Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Ongoing Saga of Ram Bomjon, the Buddha Boy

Ram Bomjon’s fame had been hitting its peak back in the spring of 2006 when it became generally publicized that he was commencing a six year fasting meditation, that is, that he would not eat anything for six years, and that he would meditate sufficiently to attain to something of the highest status that any mere mortal can attain within the metaphysical expectations held forth by the Buddhist Traditions. He was found to be meditating in the jungles of Nepal, but close enough to the roads so that his meditation site became a very popular pilgrimage destination. Many Westerners were able to visit the local and return with their versions of his story. It became a fascinating enough human interest story that many news services and blogs picked up on it.

But things started going sour for our young man. Well, they started well enough when the Government of Nepal insisted upon investigating the Buddha Boy. The Nepalese Government is a Buddhist Regime and would not wish that the Buddhist Traditions be made a hoax of. Also, they may have feared that the Maoist Guerrillas, so popular in the rural districts of Ram Bomjon’s neighborhood, were somehow involved. Well, this Marxist connection would seem on its face to be absurd, since it is the most basic of premises within Marxism that their view is utterly materialistic and atheistic. Marxists are not known to be very thorough-going Spiritualists. But on the practical level, it was found that some local Marxist Thugs and Gangsters were extorting a percentage of the moneys from those who were passing the collection baskets among all of the many pilgrims. Marxist Doctrine being one thing, but the money was too good to ignore and they exploited Ram Bomjon. Yes, it has been construed against the Buddha Boy that he has arranged these collections, and so it is being assumed by many that the Buddha Boy himself is some corrupt and scheming predator. Well, not necessarily. You see, in the Far East and South Asia, as well as in our own New Age Movements, there is an ingrained tradition of supposing that one must make offerings at places of pilgrimage, shrines and to the Saints and Gurus and such. People expect to drop off money and so they will drop off money. So of course there will be people setting up tables to collect it. One can hardly blame a sixteen year-old boy who is meditating, that is, actively attempting to ignore the whole business. He can meditate, or he can try to manage all the business going on in this vast campground, but he can hardly do both.

Anyway, the Government’s investigation went forward, and they found that the Buddha Boy’s religious and spiritual complains were quite genuine. They determined that he really was not eating anything, and that he was indeed deep in continuous meditation, exemplifying a level of expertise that they had not seen, and they had seen plenty. They had also found connections between the Maoist Gangs and those who were collecting ‘offerings’ to Ram Bomjon, but that the boy himself had not been involved beyond being the center of attraction. So the Government froze the bank accounts involved, and was probably somewhat influential in having Rom Bomjon abandon his popular roadside meditation site and then to go back further into the jungle.

You think people would appreciate that the Buddha Boy had been vindicated by such a powerful investigatory entity, but, no, the skeptical materialists had many of their own committees and they resented that they had been chased away by the Buddha Boy’s security team. You see, after having passed the very intrusive investigation conducted by their own Government, they did not see the point of repeating the process over and over again for every new group that came by. After all, the young man was trying to meditate, and each new group of skeptics wanted to poke and prod and cause their own volume level of noise and disturbance. And then there was the matter of these skeptic groups being skeptical, that is, that they had no respect for what was going on, and they discerned small victories for themselves in any case where they could prove to be a bother to the young man, that is, if they could rouse the Buddha Boy out of his meditation, then his meditation was not much of a meditation, etc. Well, who needs such people. After they proved to be rude and offensive, well, they were kept away, and that is what they should have published regarding the situation. But instead they published very self-serving accounts of the transactions, claiming that the Buddha Boy’s people were afraid of repeated scrutiny. But the truth is that repeated scrutiny is redundant, and that the Government Investigation, conducted by a government that has no compunction about arresting and imprisoning people of whom it does not approve, should be seen to be sufficient, at least for the present time.

But after last spring, the Buddha Boy picked up and left everybody and everything behind and went back further into the jungle to be alone. Yes, I suspect that the government may have asked him to try to be more private in his spiritual practices, his Sadhana, but there was also the matter of the repeated snake bites. Even while the crowds were surrounding him, roped off some number of meters from his sitting, still, it was reported that he had been snake bit on 3 separate occasions. Ouch.

Anyway, since last spring there have been 3 reports that I know of. First, some of his old friends had found Ram Bomjon new meditation site back a few more kilometers in the jungle. Apparently the jungle is quite thick. A second time a group of hunters encountered Rom Bomjon, seeing him with a sword. Apparently the young man was not meditating, as he was engaged in worldliness enough to explain that “even the Buddha had to protect himself”. I can only suppose that our young man is still being bothered by snakes and perhaps the other wild things of the jungle. But this is most disappointing in regards to what potential he may have had as a future Spiritual Leader and Moral Exemplar. After all, the taint and downfall of Islam has been so much mention and rationalization for violence, that is, there had been so much mention of swords this and swords that in that particular Religion that swords had become an integral part of the Religion, much to its detriment. And so what is the first thing this Buddha Boy does but to be seen with a sword and then to defend its use. Well, what sense does it make? We certainly don’t need a new generation of Spiritual Leadership to justify violent militancy, as we certainly have plenty of that already. Anyway, the Buddhist Community was perhaps the one group that the World could depend upon not be a bunch of cut-throat murderous fanatics, and then the Buddha Boy jumps up with his sword and so far the only Doctrine that can be attributed to him is that, and this is how it might be understood, that ‘Buddha Himself had to commit genocide in order to advance his agenda of interests’. This is a very dad development. We are find that this young man is less and less very special, but is in fact much the same as most young men – he is a fool and will have to live down the mistakes of his youth. What was his mistake? Well, he should have told these people that he had no ‘sword’ but rather that he thought of it as a really long ‘snake-rat knife’. But that would be to expect a level of wisdom from even the most promising sixteen year old – which would have been a rather unique event in history, now that I think about it. We have prior prophecy that states that “swords will be beaten into plough blades”. Well, the first sword that will need such a transformation is this faux pas ‘sword’ of the silly Buddha Boy’s.

Also, his fast has been called into question by his admission that he had been ingesting “medicinal herbs”. Huh!? Why would somebody who apparently has no need for nutrition to have a crying need for medicines? It makes no sense. The last proven faster I have heard of, Pralad Jnani of Sterling Hospital fame (the old man had been known to have not eaten anything in the last 60 years, and so the Sterling Hospital investigated and found this claim to substantially plausible, having observed him for 10 days not eating or drinking a thing, and not loosing body weight or deteriorating in function) simply did not eat or drink, and so it was the unexceptionality of his claim that was remarkable. But now the young man, our Buddha Boy, has tossed aside his most important claim to exceptionality, and now he can only be seen as just one more of what we must suppose are so many others who practice relatively serious levels of expert meditation. I can’t help to be a little disappointed in him, although I certainly can’t claim to be any better.

But we need to remember that the young man never claimed any absolute statuses for himself – rejecting the notion that he would be the Matraiya or another Buddha, and supposing that at most would be of some secondary rank. There, we should still be wishing him luck.

The last we heard of this young man, he had persuaded one of his followers to dig him out a meditation cellar, that is, an underground shelter. Perhaps this will finally resolve his issue with the snakes and whatever else he believed he needed a sword to protect himself from. Perhaps he will now be able to buckle down to his serious meditations and dispense with his need for ‘medicinal’ salads.

Meditation holes in the ground may have a promising past. Old Sai Baba of Shirdi, one of the most illustrious Saints of the 19th and early 20th Centuries was purported to have spent a number of his childhood years meditating in a sealed off cellar situated under the roots of a tree.

Now, perhaps we should all contemplate exactly what benefits may be hoped that one could acquire from meditation, especially from the meditations of the Buddhist Traditions. Shutting down the mind. Quieting all desires. Fine, but so what? In the context of our present situation, we are seeing the collapse of our own amoral, and materialistic Civilization and the rise of a ruthless and nihilistic Barbarism in its place. Well, we can hardly expect that six years spent mindlessly could be of much constructive use. What might be useful would be to see Meditation less in the perspective of being absolutely beyond quality and attribute, and to allow that Duality may have a worthy role to play in Meditation – that Meditations may be of more benefit if they are permitted to be Visionary and Prophetic. Any Saint worth his salt must have some moral perspective, but moral perspective cannot come from simple mindlessness. What we need is some deep and true connection to a genuine Collective Consciousness – a consciousness that is necessarily moral and cooperative as it is inclusive of all Living Things. So, I really hope that our Buddha Boy does not waste every moment of the next five or six years in some empty mindless void, however free of pain that state of mind might be, but spends enough time in the Collective Consciousness to return to us with some valid moral insights, and what we have not seen much from him yet – some actual evidence of wisdom, and discernment. But in this regards, perhaps every sixteen year old could benefit from being locked away, and then not turned loose until they are 22.

Oh, I anticipate that there might be many Buddhists coming forward to defend the Buddhist cosmology and philosophies. But allow me to argue that Buddha might have benefited more from thinking than from eschewing thought. His notion that all suffering resulted from desire is simplistic and incomplete, even after only a minimal reflection. One can quickly understand why Buddhists are encouraged to stop thinking, since that seems to be entirely necessary so that their philosophical premises might be allowed to continue to stand. What makes much more sense is a Maslow-like conception of an ascendancy of needs – the recognition that people are confronted with real necessities, both physical and emotional. Telling people not to desire food and money does nothing to solve the real problems of hunger and poverty, but would even aggravate the situation. So what was Buddha thinking? Well, he had been a spoiled Prince raised in a palace who thought it was a novel lark to learn how to meditate and it was easy for him to come out with such “let them eat cake” philosophies – to blame desire because he had never known need. I guess that I have not been the first person ever to notice this discrepancy between basic Buddhist Philosophy and the most elementary common sense, but, then again, the Buddhists all tell themselves that they mustn’t think about it. Shut up and meditate!
Anyway, despite this Buddha Boy not being entirely perfect, and despite his mixed record – making substantial mistakes as well as some public relations mistakes causing misconceptions which can often be even more seriously damaging, still this young man may be worth some degree of hope. We should wish him well. And here I should point out an old historical example, referring to the best and most powerful Saint in well documented history, Vincent Ferrer of the 14th Century. He was known to heal thousands of people each day, as well as being surrounded by a plethora of other supernatural miracles. But what distinguished Vincent Ferrer from every other Saint in history is that Vincent Ferrer engaged a large troupe of 10,000 fasting flagellants who accompanied him on his Tour of Miracles. I can only suppose that these people, with their active atonements and ascetic sufferings, contributed some kind of spiritual energy toward the miracles of their leader Vincent Ferrer, and that they were effectively the battery of power that enabled him and made his mission possible. Likewise, our own limited ascetic practices may be dedicated, at least in part, toward the success of Ram Bomjon’s Meditation and future career of Spirituality. Granted that he is not perfect, but looking around I can’t see any better candidates. If anybody should be a focal point of our spiritual and ascetic energies, well, who better than this Buddha Boy, who, while being flawed, is still perhaps one of the least flawed among us.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Thoughts on Kundalini Yoga and Shakitpat

I had found another blog that had an essay on Kundalini vs. Jnani Yoga, and it suggested the following essay:

Dear Harsha,

You posted an excellent essay. When I first got into Kundalini Yoga some 30 years ago, I thought much the same thing, regarding the close relationship between Tantra and Kundalini, as well as the Chinese Tradition of Qi or Chi. And I recognized the somewhat opposite traditions of Vedanta or Jnana Yoga. I’m glad to see that someone else has been thinking along those very same lines.

But there are several things that I might add, coming from my practical experience with the Kundalini. First, it is not necessarily a linear process – starting from the bottom before one can go to the top. Indeed, in many of the Shaktipat Traditions, where the Kundalini Energy is passed along by a Guru to the new Initiate, it is easier to simply open the Forehead Chakra. Yes, without all the lower chakras below being open, as well as the entire central channel, the effects won’t be quite so spectacular, but neither will they have the danger involved that we often hear about regarding the Kundalini practice.

Secondly, while it is easiest to acquire an initiation from a Shaktipat Guru, from whatever branch or school, it really isn’t necessary. I once read in a translation of one of the Upanishads that “in the presence of a God or Saint, the Agna Chakra will blossom”. Well, it does. If it opens in a very big way, by the concentrated efforts of a very good Guru, one will experience a certain amount of bliss and light. But if one simply walks into the same room as a person who already has their Agna Chakra open, then one will feel a slight pressure in one’s own Agna Chakra, that is, in one’s forehead, a bit above the brows and about an inch inside the head. In most every case, where the person is not looking to feel this sensation, the sensation is dismissed as an incipient headache, and the feeling is ignored until it goes away. However, if one is searching for such an experience, and then latches onto the feeling and concentrates upon it, then the attention given to that ‘feeling’ will serve to fix it so that it may take root in one’s energy system.

Of course, the Shaktipat Gurus have a great deal of experience to impart, but the problem there is that they often charge more money than is easily affordable, and so the aspiring Initiate may feel obliged to take his ‘Initiation’ for free as detailed above.

Well, once the self-made initiate feels the energy in his forehead, then how should he or she proceed? For the first few days one should concentrate on that energy spot very often. Rub the spot with one’s finger. One can use the simplest and best of all ‘pyramid powers’, that is, any pointy object, ballpoint pens work the best, and point them into the chakra. Magnets are also good. Also, reading inspirational spiritual literature or poetry will serve to energize one’s higher centers.

But after a week or two, the Chakra may acquire so much energy that it gives one a headache. Many unexplained migraines may indeed be this very thing. In this case, one should discontinue thinking of one’s forehead and rather think it down to one’s tailbone, the very bottom of one’s spine. A simple visualization may help in doing this – one can take a drink of water and as the water goes down one’s throat, one can imagine that the energy is going down with it, to the bottom-most tailbone. If one can leave the energy down there, then the danger of these headaches will discontinue.

To acquire greater control over this energy, then one should find the key location for just such control, that is, the swivel point at the top of the spine, inside one’s head, just up and behind one’s pallet. It is easy to locate that swivel point simply by swiveling one’s head around and noting the point in one’s head where the swiveling occurs. Then one should focus the energy in one’s Forehead Chakra and visualize that energy coming back, along the roof of the mouth, to that swivel point. At first the Swivel Point will energize and feel about as large as a large grape, but it really must be focused upon until it is much smaller. It won’t take long, but just only a few minutes, concentrating on the energy as though one is peeling off the layers of an onion until one is at the very central point of the Swivel Point Center. It will be as small as a housefly and you will feel it pulsating, about in time with your heartbeat. Once you can feel that, then you have the Key to your body’s energy system, and you can send the energy up to your Crown Chakra, or even up over your head to create halos for yourself, or you can direct the energy down through your body. The remarkable thing, at this point is that you become aware of your body as an energy system. Before I could do this, I was conscious only of feeling in my skin, or within my body only when there was a pain, or in certain other regions when there was some stimulated pleasure. But for the most part the volume of my body was a void in regards to sensation and feeling. But once one had gone through the Swivel Point Chakra, then one becomes aware of all of the various energy flows.

Regarding this point, once I was able to discern energy flows, I was able to develop an easy and effective exercise. I had read of Huong Po’s ‘one finger’ exercise and tried to research it out, but couldn’t find a thing about it, but in my experiments I found that by rotating my thumbs, one clockwise, the other counter-clockwise, for only a few minutes, until they got tired, then, once the thumbs were stilled, the energy would flow into the central channel and rise up into the head.

Now, we are accustomed to hearing wonderful stories of bliss and light. Well, unfortunately, as far as I know, such experiences, for the most part, are reserved for those in deep trance, or in dreams. Once when I was dreaming, a Dream Guru told me that a few seconds of meditation in a dream was worth thousands of hours of waking meditation, and he was right. What in waking is felt as a slight pressure will be experienced in a dream as Bliss and Light. It is as though the sensations of the waking self and the dream self are placed along a continuum, with the Dream Self being much more sensitive to those things. And so it is that one should encourage oneself to do one’s meditations during one’s dreaming. Every morning when one wakes up, if one did not meditate during one’s dreams, then it is sufficient to simply note that one regrets the fact and to take a moment to resolve that one will remember to meditate the next time one is dreaming. Eventually it will have its effect, and one will have a dream of blissful meditation with white light and all that. Now, remember that this is not all imagination, and that dreams are more collective than many materialists would wish to admit, and that one’s dreams, no matter how well planned, will come with surprises from some Higher Source.

Oh, and this reminds me of a dream I had in which my deceased father came to me and showed me a spiritual trick, that if one hisses out one’s breath, making what one supposes is a noise very similar to the ‘white noise’ sound, then what in fact happens is that one’s brain lights up with the actual spiritual White Light. If one is sensitive to such things, then it also works during one’s daily meditations, though instead of feeling the White Light, one simply feels the sensation throughout one’s cranium.

Well, that should be enough for now.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Angel’s Lesson in Morality: Black Sin, Red Sin

Angel’s Lesson in Morality: Black Sin, Red Sin

Once an Angel came to me in a Dream and lectured me upon the two sorts of Sin (the Angel had even come with a chalkboard and a pointer) -- there is that kind of Sin that damns one to Hell, and there is the other kind of Sin that attaches only to the body and dies away when the body dies. These two types of Sin are called, by the Angels "Black Sin" and "Red Sin".

The Black Sins are premeditated evil – Evil done in cold blood, Evil done for profit. The intentional and deliberate crimes that victimize and exploit others is Black Sin. And so it is that Black Sins can be identified as primarily driven by egotistical individuality. Black Sins set against Community and Collectivity and defy Social Cooperation. Black Sins are the blows that bring down Civilizations.

The Red Sins, on the other hand, are the crimes of passion and appetite. Red Sins are the sins of the flesh. Every Red Sin is somewhat akin to that of a hungry man stealing a loaf of bread. If the appetite could be removed, so would be removed any impulse to commit such a Sin. And this is exactly what happens when the body passes away, the soul is liberated from the Red Sins.

The worst that can be attributed to the Red Sins is that Souls can become habituated and identified with such behaviors – as in the case of a man who makes a hobby of sex or gluttony, and takes pride in such things, to the point in which such behaviors become integral to his definition of ‘self’. The soul who leaves the body and transitions toward a spiritual existence will feel lost if all of its priorities and sense of identity had been aligned around these bodily appetites that had of necessity dropped away when the body dropped away.

If the Soul should identify itself with these old carnal appetites, then they will survive as something of ghost-like remnants – thought forms, or karmic contaminations. These will weigh upon the Soul, or cloud the soul’s clarity. The Soul much stained by Red Sin, clinging to the old appetites, will find itself too dense, and to dark to tolerate the Light of Heaven. You see, to the Pure and Clear Soul the Light of Heaven is a Pure Joy. But to the Dark Soul, the Light is absorbed and turns to Heat. Well, this heat is both a Blessing and a Curse for the impure Soul. It Purifies but it does so painfully. The Higher an impure Soul can ascend into the Spiritual Realms, by sheer Spiritual Ambition, then the more Light it can then absorb, creating the heat that can burn away any trace of the Red Sins. This is Purgatory. But the Heat does indeed ‘burn’ – it is uncomfortable. The Soul requires a degree of positive motivation to tolerate such discomfort. The Soul needs to be reassured that the same Light that comes at first as Heat will eventually become Pure Bliss once its Purgative Functions have been completed.

We can see how certain Catholic Practices incline toward speeding up the process of diminishing the Red Sins. Catholics are encouraged to entirely discontinue sins of passion and appetite. Fasts are common, and in the Religious Orders, celibacy is insisted upon.

When the strength of appetites and passions are beyond the power of the Will to contain them, than remorse, repentance, and atonement are expected. It is hoped that by this, that after death, the Soul will gladly let these appetites simply fall away and not clutch at them – not allowing them their downward pull into the realms of the ghosts and the demons. A Soul only has to sincerely regret his Red Sins and feel relieved that the motivating physical appetites are gone, that is, transcended, for the “Red Karma” to drop away at death.

Therefore the Red Sins are not necessarily impediments to Heaven, or what we would call the Higher Spiritual or Angelic Realms.

Oh, by the way, there is a type of Dream that prepares us for dealing with our Red Sins. Reoccurring Dreams in which we are aware of being lost or having lost some desired possession. The ‘trick’ which we must learn from such Dreams is to let go of what was Lost. We must move forward and not look back. We must forget what was “lost” and look forward to new things. This practiced ability for Transcendence will become useful at the moment of our Death when we will by our engrained practice not look back, not feel ‘lost’ for having lost our lives, lost our bodies, lost our life-long acquaintances, friends and family, and that we will not search for our lost appetites and lost habits of the body. Not looking for what was Lost, our Souls will be untethered and free to Rise to the Higher Spiritual Levels. Indeed, even before our Death, we can use our Dreams transcendently, and we can infer the quality of our Afterlife by the quality of Our Dreams.

What makes the Black Sins so much more worse? Well, there is the inherent Individuality. Intentional Predators are simply unfit for Company. Anti-Social Beings are spun out from and rejected from Spiritual Society. The completely different ‘vibration’ of these predators would resolve into separate levels – different stratums. It reminds me of the difference between Song Birds and the birds that give harsh and ugly calls. All Song Birds are seed eaters and they respect each other’s nests and territories irrespective of species, but consider each other friends and neighbors in their Songs, and in the early morning meadow one can hear each different song bird take its turn as the songs go round and round. But the predatory birds sound the alarm against even themselves. Their voice marks them as devils. And so it is in the Astral Worlds where the predatory devils can no longer hide behind lies, but are revealed by their very vibrations. If they can keep any company at all, they must enjoy the company of other Predators.

This brings us to the discussion of what Hell must really be like. The predatory souls would have to have something much like a Metaphysical Jungle which could only be a ‘Paradise’ for the most powerful and dominant of the Predators, in the same way that we understand that ‘lions’ are the Kings of the Jungle. In Hell only the most efficient and effective Predators could have any margin of ease or comfort. So it is that we know from legend that there must be some Chief of Hell, a Satan, a Lucifer. not because of any special Dispensation from God, but because Satan, by his own skill and abilities is simply equipped to be the most effective and triumphant Predator. In the same way that we can assert that all Barbarians are Evil, but that some Barbarians are better at being Barbarians than others, so it is that we should expect that those such as Genghis Khan or Attila the Hun might be enjoying their “Hell” a great deal more than those less potent and expert in their capacities for Evil.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Was Jesus Poor?

Was Jesus Poor?

Well, certainly not. While his family may have been richer, we must put an end this talk that describes Jesus as poor, and then what follows from it, all of the literary and movie portrayals that depict Jesus and the Holy Family as rather abject. It simply was not true.

Allow me to cite just a few things to support my cause here. First, as we learn in the first chapter of Luke, his uncle, or Mary’s uncle Zachariah was a priest, and of sufficient priestly rank to be allowed into the “Lord’s sanctuary”. Well, Priests are educated upper middle class people, aren’t they?

Then, Jesus was of the House of David. Well, yes, the House of David may have gone into some decline, but for them to even remember that they were of a royal family indicates that not all was lost. Just on name alone they would have had sufficient connections to do business. Then there was the matter of Joseph having to go to Jerusalem to register for taxes. Well, poor peasants don’t have enough money to tax, do they? To make it worth all the clerical trouble of registering and tracking these people one must suppose that only significant property owners were assessed for taxes, while ordinary people would be left to pay the salt tax and other such user tariffs.

Let’s look at the Holy Family during the early years of Jesus’ youth. They had donkeys, they stayed in hotels (when they could find them open), they could flee to Egypt on a moments notice, they traveled as an extended family in numerous wagons (so many wagons that they lost track of Boy Jesus for 3 days). These were not poor people.

We hear that when Jesus was 12 that he visited the temple schools in Jerusalem attached to the Temple. Well, this is what we call a University, and it seems that Jesus felt as though he belonged. Now consider whether a peasant boy would have had such an inclination to mingle beyond his class?

Next we can consider what we know of the social connections Jesus had. We read that Jesus, before he began his ministry, was invited to a very well stocked wedding, and was treated with some semblance of respect, even though, at just 30 years old, he could hardly have expected to be treated with the respect that would automatically be rendered to an Elder. A young man of 30, who had been poor, would have been ignored or easily dismissed. Certainly no servants would have been detached during a busy wedding to cater to the demands of some ordinary young peasant.

Finally, we have the instances of people respectfully calling Jesus ‘Rabbi’. Again, this is a salutation for a middle class professional scholar – a ‘gentleman’.

Well, we could go further and surmise that many of his disciples had been members of his extended family, and they were all quite able to walk away from their businesses, weren’t they. This would have indicated that they were the bosses, not the employees.

Yes, I can understand that when Christianity became the Church for the disenfranchised of Society, that it became expedient to portray Jesus as one of the Poor… ‘just like us’. But that is all propaganda – lies people tell to help out with membership drives. But now that the facts have been brought into the light we all need to stop perpetuating this false picture of a Peasant Christ.

There is no reason to hold it against Jesus that his family was able to do at least as well as other families that had been able to manage during those times. So as poverty need not be seen as some horrible stigma, still, on the other side, it ought not to be something that people should brag about.

Globalization As a Model For Failure

Globalization As a Model For Failure

First, in a closed system there can be no profits. If the point of Capitalism is to produce a profit, well, there is the problem right there.

Lets look at the easiest of all possible examples. Let’s say we have one small isolated town which has one factory, where everybody works, and which produces all of the town’s goods and services. Well, in order for there to be a profit, the workers are paid less than the value of their work, the markup being the expected profit margin. Well, in this isolated community, the town’s people have only what they have been paid, and so they buy what they can until they run out of money. Goods are left on the shelves, and the owners get no profit.

When we look at the big Capitalist Nations, they have operated in the same way, and so from the very start of conscious Capitalism, outside markets were sought, and it was assumed within the system that the profit markets would be covered in serving an export trade. Profits would come from other people’s economies.

All that we hear today in favor of ‘Free Trade’ comes to us from capitalists who without a doubt suppose that they have more to gain from opening up formerly closed markets than they have to lose by opening up their own markets. And then, many of the calls for Free Trade are hardly sincere, as America, Europe and Asia still have extensive protections in place upon many sectors of their economies, while the constant propaganda about Free Trade is mostly aimed at developing nations that had been protecting themselves ever since they had tossed off the old Colonialization , that is, the last time that the major Capitalist Nations had a hand in exploiting their economies. Developing Nations are expected to voluntarily submit their economies to Free Trade, but if they need a push, then the various International Banks make every effort to put these nations under an effective economic siege until they surrender to Globalization and start contributing toward filling the profit margins of the great Capitalist nations.

But so far such profits have been sustained because Globalization has still been able to keep breaking new ground. What should happen when Globalization becomes complete? Well, we return to our original model of a closed system that does not pay out enough to provide its own profits.

Well, of course, our hard-core Capitalists will say that certainly there must be winners and losers. Some companies will make a profit and win, and the less competitive companies will take their losses and lose. They will say that this is how the system stays “healthy”. Survival of the fittest and all that.

Well, let’s look at that model in action. Give our simple isolated town two factories. Call one Toyota and call the other GM. Both companies do not pay their workers up to the equitable value of the goods they produce, and so they cannot purchase enough from the factory they work for to generate it’s profit. So it is that Toyota depends upon a certain number of GM employees to buy Toyota products thus to provide the profit that will keep the Toyota factory going. Okay, so that is what happens, and Toyota survives. But what happens to GM? Well, they shut down and the employees are let go. Well, isn’t Toyota now in the same situation as before, being the one remaining factory in the town? Oh, but now it is worse, because half of the town’s people are unemployed.

Well, according to economic models, nobody is really supposed to be unemployed. What is supposed to happen is that people will price themselves down to the point where they will be worth hiring. So in our model of the isolated town we would have the Toyota Company hire all the former GM employees, but pay them far less because of course they would be desperate for work. But here again we have even less funds available within that closed market for buying the available goods.

Oh, we must remember another thing about Capitalist Theory, and that is that goods and services will be priced in relation to the demand for them – that high demand will force prices up and low demand will collapse prices. But in the real world it only works the one way, that manufacturers will only offer goods that are in demand and which are returning a profit. They will close their doors before ever selling at a loss.

Such is what happens in Capitalist Depressions and Recessions, that entire economies shut down rather than continue to operate below their profit margins. So, in our first example of the isolated town with one big factory, if the one person who happens to own the factory might suspect that prices world fall under his profit margin, then he would have every reason, as a capitalist, for shutting down his factory. Yes, everybody else might starve to death, but he could live on his capital until he could find a foreign market to invest in.

But if we were thinking about what is good for the town, then we would price the factories goods and services to be roughly equal to what the workers are getting paid, and then the system would become self-perpetuating.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Christianity: Religion from the Poison Tree

Christianity: Religion from the Poison Tree

We should all be familiar with the ethical inhibition whereby we refrain from taking profit or benefit from any crime or immoral act, even if it be indirectly. The best known instances of this relate to medical research that had been obtained by the Japanese and the Germans in studies they conducted upon non-volunteer subjects from their prisoner and labor camps during the War. Now, some of this research was without any doubt of the greatest practical value – what every Doctor would have wanted to know if only they could have had actual human beings for their lab rats and guinea pigs. Well, that was exactly what became available to the World after the War, but it was all rejected on ethical grounds. Humanity would not permit itself to benefit from the crimes committed against those unfortunate subjects who had been experimented upon against their will. We could not take fruit, even valuable fruit, from the Poison Tree.

With that example firmly in mind, now we should regard Christianity which poses the proposition that Humanity can benefit from the murder of Jesus Christ, that is, that one can enjoy having all of one’s sins forgiven and can be assured of certain entry into Heaven because Jesus had been sacrificed. Examining the New Testament, what we have is first that Jesus tells us all that we will be subject to a Final Judgment in which we would be held to highest moral standards, note the Chapters in the Gospel of Mathew known as the Sermon on the Mount. But, subsequently, we have the execution of Jesus which is construed as dispensing with everything Christ had originally said and is interpreted to mean that Christ having been killed would give everybody a free pass on Judgment Day. Well, wouldn’t we all be ethically obligated to turn down such a deal? Should we not all refuse such fruit from a Poisonous Tree?

Yes, Paul says, in formulating Christian Doctrine, that if Christ did not die for all of our sins, then that leaves us to believe that Christ died for nothing. Well, it is not really a very logical construction. We are supposed to believe that it would be beyond the realm of any possibility that Jesus had been slaughtered as a result of some huge cosmic blunder. But, really, it is actually very possible that Christ was murdered without a very good reason, or rather from reasons having nothing to do with theology and doctrine. After all, we need only put it into the political context of the time. Jesus was putting together a Messianic Campaign, a mission to make himself King of King if not just King of the Jews. Well, all of the Lawyers, that is the Pharisees, and of course the sitting King of Judea would have felt threatened by these ambitions. They were already at the top of their World and felt they had nothing to gain but only could lose under a new revolutionary regime of this Jesus of Nazareth. So he was arrested, tried and executed. Indeed, Paul, as a Pharisee, and subsequently as the one Pharisee appointed to persecute and murder leading Christians would have inevitably been one of the leading power brokers in deciding to have Jesus executed. So, really, Paul was quite disingenuous to suggest that if Jesus did not die for some Universal Salvation, a collective exemption from moral and ethical standards, then he must have “died for nothing”. He knew exactly why Jesus had been arrested and killed.

Well, people point out sections of the Gospels that indicate that Jesus had foreknowledge of his execution and went to his death willingly, expressly for the purpose of delivering a universal Salvation. But, actually, such hints come to us not from the most original notes concerning the actual historical record, as far as scholars can discern, but from the later Gospels, and from additions made to the record by those who had been highly influenced by Paul’s Doctrines. What had happened was that the Gentiles of Paul’s congregations filled in their gospels to vindicate and affirm what Paul had been teaching. For instance, Mark was a Paulist and had traveled with Paul, and having once been fired for disobeying Paul, had apparently learned to be most submissive later on, when he wrote his Gospel. Then the Gospel of John, most explicit of all the Gospels in regards to Christ volunteering to put himself on the chopping block for the sake of exempting all of Humanity from moral requirements, well, that Gospel was certainly not written by John, who wrote confusedly and awkwardly in his Letters and in his infinitely confusing Book of Revelation; no, the Gospel of John was written with all of the intentional design of great literature, by one who had a refined and sophisticated education in both the Greek Language and in Greek Philosophy – probably a Paulist of the early 2nd Century.

When we read the Gospels with an open and inquiring mind, then we see so much that does not support the notion that Jesus died so that we could sin. As I mentioned before, the Sermon of the Mount enjoins morality with no suggestion of any promise that a dispensation of Free Sin awaited only the early end to his Messianic pretensions. Then we have the parables which suggest rather that any harm coming to the Son of Man would be some regrettable crime and not some infinite benefit.

Yes, along with suggestions in the Gospel that Jesus came for some intentional and deliberate self-sacrifice, we hear that Jesus also had renounced any ambition that he would make himself a Messiah. Well, does this not contradict the first chapters of the Gospel of Luke in which we have the Three Kings of the East responding to their own Prophecies regarding a King of King from out of Judah, as well as reiterating that Jesus was in fact the Messiah to be. Yes, it is argued that since Jesus did not become that Messiah, that he never intended to be. This is to suppose that God is All Powerful and that whatever happens must in fact be God’s Plan. Well, we should keep in mind that such Absolute Thinking in regards to Religion comes to us from out of Greek Philosophy, and that the Hebrews, on the other hand, had a firm belief in Free Will, and that People, individually or collectively could screw up. Jacob screwed up, Moses screwed up, David screwed up, Solomon screwed up, and the son of Solomon especially screwed up. Indeed, if one thinks about it, perhaps the most significant reason for the failure of the Messianic Mission was that it had come too late in History, and that had the Messiah come in the Time of David, when all of the surrounding Empires would have been caught in the time of their Decline, then a Messiah might really have had a chance. But David had been such a profligate that it took quite a number of generations before the purity recognizable in the persons of Mary and Joseph and that entire extended Holy Family could be attained to. Jesus could simply not have been born directly of David, son of wild immoral playboy, religious during his public but not during his private moments. And so the Messiah could only come after the World had been able to set up strongly against him. Well, he had to try. But, as we have discerned, success would not be guarantied. Indeed, can not the complete Tradition of the Prophets be summed up in that the primary business of the Prophets was to tell people how much they were screwing up – that it was well within the scope of the People’s behavior to turn God’s Blessings more into the direction of triggering God’s Wrath. So, while the Greeks, in regards to their purely speculative philosophy, could insist upon God’s absolute will being imposed perfectly upon the World – the World then being the Perfect Manifesation of God’s Plan; the Hebrews, on the other hand, with their Religion, not of speculation but of Revelation, maintained consistently that God’s Dispensation could not be fixed but had everything to do with Free Will and the receptivity of the Hebrew People. It was totally in the power of the Hebrew People to reject their Messiah. And that they did. But the Greeks took that as an opportunity to hijack the fame of Jesus and to say that this Death of a Virtual God could be taken as a payment of Infinite Value in exchange for the Debt of their Sins. Paul had been clever enough to manipulate Greek Philosophy to satisfy his own ends.

Well, it may be objected that none of the True Apostles of Jesus objected to Paul’s version of things, and that if Paul was wrong, then why do we not have a correct record of how things actually had happened. Well, there, we need to remember that only the Greeks believe in some Perfect Plan of God transacting perfectly in every detail. It is a Greek idea that a Scripture can be perfect in every word. Hebrews knew that people could lie and quite admitted that scriptures could be corrupted. Even Jesus told us that there would be Tares mixed in with the Wheat. We could not expect a Perfect Bible, although that is now what we claim to have. But, more to the question… remember how Jesus had prophesized that all would come to an end in one generation. Well, it did. In fact, everything predicted by the Book and Revelation came to pass by 71 A.D. Jerusalem was destroyed and the Jews were driven from the Holy Land. All of the Apostles still living were killed and whatever they had left as regards to writing and records was destroyed. That would leave us only with the spurious inventions that came down to us from Paul’s Gentile congregations. We may be very happy for the True Christians who on their Judgment Day had been taken up into Heaven, roughly at the time of 71 A.D. But, unfortunately, none of that has anything to do with us.

Also, in refutation that Christ voluntarily sacrificed himself for our sins, we have Christ praying for escape the night of his arrest. God said no. God often says “no”. Joan of Arc also prayed for deliverance. The Free Will of Humanity can only be put off for awhile and then if they absolutely insist upon murdering their Prophets, their Messiahs and their Saints, then eventually they will be allowed to do what they want. Jesus wanted to continue on, and with the repeated intercession of Protecting Angels, to eventually become Messiah no matter how many of the Rich and the Powerful objected to that eventuality. Well, God apparently did not want to impose a Paradise that would have been against the wishes of so many of His ‘Chosen People’. God said ‘No’ and brought that entire Abrahamic Dispensation to a close. For them it was the ‘End of Time’. The Hebrew Race would be allowed to have exactly what they wanted – they would become a selfish, bigoted and insular people, and whether for right or wrong hated by every people they would ever come into contact with, who would live like predators on the institution of usury, expressly forbidden by their scriptures but which they themselves would not consider a sin as long as they only victimized gentiles, whom, apparently, they did not consider of their own species of Human Being (and they complain of discrimination. Oh, discrimination is only a moral failing when it is against them. When if is from them, then it is all part and parcel of being the Chosen People of God. Again, we need to remind ourselves that if God still considered these People as Chosen, then why the destruction of the Temple, of Jerusalem, and then the Great Diaspora – the dispersion of the Jewish People from the Holy Land. Yes, there is the Re-Nationalization of Israel under the Jewish People. But it comes by man. England and then American has underwritten the Military subjugation of Palestine by the Zionist Israeli’s. We may as well say that God willed that the Nazis should conquer Poland as that England and America were divinely warranted to assert Protestant Theology to victimize Arabs for the sake of Jews – to give the Jews back what the Curse of Christ had taken from them). And then, there is the matter of the Jewish Religion. I can concede that the Jews are their own Ethnic Group, but Religious!? Living on usury. Stealing land. What Religion could they possibly be talking about. The Religion that makes them the Chosen People and so entitled to Enslave the World. Again, if this is a Religion, then why did anybody go to war against Hitler, as he was only being as ‘religious’ as any Jew, only supposing his own People to have a special dispensation for murder and rapine. If the Jews are so entitled than why not any people suppose themselves divinely ordained for pillage, thievery and conquest? This reminds me of inconsistencies even in the Jewish Scriptures themselves. Take for instance their deliverance from Egypt. Here all agency was from God Himself – the 10 curses and the destruction of the Egyptian Army, all was from the hand of God. No single Hebrew Slave had to lift a hand in anger. All was done by God. But this did not last long, did it. As soon as the Hebrew Slaves became a roving band of barbarians, then suddenly they were given warrant to do all of their own murders. Even Moses himself was given his 40 year punishment because of hesitating before riding out of the hills to slaughter the entire Civilization of Canaanites. This leads us to wonder why God was so willing to do all of the killing Himself in regards to Egypt, but within a generation suddenly thought the Hebrews sufficient to do their own killing. With such inconsistencies abounding, one can hardly be expected to come to a clear Doctrine. But somehow the Zionists have come to the conclusion that God never be consulted but rather that they can never be laid to blame as long as they pursue a policy of unhesitating aggression against all other peoples.

Yes, it does give a great many people a great deal of comfort and reassurance that they receive Salvation because of some ‘sacrifice’ made by Christ. But, honestly, when we look at the History of Christianity since that time, can anybody seriously suppose that God forgave anybody for anything. First we had the Destruction of Jerusalem, even while it was occupied by the Original Apostles. Then we have the plagues on Rome and the collapse of the Roman Empire, almost immediately after it became officially a Christian State. Then while Christian Civilization seemed to thrive for a 1000 years while it was mostly a Worship of the Blessed Virgin Mother of God, when the printing press came into being and the Masses discovered Paulist Doctrine and the automatic Forgiveness of Sins by the Death of Christ, then, again, we had almost an instantaneous collapse of Christian Civilization (the end of the actual 1000 year Reign of Christ predicted in Revelation). When we look at both the Catholic Church of the Paulist Bishops and the Protestant Churches who have no doctrine at all not directly from the pen of Paul, we see nothing but Wars, plagues, and economies of sin and corruption. If Paul’s Doctrines were true, then why do we not see any of it? The best years of Christian Civilization came when Paul had been almost entirely forgotten and when all of the Religious Orders respected a Moral Order and an imposition of Righteousness that never mentioned any entitlement to a Salvation already bought and paid for from the murder of the Son of God. The Symbol of Christ on the Cross was not to emphasize an Salvation, but was meant to underscore what was understood to be a constant and continuing atonement for the Sins of the World. The people of the 1000 Year Reign of Christ did not think of themselves as ‘Saved’ but instead saw themselves as living down the Wrath of God, angry that Humanity had murdered His Son. It was this sincere atonement that brought the World so many true and powerful miraculous, even Christ-like, Saints. Saints that would never come from either the Paulist Catholic Bishops or the even more extremely Paulist Protestants.

Well, if we were suddenly to dispense with Salvation, and indeed with all of the Paulist Doctrines – Original Sin, the Holy Trinity, Absolute Predestination (irrespective of Moral Worth), well, then, what would we have left? Indeed, everything! What really has Paulist Doctrine done for us except make us hated throughout the World, and by everybody who finds that they can’t tolerate ‘Organized Religion’. What is their problem with ‘organized Religion’ except that they intuit the exact extent of the corruption and amorality that consists within Paulist Doctrine. I once heard a Catholic Priest boast from the pulpit that Christianity was the only Religion in the World that offered a “Salvation”(he did not say Catholicism, but was apparently being true to the recent trend with the Bishops to ecumenically include themselves in with the richer and wealthier Protestants – to perhaps help them with their efforts to join the same high class Country Clubs). He was proud of it, and saw no down-side in this at all. But, really, what is Salvation but some Religiously sanctioned license to commit Sin?

Who benefits most from the forgiveness of Sin? Well, certainly, Satan does. Then it is argued that one must ‘believe’ in Christ. Well, again, one of the Letters of John stated clearly, in tacit argument against the arguments of Paul that were even then found to be against the teachings of Jesus, that the Demons had no doubt about Jesus and could certainly be numbered with the ‘believers of Jesus’. So, this Christianity of Salvation is inherently Satanic. Is it then any wonder that so many ‘Sinners’ find themselves attracted to Christianity. What sinner wouldn’t enjoy such a fabulous exemption from moral imperatives? But that does not make it a Religion. Rather, what we have is an Anti-Religion, and that would make Paul the Anti-Christ. No, the Antichrist would not wait for 2000 years to arise, but was alive at the time of Christ Himself and didn’t wait to exploit his advantage after the murder of Christ. Remember, we were told by Christ that a False Apostle would come as a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, that there would be a Wide Way to Destruction, and then that the Prophet Simeon, the Last Prophet of the Hebrew Dispensation, at the Presentation of the Infant Jesus (see Luke, the opening chapters) predicted that ‘Jesus would be contradicted’, and it would not take 2000 years. Jesus would barely be gone when before Paul would actively be maneuvering to capture the Church, first by murder, and then with lies, and then by recruiting the Greeks and their Philosophy. Here we need to consider that the Jews have a Holiday that commemorates their liberation from the Greeks and their Philosophies – Hanukah, isn’t it? So why should we believe that Jesus the Messiah would be happy that Christianity was no longer to be Hebrew, but would entirely dress itself up in the theological wrappings of the same Philosophy that the Hebrews so detested when they had their first Hanukah?
So, no, we should not miss the Doctrines of Salvation, and the beliefs we have in Original Sin and the understanding that God’s Plan absolves us of our Moral Responsibility. Doing away with Paul and his effectively Satanic Doctrines could only give credibility to what remains of ‘Christianity’, and then again Christianity could count itself as one with, and compatible with the other Higher Religions of the World.

Thoughts on the Validity of Miracles

Thoughts on the Validity of Miracles

I’ve recently encountered the notion that supposed that the miracles from the Bible were either complete fiction, or that they were on such a small scale that they could have been simple slight of hand magic tricks, like those accomplished by Sathya Sai Baba now in India, or by some of the better street magicians now working in the West. So, okay. None of us should be absolutely married to the Bible, once it has fallen into doubt. Shouldn’t our Religions be like Caesar’s wife, that is, ‘beyond reproach’. It might be a better idea for us all to perhaps re-write what we will use as our Civilization’s “Bible”, using documented accounts concerning the grandest and most spectacular Saints and Miracles of all of the World’s Higher Religions.

Of the Saints, I can start by mentioning just a few:

Vincent Ferrer who was so copious in his miracles that he honestly made Jesus Christ look like an amateur. It was said of Vincent that any day without ten-thousand miracles would have been a miracle. He went about Europe in the High Middle Ages, leading a band of thousands of flagellentes, people whipping themselves in atonement for the sins of the World, and his boost was that while they bled from open wounds, fasted, and marched 30 miles a day, none of them fell ill. He would go from town to town and empty hospitals and cure everybody of everything. He would address crowds numbering in the thousands, without anything like a public address system, and everybody would hear him, and hear him in their own native language, even while he was only an old man speaking Castilian in a quiet voice that carried by power of obvious miracle. We all would have heard more of Vincent Ferrer except that the Catholic Church has always been ashamed of him, since he had followed the French Popes and not the Roman ones during one of the Church’s many schisms (which should make one wonder how much God really favors the Roman Church if some of the greatest Saints had flourished outside of that Pall).

Joseph of Copertino flew. They call it levitation, but his was no so lift up into the air that makes one suspect wires and winches. No, his flights were described as “swift as an arrow”, and he would occasionally “spin like a top”. Both inside Cathedrals and then outside above processions, flying over trees, over building and walls. He became such a tourist attraction that the Catholic Church sent him packing away to an isolated monastery. Too much attention was being taken from the Bishops who resent so much attention being taken up by a monk of the lowest rank that the Church could offer.

Dominic would levitate also, but tried to keep it a secret. One time it was noticed that Dominic came back to his monastery late at night after the gates had already been locked and he did not wish to awaken the gatekeeper and so he looked around to see if there were any witnesses. Well, Dominic’s eyes were apparently not used to the dark, because in the shadows there did happen to be a few other monks who had also been caught outside after curfew, and, well, since Dominic was their Superior, it could well be understood why they would wish to avoid being seen by him. It was their concern to get back inside without being caught. Anyway, once Dominic thought that he was unseen, he raised himself up into the air and up over the wall. No jumping. No climbing. He rose up and over. On his death, they found that Dominic had wrapped himself in heavy timber chains, they conclude so that he would be weighted down enough to inhibit a tendency for levitation.

Saint Francis of Paola was perhaps the most imaginative and creative. He manipulated gravity and dimension – he would suspend falling men in the air while he pondered whether he should take the further step of interrupting their fall altogether (as the local Bishop had told him to be discrete regarding his miracle working). He would miraculously adjust the weight of boulders and stone pillars so that they would be feather light enough so that just several villagers could help him erect new chapels in short time. When chapels needed to be larger than originally planned, he would stretch the main roof beams to meet the new dimensions. He kept pet sheep in a country where sheep were a favorite menu item, and so time and again he was pressed to raise his pets from the dead, even when they were reduced to a pile bones and a fleece. Once when workers had lunched on one of his lambs and thrown the bones into a brick furnace, the Saint learned of the mistake and opened the furnace door, flames peeling out, and called for the lamb to jump out ‘before it got burned’, and in front of the entire workforce, out jumped the same little white lamb they had just finished. Then, years later, visiting the Court of the King of France, where they heard he was a vegetarian but supposed he would eat fish, the Saint corrected them and took the tray of grilled trout offered him and ‘resurrected’ them and turned them loose in the King’s goldfish pond. Some of his miracles are ongoing. As he was traveling toward the French Court, there had been outbreaks of the plague and several villages along the way prayed for his intercession, and so he agreed, and blessed their villages and, voila, there was no plague. But, curiously, afterward, for the next 4 or 5 centuries, no epidemic has effected these same few villages, not even the flu. Certainly simple magic tricks do not span hundreds of years.

Anyway, there is plenty of splendid documentation, surging up even during relatively modern times attesting to miracles to grand to have been supported by any of the mechanical technologies of their times. But these miracles need to be understood in a proper context. And people typically insist upon applying the wrong context. They use Greek Philosophy. Well, the Greeks never had a Miracle Worker. All their thoughts upon theology were entirely speculative. They argue from a purely uninformed reason, not pretending to the least bit of Prophecy or Revelation that God must be Absolute and qualified by all the Absolute attributes – that God must be All Knowing, All Powerful, and all of that business. Well, why? Even the Philosophers didn’t agree – it was as though half of the Greeks made arguments so that the other half could have their laughs by shooting them down. It seems most likely that Greek Philosophy designed its Theology mostly to give their Atheists the advantage.

But what do we see when we look empirically? We see supernatural miracles if we are willing to admit it. But these miracles are limited in their scope. We see nothing in absolutes. While we see instances of Supernatural Powers they are still confined within physical dimensions. Indeed, anybody who has studied the Saints can easily categorize them according to their relative strength, as Vincent Ferrer was obviously more powerful than Francis. And it is understood that some Angels are more powerful than others.

So, anyway, if one is really searching for the miraculous, then it is really a quest after the Spiritual Agent that has the most Spiritual Power. Praying to God, the Supreme Transcendental Being, seems to ignore the obvious problem that God is indeed Transcendental, that is, God, in His essence, is removed from the contingencies of His Creation – the One is not mixed up in Duality. So this would leave one to rally the Saints and the Angels to one’s sympathy. Now, the problem there is here is as I mentioned before – these Saints and Angels do not seem to have any Absolute Powers, and that what powers they may have may have to be budgeted. After all, the messages we get from the Saints and from the Marian Apparitions is that people need to pray and do penances in order to in effect charge the battery that the Saints and Angels use for their Miraculous Powers. Remember that the most prolific Saint in World History, Vincent Ferrer, also was the Saint who had the largest following of thoroughly enthusiastic penitents, all praying, fasting and atoning for practically every waking moment of every single day. And all of that power was channeled into the Miracles of their lead Saint.

But who does any fasting or atonement today. One need not wonder why even the Catholic Church can no longer boost of a single living Miracle Worker today, when, to be more like the Protestants, they have long since given up on prescribed fast days and discontinued any official call for overt acts of contrition. Now, just like the Protestants, Salvation is free because people once had the good sense to murder Jesus for the benefits of Free Sin. So, with little or nothing going into the Economy of the Miraculous, then we should not be surprised there are now so few miracles. People asking for miracles draw from the pool of power, but nobody contributes to it, and so of course it is all quite dry, and the Field is arid.

Well, there is some residual prayer and atonement going on. Despite the lack of any leadership within the Organized Religions, still private individuals here and there still pray, still fast, still practice penitential ascetic acts of atonement. Apparently these are enough to keep certain streams of Miracles flowing. Perhaps the best known of these are the healing springs in Lourdes France. We all do still remember Our Lady of Lourdes, don’t we? Well, those miraculous springs still flow, and people still remark upon continued miraculous healings all the time there. Indeed, I’ve heard from friends that there is a common miracle that everybody experiences there, and that is that while everyone is forbidden to towel dry themselves, it is noticed that everybody becomes instantly dry without toweling. Well, it would certainly be difficult to ‘prove’ this to be a ‘miracle’, since people would eventually air dry in any event, but still people are surprised by the instant dry phenomena even when they have not been told to expect it.

Oh, and this reminds me of one of the more curious auxiliary miracles that occurred along with the better known miracles of Our Lady of Fatima. The best known miracle there was the Miracle of the Sun, in which the sun was seen by 75,000 people across 500 square miles to be dancing and twirling in the sky and then to be plummeting toward the earth. Both dazzling and frightening. Well, incidentally, it had been raining. A large weather front had gone through, bringing a drenching rain that had gone on all night and all the morning, ending only as the Miracle of the Sun commenced. It was even considered part of the miracle that the unbroken and solidly black layer of clouds had suddenly parted so quickly to present a complete blue sky as a background for the suns spectacular dance. But, still, everybody was at least ankle deep in mud and many of the cars were bogged down up to their axles, and everybody was soaked to the bone. But immediately after the Miracle of the Sun came to its close, they say after about 20 minutes, and the sun was seen to be back to its ordinary appearance, well everybody then noticed that their cloths were completely dry, the ground was completely dry, and none of the stuck cars were any longer stuck. And nobody remembers the exact moment when the dryness occurred, as everybody’s attention had been so occupied with the Miracle of the Sun. But when their attention came back down to earth, nobody could explain where all the cold and damp had gone. Now, why would somebody go through all the trouble for these little known and incidental miracles which are miracles nonetheless?

Oh, and what was the message from Our Lady of Fatima, a supernatural Apparition? Well, it was for people to pray and do penance, as there can be no divine miracles or providential intercessions without first the supply of power that sources out of these ascetic practices.
People need to do more than just ask ask ask.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Lucid Dreaming Claims Much Exaggerated

Lucid Dreaming Claims Much Exaggerated

There is probably nothing that people exaggerate more about then the phenomena of Lucid Dreaming.

Here is a URL to a compilation of scholarly essays written regarding lucid dreaming: Pay particular attention to the one by Dr. Anne Faraday ( ) She had been one of the first to popularize the idea of Lucid Dreaming, and promoted the notions and promises about ‘complete control’, blah, blah, blah.

Well, for everyone who says that people are supposed to have complete control, nobody actually does. Or when they manage to impose a great deal of control over their dreams, then it sets up a kind of war with their Dream Mind. The Dreaming Mind actively resists these efforts of the dreamer to assert ‘complete control’.

The Dream Mind’s favorite evasive tactic is to have the dreamer dream that he woke up – a “false awakening”. You see, the dreamer became Lucid when he realized he was dreaming, but that realization becomes cancelled if the dreamer thinks he woke up in the morning and the day has begun. The lucid dreamer then relaxes his attempts to create whatever wild sex dream he had in mind (yes, most Lucid Dreamers want to have virtual sex … with their Sunday school teacher or whatever), and from there the Dream Mind can transition the dreamer back into ordinary dreaming.

You see, ordinary dreaming must have its purposes. If a lucid dreamer were really able to totally co-opt dreaming, then these real uses for dreaming would be defeated, wouldn’t they?

I’ve heard from some Lucid Dreamers, a rare few, who said that they were able to eventually acquire a great deal of control over their dreams and were even able to detect the false awakenings. Then, you know what? The Dream Mind decided to entirely shut them down. Suddenly they could no longer even remember their dreams. For all they knew, they no longer dreamt.

So, Lucid Dreaming is not something you want to screw with – not cavalierly anyway.

But, yes, an occasional Lucid Dream is great. But one must simply take the Lucid Dream for what it was meant to be – that it is a vivid dream in which one realizes one is dreaming. The only control that should be exercised is SELF CONTROL. One should allow the Dream to transact as it ordinarily would. One should make one’s own choices and decisions as to how to respond to the action unfolding during the dream, but one should not go so far as to destroy the dream, to hijack the dream. After all, the Dream Mind took the time to create a meaningful Story Scenario for you to enjoy – perhaps conveying some important Life Lesson. Now why then would you want to cancel all that out for the sake of trying to conjure up one’s own idea of entertainment?

Besides, I suspect that people who do achieve a great deal of control in their dreams are rewarded with some fairly shallow, 2 dimensional, simplistic cartoon like dreams. Whereas the Dream Mind that does ordinary dreaming has a great many assets available to it, well, the personal imagination on the spur of the moment is equipped with practically nothing. Such dreams are typically vapid and flat.

Yes, when one visits Lucid Dream Forums and specialty Pages, one hears a great deal of enthusiasm, but I suspect many people are exaggerating, and are actually jockeying for position as Super Lucid Dreaming Guru. So they lie about their own capabilities. Then, most of everybody else is writing in to complain that they are beset with problems and nothing ever goes as planned. These are the people I expect are telling the Truth about Lucid Dreaming.

Also, there is a problem with the whole model of supposing dreams come from this thing called the “subconscious”. It is a very materialistic concept that supposes that dreams are entirely of one’s own creation – in one’s own head. Well, if that were true, it would be fine; however, there seems to be a great deal of evidence that dreams may come from outside, and that a great deal of dream material is universal or collective. For instance, if one were to have a Shared Dream – two people having exactly the same dream, or rather sharing the same Dreamscape. Well, this entirely explodes the notion of a personal subconscious mind, doesn’t it? And I can attest to the validity of the existence of actual shared dreams.

So, without a subconscious mind, then, to attempt to attain to total dream control, one would have to successfully invade and vanquish some Collective or Universal Mind. Good luck there, but I don’t think so.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Thoughts on Meditation, Kundalini, White Light

Some Thoughts on Meditation, Kundalini, White Light

It is a wonderful convenience in many contemporary Yogic Systems that the Power of Spiritual Initiation can be passed as easily as by the touch of an authentic Guru – this is called Shaktipat. Otherwise, we can envision taking years of doing the kind of breath retention exercises that are calculated to have most effect in direct proportion to the amount of brain damage they inflict – hold one’s breath for 4 minutes and one is almost guaranteed to have a genuine Near Death Experience… perhaps nearer to death than one had hoped for. And so it is that Samadhi being passed by the Touch of a Master should definitely pass critical scrutiny better than any method of attainment which could well be described as ‘holding one’s breath until one passes out’. And most traditional forms of yoga are exactly that.

So, Shaktipat is a very good thing. But we are left considering the availability of Gurus. Many people have the perception that such Shaktipat Gurus are an extremely rare commodity, and then, even when they are found, may be either too expensive to retain, or may impose a much too forbidding a regiment of conditions – absolute celibacy or absolute obedience, that is, they may ask for more than we are prudently prepared to give. For instance, one of the best Shaktipat Gurus I had ever met was old Kirpal Singh of the Surat Shabd Organization, but he expected his initiates to commit to 6 months of sexual celibacy even before he would give the first Initiation (if I remember accurately), and that was way back during the height of the Sexual Revolution. Well, it would have been difficult to give away Bags of Money on those conditions. I and many others waited for more accommodating Gurus.

But are such contracts with these Gurus entirely necessary? While still believing that nothing is more Spiritually conducive than being protégé to an Authentic Guru, I must admit that for someone seeking their Spiritual Beginnings, completely registering under a Guru may not be entirely indispensable. One may make due without. And in this regard, I have found that Shaktipat may be more available than is generally supposed. Allow me to explain – Years ago I read in a translation of a passage from the Upanishads that “In the presence of a God or Saint, the Third Eye will open”. Well, the very evening that I read that, I saw a poster advertising a lecture to be given by an itinerant Shaktipat-style Guru. One can guess what happened. I felt my Third Eye open in his presence. It was not an overwhelmingly dazzling feeling. Indeed, if I had not been prepared by my Reading to anticipate such a feeling, I suppose it would have been subtle enough to evade notice or slight enough to dismiss as a painless headache. But since I was watching for something of that nature, I felt it. Seeing this as a validation of this Guru’s credentials, I enlisted for his Initiations. And the Shaktipat given officially was not much stronger than what had been felt merely by being in his presence. What this should mean to the keen observer is that Shaktipat can be gleaned from the Spiritual Atmosphere without necessarily all the trimmings and ceremonies that the Gurus would have you suppose must come directly from their hand.

But, one might still suspect that “Gods and Saints” are very rare entities. But not at all. Since my Third Eye has become open and sensitive to such things, I find that any number of people are walking around with Chakras open and radiating enough in order to resonate with the Chakras of those within their vicinity. Ordinarily it passes without notice – a pressure sensation in the forehead, or in the case of an open Heart or Throat Chakra, a pressure sensation in those corresponding locations.

So, how can a person take advantage of these Atmospheric Shaktipats? Well, simply by being aware. If one is uninitiated but would like to be as one who is Initiated – with open Chakras and control over one’s Energies, Kundalini and Qi – then one need only visit venues and activities where one might suppose one could meet with some moderately spiritual people. In Sanskrit I think it is called Satsang – the beneficial effect of being in Spiritual Company. If one notices that slight feeling in the Chakras, then the Technique for Auto Initiation is to focus on that Sensation and to hold onto it. Ordinarily, such feelings are ignored and allowed to pass. But if caught by awareness and focused upon, they can be as effectively enduring as any Initiation given at a Weekend Retreat for the price equivalent to that of a down payment on a car.

Sometimes even reading a particularly cogent passage from a Spiritual Book, or in thinking of especially powerful Saints or Gurus from the past, will cause the third eye to open, that is, there will be that feeling of Pressure.

How does one maintain one’s Initiation? Well, simply go about your ordinary business, but remind yourself several times daily to keep some attention on what goes on in your forehead -- up slightly between the brows. And if you ever feel a slight pressure sensation, then lock onto it immediately -- rub your finger into it; make a buzzy noise with your mouth and modulate its tone until it resonates into that Sensation Point. For the first day, try not to let it totally go away -- remind yourself to keep the sensation open. Rub it with your finger and use that buzz tone to vibrate it. If you can keep it there for just a solid day, and bring it back after a good night’s sleep, then you’ve got it. Then, meditate on it for about 10 or 15 minutes morning and night. After about a week you may begin to feel some heaviness in your head, or you may even have developed a headache. Great! Now you will want to bring the Energy down to the base of your spine where you can give it and yourself a bit of a respite. Get yourself a nice glass of cold water and drink it, and feel that the Sensation is attached to it and that it drops down, all the way to your lowest vertebrae -- your little triangular tailbone. Reach back there and rub that little tail bone and feel the Sensation there. And keep it there for a couple of weeks. Learn to keep the energy down. That is your Safety Practice. Before the Energy gets too strong to handle you must learn to be able to pull it down at will. So don't keep the Energy up always in your head, supposing that unless you do you might be missing something. You have your entire life to raise up the Energy. For a couple of weeks you need to work on the certainty of being able to lower the Energy. You must be able to control it.

If you do not feel any sensation in your head -- in and around your brain, then my advice here might be a bit incomprehensible, but if you do feel some sensation in your head, this is what you should do: If your Energy Sensation is up in your forehead, then use your will to guide it back along the top of your pallet to the back of your pallet to the Swivel Point at the top of your spine. That point is easy to locate -- you just swivel your head around, and, well, the swivel point is the swivel point. Put the energy sensation there. Point your tongue up to that point. Now, it will feel as though the energy sensation is about the size of a golf ball or a bit smaller. What you will now try to do is bring the energy down lower and smaller, as though penetrating the layers of an onion. Smaller smaller smaller -- it will take awhile. The energy will seem as though it is stuck at a particular size, then suddenly shrink down a bit more. Still you want it to center on that Swivel Point. Eventually it will be about the size of a pea and you will feel it oscillating back and forth like a pendulum. This is really the Key to Kundalini. Once you find that Spot, you can move the Energy anywhere in the body -- up to the Crown Chakra, or down to the heart, or in fact anywhere. But you want to move it down to the heart. That oscillating you feel is the top of the Heart Chakra anyway, so all you would have to do is let the energy just sink down into the Heart. That should give you a bit of stability.

There is also a trick you could use, and I've only found one other person who could do it. It is to flex a muscle in your head in order to start a roaring noise. The muscle is back there at the top of the pallet close to that swivel point, and the roaring noise is great at collecting Energy. It think it may be a reflex like rolling ones tongue or wiggling one's ears and not everybody can do it. It really is a muscle and not a mental phenomena, because it gets fatigued and one can only hold the flex for 7 or 10 seconds.

Do you know any Mantras? Or you can try an easy Power Meditation -- simply count up from 1 to 24 for each of your spinal column bones, moving your concentration up the spine as you count. Your Kundalini Energy, your Chi, will follow up during the count. Now, such power meditations are a hundred times more impressive during a Dream than while awake, making them always an interesting experience when you can remember to do them while dreaming. Indeed, I once had a Dream in which a Dream Guru told me that even a moment’s Meditation in a Dream is worth thousands of hours of waking Meditation. And having experienced Dream Meditation myself, I don’t doubt the Dream Guru’s math even a little bit.

There is another trick that I developed because I could never really find out what the Buddhist One Finger exercise was (it was mentioned in a Buddhist Treatise by Huang Po), but in experimenting around I found that by twiddling the thumbs -- twirling the thumbs -- right thumb counterclockwise and left thumb clockwise, for just a minute or so, that when you stop, the subtle Kundalini Energy centers in the spine and rises up. I think that the Thumb Nadis are in the Central Channel and that by exercising the Central Nadi Channel at the thumbs, it is exercised everywhere else as well. But the energy only begins to rise after you STOP the exercise, so don't twirl your thumbs indefinitely while waiting for something to happen. Just a minute or two is fine, and then stop.

You should be able to get to the point where you can more or less summon the energy sensation. You are allowed to cheat and point your fingers into the Third Eye Chakra. In fact any pointed object can only help. I once studied Pyramid Power and discovered that there is nothing special about pyramids except that they come to a point. The pointier the better, the steeper the better. Cones work even better but apparently the Egyptians could not carve a curve. Perhaps the handiest and best pyramid available to you would be your very own ballpoint pen -- a virtual little Magic Wand.

Oh, and recently I may have found an effective White Light Exercise, as I discovered in a dream:

White Light Exercise from a Dream

While my father was alive I did not get along well with him, but as the years since his decease have gone by, my relationship with him in Dreams has been improving. Last night we were sitting at the old dining room table. He was at his customary seat, but I was not at my old seat but, significantly, at the seat ordinarily assigned to the oldest brother – apparently I have been promoted. In the Dream my father tells me that he will show me an exercise for communicating with Spirits using this small device that was set up close to the window. All I could infer about this machine was that it emitted white light. So my father begins this exercise, and it is quite simple – he takes a deep breath and then hisses out the exhale, and then his entire cranium begins to glow with White Light. So I begin to hiss out my breath and my brain case takes on the same glow of White Light. It was like our brains became florescent filaments for the White Light and I could see our brains glowing.

When I awoke, I had an open Crown Chakra. Then, throughout the day, I tried the Exercise a few times. It is easy to do, but there are a few details. It seems that the proper ‘hiss’ involves having the tip of the tongue positioned close to roof of the mouth at that spot that is the best compromise between the forward position which sounds very ‘sssssssssss’ and the position further back which is more purely ‘shshshshshshsh’. Coincidentally, that sound that you would be making is very close to what they call ‘White Noise’.

It really does seem to open the Crown Chakra. Now, the thing I have found about the White Light is that one can see it while in the Dream State, or even while in the hypnogogic state, but while awake it resolves into a feeling of a pressure sensation.

Not only is this White Light Exercise appropriate for waking applications, but more particularly it may be useful to try during Lucid Dreaming, since it would be in such a context that the White Light would sure to be visible.

Also, I might suggest the Gayatri Mantra. After having had done the Gayatri Mantra for a year, I had a dream in which the space out in front of me rended open and the White Light came pouring out. Since the Gayatri Mantra is fairly an evocation of the Light, I naturally suppose it must have had something to do with it.

The Gayatri induced White Light Dream may be interesting in itself:

White Light Paramahansa Dream

I knew the dream was becoming spiritual when I looked down and noticed I was not wearing shoes. Here is a Hint! When you are not wearing shoes in a Dream, it means you are on Holy Ground. I levitated up and folded into a lotus position and intoned an AUM. The air around me seemed to turn violet (pinkish purple) and the air rippled and shimmered in waves and then about 20 feet in front of me the very fabric of Space tore open and there was the Pure White Light. It was like magnesium burning before a chromium mirror, bright and real.
The substance of the Light quickly took up a form – a Paramahansa Swan… not a living bird but a very ornate statuesque representation of one. It was large – more than a meter high and wide. And it was amazingly beautiful – in the brightest White Light but still one could discern the textures of the shapes and detail. But there was little time for amazement when the Swan shot across the distance between us and penetrated into my forehead. And then a new one formed up to replace it, and it shot over into my forehead as well… and again and again and again, each time more quickly, but each time the ornate and elaborate Paramahansa Swan became simpler, more streamlined. As they formed up more rapidly, they became plainer and plainer. Finally they were coming at a rate of 8 or 10 per second, and the birds were mere ‘Vees’, like as in the way young children draw birds flying in the sky, as two joining lines tapering outward. And they were all flying into my forehead.

When I awoke, the sensations acquired in the Dream persisted. My Agna Chakra was still pulsating with the feeling of this Spiritual Energy, no longer perceptible as Light but tangible as a pressure sensation. The sensation by proximity also energized my Crown Chakra as well as my throat and heart chakras.

Satan's Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ

Satan and His Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ

A personal relationship with Christ? How did this idea come about? Afer all, Jesus had defined himself as a Messiah. The idea was for him to become King of Kings. If not to believe Judaic prophecy, at least we could believe the prophecies of the Religious Cultures of the 3 Kings of the East who knew enough to pay homage to the infant Jesus, whom they regarded as the future King of Kings. Now, do we think of anybody having a ‘personal’ relationship with the King of Kings. Indeed, all of Christ’s parables respected authority and rank, and while workers in the vineyards were certainly worthy of their hire, the Masters were still the Masters. No where do we hear of any kind of personal relationship trumping moral or practical performance. In the Gospels it was always “what you know, not who you know”.

Also, if we read the gospels as close as we suppose the True Believers should do, then we find that Jesus Christ established a clear hierarchy. There were the 12 Apostles, and below them were the 72 Disciples, and then there was everyone else. Even then we can recall passages in scripture where Jesus clearly implied that nobody was quite so close to him as his own Mother (when it was announced that his mother was about to interrupt his speech he said to the crowd in effect that “anybody as devoted to me as my Mother is as my truest and best of Disciples”, from which we can imply that Jesus was being sarcastic… which isn’t often the way Protestant Fundamentalists read the passage… see Mathew chapter 12. The Fundamentalists suppose, quite in the opposite direction, that Jesus was being dismissive of his mother, that ‘Whore of Babylon’, that Matron of the Catholic Church whom they have been damning, cursing and insulting these so many hundreds of years, and so they interpret the passage to mean that Jesus resented the interruption of his mother while he was having his ‘personal relationships’ with his so dedicated disciples. But we have only to refer to the Bible to see what exactly happened – Jesus stopped his talk, departed from his disciples, and went off to be with his mother, and thence commenced the next chapter. It was the disciples who had been dismissed. If only the True Believers in the inerrancy of the Bible would learn to read what actually is being said.

So, in reading the Gospels we find that nobody but his Mother was really very close to Jesus. Well, there are those who advocate for Peter, claiming that Peter was something very special to Christ. But when one actually reads what is said in the Bible, Peter is treated as something of either as a clown, falling faithlessly into the water while Jesus was able to walk, or as an abject coward, running away and abandoning Jesus during the dire needs of his Trial – ‘denouncing him 3 times before the cock crowed’. Then later in the Book of Acts we find Peter reduced to murdering people for their money whereupon the members of the Church elect new leaders to displace Peter, who must obviously had been seen to be corrupt and dangerous… more on that later. But anyway, the scriptures tell us how much he loved Jesus (perhaps inserted into the Gospels in order to support the myth of Peter’s special authority only because Peter had been the only one of the Apostles to support the membership of Paul, that is, Peter was Paul’s only slender connection to legitimacy. And there we can easily see why Peter was so ready to sponsor Paul – Paul had done Peter the service of murdering Peter’s rival, Stephen.

But even if we acknowledge that Peter had a unique love for Jesus, we see nowhere that Jesus requited this love. Then there are those that argue that Jesus had a special love for John. Yes, in the Gospel of John we have the author of that book tell us that of everybody in the entire Hebraic-Roman World at the time that the only person Jesus loved was himself. Okay. If that WASN’T a self-serving assertion then all it means is that Jesus hated all of Mankind except for that one single person – hardly an argument of much use to anybody claiming that Jesus would have a ‘personal relationship’ with each one of millions of Church Members. Besides, this ‘disciple that Jesus loved’ was more than likely a person of more than a small amount of homosexual leanings – remember that the Gospel of John was written by one who was fluent in Greek and the best Greek Speakers of the Day were then quite understood to be or were suspected to be, well, homosexual. So when he was expounding on this great love that Jesus had for himself, we might suppose that he was only fantasizing. Wishful thinking.

Anyway, there is certainly nothing in the Bible that could convince us of a doctrine that Christ would want some personal relationship with everybody … not when during his life he was so careful to set up structured barriers and distinctions. Just review for yourself the Gospel of Mathew as Jesus portrays himself as something of a Judge and Prophet. I would think that Jesus was something of an imposing Man of Authority, a Dooms Day Judge, and a Prophet of the Wrath of God, and not the easy-going subservient ‘lover-boy’ that the fundamentalists would have Him be – their submissive victim of the cross, apparently delighted to have been murdered so that all who condoned such a bloody act of violence against the very Son of God could celebrate being able to sin indefinitely without the slightest apprehension of guilt, which is, after all, the essential meaning of Born Again Salvation.

One really needs to wonder about the very concept of ‘Salvation’. Protestants constantly stress the concept and doctrine of Salvation. Indeed, even the Catholic Church is now emphasizing Salvation more than they used to do when Purgatory was still acknowledged and Repentance and Atonements were still insisted upon. It was a collective ‘dumbing-down’ of Catholicism epitomized especially in the instance when the Vatican II Council back several decades ago effectively surrendered itself to Protestant influences. I even heard one Catholic Priest boost at the pulpit that “Christianity was the only Religion to offer Salvation”. He clearly spoke in the sense that Catholicism and Protestantism were part of one united Religious Establishment, sharing the very same view of Salvation as a central Doctrine – a unique Doctrine setting the Christian World apart from every other Religious Civilization. Well, is that really anything to brag about? Shouldn’t a Religion wonder about itself if it should find itself so unique, and so different from other Religions, as it is most likely rather to be a bad thing than a good thing to be so substantially different from other Institutions of Moral and Spiritual Uplift. And then to be different because it contrives to accommodate immorality? That is what Salvation is, isn’t it? Salvation is forgiveness of Sin.

Who benefits most from the forgiveness of sin?

Well, Satan.

Again, if we refer to the Scriptures, as the Fundamentalists say they do, then we find that John, in his Letters, suggested the same argument in refuting the Doctrines of Paul (though John does not mention Paul by name, and neither does James or Jude who also wrote refuting the Doctrines of Paul. Only Peter ever mentioned Paul specifically by name, to assert that his doctrines were effectively dangerous, and, even then, surprisingly, the Christian Establishment went on to base every substantial doctrine, not on the Teachings of the Christ, but on the stretched presumptions and quasi-theological inventions of Paul). In the Letters of John he explains that if believing in Jesus should be the only requirement for Salvation, then even Satin, Lucifer and every Demon would certainly quality as they, more than anybody else, have the full knowledge of Christ’s existence, both physically and Spiritually. And, yes, reading the Letters of Paul, we could easily conclude that the demons would have every scriptural right to qualify for Salvation – at least as much as Paul would. Indeed, Paul defines every saved soul as inherently sinful, and certainly Lucifer and his demon hordes have that qualification solidly down pat. And then Paul himself was a murderer.

Let us look a bit closer at Paul. He was ambitious and full of pride and self-love. His letters are flagrant with the most excessive hubris. Indeed, when we compare Paul’s history of himself against what the Book of Acts claims for him, we notice that Paul had the higher opinion of himself, by very far. In fact, I really don’t think that Luke, the author of the Book of Acts really liked Paul very much. To the ignorant and barely literate reader of Acts, it may seem supportive of Paul. But Luke was a Doctor. It was likely he wrote over the heads of those who employed him to be their spokesperson. And so we see that in the 3 separate accounts that Paul gives of his conversion experience, the details change with the telling and with his audience, and while the ignorant reader forgets exactly what was said each time, the discerning reader sees Paul must have been a liar at least 2 times out of 3.

Then there is the simple history of Paul given in the Book of Acts – we find no real miracles attributed to Paul, and Luke tells us that Paul gave no evidence of having the ‘holy spirit’. Paul is portrayed as acting childishly against his sponsor Barnabus and hatefully against his fellow evangelist Mark (both were subordinate to Barnabus, but Paul wanted to think of himself as everybody’s Boss). The Books of Acts goes on to describe Paul as inciting riots against the Jewish Messianic Churches and when brought to trial in the Forum of the Jewish-Christian Establishment in Jerusalem, Paul has the unmitigated arrogance of telling the judge that he had absolutely nothing in his entire life to be ashamed of. Well, this was the same Paul who murdered Stephen and persecuted Christ and Christians alike. Many Christians insist that Paul repented at the time of his ‘Conversion’, but clearly he had never repented for a thing. The Judge thought it all too much and had Paul slapped in the face. Also, Paul was bound over for trial – identifying himself not as a ‘Christian’ or even as a ‘Jew’, Paul claimed himself to be a Roman citizen and appealed the decision by that local Court and demanded he be tried by the Roman Emperor himself, who also found him guilty, not for any particular Religious reason but simply because he was inciting riots and found to be civilly dangerous. As Christ had told us, “we would know a Tree by its fruits”. The only one who ever had a good opinion of Paul was Paul.

And it is from this twisted devil of a man, Paul, that we get all of the Fundamentalist Doctrines. Indeed, the ONLY reason that they insist upon their core doctrine of inerrancy of the Bible – that every word of the Bible is the true Word of God, is so that the writings of Paul can have an equal standing with the words of Jesus. In saying that every word in the Bible is the Word of God, the Protestants really intend only to Deify the words of Paul, to make Paul the equal of Christ, and as regards to actual Doctrine, to have Paul surpass Christ. In Doctrine everything Jesus had to say was either ignored or significantly altered later by what must have been considered Paul’s better judgment. And so it was that Jesus, the Judge of the Sermon of the Mount, was to be set aside for Paul who replaced Judgment with Salvation and Forgiveness of Sins. Paul dismisses all the Teachings of Christ and leaves us with the impression that the only useful thing Christ ever did was to get himself killed… killed so that Christians could get a free pass into Heaven.

Which brings us again to our point, and that is that the worst people benefit the most from Christian, that is ‘Paulist’, Salvation. A righteous man gains nothing from Christian Doctrine. But absolute Evil gets into Heaven over Jesus Christ’s dead body. Somehow it just does not seem right.

Now, certainly some people are simple and pure of heart enough to understand that even while they are forgiven of their sins, that they should still live righteously, and such people would never suspect in a million years that Paul’s doctrines of amoral predestination and the definitions of Man as inherently sinful would spell out an effective dispensation for Evil. And yet this is what we find again and again hiding within the Personal Relationships these people have with Jesus. “Once Saved, Always Saved”. Jesus described again and again as always being so very Merciful. Should we wonder that these people could not rather earn Christ’s approval by a life of Righteousness rather than ever taxing his Mercy by what must be an habitual regimen of Sin? So many bumper stickers say “I’m not perfect. I’m Saved.” This is a Religion that gives license to sin. Its huge appeal is that it dispenses with Moral Responsibility and pretends to give Heaven away for free. Without saying so explicitly we may infer that Christian Doctrine has been designed expressly so that Hell may crash the Pearly Gates and overrun Heaven. God and Jesus would suffer the eternal Curse of having to tolerate so many millions of ‘personal relationships’ with admitted sinners. Heaven would be turned to Hell, wouldn’t it? Once Sin is admitted, how could Heaven be said to still be a Paradise?

So what is really going on here? If Satan has the most to benefit from the Forgiveness of Sins, and if the central purpose of the Religion is the Forgiveness of Sin, that is, effectively giving people a license to Sin, then it is really just simply Satanic. Christianity, as it defines itself, is Satanism.

Perhaps the worst result of such a state of affairs that true intellectuals come to suspect that all Religion and Spirituality is equally dangerous – that Jesus and all of the True Saints are of the same substance and intent as Paul. Intellectuals confuse True Religion with the Satanism they have come to despise. Indeed, so many people who complain of “Organized Religion” are only really complaining about the Paulist Doctrines that they have grown suspicious of, if not consciously, then by some genuine intuition which has alerted them. Remember that Jesus had given 3 warnings – That weeds of error and corruption would be mixed with the Wheat of Truth, that wolves would come dressed in sheep’s clothing, and that there would be a Wide Way of Destruction carrying the vast majorities to Hell while the true believers would be few and far between. Oh, and the last Prophet of the Hebrew Dispensation, Simeon (see the first chapters in the Book of Luke), who officiated at the Presentation Ceremony of the Infant Jesus, issued a prophecy, and that was that Christ would be contradicted. There would be no “Christian” Church, but what would come down to us would be the Contradiction. Paul would set the Doctrines. Christ would be remembered only in name, to be hijacked and co-opted for the purposes of others, to create a Religion tolerant of Sin. Then, Simeon’s Second Prophecy was that Evil in the World could be known and marked as it would be insulting to the Heart of His Mother Mary. And here we can reflect that the Protestant Churches have since their inception demonized Mary. Inversely, we can note that all of the most loving and charitable instances of Religion to manifest from out of the Institutions of Christianity have come to us from out of the Marian Religious Orders. Where Christianity actually conforms to the Ideals of the other Higher Religions of the World it is largely because of the Marian Influence. We are reminded that some of the first Civilizations were founded around Goddess Religions.

Anyway, we may conclude at this point that Christianity has gotten itself into one fine mess. It has become a terrible confusion of Religion and Anti-Religion – Christ and Anti-Christ. Could the Catholic Bishops and the Protestant Paulists ever come to see themselves as mistaken? It can’t reasonably suppose it is very likely. Their entire lives have been emotionally invested in this Error, and so they could not very quickly simply drop it. There would have to be some long drawn out struggle with intellectual denial and the inertia of not thinking reflectively but simply from out of old habit.

However, on the other hand, several years ago an Angel came to me during one of my meditations and told me cryptically “The Church of Paul would have one last role to play”. So perhaps this means that Christian Doctrine will soon be seen for what it actually is – the inventions of one man, and a not a particularly nice man. And Religion will then be understood correctly as it should be – as a force for Morality and Social Cooperation, and, yes, as a path toward Spirituality.
And then Christians may not be our only problem. We also may have our intellectual Atheists to deal with. I can’t be the only one to have noticed that where all Religion has been discredited, there has not arisen any spontaneous High Morality, but rather we have seen the mushrooming of criminal organizations and the worst barbaric abuses and economic pillaging – freedom at its worst. And so it is that our Philosophical Atheists should come to recognize that pure reason comes in a Moral vacuum. These people, well meaning as they are (as they may really believe in Natural Goodness, though I suspect what they see as natural goodness is only the cultural remnants from previously religious civilized institutions… a moral inertia), they need to understand that it is quite possible to say that God exists if only in the psychological sense. If a person has a Vision – a psychotic Vision or a Religious Vision, and God is felt or seen, well, in its own context, there God exists. Yes, it may be objected that each vision shows a different God, and in a limited sense this objection does carry some weight. Each person will have a unique take upon their own Spirituality. However, what the Spiritual Orders and the various Mystics, and what even some clinical psychologists have been publishing, is that there seems to be a moral consensus among these Spiritual Visionaries. There seems evidence of a Collective Consciousness. And we should wonder that it is no historical accident that all of the most successful Civilizations have had spiritual and religious traditions as their foundations. Spirituality is inherent within us.