Friday, June 22, 2007

Free Press Protection for Hostile Partisans

Lately there has been a great deal of violence done to journalists while they have been doing their jobs, and the intellectual habit is to bemoan all this hostility against journalists as a failure for people to honor the Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Speech, and all of that.

However, if one looks at a lot of this journalism, it is blatantly partisan. This journalism is targeting certain people and certain Movements and vilifying them. This journalism aims at solidifying material support against their partisan targets, their declared enemies. Well, then it should come as no surprise that the targets of these very damaging Media Attacks should lash out to stop the torrid flow of what must be interpreted by them as being one-sided extremist propaganda.

For instance, simply look at CNN coverage or BBC coverage. The us vs. them of it is obvious. It is ‘our’ troops when referring to the Coalition. And the Iraqi Fighters are referred to as terrorists or insurgents. Well, is that what they call themselves? We have interviews of Coalition Officers time and time again. But when has CNN or the BBC ever interviewed an Iraqi Anti-Invasion Patriot?

So what we have is not even the pretension of impartiality, but we have these big News Services providing propaganda support for their government’s war efforts. That is the job of these journalists. And I do hope they get paid a lot for it, because it should be very risky. Because their reporting is consciously done in order to support the War Effort against those whom they deliberately depict as enemies, it would make them fair targets for reprisal.

If you pick sides, then you join the war. And these journalists have been picking sides.

Now it may be argued that we will never learn anything if people keep killing journalists. Yes, this is a point. But how much do we learn from one sided partisan journalists anyway? Being given only one side of the story, it is likely we are more misinformed than anything else. Our Hatred is all stoked up and we are given nothing to offset it. We now live in a Society largely shaped by Lawyerisms – that it is enough to advocate only one side, and let someone else, with billions of dollars to spend, advocate the other. So we get extremist views that are so lopsided that nobody with discernment will believe anything while most idiots will end up believing either the extreme lies from the left or the worse lies from the right.

What we need if we do want the Truth is to employ non-partisan journalists. Certainly there are non-partisans. Finnish or Japanese Journalists, or anybody whose Nations or Organizations have no interest in the Wars, could cover the New Crusades and as long as they report fairly they would be treated fairly.

But my guess is that it is not about News or Truth. If one examines the management and ownership of these Media Organizations, then we can discern an interest in advancing a certain Propaganda Angle. The Media Organizations have their own War Agendas.

Their Reporters might as well be labeled as Combatants. Their job is to do damage to an enemy they declare themselves against in every daily edition. So when they are shot at, their only concern should be why it had not happened any sooner.

Yes, they can complain of violations of Liberal Government Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press. It all makes great propaganda. But lets look at Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press, the History of these concepts. When anarchists and revolutionaries wished to destabilize established societies and civilized institutions, then naturally they would wish to seek legal immunity for those who would incite rioters to open rebellion, or to encourage insiders to subvert and destroy from within. So it is that Freedom of the Press has always been considered most important when it was the aim to destroy the Present Regime. But lets reflect for a moment. Is it always a good thing to destroy our Civilization? Is Chaos always what we want? Do we really want this Dark Age to go on forever?

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