some smoky room somewhere. There is no supporting Treaty and the OPEC Countries could easily enough renege anytime they would like to). Also, the Asian Countries that now carry huge dollar reserves; if they also were alienated, they could dump their dollars for Euros or even set up a Pan-Asian Monetary Unit, as like what Europe did with their Euro. If OPEC would suddenly take any World Currency for oil, and if Dollar Reserves were dumped to make place for an Asian ‘A-Yen’, then overnight the Dollar would become almost entirely worthless on the World Market. What’s more, the dollar would become worthless in America. You see, Capitalists, being capitalists, would sell all moveable American assets for export abroad, for currencies that would have some real value. The American Businessman would simply abandon America. “Nothing personal. Its just business”.
And if the President were Mormon and certain high cabinet officials were Mormon, than any Emergency Measures that could mitigate the misery would simply be side-stepped and the disaster would be left to unfold naturally. As with the Katrina Hurricane and President George Bush and his FEMA Director, leaving Democratic New Orleans to rot because they had not voted Republican. Politics can be a deadly weapon. You know, already there are a great many Mormons infiltrated into the American Criminal Justice Departments. They are already there, just waiting for their opportunities. The Death Camp Guards are just waiting for their call, but they are already on the payroll.
America would be allowed to decline into ruin, and it would be made to look like some huge colossal accident (just as the Depression is recorded in History as being some huge accident, when really the English Government intentionally pulled gold off the international markets in order to destroy America because it regarded America’s rising influence in the World as a threat to its own continued ascendancy – America was seen as a threat and England pulled out the gold supply to wreck the American Economy. It worked. Well, because there are so many Anglophiles in high American positions, while I also suppose that the powerful American Free Masons and the powerful English Free Masons, who make it a point to control their Governments, are chapters of the same Secret Society Club, and so this devastating English attack on America has never been spoken of aloud although everybody who knows anything knows it all very well. It was surprising, then, that America then fought a war for Britain, when actually, if justice should have been served, America’s war should have been first against the British. You know, they used to say that if we did not beat the Germans then we would all be speaking German. Well, we are all now speaking English and we don’t find that a problem?).
Anyway, Americas Mormon-induced apocalyptic catastrophe would be made to appear like just another accident of History and then that the lopsidedly high Mormon survival rate would be seen as because Mormons had just coincidentally been better prepared. They would tell the story of the Wise Ant who worked and saved as contrasted with the prodigal grasshopper who played away during the good days and gathered nothing against the winter, and no one would examine for the possibility that the Wise Ants were the ones who deliberately engineered a famine that would kill their friends the grasshoppers so that the Ants could conquer the World.
But yes, the Mormons are deliberately planning for a War by Siege. They have hoarded their stuff and they are just biding their time until they can shut off the lifeline that keeps the rest of us of the World alive… preventing the Mormons from realizing their God-granted Destiny, as the Mormons see it.
Now, some of you may think that I am dreaming up all of this, that Mormons are after all very Religious People. Really? Actually not. You see, the morality that they respect is very selective, very narrow. They think it enough to get haircuts, to dress prudishly and to wait for marriage before they take any number of sex partners (oh, but yes, they did go in and edit their Book of Mormon so it no longer says what it used to say about polygamy. That, also, is another subject, that is, how the Mormons have often simply gone in and changed the actual text of their Holy Scriptures, for whatever political convenience they recognize from moment to moment. It is as though they are fully aware, at the highest levels, that God never really had anything to do with it at all, and that their Book of Mormon was always, from the first, just an artificial tool of opportunity). Simply examine Mormon Behavior as regards to non-Mormons and then you can determine just exactly what their Morality is, or isn’t. For instance, Mormon Corporations and Mormon owned Businesses are famously exploitative and have terrible relationships with labor and unions. Mormons are best described as predatory. Think about it, that while there are liberal Jews, who has ever heard of a liberal Mormon? So while our stereotypes of Jewish greed must be considered as relative to this obvious trend toward Morality in popular Jewish Political Behavior; our view of Mormon predatory behavior must be absolute. We must be open to Jews because there are obviously very good and very enlightened Jews. But this can’t be said of Mormons who are monolithically set to enslave all non-Mormons. Mormons supported Slavery in the 19th Century and then, since, they have endorsed wage slavery and the exploitation of ‘gentiles’.
Also, it is worrisome that the Mormons see themselves as the New Jews. Why? Well, because the old Jews, their models, are seen as exemplars because they reported that God explicitly told them to invade Civilized Nations and commit total genocide so that they could confiscate all lands and property free and clear.
Well, if that is God, then I would not want to hear about the Devil.
Friday, June 15, 2007
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I have a question regarding the LDS church "changing" the Book of Mormon dealing with the subject of polygamy. I wonder if you have a source for this information. Exactly where was the Book of Mormon changed in regards to the practice, nature, or subject of polygamy? I hope you wouldn't just create facts such as this.
Please feel free to email me, lifeonaplate, at, and let me know.
ps- Can you also give a source on the mormons being commanded to make an 18 month supply? thanks.
Dang - another gentile is on to us. Now I've got to go tell my bishop, and he'll contact the Stake President, and the SP will contact the General Authority for the area, and the GA will activate the Danite Spy network to find out where Leo lives, and then he'll dissapear. It will all have happened by the time I hit "publish my comment".
Oh man. Leo, you have a great imagination. Feel free to stop by my blog and take a look at all my plans for world domination.
Elder Rob
Dear Life On a Plate,
Thank you for stopping by.
I am not the primary scholar involved with having uprooted the information regarding the ever changing Book of Mormon, but I have heard from such scholars that whenever the Leaders of the Mormon Church change their policies, they also go in and edit the Book of Mormon to reflect the new party line. Also, they do so quietly with a minimum of fanfar.
So a scholar would have to be a collector of Book of Mormon editions, and track the changes as they are noted from the reading, as the Church does not issue announcements and notifications. I suppose they would prefer to keep up the appearance that nothing has changed.
Indeed, I suppose very few Mormons ever catch on. Just as the Protestants talk about being Bible Based, very few Protestants ever actually read the Bible but are satisfied to hear it being propounded on sundays by their ministers.
Oh, sometimes I relax with easy reading detective fiction, and found a book by Stephen White "Higher Authority" (a psychologist in Boulder Colorado is always getting involved in murders or some crimes or another, and in this book the murderers were Mormon) and Stephen White apparently did a great deal of research on the Mormons. Interesting book.
Oh, Life On a Plate... I'll be sure to email you.
Dear The Obi Blog,
Talking to relatively low ranking mormons is somewhat akin to talking to low ranking Free Masons, or indeed low ranking anybodies of anythings. The problem is of cource multiplied in regards to Secret Societies or Organizations that are founded around Conspiratorial Agendas.
The small fry typically do not know anything. They are told the 'cover story', and like good foot-solders they find themselves dutybound to pretend to believe it.
But what you need to consider is that all the details are important, and come together to create a Big Picture. Now all of the innocent explanations you have been instructed in to explain Mormon policies, well, they are simply trivialized when compared to the more reasonable ways such details can be rendered. What we know is that Mormons are BIG in law enforcement in both the States and the Federal levels; that Mormons are hoarding as though in preparation for a siege, and that Mormons stretch their genealogical studies way beyond the family trees of their own members. Then we have the language of Ethnic Superiority and the Chosen People mentality. We can see in the Mormon Business Model just how much they depend upon ruthlessly exploiting non-Mormon labor. So, all considered, just plain common sense tells us that Mormons are the New NAZI Master Race getting ready to launch their offensive.
After all, do not the Mormons have their own Promised Land Prophecies? We know what the Jews have done with such prophecies, don't we?
But as a Mormon I suppose you have very little concern for having any empathy for your victims.
You see, like the Free Masons, the Mormon Church is a Secret Society. In exchange for your membership and obedience, you will get your career and your promotions. For you it will not be 'what you know'but 'what you belong to'. So you will be fat dumb and happy your entire life, and will genuinely be puzzled why not everybody loves your Secret Society. But people who have more personal merit than yourself, who have not sold their souls to either the Mormons or the Free Masons, well, they have every right and inclination to despise you and wish some eternal judgment on your basically corrupt head.
Interesting imagination you have there. I've read a copy of the original manuscript of the Book of Mormon, and the place where Jacob discusses polygamy has NOT changed. Jacob states that monogamy is the standard, except when God commands it.
Have you ever read the Book of Mormon? The only changes made over the years are to correct grammatical errors, or to update the language to make it clearer for our day.
We are taught to have 12 months supply of food (not 18 months). The reason is in case of loss of job, emergency, etc.
As for Death Camps, I think you are rather imaginative in such an idea. Mormons carry with them the memories of persecutions of the early saints, and fight against others experiencing the same. They are for freedom of speech, religion, etc. Our founding documents, including D&C 134, and the Articles of Faith expressly state we seek freedom for all.
Mormons were anti-slavery from its earliest foundations. One of the reasons they were persecuted in Missouri was that the Missourians feared Mormons would gain control of the state and make slavery illegal. Of those Mormons who fought in the Civil War, they all fought on the Union side, against slavery. Mormon enclaves were the first places to allow women to vote in the United States: Wyoming passed the first law allowing women to vote, and Utah had the first election in which women voted.
The higher councils of the Church do NOT have conspiracies going on. If that were the case, Mitt Romney would closely toe the Church line on issues like abortion and homosexuality. The Church's official response is it stays out of politics, except when there is a moral/spiritual impact. They do not tell us who to vote for. Ever.
I know several LDS that would not vote for Romney, under any circumstance.
As for the genealogy research, it is not for control of mankind. It is for saving our ancestors, by performing vicarious baptisms for them in our temples. Just how would tracing one's ancestry determine whether my Aunt Sally did something that would doom me to slavery? Preposterous! In fact, it is beyond preposterous, it is just plain silly.
Seems to me that IF Mormons were as evil as you believe, that our government would have ferreted out that information and done something about it, such as they did with Jimmy Jones, David Koresh (Waco's Branch Davidians), and others. Instead, we have Ronald Reagan inviting the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to sing at his inaugural. Twice.
If they are tricking such higher ups in government, how is it that you've gotten such detailed information about Mormons?
I think you are a loony conspiracy theorist that can't even get his facts straight, and so any exotic answer to explain an organization you, personally, have not studied, is more enticing than the truth.
BTW, I know several of the leaders of the Church, and know others well that know them even better than I do. I am certain they are not members of a secret cabal to enslave the world.
Yes, I have no doubt that the lower level and mid-level echolons are nice people. But the problem with Secret Society Organizations based on Obedience is we do not know what the Highest Level agendas are, and we do not know that all of the nice people will not obey whatever orders finally come down.
And then people can be so short sighted that they do not even know what it is they are accomplishing. One person does this. Another person does that. They two actions together have a result that neither of the people could have guessed, or prefer not to think about.
The World Wars were a Free Mason conspiracy, but they don't admit it. The Great Depression was engineered by and for Free Masons, to shake out the Non-Free Mason Wealth that was impinging upon their monopolies of power. But they don't admit that.
What disasters could the Mormons bring to America without admitting?
Besides, you miss the point of it being a Secret Society. The Leaders you talk about would not be free to say anything interesting, now would they? Its SECRET.
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