Military Planners in the United States will probably not spend too many more years combing over History before they discover an alternative to the costly wars of occupation. Eventually they will take note of the Mongolian Experience. You see, beginning at about the turn of the First Millennium, about a thousand years ago, the Mongolians struck out from their bleak dry horse lands and established the largest Empire of Military Conquest that the World had ever seen, and they managed to do so without the debilitating expenses involving Occupations and Nation Building. They preferred implementing strategies of what we would call today “genocide”. Then they would utilize colonization and resettlement of friendly ethnic groups to once again return vacant areas to some economic usefulness.
It was puzzling for me to reconcile such historical facts of mass genocides in the regions of Mongolian Conquest with the modern demographic facts that not everybody in the Euro-Asian Continent between Vienna and Mongolian is pure blooded Mongolian. It is clear that a great many ethnic populations survived enough to be well represented later after the Mongolian Empire had receded. It was probably like with all of our Holocaust Survivors. So what exactly happened during these Genocidal Wars and Invasions?
Well, my guess is that all Populations that were directly encountered by the Mongolian Forces were annihilated, but that escaping hordes of refugees were allowed to flee almost non-molested – as long as you fled in front of the advancing Armies you would be okay, that is, until you starved or died of exposure or some such thing. In a way, it almost served to help their Strategy, as the refugees would flee into Countries not yet invaded, and would serve to destabilize those regions and weaken them ahead of the Mongolian onslaught.
One might ask about Resistance Fighters, what we nowadays call “terrorists”. Certainly the Mongols must have had problems with such insurgencies. But, no, not necessarilly. You see, Resistance Fighters are a product of attempting to coexist with an existing Population. Resistance Fighters can hide within the Host Population, or perhaps hide out in the Hills and Jungles, while being re-supplied and supported by the Host Population. It was this Support Population that the Mongols destroyed with their targeted Genocides. As it says in that famous Treatise on War, “if one kills the snakes body, the head automatically dies”. Once the Mongols burned the cities and then burned the farms, then the remaining elements of Population, living in the most abject poverty as vagabond refugees, would have more pressing matters to cling to than worrying about fighting back.
American Military Planners had already seen this model in action. Look at the American Civil War. Lincoln and the North had been at an impasse until General Sherman decided to burn Atlanta and every farm around it to a circumference of a hundred miles, thus completely ‘pacifying’ the region. It was this ‘Scorched Earth’ strategy that finally brought the South to the Peace Table.
This brings us to an expected Tipping Point of Genocide… well, at least the Mongols had not expected it. You see, once a certain number of Nations are completely leveled by genocidal slaughter, then at least some Nations next in line for invasion will utterly and entirely submit, using their own resources to assure that there is no ‘trouble’, and they will beg for survival on any terms.
It is interesting the first time that the Mongols had realized this dynamic. They had been slow to catch on – a few cities that had offered only the barest resistance were totally destroyed simply out of the inertia of consistent habit. But finally this one City made a strong impression which caused a Mongolians to do a Re-Think. You see, from the very first the Mongolians had the stated policy of Destroying any City that offered even the least resistance, but they never had to worry about NOT destroying a City because there had always been some resistance somewhere. But finally they came to this one City that welcomed them with flowers and banquets and wagons of loot, indeed, anything of any value that was not nailed down was already packed up and ready for shipment to Mongolia. And then one single idiot shot an arrow over the wall. Just when everything had been going almost unbelievably smooth. Did they really wish to mess it all up because of that hobgoblin ‘consistency’ ( “consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds” ).
Well, the General sent one of his Officers back to Mongolia to confer with Genghis Khan and his High Council to determine just how strictly they were to interpret their own nominal rules, of killing everybody for the least resistance. What happened in the Council was that it reminded a great many of them that a good many such instances had been occurring, where resistance to their Invasion had become almost completely insignificant and that their Commanders in the Field were complaining that would be cheaper NOT to kill everybody. Once over the Tipping Point, then Occupying the Enemies would be the easier way to go.
That particular Tipping Point still comes into play. There are probably many variables involves – whether a People as a whole are rational, peace-loving, foregoing and tolerant, or whether they are possessed by some semi-suicidal rage that gets the better of their common sense and instinct for survival. Remember a few years ago when the Chechen Resistance was being so troublesome for the Russian Army and for Russia itself, with the Chechen’s setting off bombs in Russia blowing up entire Apartment Buildings full of people. Well, the Russians let it out through discretely leaked information that they were planning to completely annihilate the population of Chechnya and resettle the place with ethnic Russians. Screw International Opinion. The World would yell and scream, whine and cry, and Russia would not get to host the Olympics for a couple of decades. But Russia’s problem with Chechnya would finally be solved. But guess what happened. Chechnya IMMEDIATELY decided to police itself and so it is that they staved off their absolute punishment.
What if American Planners did come to see the utility of genocide and resettlement in place of the old policies of occupation. Well, there would be certain new kinds of cost involved. For the Mongols, maybe because they conquered so much so quickly, it required nearly all of their available Man Power. Every able bodied man in Mongolia was expected to be a Warrior. They would bring in “slaves” to do all the other necessary work. For instance, Marco Polo the Italian, who had simply been traveling around at the time, was recruited to be such a “slave” for the Mongols, handling bank accounts in China for the Mongolian Invaders. Well, does America have that kind of a Military Culture where every able-bodied man would feel honor-bound to be an Officer in some Genocidal Army? Not at the moment, it doesn’t.
But Technology can be made to jump into the breach. Winning People’s Hearts and Minds may be a tricky and elusive goal, when it comes to occupying invaded Nations, but killing everybody might turn out to be a snap. One can envision relatively low-cost technologies for killing off populations, even one person at a time, putting just enough filtering into the Systems so that American and Allied Forces would not be targeted. One immediately thinks of the ‘Terminator’ series of movies, but the mistake there is in over-estimating the ability of humans to survive against even rather simple Artificial Intelligence Weapons. We would not need expensive Terminator Robots, when a little model airplane with a silent electric motor can kill somebody with a single small 22 caliber bullet to the brain. And we can assure that such weapons will never miss – we can simply make it a point of buying them from Japan.
And then there are biological weapons. While Genocidal War would still come with so many recriminations from ‘Civilized’ Peoples everywhere, a War using Biological Agents to spread Plagues and Diseases among specifically targeted genetic Groups, would seem, well, just like any ordinary Epidemic. The Nation under Biological Attack would be quarantined off by the International Disease Control Authorities and nearly everybody would die, and nobody would ever realize it had all been a Military Operation. Just like Aids had been in Africa. People had once worried that Africa would be the hub of the World’s worries over Over-Population. Not since Aids. Do we really think that was all a happy coincidence? A Disease that targets an ingrained habit among nearly all Sub-Saharan African Peoples, which after 3 decades still doesn’t have a cure. And that nobody suspects any Government of designing such a clever Disease simply proves the point of how useful it would be for Governments to exploit the use such Bio-Weapons.
Anyway, I do not suppose the World has very long before Genocidal War makes its comeback. Right now America is reviewing the Utility of War in the light of its recent failures to successfully occupy Iraq and Afghanistan, where it had been so expensive and politically damaging – where the worst people seem to win all of the subsequent local elections, unlike in America, of course. Anyway, soon America will realize that there are other possible Strategies available, even with all the allure of being Historically rather successful. They even have a phrase for it. Kill them all and let God sort them out.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
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