Everybody. This is Leo Volont. This Text
is a 11 Part Series attacking Christianity, but not from the Atheist
perspective. I refer to scriptural content and to Doctrines which the Christians
themselves should be familiar with but which the Atheists would never take the
time to learn by emersion. Yes, the
Atheists might also object that I often break away from the Purist Logic to
resort to the most shameful forms of quasi-logic and even make appeals to sentiment and the emotions. Well, there again, the Atheists should
appreciate that I am trying to get into those Christian Heads by thinking the
way they think, and doing the way they do, and that some soapy clean clinically perfect Logic would only make
their eyes glaze over. Of course I also bring
in History and many personal observations. I speak a great deal of Jews and Judaism, but don’t
suspect this Series will get a lot of Jewish attention, but if any Jews DO
watch or read, then I sincerely apologize from the start for whatever it is I
was not accurate about, but hope you keep in mind that Ancient Proverbial Truth
that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Anyway, I divided this Paper up into Sections
mostly to put it all into ‘bite size’ chunks, which would make it far more
convenient for the Internet Viewer than if it were one huge clip. The Sections will not be of uniform length,
for while I did try to edit down the larger sections, I resisted adding trivial
filler to the smaller ones. But, yes,
over the entire Series much is said and many subjects are covered. I hope you will all enjoy it.
Part One: Jesus the Jew vs Christianity [framing the
Argument – Jesus is Unapologetically Moral, Righteous and Jewish. Christianity is Greek and Exploits Free Sin]
The other day
I was thinking that perhaps I wasn’t doing enough to reach out to the wider Spiritual
Community, and so I did a search for ‘Spiritual Dreams’ and I’d jump into some
open discussion. I was thinking that a
lot of New Age Pages would pop up, but I was surprised to find that it was entirely
Christian Stuff. “Christians” I thought,
“What do ‘Christians’ know about Spiritual Dreams?” And, yes, I glanced over some of it, and it
was mostly dusty old scriptural references to biblical dreams (you know, Joseph’s
skinny cows in Egypt), but much of it was to warn people that even their own most
sacred dreams were Satanic and that their only recourse should be to commit
their souls to Jesus Christ and never dream again. Well I had a WTF moment there to be sure.
Anyway, I couldn’t
help but resent this unprovoked Christian assault on my own Spiritual Life, and
so I decided to show them that maybe Satan wasn’t their only problem. So here is my counterattack.
Firstly, we
can hit on something that is right there on the surface, that Christianity, as
a set of doctrines that govern people’s moral, religious and spiritual
behaviors, has very little to do with Jesus of Nazareth. God, who probably does his best to preserve
us from deception, has given us a major hint here. “Christianity” is derived from the Greek word
“Christos” which means “anointed” which implies Oil. Jesus of Nazareth was a Jew, not a Greek, and
he was from a Jewish Religious Sect that saw oil as problematically slimy,
stinky, and hard to wash off, but viewed Water as being pure and sacramental,
you know, Baptism and all that. So, what
is the word “Christos” even talking about here?
It points to a big disconnect. We
should expect that the name for the Religious Beliefs, Doctrines and Traditions
that involve Jesus of Nazareth should be derived from the Name Jesus, right? And we would expect the parent language for
this Organizational Name to be in the Language of the Jews, right? Remember, Jesus was a Jew, and in the course
of his lifetime ministry he had never addressed a Gentile Audience or sent any
delegation to address a Gentile Audience. Yes, Jesus was clearly endeavoring to
reform Judaism, but such reform had been going on with each Prophet since the Babylonian
Captivity and Jesus was only pressing forward with a Movement that already
existed. Jesus was not for any NEW
Religion. He stood by Judaism. His Mission had been to become the Jewish
Messiah. He was not striving to
overthrow the Temple but to be embraced by it. So how does all of THAT end up in some Oily Greek
Word? Well, I
can suppose that God had deliberately decided to protect the good name of Jesus
from any linguistic connection to “Christianity”? You know, for something this important at the
Teleological Level, there can be no accidents – God does not mince His words. So, it would be evident to a child who has
learned his first letters that “Jesus” has nothing to do with “Christianity”.
Now, let’s
look at Doctrine. In the New Testament,
from what we know from source research and scriptural exegesis, we can only be
sure of One Sermon having been actually delivered by Jesus of Nazareth (The
long version is the Sermon on the Mount, Mathew chapters 5 thru 7, and the
short version is the Sermon on the Plain, Luke Chapter 6 verses 17 thru 49). This sermon propounds a doctrine of Righteousness
and Social Morality. And that same
Scriptural Scholarship that tells us what Jesus DID say, also tells us what
Jesus NEVER said. Well, Jesus NEVER offered
to make himself a Human Sacrifice so that Humanity could enjoy Free Sin. This should be obvious. First, we need to remember that Jesus was endeavoring
to be Messiah which required that he be alive and not dead. And then Jesus of Nazareth would have been
aghast at the idea that anybody should use his Name in order to promote Free
Yes, I know, that
Christians don’t call it “Free Sin” and they find the term insulting. Well, forgive me for being indelicate in the
way I describe their Doctrine, but they can’t say it’s not true. We know for a fact that the Christians DO use
the words “Salvation by Faith” and “Forgiveness of Sins”, right? Well, any
Means into Heaven that bypasses the Social Moral Criteria of Righteousness, is just
some form of Free Sin, right? Words have
Meaning, and we must be allowed to understand them for what they are telling us.
Christian Salvation by Faith is a License
to Free Sin. It couldn’t be clearer. What else could account for the fact that
so many Republicans are Christian?
Part Two: Jesus the Jew vs Christianity [Permissive
Doctrines from Paul are Lowest Common Denominator in Christianity. Water Can’t Rise Over the Lowest Hole In The
Bucket. (for more attack against Paul,
refer to Scott Nelson’s webpage Jesus and Judaism vs Paul and Christianity. I was going to write a book but after finding
Nelson’s Page, I felt the work had already been done.)]
Well, of
course, many ordinary every day Working Class Protestants tell me that their
understanding of Salvation is not that of Free Sin. They tell me that they agonize over sin and
really do try to eliminate it from their lives.
And, of course, God Bless them for it.
But, honestly, they would be a better fit as Religious Order Catholics. You see, Protestantism is delineated around
the Doctrines presented by Paul, and this is primarily because Paul’s Doctrines
are the Most Permissive. A Religion is
only as strong as its Weakest Link and the Weakest Link in Christianity is
Paul. Water can’t rise higher than the
lowest hole in the bucket and Paul was perhaps one of the Lowest Holes that
ever lived. Christianity can hold no
compelling force against Sin as long as it contains not one but several doctrinal
excuses that not only Justify Evil but even encourage it as a kind of Proof of
Salvation. We’ll discuss this more in
depth later.
Now, yes, the
Good Christians actually do have some significant Scriptural Support for their
point of view. In addition to the Sermon
On the Mount that Jesus gave, as well as his Moral Example, we have the Letters
of several of the Real Apostles of Jesus who had been with Jesus from the
beginning. There is John who has a few
Letters in the New Testament, who states that “Works are Proof of Salvation”,
which is to say that one’s Salvation is not Absolute but in proportion to one’s
demonstrated Righteousness. Any High
Civilization could have that sentiment up on a sign atop every City Gate. Then we have James, Cousin of Jesus. You
know, while it seems the general understanding that Peter was the Leader of the
Early Jesus Community, we see that by the time the Book of Acts gets to Chapter
15, about midway through, both Peter and
Paul are down on the Council Room Floor and James is sitting high up on the
Bench hearing them plead their arguments while he is the one, gavel in hand, making
all of the big decisions. So, James was
clearly Leader and Chief Apostle. So it should
be especially relevant when James stares right into Paul’s face and writes in
his Letter “Faith without Works is useless”. There can be no Salvation without ostensible
In the face
of all this True Apostolic opposition to his “Faith Alone” Doctrine, Paul would
only concede that it is possible that a man could become Righteous, but only by
the Grace of God, and that Righteousness should never be cultivated by any positive
personal effort. For Paul Righteousness
was not either necessary or even to be desired. I believe that Paul’s priority was to make
Sinners feel welcome, in the sense that a Rich Sinner throws more money into
the plate than a Poor Saint. So, in his Letters
Paul castigates those who strive for Righteousness as being Proud, trying to ‘earn’
their Salvation, and compares their Good Works to ‘dirty rags’. Those who are Naturally Good are encouraged
to such humility as to suppose they should be ashamed of their Virtues. The Christian view is that Righteousness should
come unbidden like Lightening out of a clear Blue Sky or not at all. Unless God forces it upon us by an insistent
Grace, Righteousness would not be worth having, but would probably only make us
Proud. I guess it is only a Modern Notion
that Pride in one’s Competence and Character is to be seen as Self Respect,
which is now considered a good thing. Or
maybe that is only in the Liberal Community.
You know, One
would think that the Christian Church would have formulated their Doctrine
around The Sermon of Jesus and the viewpoint of
James, who obviously outranked both Peter and Paul, but in order to have
done so, all of the works of Paul would have had to have been struck from
Canonized Scripture, and Paul anathematized and any scriptural references regarding
him would have had to have been in the negative – “Paul the Pretender”, “Paul
that Dickhead” and such. But as I said
above, a Religion is valuated at its most permissive level. So apparently the Doctrines of Paul were retained
not because of Religious, Moral or Spiritual Reasons, but only because Paul’s
Doctrines had more Commercial Appeal or Political Sponsorship. Paul Won in the Marketplace of Ideas by appealing
to the Lowest Most Common Elements. The
Best of Something will always be a smaller proportion than the Ordinary. High
Standards were a Filter they did not want to apply because they wished to capture
Quantity and not Quality. If we ‘market’
a Religion in this way we arrive at the paradox of “You can have it all – You can
both Sin AND be Saved”. This is what
Paul proposed and what Christianity accepted, but the internal Contradiction
killed it as a Civilized Religion. Take
for instance the Good Christian who is challenged by temperamental weaknesses and
extraordinary temptations. He or she may
have to struggle arduously against immoral or amoral character defects for a
considerable time and need all the encouragement they can get. But what about when he or she hears or reads their
own Doctrine telling them that Sin is the accepted Status Quo. How can this be encouraging? And what if they actually
do the work required and become Righteous, well, then they are accused of Pride,
of Insulting the Holy Spirit by trying to Earn their own Salvation … of trying
to be better than everybody else. They’re
suspected of being Liberal. They are told that THEY’RE ALREADY SAVED and
so ‘stop rocking the boat’. Protestants
define themselves as “Confessed Sinners” and therefore that is all that they really
expect from themselves. So, yes, really,
when we speak of a Christian Nation, we can almost expect it to be Morally
Apathetic, not despite Christianity but because of Christianity.
Part Three: Jesus the Jew vs Christianity [Paul Suspected
of Being Fake or Worse, so Protected by “Every Word” Doctrine]
Here would be
a good place to make an observation regarding Paul. As far as I can remember, I have never heard
in discussion that Paul ever once in his
letters or known Table Talk ever quoted Jesus of Nazareth (You know, it seems
exactly like he accepted a Challenge from the Devil, where he was permitted to Steal
the Church and the Good Name of Jesus but only on the condition that he never
be allowed to use a single Sacred Phrase from out of the mouth of Jesus, or his
tongue would burst into flames or something…. So, don’t you think it amazing
that Protestants who claim to read their Bible every day have never picked up
on this? Well, some certainly must have.
Heck, I spotted it myself, didn’t I?! Really,
from Little Sunday School Kids who would want to do a Report on “Paul’s
Favorite Jesus Sayings”, to Post Grad Seminary Scholars wishing to do about the
same thing at their level, this Fact of a strict exclusion of any Word of Jesus
from all of Paul’s writings and known discourses, which must have been
discovered over and over again thousands of times, should honestly have sent up
a Field of Red Flags. Really, this ‘Jesus-Avoidance’
by Paul, who claims Apostle Status, should have triggered an instant referral
to that Scriptural Warning in the Gospels where Jesus insists that there will
be False Apostles, and that his Followers should be on a continuous lookout for
them, right? But when was the last time
we heard any Christion say “Hey, this don’t look right. If Paul ain’t a False Apostle than who the
heck is?”
Oh, but the Protestants
who sit on their Beliefs and Doctrines Committees actually must have determined
that there WAS a problem regarding the disturbing Satanic bent in Paul, but
since they found his Doctrine of Free Sin so convenient for any number of
practical reasons, they made the effort to shore up his theological credibility
with a simple stop gap solution, that is, a New Doctrine that states that “every word of the Bible is the Word of God”.
And, yes, considering that everybody
who’s ever said anything in the Bible is largely ignored, we can conclude that
this “Every Word” doctrine was obviously whipped up to bolster up Paul. For instance, “Every Word” does not apply to
James who flatly contradicts Paul. If
you notice, even the Words of Jesus take back seat to Paul’s, since the Sermon’s
insistence on Moral Responsibility is completely ignored. But yes, I concede that “Every Word” is often
used opportunistically, for instance, it is used to Divinize any crotchety hateful
Prophet from the Pre-Moral Old Testament who has issues with the LGBTQ
You know, we
really need to appreciate how exceptional the “Every Word” Doctrine is. Every other Religious Scripture in the World
goes in with the assumption that the Truth of their Scriptures are supported by
their Coherency, Beauty, Poetry and Compelling Intensity. But this Quality of Spiritual and Religious ‘Self
Evidence’ is exactly what was found lacking in Paul. His Letters were not the Poetry of the Holy
Spirit. These Letters show Intellectual
Process in Progress. He is not Seeing the
Divine and revealing a Vision. He was obviously
just scratching his head and making it all up as he went along. His Doctrines actually change from Letter to
Letter. These Letters were not
presenting a Consistent Vision of Holy Truth but come across as opportunistic appeals
to the vulnerabilities of the people he was writing to at the time. Paul probably never suspected that his
letters would be collected and compared (and since they have been, why is it
that we don’t care about what we found by it?).
So, yes, Protestants
under the new “Every Word” Doctrine, are now subject to the Penalty of
Committing the Unforgivable Sin, should they believe their own Conscience or
Voice of the Holy Spirit when it tells them that Paul was a cheat, a liar and a
False Apostle. Effectively Protestants anointed
Paul as a Second and far more important Christ, as, you see, the tacit assumption
of Christianity is that people are not so much “Saved” by belief in ‘Christ’ as
by the belief in the Validity of Paul’s Promise that they are Saved by belief
in Christ. It’s true: The whole House of
Cards of Christian Salvation rests on whether we can trust the word of Paul the
Tent Salesman. Maybe in that moment at
the Tent Meeting where we are Born Again and receive our Salvation, we should
ask “Hey, Can I get a warranty with that?”.
Part Four: Jesus the Jew vs Christianity [Western
Catholic Divergence from Paul in Middle Ages a Good Thing. Marian Catholicism,
Monastic Religious Orders and Civilization. Purgatory A Good Thing. Clerical
Corruption. Indulgences. Paul’s Doctrine of Amoral Election and Predestination.
Printing Press and Protestantism
Resurrects Paul the Vampire]
Oh, by the
way, we all need to keep in mind, that this Divinity of Paul is an exclusively Protestant
thing. Western European Catholics since
the Dark Ages, who had a Civilization to run, were never under the illusion that
Paul was anything but Evil, and that he would be a horrible influence on the
People, and so they left Paul ignored and undisturbed in the forgotten back
pages of the New Testament. We should remember, that these were the days before
the Printing press, and Bibles were not then available for Public Consumption
and so a Liturgical Silence in regards to Paul was enough to keep that Vampire effectively
nailed up in his Coffin (You know, I looked up various webpages for Lists and Chronicles
of Medieval Names from the 11th to the 13th Centuries, which
is where I stopped looking, and I did not find a single entry for a “Paul” or
anything like “Paul”. So, it seems that
the Catholic Church really had erased Paul from the public consciousness. And, yes, the Catholics redefined “Salvation”
to no longer mean Free Sin, by formulating a “Purgatory” to effectively take
the place of the old “Hell”, but ‘Purgatory’ was a much more refined, even
elegant, concept. You see, ‘Hell’ was
defined as being ‘Eternal Torment’ whereas Purgatory would be for only some limited
finite indeterminant amount of time, in the sense of being “as long as it takes”.
The Idea there is that Sins could be ‘Burned’ away in Purgatory by the Divine
Light shining down through the cracks in the Floor in Heaven, and that when a Soul
was finally Clean, Pure, and Worthy of Heaven, He or She would be welcomed into
Eternal Bliss and the Heavenly Community of Saints. The Catholic Heaven would not have all the
muddy footprints and that bus station smell of a Protestant Heaven.
Well, Western
Catholicism peaked during the High Middle Ages, in the 11th and 12
Centuries, at around the time of the 1st Crusade and Saint
Bernard. More than a 1000 Cathedrals
were built across Frankish Western Europe just in the 11th Century alone,
using primarily Community Funds and Labor from both the Rich and the Poor
Classes alike. It seems that Marian
Catholicism, with strong Leadership and Examples from the Religious Monastic
Societies, had created a largely Unified Society. But then along came the Late
Medieval Church which had its Problems. It
seems that so much money was involved in Organizing and Deploying Crusaders to
the East, that the Popes became addicted to the money flow, and so eventually they
got to appointing only Bishops who would assure them an unobstructed access to graft,
skims and kickbacks. One must remember
that the Popes and the Bishops were very familiar with the Doctrines of Paul,
and so they had no reason to hesitate regarding the Morality of any of this. You see, if you are familiar with Paul’s
Letters to the Corinthians, which the Bishops were, you would know that the
Rich and the Powerful have their own special form of Salvation – ‘Salvation by Election’
or ‘Predestination’. That means that
because God is Omnipotent and Wills all things, that if you are Rich and
Powerful, it shows that God has already shown an explicit Preference for you,
which, for some reason, is supposed to naturally follow from Earth to Heaven when
you die. Yes, Jesus in his Ministry had said that being Rich was more than
likely detrimental, but Paul contradicts this and claims just the opposite, which
is another reason why Paul had to become Divine through the “Every Word”
Doctrine, so he would have the power to countermand Jesus on this very
important Right-Wing Talking Point.
But let’s get
back to the Decline of Catholicism in the Late Middle Ages. It seems that the Popes and the Bishops came
up with an ingenious way to exploit Purgatory.
You see, the Pope, using his
Traditional Powers as Vicar of Christ on Earth, could write up and distribute “Indulgences”
that could exempt Sinners from Purgatory, thus effectively bringing back a kind
of Paul’s Free Sin (Muddy Footprints in Heaven again), except it was not “Free”
but very expensive and only the Wealthy could afford to pay for these “Indulgences”. Well,
this Corruption provoked the Protestant Rebellion at just the time that the recently
developed Printing Presses were churning out Bibles in all of the Vernacular
Languages, giving a wide voice to Paul’s Free Sin Doctrines (the name Paul
would skyrocket in the Birth Records). To
show that Protestantism had its Heart in the wrong place from the very beginning,
we should point out that it was the greatest complaint of that very first
Protestant, Martin Luther, that the Church was suppressing Paul’s Free Sin Doctrine
and that the Common People had every bit as much right to Free Sin as any Rich
Man who could afford to pay for an Indulgence.
We are never told whether Paul ever met Jesus, but if
he had, it was as an enemy. Paul was an
admitted and well acknowledged persecutor of the Jesus Community. Now, Jesus said in his Sermon that “a tree is
known for its fruit, and if a man’s heart be good, then that goodness will spring
forth abundantly”. But Paul!... Paul
was a ‘Tree’, that from the very beginning, was a murderer of Christians, and so
how could we ever expect a Dark Stinking Rotten Heart like that to ever change
to Goodness and Light? Really, Paul was a Psychopath, and Psychopaths are what
they used to call Demons. It is clear
that Paul’s Arrogance was the same before as after his pretended ‘Conversion
Experience’. The Bible does little to
hide Paul’s blatant loud-mouthed nastiness. For instance, in the Book of Acts, there is described
a Story that in a visit to Crete, Paul was confronted by a little old man whom
he should have been acknowledging with deferential respect, but, because of
some political difference, he got down in his face and hollered so savagely and
gestured so wildly, that the poor meek mild little old man took fright and died
then and there of a heart attack. And
Paul only scoffed, stepped over the body and said “Who’s Next?” This is
not the portrait of a Saint.
The Book of Acts tells us of a particular mile stone
in Paul’s career where he is Chief Thug in the Murder Plot against Stephen who
had just been popularly elected by the Jesus Community to replace Peter. What
had happened there was that Peter (his name literally means Rock which is a gangster
name, right?), well, Peter had just found himself in disgrace because he had murdered
this nice married couple, Ananias and Sapphira, whom everybody liked because
they were such good people. He clubbed them
to death in his office because they didn’t hand over all their money to his Communal
Treasury, which he probably kept in his back pocket. Ananias and Sapphira had held back some of
their life savings for a rainy day and died for it. Now one can imagine that they weren’t the only
ones in the Jesus Community to hold back a little; after all, haven’t we all at
one time or another been members of a Religious Cult where we were careful to
leave our Bank Passbooks at home under the safe keeping of our mothers? Besides,
why should they have trusted Peter, that Crazy Usurping Self Appointed Wannabee
Pope who thought himself worthy to step into the Master’s Shoes (and, yes, we
still have to deal with the same thing Today.
Every time some Real Guru dies, whoever it is that was only around to
answer the phone, wash the dishes, pay off the whores and take out the trash, comes
forward and says he’s the Boss now, and then raises the Dues). So, yes, the
whole Community was terrified for their lives and wanted Peter gone, therefore
Electing Stephen who ran on the platform of being reliable, sane, good, decent
and not a demonic psychopathic killer.
So, Paul, lurking off to the side, who neurotically hated
all the Righteous Followers of Jesus, because they made him feel threatened and
insecure somehow, well, he would have been inclined to kill Stephen anyway, but
here he saw an opportunity to ingratiate himself with Peter who was obviously
Worldly and Corrupt, that is, a man Paul could see eye to eye with. So Paul
murders Stephen. Oh, wait, or maybe
there had already been a deal made between the two, and it wasn’t just Paul
murdering Stephen on prospect so he could “get his foot in the door”? But howsoever it worked, Peter, no longer
worried that a change in Regime would have him hanged up by his heals, was so grateful
to Paul that they struck up a partnership – Peter would take the Jews, and Paul
would take the Greeks. With a hand shake
Paul was magically transformed from theWolf Persecutor of Christians to a Shepherd
with His Own Franchise Flock. This was the Real Conversion Experience of Paul. We can see how their Deal played out. The Book of Acts tells us that Paul would send
Peter a skim off his take from his Mission up North with the Gentiles, obviously
the price he paid for his Franchise.
So, the Book of Acts makes it clear that Peter and Paul
were a marriage of self-seeking and Corruption. One has to wonder whether the Protestants read
their New Testaments for Spiritual Edification or for insights into Capitalist Business
Management Practices.
Part Six:
Jesus the Jew vs Christianity [The Nature of the Miraculous. Faith as a Negative – Lack of Faith Explains
Religions’ Failure To Do the Impossible. Supernatural Spiritual Beings and
Magic. The Transcendental God of Unity
and Oneness is Like No God At All. Elbert Einstein: Transcendental God even Better
Than Atheism. Moral Religion is Dualistic]
But now we should ask ourselves just what was the
inherent significance of Jesus of Nazareth?
Well, it’s clear he was a Saint. Miracles
would explain his great popularity. Of
course, if he were a rabble-rousing Revolutionary with a gift for oratory then
he would also have been popular, but the Pharisees, and Sadducees would have been
afraid for their lives to come around and show him any overt contempt, but this
wasn’t the case with Jesus. Also, Jesus
got along well with Tax Collectors, who would have been uncomfortable in the
company of a violent Revolutionary. So,
it must have been miracles. But was Jesus also the Jewish Messiah? Well, what is the difference between a Saint
and a Messiah except for the Intent of his or her Angelic Support?
Oh! I guess
here we need to take some time to discuss the Nature of the Miraculous. You
know, it is a mistake to think that Faith can work Miracles. “Faith” has always been a construct employed
by Spiritualist Con Men. It’s always used
in the negative sense to explain why Miracles DON’T happen. For instance, say you should pay a thousand
dollars to an Indian Guru who whispers into your ear a sacred mantra that he promises
will heal the sick, allow you to walk through walls and to levitate. You go home and try it and your cat still
coughs up hair balls, you bump your nose really bad, and no matter how much you
do that mantra you still can’t get up off your ass. So, you go back and ask for your money back,
but the Guru tells you that it should have all worked out fine but the problem
is YOU DON’T HAVE FAITH. Oh, so you
look around and notice that it’s not working for anybody else either, and you
mention it to the Guru. “Yeah, lack of
Faith is a big Spiritual Problem nowadays”, he says. So you suggest that he heal somebody of
something, walk through wall or two and pick his own ass up off the floor. “Yeah, I would”, he says, “but your negative
energy is a real bummer, man, and it’s bringing me down. Besides, JUST ASKING FOR PROOF DESTROYS FAITH
yeah, they got an answer for everything and it always comes back to Faith as the
ultimate runaround. Where ever Money and
Spirituality mix, FAITH is always the escape clause. This
Idea of Faith is certainly Paul greatest contribution to Religion and Spirituality,
in terms of developing them as lucrative Business Models. The New Age Movement
would go out of business without it. But
in Spiritual terms, Faith’s biggest miracle seems to be that after 2000 years
of everybody getting ripped off by it, that not more people are complaining.
So Spiritual People need to stop looking to Faith for
Miracles. So, does that mean there are
no Miracles? Well, there are thousands
of Miracles in the Historic Record, which won’t go away unless we start doing
some serious Book Burning. But we know
that Miracles were not always explained by Faith. For instance, the Shamanistic Traditions tell
us that miracles are the work of Spiritual Entities, that is, either Earth
Spirits or Celestial Spirits, Light or Dark. Persian Zoroastrianism, which, by the way was
the Religion of the Magi which you may be familiar with in terms of the “Three
Wise Men” who were Zoroastrian Magi, well, they speak of these Spiritual Entities
as Angelic when connected with Light and Goodness, or Demonic when connected to
Darkness and Evil. Of course, we can
expect that between the Min Max Poles of the Light Dark Continuum there were a
great many Spirits who were not wholly One Thing Or the Other and I expect that
these were the Spirits who did most of the heavy lifting in the ‘Magic’ that
the Magi and, after the Arab Conquest, the Fakirs and Sufis later became known for.
So, if we toss out Faith, then we must suppose that
Saintly Miracles can be possible only with the active Support of Angels. Or maybe
it is possible that a person, with a great deal of work in his Dreams and
Astral Travels, may find a way of developing a kind of Angelic Power within his
or her own Self. The Stories are mixed. Sometimes we have Saints praying for results,
to some Third Party, and then they happen.
We have Shamans who Conjure Up Spirits who then do stuff. And then we have Those who just seem to do it
all on their own. I wish I knew more
about it.
Now, some people might insist that “God” is performing
these Miracles. Well, the “God Works
Miracles” Argument falls down in two ways.
First, it is rare to see any BIG Miracle, in the sense that Supernatural
Phenomena seem to require the same kinds of Forces, Matter and Energies as
Material Phenomena, only of the Spiritual variety, perhaps from another plane
or level. These are Limited Finite
Phenomena, even though they are Supernatural. And if we define God as Infinite, well, that
means we are Over-Defining – using way too much gun for the bear we’re
shooting. And if God were involved, with Infinite Energy resources, then we’d read
of as many BIG Miracles as small, but that’s not the case.
Secondly, the Enlightened Mystics who have experienced
God Consciousness come back to tell us that God is Transcendental and couldn’t
care less about Worldly stuff, good or bad. You know, its exactly the same as how you can’t
expect a spaced out junky to be a great Community Activist. The Transcendental God Of Oneness is the
Ultimate Spaced Out Junky.
Oh, that reminds me of an interesting Story about
Albert Einstein. It seems that European
Scientists were fleeing the Nazis and coming to America, but they were shocking
all the provincials with their cold blatant Atheism, which was getting lousy
Press and threatening their Funding, and so Einstein got them all together and
told them to do what he does, that is, to say that they believe in a
Transcendental God. It sounds really good,
but that a Transcendental God would actually be so useless as to not really exist
at all, right?, and so, Win Win, everybody gets what they want. Yes,
the Man was a Genius, wasn’t he?
Anyway, If we want Goodness, Social Cohesion, and a
High Civilization based on Love and Peace, then, Einstein was right about how an
Indifferent and Uncaring Transcendental God of Oneness would be useless in
getting us there. We would actually have
to go out on the Extreme Light End of Dualism and invoke the Angels. They don’t have to be White Light Angels, but
the Rule is “The Brighter the Better”.
Anyway, let’s
bring this discussion back to Jesus. Was
he the intended Messiah? Well, in evaluating
him we would need to identify whether it seemed like he had the kind of Messianic
Angelic Support that would be actively pushing him into a Messianic Mission. Here the evidence is mixed. There seems no dispute that there were Ministering
Angels committed to protecting Jesus from harm, and the kind of Angels who
provided for Healing the Sick, and materializing up Fishes and Loaves, and Wine
at Weddings and such. But we would
expect this kind of thing from any first-rate Saint. But Jesus appears to have thought himself on
a Messianic Mission. But reservations regarding
the Messianic Ambitions of Jesus must certainly arise only because his Mission
Failed, but even that is confused, because it is not as though Jesus died
trying. He may have died only because he
stopped trying. You see, Jesus flatly quit, as will be
covered below, leaving his Angels high and dry, and so it may have been a fact
that they were indeed Messianic Angels but that Jesus had been a flawed Messianic
Candidate. Well, then why did they pick him? Couldn’t they see he was unreliable? Well, yes, that is an interesting question, and
I guess that the answer for it was that the Time for the Messiah had come – the
Stars were set in the Sky and a choice had to be made NOW. Looking down the Angels saw that Mary, Joseph
and Jesus were the best stock they could possibly find to work with. Jesus apparently looked Perfect Enough. Even in
Heaven perhaps it is true that ‘the show must go on”.
We can read in
the Gospels that Jesus resigned as Messiah in the Garden of Gethsemane on the
eve of his Crucifixion (we have the quote right here : “Father, take back this cup that thou hast
given me… I Quit”).
My hunch about
all of this is that Jesus had come to Jerusalem thinking that he would not only
have overwhelming Public Support for his Campaign to be the Recognized Messiah,
but that the Temple Community and the Intelligentsia would also rally to his
cause. Apparently, Jesus had every power but that of Prophecy. Anyway, after his arrival in town, things
began going badly for him right from the start, and, really, it was his own
fault, or it seemed that way. His first
stop was at the Temple Grounds where he tore up the Temple’s Commercial Courtyard,
causing havoc with all the Gift Shop Kiosks and flipping over Money Tables. Yes, we hear of people having a big problem
with mixing Spirituality with Money, myself being one of the foremost, but
these Vendors were licensed by the Temple and the License Fees were used to
defray Temple Salaries and used for Schools and Clinics and such. And they were just harmless Gift Shops! You know, some ‘Temple Memento’ bought to
please one’s Aunt back home is not to be classified in the same category as some
“New Age Pack of Lies Book” that had been written to the specifications of a Publishing
House Consumer Survey to give people exactly what it is they wish were the
Truth. I hate spiritual exploitation for money, but a Trinket? What you see is what you get, and so I’m fine
with it.
But back to
this Temple Yard Fiasco. We are told by
his own people that Jesus actually chased the vendors around with a whip. This frenzied tantrum of an out of control Jesus
did not play well with the Public or with that Powers that Be, and Jesus found
he had only turned possible friends into implacable foes.
(Hmmmmm, Is
anybody else thinking that this isn’t the Jesus we all know and love? It seems that
something was uncharacteristically wrong with Jesus at this point. You see, just before entering Town we have
the story of Jesus coming across a fig tree, but figs were out of season, and
Jesus got into such a fit of blind rage that he “blasted” the tree – killed it
dead. All the Leaves shriveling to brown
in an instant. He was here demonstrating a mean streak of intense
irritability that we had never seen in him before, and he was still under this
same dark influence when he reached the Temple and had his angry fit there).
Anyway, this Temple Debacle dropped Jesus into a state
of confusion and uncertainty. If he really
had been intended to become the Messiah, then Jesus would come to make the
decision that would set Civilization back for thousands of years, and we’re still
counting. What could possibly have discouraged him so
much that he simply abandoned the Fate of the Jews and even all of Humanity? Well, let’s look. Whatever Fever had stricken him on the day he
entered Jerusalem, which incidentally must have overwhelmed the Protection of his
retinue of Angels, and therefore must have been the projection of a consolidated
and determined Dark Side, well this Fever receded, probably leaving a residue
of humiliation and shame. Is it possible
that this is the first time in his life that Jesus made a mistake in public
that he would have to live down, and he simply had no practice in knowing how
something like that works? Or did he believe
he was no longer ‘worthy’ because of one bad day? Or maybe he had presumed that the Messianic
Campaign would all be easy. Maybe he did
realize that his wild psychological swing was the product of a Dark Side Attack
and he lost trust in himself and his Angels ability to protect him. But then there was the Human-Social element: You
know, he had been used to the wild acclaim of uneducated and impressionable
country bumpkins back in the Hills of Galilee .
The occasional stone-faced Pharisee or Sadducee should have tipped him
off that Jerusalem would be a harder ‘room’ to play to. So his
lukewarm to hostile reception must have demoralized him to the bone. And
combined with all those possibilities, well, maybe Jesus didn’t have a “Plan B”,
should his “Plan A” fizzle.
So, yes, Jesus had many reasons for why he may have been
so discouraged that he would want to toss in the towel and quit. But, really, all he would have needed to do
is just ‘ride it out’. He had Angelic
Protection and Angelic Access to Supernatural Phenomena, and so what more did
he really need? The Plan would have been
able to write itself. He could have
simply but unobtrusively and without a hint of threat declared himself the Messiah,
just like any harmless ‘Crackpot’ would have done, and then rent a small store front office within
a city block of the Temple Grounds, and hang out a shingle saying “Messiah:
Religious, Spiritual, Personal Advice and light Carpentry”, and settled in for
the long haul of building Public Consensus where he could focus simply on making
more friends than enemies, and learning from experience how one goes about
living down an embarrassing faux pas. Certainly,
given his Good Character and continued Angelic Support, his Stature as Messiah
would have steadily grown up into something substantial. If his Social-Administrative initiatives worked
in Judea, then they would have been the Model for other Societies, in much the
same way that Persian Zoroastrianism had transformed Post Captivity Judaic
Thought, and caused the first stirrings of Moral Thought even amongst the
Greeks. It’s really a shame we never found
out how Jesus had planned to translate his Social-Moral Vision into institutionalized
administrative policies, and how he would have set up the Bureaucracies and Leadership
structures. After all, even as a
Successful Messiah, he would not have lived forever, and any Lasting Legacy for
the World could only have been in the Institutions he had established.
Oh, despite the still reverberating tragic
consequences of Jesus chucking the Mantel, the “I Quit” episode does in fact
give us a better idea that Jesus did in fact have the kind of Angelic
Protection that would have been granted a Messiah. We only need to look at the Before and After
pictures. The very moment he Quit, the
Angels abandoned him on the spot. The Roman Police, within minutes, more than
likely tipped off by the Angels themselves (Angels are not the most Sentimental
of Creatures), well, yes, the Police found him on the Hill, arrested him and it
was none stop beatings, humiliations and tortures for the next 15 hours until
he was ‘dead’ on the cross. This
followed a life of 33 years in which the Angels so insulated him from harm that
he never once even stubbed a toe. I can imagine Jesus inquiring of one of the
Court Clerks in preparation of his Trial, “I have this intensely uncomfortable feeling
all over and I have no idea what on Earth it could possibly be?” “Uh, you mean PAIN”.
Part Eight: Jesus the Jew vs Christianity [The impact
of the Failed Messianic Mission on the Mediterranean World. The
Destruction of Jerusalem. The Great Jewish Rampage search “Kitos War” and the “Bar
Kokhba Revolt”. The Jewish Diaspora. Christian Exploitation of the Jewish Catastrophe]
Now, about the consequences
concerning his own Legacy on the one hand and the Rise of Christianity on the
other. Again, Jesus was no Prophet, or I
can hardly imagine what he might have seen in that Alternate Future where he
didn’t quit but continued on doing whatever he did as Messiah. How could it possibly have been any worse than
what did happen? If you are not familiar
with the History, then allow me to go over it in brief. His generation would not pass before
Jerusalem was sacked and the Temple burnt to the ground. Judea was ravaged, sending
Jews fleeing all across the Mediterranean World. These traumatized Refugees, probably many of
them already Zealots, became radicalized in their hate for both Rome who had
conquered and despoiled them then, and hate for the Greeks who had conquered
and despoiled them under Alexander the Great centuries before. Perhaps they even resented the Greeks for
their Christianity that made a hostile caricature of both their Religion and of
Jesus of Nazareth. Well, not that Jesus
had a huge following in Jerusalem or amongst the Jews across the Mediterranean
World, but I suspect that they would have resented the misrepresentation of any
Jew by the Greek Community.
These Radicalized Jews would rise up across the width
and breadth of the Mediterranean World and slaughter up to a MILLION Greeks and
Romans (search “Kitos War” and the “Bar
Kokhba Revolt”). Some small nations were
entirely depopulated after this Jewish Rampage.
This would lead to a second and even more punitive Attack on Jerusalem
as well as campaigns to exterminate Jews all throughout the Roman Empire. And it wasn’t just the Roman Army that went after
the Jews with a vengeance. There was scarcely
a Soul in the Roman Empire who did not have some friend or relative who had
been raped, slaughtered and mutilated by this Jewish Rampage. The Memory and the Bitterness Against the Jews
who had perpetrated these atrocities against Humanity, would last Centuries, or
maybe we could even say that this Trauma became, in a sense, “baked” into the
European Psyche, where in a European Person’s Nightmares he or she still sees
Jews with knives and clubs. It is not
the way I would wish Collective Consciousness to work. But in
any event, what Jews who did survive, and no, they weren’t all radicalized murderers,
terrorists, Zealots and Allied Jewish Appeal Telemarketers, but they were still
all well advised to abandon the Mediterranean World. It was the beginning of the Great Jewish
Diaspora. Jews would have to find new
homes among peoples who would eventually hear of what had happened in the Roman
Empire. This made it impossible for the Jews to just
start over somewhere with a clean slate, and people the World over became wary
of the Jews.
But overall, it was a time in
the Mediterranean World where nobody, neither Jew nor Gentile, were happy and where
everybody had suffered and received some permanent psychological scars from the
widespread trauma. Now, considering all of
that, given Horror Stories and Tragedies by the Millions, now let’s imagine
that Jesus could see into the Future and knowingly and deliberately choose ALL
OF THAT by saying the words that he certainty did say: “Father, take back this cup that thou hast given me… I Quit”. If Jesus had been Prophetic and knew what was
to happen, then we could put that message in a bottle and label it “Think about
this ye who would be King”. But if Jesus
had not been Prophetic and hesitated out of an abundance of caution, well,
there’s a lesson in that too. “Bring on Change!
Up the Revolution! It can’t possibly
turn out worse than the Doom we’re already facing.”.
Now let’s think about all of
that but in relationship to the sinister rise of Christianity. Remember that the
first sacking of Jerusalem was in 70 A.D. which was just a bit more than 3
decades after the Crucifixion. The Jesus
Community was growing and thriving and the memories of Jesus were still vivid but
mostly still oral. Why write down what everybody knows, right? But then comes the Sacking of Jerusalem and
the ravaging of Judea and all at once every member of the Jesus Community is slaughtered
in the massacre (you know of course that this was the Fulfillment of the
Prophecy in the Book of Revelations – the Final Battle, the End of the World,
the Day of Judgment, and the Followers of Jesus being taken up into Heaven… and
so that is what it must have seemed like to the Community of Jesus in Judea,
where it actually was their Final Battle, the End of their World, their Day of Judgment,
and, yes, where they were taken up into Heaven). With the Destruction of Jerusalem and the
razing of Judea, All the True Knowledge of Jesus, except for the Sermon and a
few fragments from notebooks, were destroyed as utterly as the Temple Walls
themselves. After that the Greeks were
free to make up anything they liked and so they did. The Greeks made Jesus the Poster Boy for Free
Part Nine: Jesus the Jew vs Christianity [The Flip Side
of Free Sin: Original Sin and People as
Inherently Evil. Are we Judged on our
History or Final Character?]
Oh, Remember how all of this
got started, with the Online Christians telling us that Satan infiltrates our
very own Dreams and that our only chance for avoiding Damnation is through the
Blood of Christ. Well, we did not
discuss that Doctrine, did we? But it is
sort of the Other Side of the Coin to the Free Sin Doctrine. One is either Saved or Not. Christian
Doctrine is both Carrot and Whip. So,
yes, we need to talk about the even Darker Side of Christianity. It is not as though one has the option to say
“No thank you. Murdering Jesus is too high a price to pay
for some easy and convenient Salvation.
I prefer to be as Good and Just as I can and trust in the Wisdom and
Mercy of the Angel of Judgment. I am
sure I will be disposed of fairly”.
Christian Doctrine thought of that and blocked it off with the Doctrine
of Original Sin. Well, this is what that
Doctrine entails: It seems that, yes, that
while Sin can be Forgiven, Sin is also inevitable, intrinsic to Human Nature, inescapable,
and that our lives and characters are hopelessly polluted. So Christianity offers no Righteousness
Option. Satan is the King of this World,
and if Christians hadn’t Murdered Jesus with their own Hands, to trade His Blood
for their Sin, then they would all certainly burn in hell.
But shouldn’t Christians feel
guilty about that? I find it
incomprehensible that Christians Celebrate Easter, the Anniversary of their
Crime literally against God, or they believe Jesus to be God. The Christians certainly can’t dodge the guilt
of Murdering Jesus, since they are so forward in claiming all the benefits that
accrue from it. We know it was the
Romans who drove in the spikes, and like themselves they were Gentiles, and for
all the talk of Sacrifice, it was not the Jews that killed their own Messiah,
but they themselves the Gentiles. Couldn’t
they find one of their own to butcher.
The Greeks have 20 Gods on Top of Mount Olympus and none of them would
do? Was the Meat of Hercules too tough for
the Altar Plate? Or was Hercules too strong for them to subdue and they went in
search for a meeker milder murder Victim.
I wonder How is it that Christians
hear of the Legends of Vampires who drink Human Blood for Immortality and don’t
see it as an Allegory for Themselves? It’s
ironic that they Murdered Jesus so they WOULDN’T burn in Hell. What will they say to the Angel of Judgment
who on the Last Day asks them “Given the choice of living Righteously, or
murdering a man you thought to be as pure as God, so you could trade his blood
for every kind of sin and abomination, well, how did you choose?” And, again I can remind you all. ‘The Angels aren’t very sentimental.’
Now, yes, let’s continue… can we reasonably move beyond this Doctrine of
Original Sin? Many Christians, knowing
only what they’ve been told, will demand of me how God is supposed to treat
Sinners, for “all Men have Sinned”? If
Heaven could be earned only by Souls that have Never Sinned and that it is a
reasonable given that everyone must have sinned at one time or another, then any
Perfect Righteousness would be impossible, and so wouldn’t a Perfect Heaven be
Perfectly Empty? Well, aren’t the Christians
misstating the Situation? What does the
complete moral history of our Lives matter if on our Last Day we are Righteous
in Character? We do not throw out our
cloths at the end of each day because they have lost their laundered freshness,
because it’s easy enough just to wash them.
Paul’s Doctrine presupposes that Sin leaves permanent stains. Huh!? Well,
of course not! Why do we allow Paul to hypnotize
us with such nonsense? People make
stupid mistakes all the time, but the rest of their Lives and their Innate
Character are not indelibly stained by it (unless they posted it on Facebook). To
show you how Sin in the Real-World works, well, take the instance of almost
every young man who will get too drunk at one time or another and say “I’ll
never do that again”, and he won’t … well,
not until he forgets, but every succeeding time it becomes easier to remember. People of Good Character only get better with
Age. So my point is that People live and learn. If people are told that Social-Moral Goodness
is possible and preferable and then rewarded for it, then they will learn Righteousness
through trying to live Righteously. And If
they fall in the mud, they only have to take a bath. There should never be any need for murdering
Jewish Messiahs for their Blood.
Part Ten: Jesus the Jew vs Christianity [“Jesus Lived
in India: His Unknown Life Before and After the Crucifixion” by Holger Kersten.
Semitic “Jewish” People in the Kashmir.
Jesus influences Buddhist Doctrine. A Possible future Jewish Messiah]
Oh, but there is another issue
that we can talk about. You know, it is
likely that neither did Jesus Die, that is, when they say he did, nor was he
Resurrected. You see, I had read a book
once which greatly impressed me, and it’s still in print: it reads like a carefully researched doctoral
thesis… the book is entitled “Jesus Lived in India: His Unknown Life Before and
After the Crucifixion” by Holger Kersten.
The book makes the point that NOBODY dies from a few hours of being Crucified
and that it is largely a death by exposure to the elements and thirst – making a
person suffer a long agonizing Death in public view is sort of the point. Remember that Jesus had a few rich friends,
one of whom being Joseph of Arimathea, who bribed Pilot to have Jesus taken down
almost immediately after he had been put up. They had to use that Story about Jesus
being stabbed with a spear to convince anybody that Jesus could possibly have
died after so brief an ordeal. But, yes,
Jesus was taken down, treated for his wounds and as soon as he could walk was told
to get out of Town and go to Damascus which was outside Roman Jurisdiction so
that Pilot could finally “wash his hands” of the whole affair. Jesus went on to become a kind of a spiritual super
star in the Far East and was said to have been the Key Note Speaker at the
Third World Buddhist Conference (you see, the Buddhists were caught up in so
many Doctrinal Quarrels among themselves that they reached out to Jesus as a
Neutral Speaker, so they would know what it sounded like for everybody to clap
together. From that we get the famous Buddhist
Zen Koan “What is the sound of two hands clapping?” It would be an insult to say the Koan is actually
“What is the sound of one hand clapping?”.
It would be a slap in the face). Anyway, it is said that Jesus died in India at
close to 100 years old and his tomb is in the Kashmir and any cab driver can take
you to see it.
Well, all of that sounds
lovely until we add it all up. Jesus
quits his Messianic Mission and has one really bad day, and then has to do a
little bit of physical therapy, but then goes on to live another 60 years like
a Rock and Roll Star. Jesus would be 70
when he would hear of the Sacking of Jerusalem, the Destruction of the Temple and
the devastations done to Judea, but wouldn’t that have just verified his Prophetic
Vision of it all? So, did Jesus make a
Calculation? What if he could have made
the World’s situation better by being Messiah, but somehow not quite have had
the same Beautiful Rock Star Life that he ended up with?
Well, the author of that
book, Holger Kersten, does point out details that could make us think the
situation more complex. It seems that
the Kashmir, then as now, is populated by Semites (he even uses pictures of
people’s noses!) Kersten reviewed Census
Material going back to these ancient times and found that during that time one
out of every four boys was named “Moses”.
He found place names that match place names from the Old Testament. He provides evidence that the Holy Land Jews
did not become acquainted with their Books of Moses until the time of their Babylonian
Captivity. Well, Babylon was a
cosmopolitan city in a cosmopolitan World.
The growing Persian Empire had secured a wide scale Peace and so trade
routes stretched into the Far East through India. The Jews in Babylon during their Captivity may
have found the Story of their Semitic Cousins from the Kashmir – “the Land of
Milk and Honey”. Kersten wondered how
anybody could call the scrub brush of the Holy Land “the Land of Milk and Honey”,
but the Kashmir is a land of lakes and fertile valleys at an altitude above sea
level high enough to break the Heat of India.
There is probably no more beautiful country in the World than the
Kashmir. And, to Jesus, wasn’t it also
Jewish? Every 4th boy was a “Moses”! The People of the Kashmir certainly didn’t
give him a hard time. Maybe Jesus just
picked the better Jews! But, still, no Empire of Righteousness spread throughout
the World with its epicenter in the Kashmir.
But, well, Kersten does wonder whether Jesus may have influenced
Buddhist Doctrine. You see, original
Buddhist Doctrine was entirely nihilistic, as pessimistic as any kind of
spiteful French Existentialism. Original
Buddhism tells us that the ‘source of all suffering is desire’. Effectively
Buddha was telling people to give up caring about anything. But Jesus fell in with the Mahayana Movement
which pushed the Bodhisattva Ideal of Saints educating Humanity. Jesus gave meaning to Buddhism. He imbued it with a sense of Social Morality.
So, yes, perhaps Jesus did make a
Calculation and determine the Path that truly did maximize his Utility to the
But, then, it doesn’t answer
for a Jewish Messiah. I have had dreams
in which I’ve encountered a Young King, of light complexion but black hair. His nose wasn’t small. He’s been growing up in my dreams. He started as a Gloriously Noble but Proud Young
Fool, to be protected from his own impulses that were Idealistic, Conforming to
the Highest Principles, but Impractical to the extreme… but from dream to
dream, he grew and became Wiser and better Measured… less of a danger to others
and himself. In the last Dream, I looked
at him and realized he no longer needed Baby Sitting. There was smoke on the Horizon from a Burning
Town, and with a grim and steady determination he started marching straight towards
it. There would be no evasion or Self Doubt this time. Maybe he’s the Jewish Messiah. I think if I saw him in the News I’d know it
was him.
Part Eleven: Jesus the Jew vs Christianity [Summation. Jesus as per Gentiles. Jesus as per the Jews. Paul’s Christ as Treacherous Betrayer of God
and Heaven. With no valid Salvation,
what lays in store for Christians. ]
In summation, what should we
carry away from all of this? What should our appraisal of Jesus of
Nazareth be? Well, first, every Gentile
needs to take a step back. Is Jesus of
Nazareth really any of our business? Yes,
historically and intellectually we may be curious, but we really need to return
proprietary rights to Jesus back to the Jews.
Now, I do agree with many to most
Modern Jews that the legacy of Jesus of Nazareth should not be overly
emphasized. There is no arguing with the
fact that he did not become the Jewish Messiah, and so he was either some self-deluded
crackpot, or he in fact willfully tossed aside the Mantel and let himself be
killed leaving them vulnerable to genocidal slaughter and thousands of years of
existing in Diaspora. Oh, and these
Genocidal Slaughters would happen repeatedly, as we now know. Christianity,
ostensibly under his Name, would become their greatest persecutor. Even Islam, not especially known for its
hospitality to other Religions, would show more hospitality and welcome to the
Jews than Christianity, which didn’t change until of course after Zionism
launched their Invasion into the Heart of Islam, usurping Palestine, which is
only the edge of their envisioned Greater Israel. So, yes, such aggression should
make us all wonder where in the Talmud it is written “One good turn deserves a
merciless Attack”. But, yes, back to the
affronts of Christianity… this Jesus the
“Christ” of Christianity was not the kind of Messiah the Jews had in mind. In fact, it would be easy to suppose that
every Jew would find the Idea of Jesus F. Christ somewhat repugnant. I honestly don’t know how an Organization
like Jews for Jesus can even
exist. It sounds too much to me like “Blacks
for the Klan”.
However, it is widely recognized
by the more enlightened elements of the World Jewish Community that Jesus was
not all bad. Most importantly there is
the “Sermon of the Mount”. The Christians
don’t want it, they don’t appreciate it, and if Fox News told them all that it
was a Speech delivered by a New York Liberal Jew then they would be perfectly
willing to hate it. The Sermon is in
fact a representative expression of Judaic Social Morality and the Jews should
own it. Heck, they should sue the
Christian World for Exclusive Rights to the Sermon and insist on a Stop Print Injunction
against the New Testament because it’s Free Sin Doctrines are a Moral Obscenity
and their being connected to the “Old Testament” Jewish Scriptures under the
same Cover makes the Christian Bible a Libelous Slander against the Good
Character of the Jewish People.
But perhaps we can stretch
the “not all bad” verdict a little further. If we should look at the Life of Jesus, but
within the perspective of his Jewishness, we would see that he had been a
Religious Ascetic from a Respectable Sect who accomplished an extensive and
ambitious Public Outreach Program presenting a spectrum of Social Moral Ideas
that were avant-garde at the time and commendable in any day and age. Stripped of all the gross sordid Greek impostures,
false claims and the disgusting doctrines of free sin, well we would find that
Jesus was a veritable Saint, and we all can see that such a Life, such a Man, and
such a Jew would not be one whom any Jew should be embarrassed to recognize as
a fellow Jew in good standing within their Hallowed Community.
Finally we are left with the
fact that Jesus and Christianity became very famous and very influential, and
so many of us think that that must mean something, right? Well, it does, but not in a good way. You see, it is instructive that Jesus was born
under the same Star as Apollonius of Tyana who was also a much-acclaimed Saint but
who never achieved a fraction of the Fame that Jesus subsequently acquired. But Apollonius lived a long life and was never
Martyred. Jesus became famous specifically
because his Death could be Exploited – We’ve all heard what the Protestants say,
and they even hold up signs at the football games that say: “Jesus died so that
we may Sin”. So, yes, the Tragic Death of Jesus has been twisted against him. But, yes, if their situations had been reversed,
with Apollonius being murdered instead of Jesus, well Apollonius would have
become the Greek Shill for a Sin Condoning Christ. Actually, Apollonius might have been a better
fit, considering that he was already Greek and didn’t require the transplanting
that Jesus did. But then there was the Destruction
of Jerusalem, a Lucky Accident for the Greeks, where all the Living Witnesses to
the Real Jesus Story died in one wild terrible swoop, which, as we discussed earlier,
defaulted complete Editorial Control of the Life of Jesus, only thinly “based”
on a True Story, into the hands of the unscrupulous and rapacious Greek
Christians. So, yes, Christianity was
definitely a fluke of History: the cynical exploitation by the worst jaded schemers
in the Greek World, of a series of momentous tragedies involving the best of all
possible peoples in the Semitic. You know, it is said of Jesus, that in the early
days of his Ministry that he had been tempted by Satan but that he had held
strong. Well, we might think that Jesus must
have supposed that he had walked away from that Ordeal holding the better hand. But History shows us that, unless there is more
to be seen, that Satan had the last laugh – if Jesus wouldn’t deal with him, then
Satan would find a man who would: Satan
found Paul.
Now, I can’t really call Paul
the Anti-Christ because the “Christ” was what Paul created It to be, the
Personification of Permissive Evil and the Agent responsible for Surrendering a
Perfect Heaven to an Intentionally Planned Pollution by Self Confessed Sinners.
What True God could possibly consort with
such Filth in the kind of Heaven envisioned by Paul? A Heaven with Sin becomes Hell, doesn’t it?
But Paul, with Paul’s sensibilities, wouldn’t see the problem, would he? What murderous psychopath would? In Paul’s Heaven, would not a Republican
carry his Oppressiveness for the Meek and the Poor even up into Heaven? Would Saintly Latin Female Souls be forced
back into their Aprons of Servitude even in Heaven? Well, Yes, If the same Sins are allowed Above
as Below. Wouldn’t Sins forgiven on Earth be Forgiven in Heaven also? Would not the Golden Fields of Heaven be parceled
up into Lots and Sold to the Greatest Sinners, as is done here now down on
So, yes, perhaps these Denizens
of Paul’s Darkened Heaven would not even realize they’re creating a new Hell. But the Righteous and Pure Souls would know. God would know. God would have to become a Refugee in his own
Universe! He would take the Pure and the
Righteous Souls with Him. It would be a Paradise
Lost and the start of a Long Wondering until God could find a Place of Purity far
enough and high enough away, so it could be secure against the betrayal of his Treacherous
Son, the Christ.
So, no, Paul is not the Anti-Christ,
but what we need to realize is that his Christ is Monster. With a Christ like that, it would be the
Anti-Christ we would be cheering for, wouldn’t it? But in terms of the Judaic View, Paul was
clearly the Anti-Messiah, the Anti-Jew, the Anti-Anything that is good, wholesome,
upright and decent. It should come as no
surprise to us that all around the World today it is the Christians who are
standing in the way of all that is Socially Moral, Just, Right and Fair. When the Day of Judgment arrives, God’s Job can
be an Easy one -- just let all Christians hold up their Free Sin Tickets to
Salvation. These can be their Passports to
Well, There! That was my counterattack. That should be
enough. Anybody who reads all of that
will be inoculated against these Christians, so they won’t be able to scare us
away from our Dreams and Visions. You
know, This was a fairly large project. I
hope it is a while before another Religion pisses me off. I could use some rest. As the Poets say… I’m too old for this shit.