Background: America
went on a murderous rampage of Regime Changes.
Reeling like a drunken imbecile after having won the Cold War, when the
Soviet Union could no longer stand in its way, America was eager to sweep aside
every last vestige of resistance to American Ideology and Political Dominance
across the Globe. To prep the American
Public for War or Military Interventions or even just those O Dark Thirty Seal
Team Six Assassinations, we hear over and over again that each Leader that gets
in America’s way is “irrational, insane and not to be trusted” with the
implication that such Leaders are begging to be assassinated. It is often argued that by assassinating a
Country’s Leader the People of that Country are being Liberated and so are
actually deriving a huge benefit for which they should be grateful. But then their Countries are relentlessly
bombed – destroying power, water and food distribution infrastructures as well
as perhaps unleashing the genie of old latent but still simmering impulses for
Sectarian Civil War. So often to
ostensibly just remove the Leader, often hundreds of thousands of the Country’s
People end up dead too. If any other country besides America were in
engaged in such atrocities it would be termed Mass Genocide. But America has great Public Relations
People. Oh, by the way it seems like some
kind of an ironic punishment from the Gods that Trump became the American
President. That will teach the Americans
to call other people’s Leaders irrational, insane and not to be trusted.
Well, in regards to America’s Manifest Destiny for
Regime Changes, now it seem to be North Korea’s turn in the crosshairs.
To give ourselves some context here, the Americans
insist that it is impossible to negotiate with the North Korean Leader Kim
Jong-Un. But, anyone who scratches their
head and cares to remember will recall that America had already had a deal with
North Korea, forged by the Clinton Administration but it fell apart when
Republicans under the incoming Bush administration cut off agreed upon supplies
of fuel oil to North Korea, claiming, again ironically, that “the North Koreans
could not be trusted to hold up their end of the Deal”. The North Koreans waited patiently for 3
years for the Bush Administration to come around to honoring the Clinton
treaty, but finally gave up and revamped their Nuclear Program that they really
had in fact completely shut down. That
is why we still hear that we can’t negotiate with North Korea because they
don’t honor their agreements. Even the
Press says that, and they should know better.
Before the Press believes what any Politian tells them, wouldn’t it be
easy enough to simply go back and check their AP files. It was America that scuttled that Deal! Now I
am not complaining about “Fake” News…
just stupid, gullible, incomplete and intellectually lazy News. Yes, I know that Reporters are not supposed
to Comment, that they are just supposed to Report. But no one is tying their hands regarding Who
they Ask and What, are they? For
instance, if One Politician lies to you from one side of the Aisle, and then
you get a Politician from the other side of the Aisle to comment and he also
lies to you. So what do you think your job is? To just present Both Lies to the American
People and leave it for them to sort out?
But it is often not that simple.
Often the Truth does not exist Between the Two Lies. The Actual Truth may be off in a completely different
direction altogether. So perhaps your
best choice would be to call up some brilliant and impartial University
Professor, who has Tenure so nothing they say can get them Fired, and tell him
or her what the Politicians told you and then ask whether he or she thinks it
was all a complete pile of crap? Now,
THAT would be your Story – The Intelligent Contextualization of what the
Scheming Corrupt Politicians are trying to pass off as the Truth. The Press is the 4th Estate. Democracy depends on its 4th
Estate for the Truth. And it is not
doing its job if it just acts the Messenger Boy for the Political Class of Professional
Liars. But it seems that the Press gets
a quote from the Rascal and a quote from the Scoundrel and goes to Print happy
that it presents Both Sides.
Well, back to Korea. The situation now with North Korea is
different from all the rest of those prior Regime Change Scenarios. You see, there is a problem with running the
same Game Plan over and over again because eventually the other Teams learn your
moves and compensates and adapts.
Eventually the Regimes sitting in line for annihilation would survey the
Broad Map of Geo-Political Reality and discern an important fact, and that is
that America refrains from bullying other Nuclear Powers. Members of the Club can do whatever they want
and the worse that happens to them is that they are hit with sanctions which in
many cases do as much to hurt the Global Economy as to hurt the Sanctioned
Country and so they often don’t last very long, being lifted for the
convenience of everybody involved. But while Sanctions might really pinch in the
meanwhile, they fall far short of having your country bombed back into the
Stone Age and being hunted down and assassinated. So, yes, The Obvious Plan for any Country
that sees itself in the Path of the Great American Steam Roller is to do their homework
and figure out how to build what the Americans were able to build back in 1944,
more than seventy years ago, especially when you can learn all of the basic
principles just by watching YouTube tutorials (it wouldn’t surprise me if some
California kid were to show up at his 8th grade Science Fair with an
A-Bomb). Really, how hard can it be to
be a Nuclear Power, especially if you are Korea, where even if the
infrastructure for most other things is kind of shaky, the foundation and
structure of their Centralized System of Education is monolithically flawless. America
might let 90% of its Intellectual Talent go to waste and fall through the
cracks with its underfunded schools and complete absence of National Talent
Scouting and Targeted Scholarships to put the Best and the Brightest where they
can do the most public good, but you know that ain’t North Korea, where every
kid in every classroom in every school is given close scrutiny to see if he or
she has the kind of Potential that the Regime could cultivate and utilize. Considering
all that, North Korea could probably pack a Stadium with Engineering Geniuses. So of course North Korea could get the Bomb
almost as soon as they thought they needed it, once the necessary materials
could be procured. Rockets too. If America really did land a Man on the Moon
in 1969 then we really can’t expect that anybody making a Rocket 50 years later
would have much of a problem landing a Warhead in Minniapolis, could we? And targeting could be a thousand times
easier. Back in the Sixties every
populated inch on Earth was not pulsing and throbbing with Cell Phone and Wi-Fi
signals (which create a well-defined Electro-Static Spectral Cloud over
regions) , but now it is. You don’t even
need GPS when you can program your missile to just home in on a specific Electro
So, what do we have so far? America has been out on a continuous Rampage
of Regime Changing ever since the Soviet Union collapsed and could no longer
offer small non-Western nations its Protection.
But America is known to stop short when it comes to dealing with Nuclear
Powers. So North Korea became a Nuclear
Power. So America and North Korea are in
a Mexican Standoff.
So, yes, North Korea being a Nuclear Power is a fait accompli – that’s French for a Fact that we have to learn to live
with. But now the problem is
with hoping the Koreans never hit the launch button on a Loaded Round. We all need to realize that it is not Crazy
for the North Korean Regime to be understandably jumpy. You see twice a year every year America
conducts highly provocative Military Exercises which are indistinguishable to any
outside observer from an actual Invasion Mobilization. America cries that North Korean missile
launches are provocative, but even while North Korea may have its Finger on the
Nuclear Trigger, America still goes forward with its Invasion Mobilization Simulations
that, again, look exactly like the Real Thing.
And the Americans call the North Korean Regime irrational and insane! I don’t know why the American Press does not look
deeper into this issue. It seems almost
certain that the American Press must be tightly muzzled… that America’s 4th
Estate has been neutered and marginalized.
The only other explanation is
that the American Press are all dumb as stumps… hired because they were
Journalism Majors! Well, what is THAT
anyway? Maybe they should hire people
who have Real Degrees. You see, knowing
about what you report on would give a unique perspective that one does not
often find in the News. And nobody is
stopping the 4th Estate from ringing up Harvard University’s
Political Sciences Department Head and asking for his opinion. If you know that you don’t know, and that Spokespeople
could just be using you for ‘Pin the Tail On the Donkey’, then call somebody
you trust to find out whether you are just being played or not. And to me the Press is either being played in
regards to the Korean Crisis, or they are complicit regarding the universally
agreed upon line of Propaganda that is to fed the American Public. Hey, I guess everyone has to make a living…
selling out somehow somewhere, right?
Anyway, the Americans and the South Koreans could
have plenty of Military Exercises without provoking World War Three. They could just stage them in America. I would suggest Fort Drum New York for any
exercise running from Spring through Fall.
The scenery is beautiful. And the
hills look almost exactly like the hills in North Korea. The Fort is outside a
pretty town called Watertown. A Big
Exercise would be great for their Economy.
I think the South Korean visitors would love the place. The North Korean spies would probably enjoy
their stay also. Oh, the Military would
complain that they couldn’t bring over all 50,000 Troops that are ordinarily
involved in these Mammoth Exercises, but I myself was in the Military and I
have been through Exercises. The Exercises
are NOT for the Men, that is anybody from the Company Grade Officers down
through the thousands of enlisted men.
To them it is just doing the same thing they have done a thousand times already
in their scheduled Training. Nothing changes just because it is a Big
Exercise. The Ones who benefit from
Exercises are the General and Field Grade Officers from each country’s
Organizations. They get to Schmooze. During the Exercise itself everyone gets to
see each other’s Leadership styles, and during the Post Exercise Wind-Down and Out-Briefings
Stages, the Days are Short and the Nights are long and the Officers from their
different Countries get to party together and build camaraderie and a forge
trusting personal relationships. So that if a War DOES happen, everyone
REALLY knows who they are fighting with – that they recognize the Voice on the Radio
that is asking for Reinforcements on their Left Flank. So, anyway, for an Effective Exercise, you
wouldn’t need more than a couple thousand people. I suspect that the Big Exercises are for the
Benefit of Private Contractors who somehow figured out a way of turning them into
a Big Cash Cows. Really, the Military should
have a rule against fraternizing with those Predatory Military Contractors,
because otherwise they Buddy Up (maybe the word is Suck Up) to the Generals who then give those Money
Grubbers anything they ask for just because they paid for a round of drinks (I’m
So, we were discussing the possibility that
something or anything could spook the Korean’s into Launching. So America really needs to think of a way to
reassure North Koreans that they are indeed not intent upon Regime Change.
So I thought and thought and thought. And then I remembered about Louis the IVX,
the Sun King of France. Louis had a
problem with his Nobility. They all had
Castles and so they could start their own private wars or disrupt commerce, and
then run and hide in their Castles where they were relatively safe and untouchable
unless Louis would wish to go to some great expense to mount an expedition to
go and batter down their walls. Also, a
great deal of the time Louis was committed to fighting real Wars outside of
France and was uncomfortable with deploying his Armies away from home, if the
local Barons were going to take advantage of the local Power Vacuum by
committing all kinds of acts of local mayhem, murder, rape and pillage. So Louis got to thinking. It was no longer the Dark Ages. He now had gun powder and siege guns – huge
cannons that could knock down castle walls.
So Louis drew up a plan for sending a combined Engineering Artillery
Regiment with adequate Cavalry and Heavy Infantry support from one end of
France to the other and knock down all those troublesome castles one by one. Yes, it would be moderately expensive, but
once taken care of he would never have to worry about it again. However, even Louis knew that in some cases,
for instance when the English would invade, that these same Castles could come
in handy when he could expect to make strong Wartime Alliances with most of his
French Nobility. So Louis was not
totally committed to this Program of Decastlefication, when several of the
Nobles involved, having caught wind of Louis’s Plan (yes, Leakers even back
then!) , rode through the Palace Gates of Versailles, WITH their families in
tow. Ostensively they were there to
Negotiate for the retention of their Castles and they would stay there as long
as it took to make a Deal. But Louis and
his Chief Minister of State instantly knew the substance of what was
transpiring – that these Nobles were implicitly offering their Families as
Hostages in exchange for the security of their Castles. So of course Louis pretended to go along
with the Cover Story of an indefinite series of Negotiations, and when other
Nobles across France caught onto the scheme they also packed up their Families and
off to Versailles they went. Of course,
Versailles treated all of these “hostages” as honored guests, free to come and
go as they pleased, and of course there were numerous grand parties and balls
provided for their amusement. Versailles
became the Talk of Europe and the Nobility from Everywhere and Anywhere were
tripping over themselves to get an invitation to Versailles so that they could
have as much fun as the Hostages.
When you look up Hostages on let’s say Wikipedia,
there is a lot of discussion on Hostage Taking, but very little about Hostage
Giving. But going back to Ancient Times
it was a tried and true measure for proving your sincerity in regards to a
Peace Treaty or the intention to remain at Peace. Often the word “hostage” would not be
mentioned but the idea of it would be couched in offers such as “We have heard
so much about the Great Learning in your Temples and Schools. We would be honored if you could sponsor my
Son in his Studies so that he could learn much of the Knowledge and Wisdom that
your great country has to offer”. That
would make his Son a Hostage to Peace with that particular King. Then there is the ploy of a King offering his
favorite daughter to be married to a Prince of a rival Kingdom. His Daughter would become a Hostage to Peace.
So what America needs to do is to insist upon Long
Term and Open Ended Negotiations that will last as long as it takes and that
they should be conducted right there in the North Korean Capital, or maybe
right within the Kim
Jong-un’s Palace Grounds. The Hostages we would have to offer could not
simply be throw-away people from America’s Middle and Working Classes, as we
know how expendable the Government feels they must be. The Hostage Giving Plan would
require some very high ranking diplomats (if you really wanted to Negotiate,
but that really isn’t the point) from some of America’s finest families, and
they would need to be accompanied by their families. Also, America could use the Ploy of having a
Student Exchange Program, where the Sons and Daughters of prominent American
Families could go to study in North Korea (I hear they have a splendid Nuclear
Physics Department). Maybe an exchange of
Faculty Members where some of America’s prominent Professors could do a stint
in North Korea. You would think some Asian Studies, Sociology, Economics, Poli
Sci or Agricultural Science Professors would jump at the chance.
There is one objection we could anticipate from the
North Koreans. They would object to any
secret confidential Diplomatic Pouches that Diplomats are traditionally
entitled to and which are supposed to be inviolable to search and seizure. Well, we can imagine how sensitive Kim
Jong-un is to possible attempts by the CIA to assassinate him. Everybody knows how the CIA tried to
assassinate Fidel Castro with poison stored in a teeny weeny little pinky ring.
So it would be important to allow North
Korea to do a complete search of anything that goes through the Palace Gates,
or even that comes into their Country.
After all, the purpose of this whole Thing is to reassure them, and in
doing so we should acknowledge that this may involve many cumbersome details. This could also include North Korea vetting
our People. I would wonder how they
could so this. Could their Intelligence
Agencies in America be so efficient as to be able to draw up comprehensive
dossiers of individual America Citizens, so thorough as to stymie any CIA
attempt to sneak in a ‘Ringer’? Maybe.
But if North Korea has doubts, I could imagine that one would be
assigned a ‘Best Friend’ for a while until observation and analysis could clear
one as profiling like an ordinary guy, and not the type of person who would ever
dream of walking up to the plastic smiles at the CIA Table at a Job Fair (gives
me the creeps just thinking about it.
Doesn’t anybody watch the Bourne Identity movies?)
Another one of the sticking points I would
anticipate to implementing this Give Hostages for Peace Program is in finding
any Important Americans willing to put up with what they would probably expect
to be a boring and uncomfortable stay, considering all the Propaganda that
describes North Korea as uniformly dismal (even when accompanied by photos
showing happy attractive well-dressed young men and women scurrying about what
looks like a Modern City). Of course, these Hostages for Peace would be
changed out periodically, but if the individual American Hostages for Peace really
wanted to make the most of it personally, I would recommend staying at least a
year or maybe two. That would be time
enough to learn some of the language and get to know Korean Culture. You know, I do not suspect it would be that
awfully bad. I am sure Kim Jong-un
be a gracious host, for, after all, he would not wish to be too outdone by
Louis the IVX, would he? I can
personally vouch for Korean Food – a lot of it is very good. And the Korean People, even when they are not
being coerced by a Dictator, are very friendly and their manners are
impeccable. Indeed, it would have to be
the Americans I believe who would have to brush up on their table manners.
But, yes, if we could find Americans who would
willingly give a year or two of their Lives for Peace, we could have Peace with
North Korea. You see, America asks its Servicemen
in the Military to give their Lives… their Complete Forever Lives… not just a
year or two… for their Country. I feel
that their sacrifices are mostly taken for granted. Every generation is asked for more Human
Sacrifices to placate America’s Militaristic bloodlust Monster, and nothing
ever changes. The Economic Classes that
provide the Troops get poorer and poorer while the cozy and protected Rich keep
on getting richer. When are the Rich and Powerful in America
going to acknowledge the debt they owe for all those Lives snuffed out in the
bloom of their youth to support the Freedom of Capitalistic Americans to play
at Domestic Exploitation at Home and Global Domination Abroad? You know, if there are any advantages to be
had by living in a Free Nation, certainly it is the rich and the powerful who
are the primary benefactors. The rest of the people are Free to be poor,
free to be miserable, free to go without Health Care. So is it really asking too much to expect
that some of America’s Leading Families finally make some token little
sacrifice themselves and offer just a ‘year or two’ of their Lives for their Country,
so that San Francisco doesn’t get Nuked, by taking an extended ‘vacation’ in
North Korea, which poor people would jump if given the chance, if they realized
the extent of Korean hospitality. The Food’s
great and the women are beautiful.
What’s not to like?