Monday, September 2, 2013

No to Obama’s Syrian War

It was not long ago that the first premise in understanding all of Political Science was that States act in regards to their own self interests.   But now we see a new Age where, contrary-wise, some of the most powerful states seem to be acting for their own destruction, so caught up in believing their own propaganda and principles in the clouds that they have forgotten that Life is Real and that blunders can have serious consequences and so efforts should be made to mitigate and avoid them.


America from the very beginning of the ‘Arab Spring’ has vociferously supported the terrorists, anarchists, and extremist Religious Factions … the so-called ‘Peaceful Protesters’ so dear to the American State Department… even after these “peaceful protestors” attack and kill their overseas Ambassadors.  And what has happened so far with the Arab Spring?.  Regimes that had been in place to serve the purpose of providing a Secular State relatively fair for all the Tribes and Sects within their Jurisdiction, well, they have been swept away and replaced by militant minorities bent on capturing all power to themselves.   The West calls that ‘democracy’ forgetting its own History, where so often Democracy was used purely as a mechanism for a conspiracy of gangs to take over Government in order to grab all the jobs and funnel all of the tax money into their own personal pockets through rigged contracts and sweet-heart land purchases.  In fact, with Special Interests and the newest Lobby Laws, it is more as that than perhaps ever before… as long as the Crooks fill out the right forms ‘Corruption’ is perfectly legal.  But the West suffered all of these humiliations during its phase of strongest growth, and the West grew in DESPITE of Democracy.  But the Arab World is poor, and with the Structural World Recession almost guaranteeing that nothing will ever get better, did they really need all of the De-Stabilization that would go along with Democracy – the hostility between Party, Class, and Sect that would break out  inevitably?


It is cynical to think so, but the only way we can see Self Interest in what America has been doing in the Arab World, is that America wants the Arab World to fall into chaos and ruin.   America already has a growing China, India, Latin America and portions of Africa to contend with in the chase for Economic and Cultural World Superiority, and would only seem to benefit from being able to write off the entire Arab Corner of the World as a definite non-contender.

But why get dragged into it?  Obama threatened an open war if such and such a linewere crossed, in this case something so easy to simulate as a chemical attack.   It should be obvious to anybody with common sense that after Obama pledged to come into the War on the side of the terrorists if there were to be a chemical attack, that the Terrorists would indeed make it their first priority to engineer and conduct a Chemical Attack themselves and then to blame it on the Syrian Government.  It is argued, “Oh, but the Terrorists would NEVER kill their own People!”   Well, think about it for a second.  These Terrorists only need to be told that the Victims would be Martyrs, and then all would be fine and dandy…. Wouldn’t it?  That IS how they think, isn’t it?  Please, convince me I am wrong, but I really do think they have a Crazy Religion that makes them think and do crazy things.


Anyway, the Attack had to have come from the Terrorists.  The Syrian Army has of late been winning the Conventional War.  They only needed to keep doing what they have already been doing.   They have more Tanks and more Helicopters and Airplanes.  They are not running out of bullets – Russia is supplying them. The Regime Troops are loyal – they have to be, because they know they are fighting for their lives (look what happened in Libya, Iraq, and in a limited sense Egypt, where those members of the Army and Police were guilty of no more than trying to do their jobs and to maintain Law and Order, but were subsequently treated like Enemies of the State after the Revolutions swept away the former Regimes – thousands of them were slaughtered by the celebrating Terrorists, and those who have survived have been marginalized to the furthest and darkest circle of their Societies.  But the Terrorists have no such practical prod for their Loyalty, as they can simply walk away whenever they finally think they have had enough.   So, the Syrian Regime’s ONLY means to lose a war that they were almost certainly sure to win was to initiate a Chemical Attack.   So why would they do such a stupid thing?  Especially since almost every single casualty was a civilian…that is harmless civilians, and not just Terrorists who come home at night.  The attack came at night when there was no battle, and no effort was then made afterward by the Regime Forces to swoop in and secure the territory.  If Syria were to use a Chemical Attack, wouldn’t it be in order to tip the scales during some serious raging battle, and not just to kill woman and children in the middle of the night?   If War with America would result from just one Chemical Attack, then wouldn’t it be common sense to make that One Attack a huge coordinated Attack across all of Syria, hitting any and every place where there were still an entrenched Opposition, to win the Civil War in one bold stroke, and then have its hands free to deal with whatever America would do later.   But we are supposed to believe that the Regime risked it all just so that the International News Agencies could deluge the World in photos of dead mothers and babies as a prelude to a certain War with America, oh, and the French, who have apparently revived and regained their famous old National Trait of Saber Rattling and Militaristic Provocateuring.   Leave it to the French to bring back Colonialism like the Good ol’ Days.  


America says it has ‘proof’ that the Syrian Regime launched the Chemical Attack, but then only goes as far as pointing out that there was a Chemical Attack (well, that much is kind of obvious), and then leaves it as a given assumption that it all must simply be the Regime’s fault.  The strongest argument I have heard acknowledging that they really do need to directly connect Loyal Syrian Forces to the Attack was that they say that some Syrian Troops had been alerted to put on their gas masks, ostensibly to protect themselves from an attack they were themselves launching.  But certainly there are other explanations for this. After all, there was a Chemical Attack.  Things don’t just happen.  People first need to run  around, and weapons have to be put in place.   Is it odd to believe that Syrian Troops may have been alerted to Suspicious Activities indicating an immanent chemical attack? .  We might easily imagine that some patrol may have seen something, or that some spy or snitch got some word through.  As I said before, the common sense of the situation was for the Terrorists to mimic a Chemical Attack, and so the Syrian Forces were probably waiting for what was virtually inevitable, and so that when they were operating in Civilian Opposition Territory, that they were to be cautious and on the alert for just such a Mimic Chemical Attack.  Unless they are really stupid… but this far into the War, all the really Stupid soldiers are already dead.


Also, we must remember a while back toward the beginning, that with so much early- on military success going to the Free Syrian Army (Young Opportunistic Officers wishing to capitalize on a quick Regime Surrender as happened in Tunis, Egypt and then in Libya, there even helped along with American and French Military Support. These Young Officers thought it would go for themselves along these same lines and that they would only have to keep their heads down a few weeks and then when it was all over they could spring up like Heroes and then just waltz  into the Capital and claim as the Spoils of Battle all of the Government Jobs for themselves) and to the terrorists, well, with so many early successes on the Battle Field can’t we suppose that some Chemical Munitions Depot somewhere, or even just a small stockpile, may have been compromised and taken by the Young Traitor Officers and Terrorists.  


Also, there is the possibility that it may have been a case of home grown Chemical Gases that the Terrorists managed to whip up themselves, from some Recipe in some Terrorist Cookbook… and we all know that they exist.   The Experts say that any real Government-Made Poison Gas has preservatives and stabilizing agents that the usual home grown varieties would probably lack.  But so far America is only making the broadest claims, which would well subsume even the most primitive forms of poison gas having been used in the Attack , and that the Terrorists could well have had the means to make by themselves.   If a more sophisticated poison was used, well, if this impending Syrian War is important enough to America, then maybe America provided it, or some unscrupulous Arms Dealer.  Oh, remember the infamous Colonel Oliver North who seemingly all by himself traded sophisticated arms to Iran for money to support South American Death Squads… supposedly he was Working for the White House and used his White House connections and ‘pull’ to do anything and everything, and all of the people giving him everything he asked for simply assumed he was working totally under the authority of the President.  Well, maybe Obama has his own ‘Colonel’ running around making ‘personal’ Arms Shipments.   And since everything like that is Top Secret, how would anybody know anything differently – and if they did guess the Truth and figure it all out, then they would be forbidden to say.   The Worst Thing about Governmental Secrecy is that our own Best People don’t know what is happening or are prevented from telling us when they do.  We are Shielding the Truth from even Ourselves.   


Okay, now, what if there is a War.  Obama promises only one small short limited action – “A shot over the bow”.   That is what he says, but how could he possibly mean it?  How short a War is, well, it is never entirely under the control of the Aggressor.  What if Syria decides to fight back?  They say they will!  We are to pretend that Obama has not thought of the possibility of a counter-attack, a reprisal?  And then what?  Would Obama simply mutter under his breath that “Well, we deserved that.”  And go back to being a neutral observer?  Certainly not.  America would answer reprisal with reprisal and attack again, and the hitting back and forth would pull America into another, yes, ANOTHER full blown land war.


And what if America did win, after years and years, just like in Iraq and Afghanistan, then what?  Well, we would have to support Elections (oh, after ‘outlawing’ any party that would represent the ‘enemy’, or about half of the population), but where the Anti-American Vote is certainly be stronger than any other factor, and we would have to turn the Country over to our New and even Worse Enemies.  And, yes, they would make a horrible go of things and their economies would collapse, and so America would have one less serious competitor on the World Stage, but, would not all of this happen even if America were to just leave it all alone.  The Islamic World with all of their internal hostilities, distrust, and with a primary Religion that Glorifies Violence and would hardly begin to do anything peacefully that couldn’t be done more gloriously with a Sword first, well, these Societies are structurally and institutionally dysfunctional.  America only needs to stand back, and stay clear of the Dust Clouds.   But Obama wants another 10 years of War.  I guess maybe he owns stock in some bullet or combat boot factory somewhere.


But now we need to ask ourselves, could America be doing this for Israel?  I can’t imagine why.  Even if Syria has not made an official Peace with Israel, still, Syria has managed to maintain stability and calm.   We can see that Syria was instrumental in winding down the Lebanese Civil War.  Then, of course, certain Lebanese Factions complained that Syria was wielding too much power in Lebanon, and the American State Department agreed and made ultimatums for Syria to get out.  So Syria left and then what happened?  Well, the Lebanese Militias got into their own little War with Israel, and it was all quite a stink.  But back before when it was Syrians patrolling that border, all was Peace and Calm.   Israel must see this.  Certainly they would rather have a Self-Interested Secular Dictator in charge of Syria then to allow the religious fanatics and Militias take over.


Or maybe Israel just wants things to go so bad that they can finally find justification for launching its 64 Nuclear Warheads against every Urban Center across the Vast Lands of the Sons of Abraham – the entire Near East, what the Israelis call “Greater Israel”, and after it cools down, to take it all over.  Well, what of the Radiation you may ask.   Well, even in the Eighties, and that was 30 years ago, they knew how to make “enhanced radiation warheads”, that is, bombs that had very short radiation half- lives in terms of post explosion contamination but  very intense sprays of radiation at the instant of their explosion – built to kill populations but to keep the property in fairly good condition and ready for ‘move in’ after just a very brief cooling off period.  Maybe that is what Israel is thinking.  They just need a big enough excuse.    Well, the destabilization and collapse of every responsible Arab Government and the Rise of the Crazies might just offer just such an excuse.   But why is America doing all of the heavy lifting to get us there.   Well, maybe it is just simple math.  Israel puts more money into every American Political Campaign, on average, then any combination of Amercan Special Interests.   Apparently the American Political System is bought and paid for, both Parties, and the politicians, even the ones at the very top, are just dancing like puppets at the ends of the Israeli Strings.   We need to ask, can our Politicians really be so nihilistic and corrupt?   But then we need to look at the de facto American Ideal, that Success is measured by Wealth.  Anything that makes an American Politician Richer must me Right.  Well, no, that isn’t right, but that is how the Culture Thinks.   We all should have known that the “Greed is Good” mantra was going to turn around on us and bite us all in the Ass.    Greed isn’t so good when you are the one being sold out.    Hmmmm, I wonder what Obama and all of the rest of them got for us all.

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