Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Impending U.S. Chinese World War

If you have been reading the Newspapers, what is left of them, and with what they are willing or allowed to tell us, then you will know that America is presently militarizing the Pacific, strengthening its bases in Korea, Japan, Guam and Australia.  And can anybody guess who  the Enemy is?  Yes, though it remains unspoken by all of the big American Policy Makers, for, after all, they would not want to tip them off, China is the intended Target.   But first we need to understand why.

Let us start with Richard Nixon who was cunning enough to look back into History and see that China and the Chinese People had always been more enamored with Money and Wealth  than with any kind of Collective Principles, and so he went out on the limb with the idea that the Chinese would abandon Communism soon enough if only he waved enough Dollars in their faces.  And it largely worked, so far anyway.  When American Markets opened up to them, and with American approval, all the other international markets, the Chinese forgot all about doing anything for themselves and their own People and went head long into becoming the Manufacturers for the World, and every Chinaman jumped into the race to become the Richest Man on Earth, all with the blessings of the Communist Government.  Somehow the Chinese Mind is still able to bend around that, yes, Inscrutable Paradox.

But I wonder whether Nixon really thought all of this through and was able to envision quite all of the consequences:  that America would outsource nearly all of their Manufacturing Capability to China, retaining only the vestiges of Assembly Lines that merely clamp together and install parts that are made in China.  Without Chinese Parts, America would have no manufacturing capability at all, as all their ‘Vertical’ industrial infrastructure was really shut down more than 25 years ago during the 1980’s. No American is still alive who remembers how to make anything, or they’re too old to go back to work.   Secondly, there is the huge Debt and the hugely off-kilter Trade Balance.   It is now reached Insane Proportions, and I will tell you why.  At the Beginning America paid Money for Manufactured Goods from China.  This money did not go to Chinese Workers, and one can hardly blame Communism for this, because in Capitalism the Workers only get a mere fraction of their value also.  The Profits went into what has become a huge Currency Reserve.   Now, to get value from a Currency Reserve, it must be lent out.  Americans understand this and take great advantage of it, so now they no longer PAY the Chinese anything for Chinese manufactured goods, but instead BORROW money from the Chinese Currency Reserves and get the same monetary value of Chinese Manufactured Goods for the mere promise that they will be paid for ‘someday’ and with some amount of Interest to make all of the waiting worth their while.  So effectively China is now working for Free.  American Prosperity continues on, well, for the richest One Percent anyway, as everyone else had lost their Jobs to Chinese Workers long ago,  while the Chinese, ironically enough,  Slave away for the thinner and Thinner Promise that America, who can no longer make anything to sell, will somehow miraculously find the wherewithal to pay back such a disproportionately huge debt.  I really can’t understand it.  Don’t the Chinese have a single Accountant or Insurance Actuary who can scan the Numbers and see what is absolutely obvious?   So we have come to an End which is no longer sustainable for either the Americans  or the Chinese, for which it is almost impossible to foresee any kind of peaceful resolution.   Well, Nixon wasn’t stupid and might have guessed all of this would happen, but probably figured he’d be dead long before he would ever have to answer for any of it. Even dead that old scoundrel is a fox.

You know, the effective reneging   on Debt has already started.  Look at American Monetary Policy where the Federal Reserve is virtually supplying American Banks with No Interest Loans.  In that kind of Banking Atmosphere we can only guess how much Interest American Banks are willing to give the Chinese for the loan of their hard earned dollars, when they can just simply use Dollars hot off the Federal Reserve’s Printing Presses.   This is why American Bonds have been lately Downgraded.  The Collapse of the American Economy has already been Signaled.  Now we only have to wait for the General Miasmic Stupidity to come out of its Trance of Denial, and for the first Worthless Coward of a Broker to yell SELL, to start that Final Stampede that will that will trample down everything that Globalization has built and bring on the next World Wide Dark Age.   

Anyway, things can unravel in two ways from here, depending on who wants to take the First Shot in what is probably an inevitable War.  America could catch wind that the Chinese and the rest of the Industrialized Developing World, following the Chinese Lead, are about to dump their dollar reserves, writing off their losses, and willing to stand by and watch America collapse into a hyper-inflation and then a Depression that would make the 1930’s look like Them Good Ol’ Days.  My guess is that America would then pre-emptively launch Nuclear Missiles into Seoul  South Korea, Tokyo Japan and Okinawa, Guam, Taiwan, and their own American Bases in Australia.  These Nuclear Detonations could then be blamed on China and in less than ten minutes afterward, with absolutely no deliberation or investigation, China could be Nuked from end to end and up and down.  America would not only be rid of China, but would also have its Debts with South Korea, Japan and Taiwan written off too.

Could America get away with such a thing?  Well, yes, because it would all be Top Secret.  The people who know would never be allowed to say anything.  America has gotten away with a lot of things that nobody ever knows about because of all this Top Secrecy.   And the People who pick up stray facts and make good guesses about what has happened are all dismissed out of hand as ‘Conspiracy Theorists’.  So, really, Government Condoned Secrecy has got to be the greatest invention for Abuse of Power ever created by any Evil Genius in the History of the World.  Oh, and probably we can’t even blame the American’s for it, because I think the English were doing it first.

The Second Way this Great 21st Century War could start is for the Chinese to get in the first move.  They could realize that supporting the American Dollar any further would simply be “throwing good money after bad” and they could launch a Blitz Buying Spree at the same time that they refuse to extend America any more credit, or even the right  to make Cash Purchases, declaring it a better use of American Cash to pay off the existing Debts.  When all of the Chinese Dollar Reserve is suddenly released into a huge multi-trillion dollar Buying Spree, of course International Prices in everything denominated in Dollars would utterly collapse.

Oh, has anybody read about the 21 Trillion Dollars in Hidden Accounts throughout the World, well, as soon as the Dollar would begin its Drop, those 21 Trillion Dollars would come out of the Walls and Mattresses in a New York Stock Exchange Minute and complete what the Chinese had started.  The World would be Swamped in cheap dollars.  It would get so bad that people would throw them away in disgust, and anybody who wanted to take the effort to sweep them up, could be a Millionaire.   
Well, of course, anybody making less than a Million Dollars an Hour would stop coming to work, and you know what they say, “Civilization is when people go to Work, Barbarism is when they don’t.”

Well, given these circumstances, would  the Americans see it in their interest to do anything besides simply laying down to die?  One would think it would take all of the remaining resources left at America’s disposal just to bring some kind of relief to the millions of American’s suddenly delivered into the most bleak Poverty.  But even here, what could be done?  America really has no Oil Reserves, or none that could last for more than a few weeks if handed over for general consumption.  We know that most would go to the Military to be pissed off uselessly.   So, given the utter despair of the situation, that and the realization that there would still be enough of the Rich and Powerful left over to want to exercise some last gasp of Spite, I can suppose that America would launch some Military Attack just for the sake of Vengeance.

But a Nuclear Attack would in these circumstances be too suspicious.  I think America would trot out its Chemical and Biological Arsenal and soak China North South East and West in Poison, and then play it to the World Media as though China was suddenly hit with some Unfortunate and Catastrophic Plague… the Bird Flu gone Viral, so to speak.   Again, America would take the opportunity to Wipe Out all of its other ‘Debt Partners’ too, this time also seeing an opportunity to take out India’s bustling Economy.

Would anybody ‘Win’ in such a War?  Well, no.  It would really be the end of World Civilization, or as close to Civilization as we had been able to get.  Everything built since the last Dark Age would all dissolve once again into complete Barbarism, and the World’s Population would likely drop to no more than 5% of what it is Today.

But the good news is that the Carbon Footprint of Humanity would likely drop down to acceptable levels  and there would no longer be an Impending Global Warming Catastrophe to worry about.  So, here we have it, a wonderfully modern and what we now already know to be a typical 21st Century resolution of things –  a “Damned if we Do and Damned if we Don’t” finish.   The World will come to a miserable end no matter what we do.

Well, there is One Earthly Hope, and that is that the International Community recognize what is about to happen between China and America, that would certainly bring them all down too,  and step in negotiate some kind of a resolution.   But Europe itself is on the verge of collapsing and so there is no Hope there.  I suppose that only leaves an Other Worldly Solution – that the Space Aliens be our Last Resort.  But maybe these Space Aliens, hovering in the Wings, so to speak, are in fact waiting for the Economic Collapse and Total War, seeing these Major Depopulating Events as an Opportunity to restore Ecological Balance, and only THEN will they step in and take measures to initiate the Re-Birth of Civilization.

I would hope the Space Aliens would jump in Sooner than Later, but I am also glad that it isn’t my decision to make, because my Feelings would go one way and my Better Sense would go another.

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