Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Energy Debate and Government Stealing Energy Patents

Hi Everyone  [you can see me read this on the YouTube Leo Volont channel. ]

This is Leo Volont, and I just got done writing a new Blog entry (see below in Descriptions). It’s about Free Energy, the Green Energy Vs Nuclear Debate, the Anti-Gravity Technologies that give us both ‘Flying Saucers’ and Free Energy, and about how the Government is Stealing all our best Energy Technology Patents.  Anyway, let me read it to you –

190112  The Energy Debate and Government Stealing Energy Patents

The other day I was caught up in an online debate raging between the advocates for a mild but safe Solar and Wind Energy against those who argued for a riskier but much more robust Nuclear Industry. Well, I began to find this discussion frustrating for several reasons.  First, the Public Debate coming from the Green Side against Nuclear seems hysterical when compared to the reasoned opinions coming out of the Universities.   The Greens seem ready to put our struggle against Global Warming on a very low priority, while preparing to fight to the death against Nuclear Power because there might be 20 accidental deaths Worldwide every 40 years.  Well, perhaps you think I might be biased towards the Nuclear Cause, and I am, and that is because I think we need much more energy than Safe Solar and Wind could ever provide, and Nuclear could provide massive amounts of power with a relatively small territorial footprint. You see, I would like to have enough power to be able to ‘roll back’ Global Warming.   With sufficient Energy we could dot the Coast Lines of every Continental Land Mass with Desalination Plants.   And these Desalination Plants could supply Coast to Coast Irrigation Systems so we could start up Rain Forests and create Wooded Regions on every available acre.  You see, trees would take the excess Carbon out of the Air and the evaporation rising out of the forests could create enough cloud cover to reflect back into space much of the Sun’s Solar Heat Energy.  These Woodlands would also provide animals with prime quality Habitat.  And we know that Solar Panels and Wind Turbines would take up huge amounts of space better allocated to these Trees and Habitat.  And if we really had abundant Energy, then we could create massive lakes using the run-off from our newly created Rain Forests.  It would only require the digging of some very large and deep holes.   And then the excavated materials from these holes could be used to build Sea Walls along the Coasts, thus, addressing the expected Rise in Sea Level from both directions – raising the Coastal Rim while Draining the Oceans into our new Lakes.  But, yes, all that would take a tremendous amount of Energy.    

But, anyway, the next thing I thought was “Why should I be married to Nuclear?”  Essentially what we need is a super-abundant, reliable and clean energy that rests on a small territorial foot-print, and Nuclear may not be our only or best choice, especially when so many people with the best intentions are so dead set against it.  Well, it occurred to me that the Government for quite some time now has been using the Patent Office as a screening filter for either Confiscating technologies for the Defense Department or Suppressing them for the Oil and Coal Industries.  I remembered about Thomas Townsend Brown who, in the mid Twentieth Century, had been doing research into Free Energy and Anti-Gravity, and the Government stole his Work and slapped a Secrecy injunction on him.   But once this episode popped into my mind, I took more of a look into such cases.  I found a Wikipedia article on “The Invention Secrecy Act”.  Some of the highlights from that and some of my subsequent searches are that the U.S. Government screened Patents during both World War I and World War II, but in 1951 decided to make Invention Screening permanent.  The way it works is that the President allows certain Agencies to comb through the Patents for what they want.   These Agencies are typically the Army, Navy, Air Force, the National Security Agency, The Department of Energy, and NASA.  The person applying for a Patent which is confiscated receives no remuneration and is sworn to secrecy, which, of course, nips Freedom of Speech in the Bud and stifles any Public outcry.  Wikipedia wanted to tell us what kind of Inventions the Government confiscates, but the Government keeps that a secret also.  Apparently there is no Congressional Over Sight and No Agency is mandated to review what Patents are pilfered in regards to the impact on the Welfare of the Greater Public if these Patents are diverted from their intended use and developed solely for weaponization purposes.   As of 2007 the Government had confiscated approximately 12,000 inventions and innovative technologies (many of which are probably duplicates because Later Inventors have no idea what Earlier Inventors had already submitted Patents for). 

Well, yes, it would be nice if we could look through all those confiscated Patent filings to check for promising Energy Technologies, but these Patent Drawings are simply the starting points for these Inventors, aren’t they?  You know, the Wright Brothers patented a glorified Kite with a Model T motor; not a 747 Jumbo Jet, right?   So what I’m thinking is that the Government did not simply seal all those Patent Filings in manila envelopes and lock them away.  They probably put Defense Department Research and Development Funds into developing these Ideas (You know, it makes me think of that Missing 21 Trillion Dollars that Alexandra Ocasio Cortez, was criticized for talking about, so it is likely that the Missing 21 Trillion was the Price Tag for all those Black Ops Programs – the Development Costs for all of our Confiscated Patents).

You know, there is one program that we know got developed.  Remember above where I spoke of Thomas Townsend Brown losing his Anti-Gravity Patents, well,  just only about 5 or 6 years went by before you couldn’t pick up a newspaper without reading about “Flying Saucers”.  The Government insisted these Sightings were either “Swamp Gas”, “Weather Balloons” or the “Planet Venus”, while strenuously denying that they could have been Alien Space Craft.  But the Witnesses were describing Aerial Vehicles in full detail: distinctive Geometrical Shapes with doors, windows, running lights and antenna.  So given the choice between Swamp Gas and Alien Space Ships, the choice would be obvious.  The Government was framing the Argument to Point towards Space Aliens.   Then, at the same time, the Government made sure that the public dialogue never discussed the possibility that the “Flying Saucers” may have been from our own Defense Department.  But now, looking back, it should have appeared obvious.  In less than 2 decades after the Universities were ordered by the Government to stop work on Anti-Gravity, and within a decade of Patents being confiscated, we experienced a BOOM in UFO sightings, where in many cases the Craft were seen to have crashed or were experiencing maintenance problems.  You know, we could expect that Advanced Alien Civilizations might have worked out the bugs in Anti-Gravitation Propulsion Systems, so what we witnessed in the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies was likely our own Defense Department teething and taking its first baby steps in this ‘New Technological Frontier’.  So, yes, despite a great many compelling stories about Space Aliens and Advanced Civilizations, the most likely conclusion is that all those UFOs were of our own creation.     

But what should also get us thinking is that Brown also had patents on Free Energy Generators which also operated on the principle of Gravity Modulation.  These Generators, after their first start up impulse, can run indefinitely.  Such generators, he wrote in 1929, could be scaled up to power complete Cities.  So we must certainly already have all the Energy Resources we need and more!  But there is no way of knowing the extent of all that is being hidden from us.  The Military Industrial Complex, which must undoubtably have the support of Big Oil, keeps our Energy Future under lock and key and there is No Congressional Oversight that can raise the alarm!  So we need to ask ourselves what can we possibly do about it?

Well, I think that the People should insist that the Government needs to pass Legislation repealing the National Security Act.   Really, at this point, with the Apocalypse of Global Warming looming on our Horizon, isn’t the intransigence of our own Military our greatest threat.  Can any other Nation in the World take more from us then our own Generals are?  So, yes, Laws must be passed ordering the Defense Department to reveal its clandestine work from over the decades. We must take back what the Dark Side has taken from us and return these Technologies to the Light.  

So, yes, in summation, when all of us concerned World Citizens are conscientiously doing all we can to stave off Global Warming and to mitigate its disastrous effects, and agonizing on how best to reduce the use of Fossil Fuels, we need to realize that we already have the Answer.  We just have to get the Government to hand it over.  So what should we do?—We all need to write to our Progressive Congresswomen today!   

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