Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Government by Meritocracy Aided by Supercomputer AI

Technology changes everything.  I remember intellectual discussions 50 years ago where people would argue that Communism, specifically Planned Economies, couldn’t work.  Back then it was hard to argue the point because one realized that there would be too much important data that one would have to keep straight, and the legitimate concerns of multitudes of people would inevitably fall through the cracks.   But in the late 1980s when Computers started winning Chess Matches and we were hearing more about Super Computers, then it became reasonable to argue that Super Computers could help with all the essential data, but there were still concerns about what the heck the Super Computers were expected to do with it all.  Yes, I knew how Supercomputers were used to ‘Model’ various constructs, but the Models were always so dependent upon just the right set of assumption algorithms.   A planned economy could still go belly up simply because the programmed assumptions were off the mark, in the same way that Super Computers programmed to Model Weather Patterns and Hurricane Tracks were getting it wrong a great deal of the time.  But now we are being presented with the combination of Super Computers and Artificial Intelligence bolstered with Machine Learning capabilities. 


The Super Computers would handle the Data.  You could upload hard data on every recorded economic exchange, market data, weather data, consumer data, polling data, school and court records – if it is on a spreadsheet then it can go in as Hard Data.  You could also upload Soft Data such as Economic Projections from specific pundits,  Trade Publications and Scholastic Papers, News Editorials and Opinions, Social Media chatter,  fashion trends, Hit and Cancelled TV Shows, Movies and Media.  Then, with the capabilities of AI and Machine Learning (where you give an AI System a Goal to achieve and it constructs a Best Guess Methodology for pursuing that Goal by considering all known variables, but then, without further programming instruction inputs, it can refine and adapt its Methodology to achieve its directed Goal in an ever more efficient and elegant manner), then the System could ‘learn’, or rather,  ‘teach itself’ what it all Hard and Soft Date means and how to apply it to achieve its Set Goals (you can imagine how this would work – at super high speed the “System” would  endlessly create new Comprehensive Models of Reality using years old sources of Hard and Soft Data and the compare those Models’ “predictions” to subsequent  Events as they really occurred, rejecting inaccurate models and refining those models that were most successfully prophetic).  Once reliably predictive Models of Reality are created within the “System” one could have a high degree of trust that the System would Know What was Going On and know that if such and such an Action were implemented then there would be a Certain Resultant Effect.  Depending on the Set Goals of the System, providing that the Set Goals are not impossible demands, a Government and Economy directed by such a “System” would continuously trend in the direction of perfectly conforming to those Social Political and Economic Set Goals.


Obviously the Set Goals would be very important.  Just the requirement that they not be impossible would greatly constrict many of the envisioned possibilities that could be politically imagined.  And to be Possible would imply that the Goal must be Sustainable.  Right there we could eliminate any Set Goal that includes any notion of exponential Growth because any exponential expression, no matter how seemingly slight the positive exponent, such as an interest rate or rate of inflation or GDP (Gross Domestic Product), will eventually veer up in a curve toward Infinity which of course is impossible to ever reach.  We can see that even now.  In order to maintain a system of Capitalism based on lending money at exponential rates of interest, it is necessary to continuously increase the Money Supply at roughly the same exponential rate. 


Likewise, Set Goals should optimally be set so that Conditions do not hit Saturation Levels beyond which one would run into the Law of Diminishing Returns, in which steering inputs have less and less influence.  An example of this could be that as Fossil Fuels become more and more scarce, that it could possibly take more energy to extract and process them than they are intended to provide – effectively costing more than its worth.   So just in order for the “System” to maintain an optimum level of Control, resource demand must be way down from saturation levels and levels of diminishing returns, that is, the “System” should not just target Sustainability, but Sustainability within a healthy margin.


Of course we could expect many people to be disappointed with “Sustainability”.  Right now the World has several millions of people who are extremely wealthy and therefore control a huge proportion of the Earth’s Resources and we can understand well enough that they would be very happy with the present arrangement.  But the drawdown they put on the Earth’s Resources are unsustainable and any “System” that would impose Sustainability would certainly run afoul of this Most Affluent Economic Class.  It is unfortunate that not everybody would be delighted with a Plan that is ultimately necessary, because Unsustainability eventually would hit a very hard wall.   We can either turn away from that Wall while we have a chance, or slam right into it. 


But, yes, it would be nice if everybody could be Happy.  One factor I believe could be very significant in engendering a general ‘happiness’ and that would be in regards to increasing the Available Resource Per Person, not by trying to create or procure more Resources, but by allowing for a steady decrease in the Number of People.  For instance, if the planet had 12 Billion People, then, however resources were allotted, we could not imagine that a significant percentage of this mass of humanity would have much to be thankful for.  However, if the Planet’s Population was allowed to contract to about 200 Million, that is about 3% of what it is now, I could more easily imagine that the quotient of Available Resources Per Person would be high enough where we could all understand it in terms of being a General Condition of Prosperity, where not only basic needs would be met but where there would be plenty extra for artistic, creative and social flourishing.   And then with the Human Population cut way back, there would be not nearly the need to put so much land under the Plow and the grasslands and forests could be allowed to return, and all that increased greenery would suck a lot of the carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and promote more leaf-to-air evaporation which would increase the Cloud Cover which could reflect some of the Sun’s heat energy back up into space, as well as providing more rain which would serve as a Positive Feedback for even more forests, grasslands and greenery.  So less Population would be a Win Win for everybody that would be alive, as those who are never born really wouldn’t have a say in it.   But, yes, I can imagine how most women of childbearing age would wish to have a baby, or babies all their own.   I suppose the social solution for all these women yearning to be mothers would be to give up on the Nuclear Family and transition to female centric Communities where many women could live together and participate in the rearing of a few children.  Of course Men could visit, but it would be best for men to live apart.  You see, Men could be far better Role Models if their visits were kept brief, that is they could come wearing their best cloths, and dine with the Community and engage in some hours of Social Activity – Dancing and Music or whatever.  They could show themselves to their best advantage, and then go back to their own Male Oriented Quarters where they could again pick up on all of their casual nasty habits, and, most importantly, live well clear of feminine scruples, fussiness, and nagging.    And, of course, in the Women’s Community the few children would be the center of it all.  I suppose there would have to be studies made on how to prevent all these children from growing up absolutely spoiled rotten.   Or maybe “spoiled rotten” would become the new Personality Normal.  We’ll leave that to the Future. 


Oh, and by now most readers must have reached the inference that for the “System” to really be viable, it would have to be Globally implemented.  Just One Country could not solve all the World’s Problems if all other Nation were pulling in the opposite directions.  Of course now it would be politically impossible to envision a Unified World, but perhaps in a Generation or two the People of Planet Earth will come to develop a more Cosmopolitan and less Nationalistic Point of View, and begin to understand that Economic Competitiveness is just the World Fighting Against Itself, where One Group succeeds by holding the others down or even by doing deliberate harm to them.  It shouldn’t be long before the Peoples of the World develop a Vision that embraces the Virtue of Cooperation.   Then the “System” could be implemented Globally.


In a previous blog I had mentioned having a Meritocracy, that is, a Government composed of People.  But what would we even need them for if we were effectively automating Government with an Automated “System”?   Well, somebody has to interface with the “System” and monitor it if for no other reason than to assure the People that the “System” does not suddenly go “SkyNet” on us.   And you can imagine that a great many people’s natural political leanings would have them complaining about how the “System” was being wasteful and giving everybody else everything but screwing over their own particular set of self-interests.   It would be the role of People in Government to respond to such criticisms.   Indeed, not just chronic complainers would be asking questions but I would anticipate that the Universities and the Press would be curious to know why and how the “System” was making its decisions.


You know, it would probably be no easy task for People in Government to answer for the Doings of the “System”.   You see, the “System” is in effect Thinking Inductively and making generalizations using billions of data particulars in its logical-rational-practical process for decision making.  Even if you asked the “System” to explain itself, could anybody be expected to understand the Answer?


Well, that is why you need a Meritocracy.  You would need really the Best and Brightest across many Intellectual Disciplines – Economics, Sociology, Education, Psychology, Criminology, History, Agricultural and Animal Sciences, Medicine, Health Care, Disease Control, and especially Public Relations.  They could be organized into Departments which could again be subdivided and compartmentalized with Specialized Experts scattered about with the hope that no matter how obscure some problem, concern, or enigma, that somebody within the Meritocracy could be expected to get a handle on it and be able to somehow conceptualize a coherent explanation for it. 


In order to facilitate communication between Men and Machine, the “System” could be fed a detailed assessment of each Official’s scholastic background – every book and paper they ever read and everything they ever wrote.    So when the “System” would be asked a Question, it could be specified that the Answer should be specifically tailored to the understanding of a Specific Department or Set of Individuals.  Of course, I could allow for the “System” augmenting its Answer with ‘Suggested Reading’ recommendations for certain individuals whom the “System” believes most capable of understanding its “Answer” but whom the “System” anticipates could still use a bit more ‘background info’ before heorshe could fully grasp of the concepts being discussed.    


Of course, much of the activity in each Department would be solely to satisfy their own curiosity, and undertaken for the reason of conscientiously monitoring the “System” and to forestall being taken by surprise by It.  And frankly I believe that most of this ‘Specialized Detail’ would bore the General Public.  Yes, the Meritocracy should be ‘transparent and forthcoming’ to the People who have to live with the “System”, and specific information should be allowed to those who ask for it (particularly those who are studying for the next cycle of Civil Service Tests which would be the Gateway into becoming part of the Meritocracy).  But burying the General Public in millions of pages of scientific gibberish would perhaps obscure more than it could reveal.  It puts me in mind of how Lawyers will create a Contract that is 68 pages of legal gibberish in microscopically fine print simply so they can hide one predatory clause that is easier to sign up to if it remains unread.  Too much information can often serve only to cloud what is essential.


Just as the Departments were created as an interface between the Meritocracy and the “System” so the Meritocracy would have to have a similar Office for interacting and communicating with the Public.  We could call it the Office of Public Accountability, the OPA.  The OPA would be a Synthesizing Level above the Departments and so it would need liaisons between the Departments whose jobs would be in trying to discern the Big Picture Processes that the “System” is implementing.   You see, while the divisions between the Departments make perfect organizational sense, still, in the Real World there are no hard and fast border lines separating things – Economics affects Society affects Criminal Behavior affects Media Trends, etc.   So the OPA would have to review, reflect and determine whether there is anything that we can Humanly Understand about the “System” Operations that is useful or important and could be of interest to the General Public.   In this sense the role of the OPA is largely that of Public Relations.   The Job wouldn’t be easy.  The OPA would have the difficult task of distilling all the specialized techno-talk and expert-speak of the Departments into something that any normally educated member of the General Public could grasp.   Some kind of balance would need to be struck between the extremes of overwhelming the Public with specialized obscurity, and offering so little explanation as to appear vague and uncertain.


One concern I have regarding a Computerized AI Supercomputer System is that its Super Efficiency would come at the price of a Super Complexity.  The World’s Population would depend upon it for the Distribution of All Necessary Goods and Services.  But what if the lights went out?  What if a very intense Solar Flare where to have the intensity of a Nuclear Bomb’s Electromagnetic Pulse and fry all the circuits?   Humanity would be helpless.  So this is another reason to cut way down on Population.   Is we continued then, as now, to concentrate hundreds of millions of people together in urban concrete jungles hundreds of miles away from cultivatable land and irrigation water, and the “System” were to shut down, the results would be unthinkably catastrophic.   So the Population must be kept within viable limits calculated to be able to survive a “System” breakdown, and  that Population should be spread out in areas that could, in the event of an emergency, be quickly converted to agricultural use.   One of the most important roles of the Meritocracy would have to be in regards to Contingency Planning and Preparation,  that is, if the “System” goes down there would have to be a “To Do” List for each and every person, so that actual people could step in and take over in the Distribution of Necessary Goods and Services.    

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