Saturday, May 12, 2007

Christianity: Religion from the Poison Tree

Christianity: Religion from the Poison Tree

We should all be familiar with the ethical inhibition whereby we refrain from taking profit or benefit from any crime or immoral act, even if it be indirectly. The best known instances of this relate to medical research that had been obtained by the Japanese and the Germans in studies they conducted upon non-volunteer subjects from their prisoner and labor camps during the War. Now, some of this research was without any doubt of the greatest practical value – what every Doctor would have wanted to know if only they could have had actual human beings for their lab rats and guinea pigs. Well, that was exactly what became available to the World after the War, but it was all rejected on ethical grounds. Humanity would not permit itself to benefit from the crimes committed against those unfortunate subjects who had been experimented upon against their will. We could not take fruit, even valuable fruit, from the Poison Tree.

With that example firmly in mind, now we should regard Christianity which poses the proposition that Humanity can benefit from the murder of Jesus Christ, that is, that one can enjoy having all of one’s sins forgiven and can be assured of certain entry into Heaven because Jesus had been sacrificed. Examining the New Testament, what we have is first that Jesus tells us all that we will be subject to a Final Judgment in which we would be held to highest moral standards, note the Chapters in the Gospel of Mathew known as the Sermon on the Mount. But, subsequently, we have the execution of Jesus which is construed as dispensing with everything Christ had originally said and is interpreted to mean that Christ having been killed would give everybody a free pass on Judgment Day. Well, wouldn’t we all be ethically obligated to turn down such a deal? Should we not all refuse such fruit from a Poisonous Tree?

Yes, Paul says, in formulating Christian Doctrine, that if Christ did not die for all of our sins, then that leaves us to believe that Christ died for nothing. Well, it is not really a very logical construction. We are supposed to believe that it would be beyond the realm of any possibility that Jesus had been slaughtered as a result of some huge cosmic blunder. But, really, it is actually very possible that Christ was murdered without a very good reason, or rather from reasons having nothing to do with theology and doctrine. After all, we need only put it into the political context of the time. Jesus was putting together a Messianic Campaign, a mission to make himself King of King if not just King of the Jews. Well, all of the Lawyers, that is the Pharisees, and of course the sitting King of Judea would have felt threatened by these ambitions. They were already at the top of their World and felt they had nothing to gain but only could lose under a new revolutionary regime of this Jesus of Nazareth. So he was arrested, tried and executed. Indeed, Paul, as a Pharisee, and subsequently as the one Pharisee appointed to persecute and murder leading Christians would have inevitably been one of the leading power brokers in deciding to have Jesus executed. So, really, Paul was quite disingenuous to suggest that if Jesus did not die for some Universal Salvation, a collective exemption from moral and ethical standards, then he must have “died for nothing”. He knew exactly why Jesus had been arrested and killed.

Well, people point out sections of the Gospels that indicate that Jesus had foreknowledge of his execution and went to his death willingly, expressly for the purpose of delivering a universal Salvation. But, actually, such hints come to us not from the most original notes concerning the actual historical record, as far as scholars can discern, but from the later Gospels, and from additions made to the record by those who had been highly influenced by Paul’s Doctrines. What had happened was that the Gentiles of Paul’s congregations filled in their gospels to vindicate and affirm what Paul had been teaching. For instance, Mark was a Paulist and had traveled with Paul, and having once been fired for disobeying Paul, had apparently learned to be most submissive later on, when he wrote his Gospel. Then the Gospel of John, most explicit of all the Gospels in regards to Christ volunteering to put himself on the chopping block for the sake of exempting all of Humanity from moral requirements, well, that Gospel was certainly not written by John, who wrote confusedly and awkwardly in his Letters and in his infinitely confusing Book of Revelation; no, the Gospel of John was written with all of the intentional design of great literature, by one who had a refined and sophisticated education in both the Greek Language and in Greek Philosophy – probably a Paulist of the early 2nd Century.

When we read the Gospels with an open and inquiring mind, then we see so much that does not support the notion that Jesus died so that we could sin. As I mentioned before, the Sermon of the Mount enjoins morality with no suggestion of any promise that a dispensation of Free Sin awaited only the early end to his Messianic pretensions. Then we have the parables which suggest rather that any harm coming to the Son of Man would be some regrettable crime and not some infinite benefit.

Yes, along with suggestions in the Gospel that Jesus came for some intentional and deliberate self-sacrifice, we hear that Jesus also had renounced any ambition that he would make himself a Messiah. Well, does this not contradict the first chapters of the Gospel of Luke in which we have the Three Kings of the East responding to their own Prophecies regarding a King of King from out of Judah, as well as reiterating that Jesus was in fact the Messiah to be. Yes, it is argued that since Jesus did not become that Messiah, that he never intended to be. This is to suppose that God is All Powerful and that whatever happens must in fact be God’s Plan. Well, we should keep in mind that such Absolute Thinking in regards to Religion comes to us from out of Greek Philosophy, and that the Hebrews, on the other hand, had a firm belief in Free Will, and that People, individually or collectively could screw up. Jacob screwed up, Moses screwed up, David screwed up, Solomon screwed up, and the son of Solomon especially screwed up. Indeed, if one thinks about it, perhaps the most significant reason for the failure of the Messianic Mission was that it had come too late in History, and that had the Messiah come in the Time of David, when all of the surrounding Empires would have been caught in the time of their Decline, then a Messiah might really have had a chance. But David had been such a profligate that it took quite a number of generations before the purity recognizable in the persons of Mary and Joseph and that entire extended Holy Family could be attained to. Jesus could simply not have been born directly of David, son of wild immoral playboy, religious during his public but not during his private moments. And so the Messiah could only come after the World had been able to set up strongly against him. Well, he had to try. But, as we have discerned, success would not be guarantied. Indeed, can not the complete Tradition of the Prophets be summed up in that the primary business of the Prophets was to tell people how much they were screwing up – that it was well within the scope of the People’s behavior to turn God’s Blessings more into the direction of triggering God’s Wrath. So, while the Greeks, in regards to their purely speculative philosophy, could insist upon God’s absolute will being imposed perfectly upon the World – the World then being the Perfect Manifesation of God’s Plan; the Hebrews, on the other hand, with their Religion, not of speculation but of Revelation, maintained consistently that God’s Dispensation could not be fixed but had everything to do with Free Will and the receptivity of the Hebrew People. It was totally in the power of the Hebrew People to reject their Messiah. And that they did. But the Greeks took that as an opportunity to hijack the fame of Jesus and to say that this Death of a Virtual God could be taken as a payment of Infinite Value in exchange for the Debt of their Sins. Paul had been clever enough to manipulate Greek Philosophy to satisfy his own ends.

Well, it may be objected that none of the True Apostles of Jesus objected to Paul’s version of things, and that if Paul was wrong, then why do we not have a correct record of how things actually had happened. Well, there, we need to remember that only the Greeks believe in some Perfect Plan of God transacting perfectly in every detail. It is a Greek idea that a Scripture can be perfect in every word. Hebrews knew that people could lie and quite admitted that scriptures could be corrupted. Even Jesus told us that there would be Tares mixed in with the Wheat. We could not expect a Perfect Bible, although that is now what we claim to have. But, more to the question… remember how Jesus had prophesized that all would come to an end in one generation. Well, it did. In fact, everything predicted by the Book and Revelation came to pass by 71 A.D. Jerusalem was destroyed and the Jews were driven from the Holy Land. All of the Apostles still living were killed and whatever they had left as regards to writing and records was destroyed. That would leave us only with the spurious inventions that came down to us from Paul’s Gentile congregations. We may be very happy for the True Christians who on their Judgment Day had been taken up into Heaven, roughly at the time of 71 A.D. But, unfortunately, none of that has anything to do with us.

Also, in refutation that Christ voluntarily sacrificed himself for our sins, we have Christ praying for escape the night of his arrest. God said no. God often says “no”. Joan of Arc also prayed for deliverance. The Free Will of Humanity can only be put off for awhile and then if they absolutely insist upon murdering their Prophets, their Messiahs and their Saints, then eventually they will be allowed to do what they want. Jesus wanted to continue on, and with the repeated intercession of Protecting Angels, to eventually become Messiah no matter how many of the Rich and the Powerful objected to that eventuality. Well, God apparently did not want to impose a Paradise that would have been against the wishes of so many of His ‘Chosen People’. God said ‘No’ and brought that entire Abrahamic Dispensation to a close. For them it was the ‘End of Time’. The Hebrew Race would be allowed to have exactly what they wanted – they would become a selfish, bigoted and insular people, and whether for right or wrong hated by every people they would ever come into contact with, who would live like predators on the institution of usury, expressly forbidden by their scriptures but which they themselves would not consider a sin as long as they only victimized gentiles, whom, apparently, they did not consider of their own species of Human Being (and they complain of discrimination. Oh, discrimination is only a moral failing when it is against them. When if is from them, then it is all part and parcel of being the Chosen People of God. Again, we need to remind ourselves that if God still considered these People as Chosen, then why the destruction of the Temple, of Jerusalem, and then the Great Diaspora – the dispersion of the Jewish People from the Holy Land. Yes, there is the Re-Nationalization of Israel under the Jewish People. But it comes by man. England and then American has underwritten the Military subjugation of Palestine by the Zionist Israeli’s. We may as well say that God willed that the Nazis should conquer Poland as that England and America were divinely warranted to assert Protestant Theology to victimize Arabs for the sake of Jews – to give the Jews back what the Curse of Christ had taken from them). And then, there is the matter of the Jewish Religion. I can concede that the Jews are their own Ethnic Group, but Religious!? Living on usury. Stealing land. What Religion could they possibly be talking about. The Religion that makes them the Chosen People and so entitled to Enslave the World. Again, if this is a Religion, then why did anybody go to war against Hitler, as he was only being as ‘religious’ as any Jew, only supposing his own People to have a special dispensation for murder and rapine. If the Jews are so entitled than why not any people suppose themselves divinely ordained for pillage, thievery and conquest? This reminds me of inconsistencies even in the Jewish Scriptures themselves. Take for instance their deliverance from Egypt. Here all agency was from God Himself – the 10 curses and the destruction of the Egyptian Army, all was from the hand of God. No single Hebrew Slave had to lift a hand in anger. All was done by God. But this did not last long, did it. As soon as the Hebrew Slaves became a roving band of barbarians, then suddenly they were given warrant to do all of their own murders. Even Moses himself was given his 40 year punishment because of hesitating before riding out of the hills to slaughter the entire Civilization of Canaanites. This leads us to wonder why God was so willing to do all of the killing Himself in regards to Egypt, but within a generation suddenly thought the Hebrews sufficient to do their own killing. With such inconsistencies abounding, one can hardly be expected to come to a clear Doctrine. But somehow the Zionists have come to the conclusion that God never be consulted but rather that they can never be laid to blame as long as they pursue a policy of unhesitating aggression against all other peoples.

Yes, it does give a great many people a great deal of comfort and reassurance that they receive Salvation because of some ‘sacrifice’ made by Christ. But, honestly, when we look at the History of Christianity since that time, can anybody seriously suppose that God forgave anybody for anything. First we had the Destruction of Jerusalem, even while it was occupied by the Original Apostles. Then we have the plagues on Rome and the collapse of the Roman Empire, almost immediately after it became officially a Christian State. Then while Christian Civilization seemed to thrive for a 1000 years while it was mostly a Worship of the Blessed Virgin Mother of God, when the printing press came into being and the Masses discovered Paulist Doctrine and the automatic Forgiveness of Sins by the Death of Christ, then, again, we had almost an instantaneous collapse of Christian Civilization (the end of the actual 1000 year Reign of Christ predicted in Revelation). When we look at both the Catholic Church of the Paulist Bishops and the Protestant Churches who have no doctrine at all not directly from the pen of Paul, we see nothing but Wars, plagues, and economies of sin and corruption. If Paul’s Doctrines were true, then why do we not see any of it? The best years of Christian Civilization came when Paul had been almost entirely forgotten and when all of the Religious Orders respected a Moral Order and an imposition of Righteousness that never mentioned any entitlement to a Salvation already bought and paid for from the murder of the Son of God. The Symbol of Christ on the Cross was not to emphasize an Salvation, but was meant to underscore what was understood to be a constant and continuing atonement for the Sins of the World. The people of the 1000 Year Reign of Christ did not think of themselves as ‘Saved’ but instead saw themselves as living down the Wrath of God, angry that Humanity had murdered His Son. It was this sincere atonement that brought the World so many true and powerful miraculous, even Christ-like, Saints. Saints that would never come from either the Paulist Catholic Bishops or the even more extremely Paulist Protestants.

Well, if we were suddenly to dispense with Salvation, and indeed with all of the Paulist Doctrines – Original Sin, the Holy Trinity, Absolute Predestination (irrespective of Moral Worth), well, then, what would we have left? Indeed, everything! What really has Paulist Doctrine done for us except make us hated throughout the World, and by everybody who finds that they can’t tolerate ‘Organized Religion’. What is their problem with ‘organized Religion’ except that they intuit the exact extent of the corruption and amorality that consists within Paulist Doctrine. I once heard a Catholic Priest boast from the pulpit that Christianity was the only Religion in the World that offered a “Salvation”(he did not say Catholicism, but was apparently being true to the recent trend with the Bishops to ecumenically include themselves in with the richer and wealthier Protestants – to perhaps help them with their efforts to join the same high class Country Clubs). He was proud of it, and saw no down-side in this at all. But, really, what is Salvation but some Religiously sanctioned license to commit Sin?

Who benefits most from the forgiveness of Sin? Well, certainly, Satan does. Then it is argued that one must ‘believe’ in Christ. Well, again, one of the Letters of John stated clearly, in tacit argument against the arguments of Paul that were even then found to be against the teachings of Jesus, that the Demons had no doubt about Jesus and could certainly be numbered with the ‘believers of Jesus’. So, this Christianity of Salvation is inherently Satanic. Is it then any wonder that so many ‘Sinners’ find themselves attracted to Christianity. What sinner wouldn’t enjoy such a fabulous exemption from moral imperatives? But that does not make it a Religion. Rather, what we have is an Anti-Religion, and that would make Paul the Anti-Christ. No, the Antichrist would not wait for 2000 years to arise, but was alive at the time of Christ Himself and didn’t wait to exploit his advantage after the murder of Christ. Remember, we were told by Christ that a False Apostle would come as a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, that there would be a Wide Way to Destruction, and then that the Prophet Simeon, the Last Prophet of the Hebrew Dispensation, at the Presentation of the Infant Jesus (see Luke, the opening chapters) predicted that ‘Jesus would be contradicted’, and it would not take 2000 years. Jesus would barely be gone when before Paul would actively be maneuvering to capture the Church, first by murder, and then with lies, and then by recruiting the Greeks and their Philosophy. Here we need to consider that the Jews have a Holiday that commemorates their liberation from the Greeks and their Philosophies – Hanukah, isn’t it? So why should we believe that Jesus the Messiah would be happy that Christianity was no longer to be Hebrew, but would entirely dress itself up in the theological wrappings of the same Philosophy that the Hebrews so detested when they had their first Hanukah?
So, no, we should not miss the Doctrines of Salvation, and the beliefs we have in Original Sin and the understanding that God’s Plan absolves us of our Moral Responsibility. Doing away with Paul and his effectively Satanic Doctrines could only give credibility to what remains of ‘Christianity’, and then again Christianity could count itself as one with, and compatible with the other Higher Religions of the World.

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